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What is dumb: Definition and 34 Discussions

  1. quiverfull7

    Director Dumb Question About Turkey Certificate

    Hey ... sorry for this dumb question but the Turkey Cert/Check ... do we just take it to the grocery store or do we cash it like a check at the bank. I dropped mine in my purse and didn't think about it until one of my host called and asked! SO ... i knew right where to come! TIA!
  2. S

    What's the Mystery Recipe in That Email I Sent?

    I use Joy's Tasty Tidbits for my newsletter (love-love-love it!). I just fix it up with host info and send it off. Well, this morning I get an email from an upcoming host -- she wants to change her recipe to that Mexican Pizza. I'm thinking, huh? What is THAT recipe? Does she mean Grilled...
  3. L

    Possibly a Dumb Question, But...

    I don't want to use soap to clean my kitchen brush because I use it for stoneware. But it's kinda cruddy.... any suggestions on how to get it clean w/o soap? Or do you think it's ok to use soap on it and wash it off really well?
  4. kcmckay

    Probably a Dumb Question But....

    So with the commission scale I know I should know this but I'm a little miffed right now. Usually I have only had 2 shows or so and usually around same time or close in different months. This month I had a show on the 4th that closed before the 15th so I got a commision check on the 22nd. And I...
  5. B

    Probably a Really Dumb Question ;-)

    All commissionable sales count as points towards incentive trips, right? So fundraisers fall in that category correct? I know the commission is different (15%???? I think ?) But just wanted to know if I do a fundraiser if the points add up the same way. thanks!
  6. F

    Just a Dumb Question About Trivet Lol

    Am I mistaken or did the trivet go up $1? It appears the price says $13 in the catalogs and this year it was $12 and yet they said no price increases so I am just confused LOL Maybe it's the lack of sleep but I wanted to see if anyone else noticed this. I checked for previous posts and did...
  7. dannyzmom

    Where Can I Input a Recruit Lead on P3?

    Where on P3 can I input that someone is a recruit lead? :confused:
  8. babywings76

    Dumb Question About the Heavenly Lemon Angel Cake

    Has anyone made this before? It's one of the recipes in the HWC favorite recipes pack. I have a probably really dumb question about it. Here's part of the instructions... Preheat oven to 350. For cake, add food coloring to amount of water specified on package. Prepare cake according to...
  9. P

    Second Dumb Question of the Day

    If I have not yet had 150.00 in sales this month, and yet I get one (potentially 2) new recruits--will I be considered "inactive" and not elligible to benefit from the recruiting of these people? (I'm still trying to figure out this new career plan) Can anyone clarify? Thanks! Deanna
  10. P

    Humor Is It Safe to Cook a Thermometer with Your Chicken?

    I'm making beer chicken for dinner, and used my Pocket Thermometer to see if the chicken is done. Had a little longer to go, so I left it in the oven. When I went back to check again, I couldn't find my thermometer. Hmm, turns out the 'it' I left in the oven was not just the chicken! The...
  11. B

    Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer - Dumb Question

    Sorry for being a doofus here, but I have a potential customer who is interested in purchasing the apple peeler/corer/slicer. His question is whether you can use the product as a peeler and corer, without having it slice your apple. Since I do not have one myself, nor have seen one in...
  12. mscharf

    Is My Hand Lotion Too Watery? Troubleshooting Tips | Website Name

    this maybe a silly question, but I have to ask. Is the hand lotion supposed to be sooo watery? I thought I might have gotten a bad bottle, so I requested it to be replaced and the second bottle is just as bad. Is it just me?:mad:
  13. The_Kitchen_Guy

    Isn't This Dumb? Just Ignore This Thread. Okaithnxbye!

