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What is desperate: Definition and 37 Discussions

  1. H

    New Consultant in Desperate Need

    I have a festival/boutique in two weeks and I am in desperate need of some table cloths and banners !! please contact me if you have one for saleThanks !!
  2. C

    Desperate for Bookings? Try Sending a Mini Catalog!

    I need some help with getting some bookings. I tried email, but soon realized a lot is getting caught in spam. So for some of my "potential" hosts I want to send out a mini catalog with a note saying something like...look at all the great things PC just came out with book a show now and find out...
  3. dannyzmom

    Director Desperate Non-Pampered Chef Plea

    Ok - desperate NON-PAMPERED CHEF plea here...my hubs is turning 40 in 11 days. He does NOT want a party and would be furious if I threw him any sort of party. BUT, I want him to feel special and loved. I sent out an email to all of his family members, friends, customers, acquaintances, etc...
  4. finley1991

    Director Desperate Times: A Carlisle Story

    I'm REALLY hoping this isn't going to become a common way of getting business... I received an e-mail from a host/great customer who has a daughter that is corporate with Carlisle. They are very high end clothing... much like Worth and Doncaster. Normally what they do is network and get...
  5. Sheila

    Help Needed: Desperate for a Purse from Japan!

    Mine is literally falling apart at the seams. It's the ONLY purse that I brought from Japan for the evacuation. Anyone have one they would like to sell? I plan to send this one back to PC for quality control purposes, but I literally don't have anything to use in the interim and I REALLY need...
  6. A Pampered Kitchen

    Delicious Recipes for a Desperate Housewives Show

    Hello, I am hosting a Desperate Housewives Show and was looking at old posts and there was one about a Better than Sex cake, Lawnboy Lemonade and Lemon Chicken Stir Fry. Does anyone have these recipes? Really appreciate the help. Cara
  7. L

    Technically Challenged & Desperate!

    I am working on something using Word 2007. I have imported pictures, but I can't move them exactly to where I want them. I knew how to do it using the previous MS Office version, but for the life of me, can't figure it out now. I have searched and read the 'help' section, but to no avail...
  8. C

    Purchasing Lost Mittens: A Desperate Plea!

    If someone won them, and won't be using them, I'd love the opportunity to purchase them from you! :cry::cry::cry: I wanted them so bad - had a ton of entries, and didn't win squat. (And please - I know others want things too - but could you make your own request and keep this thread...
  9. A

    Desperate for Bookings - Would You Do This?

    Well it's true - if you ignore your business, it goes away. I've been staying active until I got out of school, and now that I'm out my business has dried up and I can't go back once again to those who helped me before and ask AGAIN - okay I have but they don't seem as excited this time...
  10. turtle15

    Torte Pan Recipes Wanted: Help a Desperate Baker!

    Does anyone have a file of Torte Pan recipes they can share? I have searched and can't find very many. Thanks!
  11. cathyskitchen

    No Remedies Working: Desperate for Help with Stained Tablecloth

    I have tried several remedies and nothing is working. Here is what I've tried so far: Clorox bleach (let it sit, scrubbed, nothing) Spot Shot (let it sit, scrubbed, nothing) Zud (let it sit mixed with water, scrubbed, nothing) Zout! (let it sit, scrubbed, nothing) Fantastic spray (let it...
  12. P

    Need More Bookings? Try These Effective Strategies!

    I have been trying to think of different ways to get some bookings scheduled as soon as possible. I have a catalog show going on right now, but that is it. So I am desperate for more. I do have an idea that I would really appreciate some feedback on... I would like to send a personalized...
  13. lakamper

    Are Multiple Booking Options Too Desperate?

    Okay so I have about 3 dates that I would really like to fill for March and I have 2 shows left this month - I have a few odds & ends that I could give away as bookings (a scraper, a mini serving spatula, some twixits) and I was going to put up sticky notes with my available dates and say "book...
  14. S

    Does Anyone Have a Tape of Welcome to Kanagawa?

    I missed the last episode of desperate housewives "Welcome To Kanagawa" no thanks to the Star Tribune in MN that discontinued the TV Guide and TV Guide we get was not correct in listing when it was on I did not tape it. Aaauuugghhhhhhhhhh!!!! :eek: :yuck: Would any of you kind soles...
  15. dannyzmom

    Desperate for Help - Infected Ear Lobe Woes!

