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What is combo: Definition and 30 Discussions

  1. esavvymom

    Combo Show With Another Company*Friend*

    A friend who is an "ambassador" with 'Noonday Collections' (for those of you going "WHO??"..click the link). Anyway, I am in need of shows to rebuild my business. I know about getting on the phone, but I also wanted to host my own "SUMMER CELEBRATION Show". My problem is that I live about 30...
  2. M

    Pampered Chef Combo Show With 31 - Ideas?

    Hello - I am a new consultant and I had a prospective host ask me if I would do a combo show with her 31 consultant. Of course I said "YES!" because I would never turn down a show! Has anyone done a combo show with 31 (or other direct sale companies) and do you have any tips for me? For those...
  3. J

    Venting After a Disappointing Combo Party

    Sorry, I need to let it out...So I had a combo party tonight with 31. I went in knowing there would only be around 10 people, but was still hopeful (the last combo party I did with even less guests turned out to be over $700). Out of the 10 in attendance, 8 were in the room during my opening...
  4. A

    Help Whip Cancer & Cystic Fibrosis Combo! Looking for Ideas!

    Ok... Looking for ideas here... I personally am a Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Survivor so the Help Whip Cancer is right up my alley! LOVE working with it... My 18 month old grandson has Cystic Fibrosis and this is the month for raising funds for that... I have a multi vendor event set up...
  5. C

    Payday and Pampered Chef: A Winning Combo for Holidays!

    I love Payday - and I love that The Pampered Chef makes it possible to pay for Holidays and Vacations without the use of a Credit Card! No After-Christmas credit card shock for us! TPC has taken care of that. Off today to finish up with a few last minute needed groceries, and stocking...
  6. cmdtrgd

    Director ATE'S GOLD PARTY COMBO: Scam or Opportunity?

    I saw on the fb PC page that someone was looking for a consultant in the area where I have two team members. I sent her a message asking what she wanted and here's what she sent back: Hi Kate! I was curious because I do gold home parties and help out reps by doing combo parties. I attend...
  7. M

    What's the Best Appetizer and Main Dish Combo for a First Pampered Chef Show?

    New consultant needing advice... I am getting ready to practice some recipes to get ready for my first show. I want to do something that goes over really well. I am very interested in doing the parmesan garlic bites, and the 15 min. fajitas in the DCB (I'm a little wary of the...
  8. J

    Need October/November/December Host/Guest Specials Combo Flyer?

    Anyone out there have a combo flyer with Oct/nov/dec host/guest specials one flyer? I saw them for other months but can't find it now. TIA!
  9. susanr613

    Can I Take Control of My Combo Show with Lia Sophia?

    I am doing a combo show in a few weeks with a rather new, very ambitious young Lia Sophia lady. I get the impression that since she initiated the booking, she wants to dominate the show. My initial thoughts are to demo something that goes in the oven so she can do her spiel while my recipe is...
  10. straitfan

    Pampered Chef/Scentsy Combo Show a Success!

    Just have to share: :D I was approached by a host who wanted to have a show, but had promised a Scentsy rep. that she would have one for her, so she asked if I'd consider a combined show. Never done anything like that before, but I said I'd try anything once. I went into it not...
  11. L

    Discover the Versatile Deep Covered Baker Combo and Its Free Gift

    Can someone explain to me what the Deep Covered Baker Combo is? I'm assuming you are grouping items together and throwing in a free gift. Can you please tell me what you're combining and what you're adding on for free? Thanks!;)
  12. P

    Find the Micro Cooker Combo: Outlet Stock Available!

    I have a customer who is looking for the Micro Cooker Combo off the Outlet ... she meant to place an order and wasn't able to before it disappeared.... Does anyone have these??? TIA
  13. ChefJoyJ

    Favorite Brie Recipe/Flavor Combo (From Sbrc)?

    I was wondering what everyone's fave flavor combo for the brie is from the SBRC?? I haven't tried any and don't need that much brie around my house (to try all 3) before my mystery host appreciation party, but I want to make it. So...which one do you like the best?? Which would you...
  14. buckeyefan08

    Create a Unique HWC Invite for Your Combo Event

    Has anyone done a HWC invite for this year? I found some from years past but I'm unable to change the pictures and text. I'm teaming up with my SIL who is a MK consultant for a show. They do a lot of pink stuff too. We are going to try a combo party and see how it goes. Lately it seems...
  15. c00p

    Has Anyone Created a Single Page Flyer for March and April Host Specials?