    Isn't this dumb? Just ignore this thread. Okaithnxbye!It still doesn't work right. Meditabar aliquid enotabamque, ut, si manus vacuas, plenas tamen ceras reportarem. Meditabar aRidebis, et licet, enotabamque, ut 115 Non est quod contemnas hoc studendi genus. Mirum est ut animus agitatione...
  14. V

    Unethical Ebay Listing - Pampered Chef Steak Knife Set | PC Consultant ID

    Another Ebay listing....the Ebay user ID is someone's name. I did the search on pc.com and YUP...you guessed, she's a consultant. I am doing a search right now to find the email of who to report it to...
  15. P

    Discover the Annual Cost of Our Website | FAQs Answered

    How much does our website cost a year? I have one and can't remember and have a recruit asking me! Dahhhhhhhhh
  16. pamperedape

    I Know - Dumb - but I Lost My Recipe!

    For garlic bites! I just add the stuff until it looks right, but a customer wants the actual recipe. Can anyone help? I did a search, but no actual recipe. TIA!
  17. D

    Does P3 require internet connection for order taking?

    ...Does P3 need internet service to work? In other words, I have a party tomorrow and Im taking my laptop to take orders. Will it work without internet capabilites? I have wireless internet at home and that's the only place I've used it so far so I never really thought about it until just...
  18. sarahlegare

    Really Dumb Question, but I'm Tired!!

    So, I don't get many orders on my PWS & I just got one~wahoo! It's for a show I have going on & the guest is paying w a cc. I have to manually enter it into P3, right?? I think all the other orders, I've have to contact the buyer for a payment. I just want to make sure she doesn't get...
  19. feather18

    Where Can I Set Up a Booth for Selling Pampered Chef Products?

    OK, I think the ideas of having a booth set up somewhere is a GREAT idea, But where do most of you find where to have booths at? We have a annual fair here, but as far as craft shows, I dont know.. How could I find out about something like that? And also how did yall find out? For you who made...
  20. C

    Dumb! Should I Offer Her Something, or Just Contact the Host?

    So I did a huge fundraiser at the beginning of August, tons of online orders where I didn't have much contact with the customers, only by e-mail. The order was delivered August 16th. Tonight I get this e-mail, one line, from one of the online customers that says... "Where are our...
  21. acrylicjen

    Understanding the Purpose of the Bail Bonds Link on Our Page | New User FAQ

    This may be dumb, something I'm just not getting. I am new here and this probably has been asked before BUT........why is there a bail bonds link at the bottom of the page?:confused:
  22. S

    Dumb Question!? Can Anyone Help?

    I have a really dumb question, but i'm new to pc and i keep seeing all this info on getting booths and taste of home fairs and stuff like that. how do i find out where they are having them? who do i contact?how do i go about renting/buying a booth at one of the shows? are there restrictions and...
  23. N

    Get Answers: Can't Pre-Order HWC on Website? Learn the Truth"

    I am sure I can find the answer, but my kids are driving me batty. People can not pre order the HWC on the website right now right?
  24. T

    What is NetWinner and How Can It Help Boost Your Business?

    What is netwinner? I have seen people mention it but don't have a clue what it is.
  25. R

    Totally Dumb Question...but Here Goes.

    How do I go about signing someone up? I have never done it and feel totally lost. I want to make a good impression so I thought I'd ask y'all. Help!
  26. P

    Dumb Question...i've Been Out of the Loop...

    Is the February guest special 20% off as many stones as they want to purchase? (excluded the covered one) Thanks!
  27. S

    How Do Points and Trips Work Within a Calendar Year?

    Ok I to have a dumb question. Explain how points work and trips. Are they in one calendar year? Schel
  28. smarteez2

    How Do You Refill a Self-Inking Stamp?

    How do you add ink to the self inking stamps? I got mine from the old company that was a licensed vendor, can' remember the name.... But I have this bottle of ink to re ink and I don't know how. Help please!! TIA!!
  29. C

    Help! Feeling Dumb This Morning!

    This morning I had a lady email me asking to put in an individual order. I am trying to enter it into pampered partner and under show type I picked Individual under show. But, how do i enter in her order? It blacks out host order (I know she isnt a host because this is just an individual order)...
  30. R

    I'm Sooo Dumb! (In a Non-Negative Way)

    Okay, for the last week or so I have been trying to reach my host. I have called tons of times, left messages, and emailed. I was a border-line stalker! LoL. Well, I got a call this evening from the number I have been calling and the lady says I have the wrong number, no person by that name...