    Here's a question for you... My ear is infected - not my EAR, like kids get - but my ear LOBE...my earring hole. It is a puss-filled, bloody festering nasty-ass mess. I have had pierced ears since 1976 and now, all of a sudden, my freakin' ear wigs out on me. I did peroxide & neosporin --...
  16. P

    Desperate for Sales: Need Help Closing 3 November Catty Shows

    Not sure this is the right place for this question but... I have 3 November catty shows I'm trying desperately to close by the 5th of Dec. I have sent a couple of reminder emails to the hosts (all out of province) over the past several days & HAVEN'T HEARD BACK FROM ANY OF THEM. Argh. What...
  17. pamperedape

    My Desperate Plea for the Grill Pan!

    I am going to whine here!! I am 96 points away from earning the Grill Pan!!! :cry: I earned the 12 qt. stockpot and now I want the GRILL PAN!!! :cry: I had two hosts decide against half-price cookware and that messed it all up. :cry: I just needed to say it. :cry:
  18. PampMomof3

    Desperate Need for 200 Breast Cancer Pins - Help Make a Difference!

    Breast Cancer Pins, 200 of them!!! If you have any lying around, I will be so HAPPY!!!:D If you have 200 to send me, even better!! Thank you!!!!:D
  19. janetupnorth

    How Can I Boost My Sales in a Competitive Market?

    Desperate Measures! I don't know what happened...it is July 21st and I ONLY have 1 show in...my June was great, July sucks! I need a 2nd show, wanted to do a catalog one at least, but everyone I approach to do one or approach for a sale has already been hit up this month with someone...
  20. P

    What is a Desperate Housewives Theme?

    I have heard of this a few times but I have no other information other than the name. I have done searches and come up empty. Can anyone give me some more info about this.
  21. krzymomof4

    Can't Make Level 1 This Year: My Desperate Need for 13,000 by Dec

    I need to come up with 13,000 by Dec and if my previous years are any indication, my fall will be slow as usual:( Guess I'm not going to make Level 1 this year after all. I wanted it really bad this year so that I could say I really achieved something.
  22. ChefinHarmony

    Desperate Measures to Meet Sell-A-Thon Deadline!

    Okay, so I submit my final two June shows late last night/early this morning - I hit over $3300 in sales. So, I'm gone ALL day at a fair for my son's 5th Birthday celebration. I come home and happen to check my email at 10:15pm (EST) tonight.... one of my shows I submitted early this morning...
  23. chefkristin

    Is Edie's Death on DHW a Suicide or a Plot Twist?

    :eek: OMG!!!! Did Edie really kill herself???:eek:
  24. M

    Desperate for Bookings -- I'm a Newbie

    I have been working diligently to get bookings for the last week. I have called 15-20 people a day, sent out emails, dropped off fliers and information everywhere I have gone. I'm getting the "spring break" in the way and a lot of maybe's for May. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm doing...
  25. Jennie4PC

    Finding 1 Magazine: A Desperate Plea for Help

    I know that I can get it on the order form for $15 dollars but I dont really need 5 of the magazines I only want 1 if someone has one that I can buy from them it would be greatly appreciated. I have asked my director and she doesnt have any and someone else said they would ask around in my...
  26. P

    Desperate Housewives: Losing Interest in Strange Storylines?

    Am I the only one that feels the story lines are getting a little weird? I would like to hang on but it is losing my interest. What I do like is the new Brothers and Sisters that come on after Desperate. Anyone else?
  27. chefkristin

    Desperate Housewives Is New Tonight!!!

    THANK GOD!!! This is one of my favorites along with Grey's Anatomy!
  28. SillyChef

    Is This the Perfect Desperate Housewives Theme Flyer?

    well, I have made my Desperate Housewives Theme flyer for my Theme Show Binder. :D Take a look!
  29. pchefinski

    Saving Receipts Without a Printer: A Desperate Solution

    Okay, so my printer is shot. I haven't the money to get another right now, so I've been saving the receipts as PDF files, uploading them to my email, emailing them to my MIL's place, and printing them off onto the receipts for the guests. So far my little detour has worked. But it won't work...
  30. M

    Intense Episode of Desperate Housewives: 11/5 Recap
