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What is enhancement: Definition and 137 Discussions

  1. babywings76

    Kit Enhancement Details for New Consultants?

    I have a recruit who just reached her first 30 days (but really it's been 60...they extended it for new consultants as a way to make up for the inconvenience with the issues with the New Website beta issue stuff.) She signed on 7/23. Anyway, on CC, it says today is the end of her 30 days and...
  2. R

    What Products to Buy for the Kit Enhancement?

    Hi everyone, I just joined in Spetember and have quite a bit of products (been collecting for 10 years). Is there anything that you seasonal consultants would recommend that I buy? Do you buy to "sell" the items at sales or for your own personal kitchens?? Can I offer it to some of my...
  3. A

    Kit Enhancement Discount Qs: Help for New Member

    Im a little confused at the whole kit enhancement deal and was wondering if someone could help me out.... I joined in December. Had 2 shows in jan, nothing in feb, 2 in march and 2 in april. Do i not qualify for the kit enhancement discount since i wasnt active in february?
  4. morgieloo88

    Can Pampered Chef Dollars Be Used for Kit Enhancement?

    I am a new consultant and just got PC dollars.. Can they be used in my 40% off kit enhancement in April? Thanks!
  5. KateInTheKitchen

    Rant Why Was My Kit Enhancement Order Canceled Despite Meeting Past Requirements?

    I'm SO incredibly disappointed! February was supposed to by Kit Enhancement month, and I saved my 200 PC dollars to use. I put together a great order*– and today got a voice mail saying it had been canceled as I didn't meet the requirements. So here's what happened. I was active in November...
  6. babywings76

    Info for Changeover, Samples, & Kit Enhancement

    My director forwarded this to us. Thought it would be good to post here because I know the threads will be beginning soon with people asking about this: Spring Changeover Boxes: · Before customers can purchase new spring products on March 1, you will get a Spring Changeover Box...
  7. W

    Upgrade Your Kit: 4 Month Enhancement Tips

    I have arrived at my 4 month kit enhancement. :blushing: I am trying to figure out what to get. So, what would you suggest?:thumbup: Thanks!:chef:
  8. P

    New Recruit Kit Enhancement: Can I Still Place it Now?

    I received an email last month saying that I could place a new recruit kit enhancement. I was out of town and wasn't able to do it then. Does anyone know if I can still place it now that it is September?
  9. L

    Unlock Savings with Kit Enhancement - All You Need to Know

    Hi everyone. New here and tried to figure out where to put a question like this and this was what I came up with so I apologize if it's not the right place. What exactly is kit enhancement? I know the qualification is to have $150 in sales for either Jan, Feb and Mar or Feb, Mar and Apr but...
  10. NooraK

    Kit Enhancement 2011 (And in General)

    My D forwarded an email today that originated from Robin House. I thought it was great that the word is out now, since there are some activity requirements for Kit Enhancement, that you can't go back and fix in March. What is Kit Enhancement? During the month of April each year, all active...
  11. J

    Kit Enhancement for Consultants: Learn More Now!

    When is this for consultants and how do you find out about it??
  12. D

    What Are the Best Kit Enhancements to Boost Sales?

    Hi, I am in my fourth month and eligible for kit enhancement with 40% off. Any suggestions...? I want to get something that will further my business, but will be an investment and help sales as well. I am thinking of the 10 or 12 inch skillet with lid. I think this would allow me to...
  13. D

    Kit Enhancement Questions for 90-Day Members: Ordering and Limits Explained

    My 90 days is coming up, Dec 7. When am I able to use the KE? Is it only a one time order? Is there any limit on what we order? thank you
  14. P

    Eligibility for Kit Enhancement: What Does it Mean?