    Has anyone created a single page flyer that has both the March and April host specials on it? I've searched, but don't find anything. I'd really appreciate if you have if you would pretty please with whipped cream and cherry on it post it!!!! :p
  16. Christ Follower

    Combo Party Help: Tips for a Successful PC/PL Party?

    I just did a show for my PartyLite lady and the only booking I got was from a girl who wanted to "get it all over with" in one night by having a combo PC/PL party. I've never done a combo before. I can't imagine the sales would be any good would they? What do I demo? Does anyone that does...
  17. V

    Have You Tried Hosting a MK & Pampered Chef Combo Party?

    Has anyone done a combo party with mary kay? I have one at the end of Sept and wanted to have a fun twist to bring them together for the invite and the party. I've done a combo with candle light before and it was just she did her stuff and I did my stuff so it kinda sucked. I tried searching...
  18. D

    Chicken Club Ring & Quick Stir: Perfect Party Combo!

    I have a show tomorrow night and I'm doing the Chicken Club Ring. Any ideas on a good beverage to also do. I was thinking of taking the family size quick stir since she will have about 10 + coming. :)
  19. B

    Is the 1/2 Off Combo Stockpot Offer Available for September Hosts?

    Does anyone know if this is right. I haven't seen it advertised anywhere but when I was closing for a host and looked in pampered partner to tell her about the 1/2 off combos, there was one for the Stockpot and the chef's tools Retail $304- 1/2 off $152. She wants this offer but is it...
  20. jkinak

    Confused About Host/Guest Combo? Get Clarified Here!

    I got an email from my upline director that I am a bit confused about, could someone please try to clarify for me? Part of the email: When someone from July or August books a show for September as a catalog show they not only get 60% off as the host of the Sept. show on the cookware, AND...
  21. S

    Additional Half-Price Combo in Pp

    Has anyone else seen a Host Half-Price Combo in PP #HP40 that includes the Stock Pot with Chef's Tools ($304.00)? I don't recall anything being sent out about it & it is not in the catalog. My hostess would possibly buy this if I can give her the details of exactly what's included!!! Thanks...
  22. D

    Half-Price Combo: Buy One, Get One Free!

    can a host purchase two of the same 1/2 priced combo from the back page?
  23. P

    Hostess 1/2 Price Combo Question!

    I was closing out a host tonight, who did very well, and she had 4 half price items that she could get. She wanted to take all 4 from the half price combos in the back of the catalog. I have never had anybody do that before. Can a host do that? I told her that it reads, "Choose from ANY...
  24. S

    Looking for a convenient way to promote Jan/Feb shows with limited space?

    I'm including a flyer I just made to promote January and February shows on one sheet. I needed a one sheet version for my show tomorrow since I have limited space at my booth. One note: it is created for borderless printing, but you can just open it in Adobe Reader and when you go to print...
  25. L

    Discover the Ultimate Holiday Gift Combos at Our Open House!

    Does anyone make up a "possible product combo" flyer for Holiday Open Houses so people can see what they can combine to make a great gift?
  26. KellyTheChef

    Need Invite for Pampered Chef/Tastefully Simple Combo Show

    I am doing a combo PC/Tastefully Simple show for my SIL in September. We are wanting to send out one invite that explains that we will both be there. Does anyone have something like this already made up? Thanks!
  27. B

    Is the Woven Server with Rectangular Baker Available in Vanilla Glaze?

    Does anyone know if the Host Half Price Combination "Woven Server with Rectangular Baker" comes in the vanilla glaze or just the cranberry glaze only? (HP10) I have a host who would love it in the vanilla but I think she would have to purchase that as 2 separate half price items since I don't...
  28. J

    Recipes for Medium Bar Pan & Rectangular Baker/Lid Bowl Combo

    One of my customers has asked for recipes for the Medium Bar Pan and I don't have any. Also, I would like to find some recipes specifically designed for the Rectangular Baker/ Lid Bowl Combo. If you have any of these, I would appreciate you sending them to me. Thank you. Jodi Gross...
  29. D

    Networking with Avon: Combining Shows for Bookings?

    I subscribe to my local freecycle site and a lady on there posted an invitation for all of the ladies on freecycle to be "pampered" at a show she was having for free. She sells Avon and is going to do facials and such for everyone. Well I emailed her to find out where she was located and told...
  30. D

    Host Rewards for 1/2 Price Combo - A Rookie's Guide | Dennis in Miami

    Just wanted to share an experience. I had a show on Sat. and was closing it out today. My host was under the impression that he could apply the host reward to the 1/2 combo and pay nothing. Little food for thought for the rookies, explain throughly to host that they have to pay out of pocket...