    I read that you're eleigable for your kit enhancement in your 4th full month. Does that mean on your 91st day? Is it only available for that month?
  15. C

    Making the Most of My Kit Enhancement to Increase Sales

    I'm eligible for my first kit enhancement (just passed my 90 day mark, woohoo!). I have the new consultant kit and a variety of other stoneware (medium bar pan, deep dish baker, DCB), but I was thinking of adding the following: the 12" Executive Skillet 5" Santoku knife Chef's Tongs...
  16. T

    4Th Month Kit Enhancement Question

    I qualified today and now have 100 PC dollars to spend. Next month is my 4th month, so I should be able to do a kit enhancement order. What's the percentage off on those? I think it's 40 but want to make sure. I don't want to use my PC dollars now if I can wait a few weeks and get more stuff...
  17. K

    Kit Enhancement Eligibility: Understanding Your 4th Month as a Consultant"

    Hi Everyone, I was eligible for Kit Enhancement in April, but I think I may also be eligible for KE this month or next (4th month). My agreement date is 2/24/10. Is May considered my 4th month for KE, or is it my 4th FULL month, which I guess would be June? I tried to set up a KE dated...
  18. S

    What did you order for your enhancement? Don't forget to submit yours!

    YIKES! I almost forgot to send my enhancement order in! I've been adding stuff for a month and a half, but then went on vacation last week. I forgot all about sending it in!! :eek: Don't forget!! Sandi
  19. clshirk

    Q: Can I Submit More Than 1 Kit Enhancement Order?

    Quick question- can you only submit 1 kit enhancement order during kit enhancement month?
  20. RCKmom

    Problem Placing Kit Enhancement Order

    I was trying to place my kit enhancement order yesterday and it gave me the message that I could not place it unless I was active for 3 months. I have been active every month since I started selling last August. I am closing my only show for April now, but that should not make a difference...
  21. L

    It Wont Let Me Submit a Kit Enhancement

    When I try to submit my kit enhancement order, after I finalize it says "You can only submit a Kit Enhancement order when you have had 3 consecutive months of activity." I thought I did, but maybe I'm wrong. In the policy guide it says that consultants must be active January-March or...
  22. PamperedchefDaly

    Kit Enhancement Products Guaranteed?

    I was wondering if the products we buy during KEM have the usual warranty. Since technically we buy them to "enhance our demonstration kit," would that void the warranty? All of our products are "guaranteed for non-commercial use." Case in point--the back of our Sample Product Order Form for...
  23. P

    Kit Enhancement: What Did You Get?

    This is the first time I have taken advantage of Kit Enhancement and thought I would check to see what everyone else got. I ordered... Ice Bucket med collapsible bowl (have the other 2) stainless mesh colanders beaded serving spoon (needed something nice for Trifle Bowl)
  24. niktim3

    How to Order HWC Items and Participate in the KEnhancement June Mystery?

    Where are the ordering/item numbers for the HWC items for us to order? Also, KEnhancement, can we order the June Mystery item? Its the end of April, so I better get to it!! Thanks!
  25. K

    Kit Enhancement or Supply Order Sample??

    :confused: I'm trying to figure out wich one would be better to order. What do you guys recomend?
  26. ChefMary412

    Using a Visa Gift Card for a Kit Enhancement at Sprint

    I got a visa gift card from Sprint when signing up for a new service. Can I use that towards my kit enhancement in april? It has a credit card number, just no specific name or billing address. I have used one at a grocery store before and they just run it as a credit card.
  27. esavvymom

    Kit Enhancement- Questions/Rules

    A few questions came up about Kit Enhancement (KE) - so I thought I'd just post the rules from the Consultant Policy. I know the "active status" thing has thrown a few people too. Hope this helps!
  28. C

    How Is Your 4Th Month Calculated? (For Kit Enhancement.)

    I signed up 10/27/09. So is it like this: October- month one November- month two December- month three January- month four So anytime during January 1-31 I can do a kit enhancement order? -OR- Is it like this: 10/27/09 - 11/27/09- month one 11/27/09 - 12/27/09- month two...
  29. lockhartkitchen

    Spring Kit Enhancement Update for Active Consultants

    This will be important to express to our teams. Glad I read the details closely in the last email. Kit Enhancement Coming in April In April, Consultants who''ve been active for three consecutive months can purchase products from the entire line at a 40% discount! * Consultants who...
  30. F

    Need Advice on Pampered Chef Enhancement Kit for Under $100?

    I can order the enhancement kit in December (it's my 4th month), any suggestion on the items that "must have"? I have the complete "starter kit", and got a DCB and RB after my opening show. I'm wondering what to add, of course, I don't want to spend too much. I guess less than $100!! Welcome...