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What is changeover: Definition and 57 Discussions

  1. Trudie32

    Navigating First Catalog Changeover with Pampered Chef - Laura's Questions

    Hi there, This is my first catalog changeover with PC. When exactly is that? When can we order new ones? Perhaps more importantly, where is this information? Did we receive it via email or is it on the company website?TIA, Laura
  2. P

    Fall Sample & Changeover Kit Arrival: Updates & Info

    Does anyone know when we will be able to order fall samples or when our changeover kits might arrive?
  3. DebPC

    Fall 2013 Paperwork Changeover Dates

    Thought I would add these to CS for future reference... Business Supplies • June 30: Last date to order a spring Quick Start Box • Aug. 11: Last date to order spring 2013 business materials • Aug. 12: First date to order fall 2013 business material and product samples Pre-order your fall...
  4. DebPC

    Upgrade Your Home with Our Changeover Packages - Get the Details Now!

    Let us know when you get yours- and details please...
  5. kam

    Submission Deadline for Changeover Kit: Is June Enough?

    I know we cover this every year...but I am not sure if the rules have changed... When is the earliest we could have SUBMITTED in order to get a changeover kit? I was told we need to be "active" in July. The last time I submitted was June, which means I am still technically active in...
  6. C

    When Can We Expect Our Changeover Box?

    I have looked and can't find the dates to expect our change over box. Anyone have any of those dates??
  7. babywings76

    Info for Changeover, Samples, & Kit Enhancement

    My director forwarded this to us. Thought it would be good to post here because I know the threads will be beginning soon with people asking about this: Spring Changeover Boxes: · Before customers can purchase new spring products on March 1, you will get a Spring Changeover Box...
  8. finley1991

    Director Why is my new consultant not receiving her fall changeover box?

    So this is a new one and now I'm kind of irritated. A new consultant signed 8/15. In her kit were only spring summer cattys. She did a show in Aug making her active. She has a show next week and hasn't gotten her fall changeover box. She called HO and was told she had to order it through...
  9. finley1991

    Director Fall Changeover Box Charge: Clarifying Shipping Fees for Consultants

    Can anyone help me with this? I have a come back to the table consultant (she wasn't with me the first time) and she's a real PITA. That aside, she questions EVERYTHING. And I mean EVERYTHING. Her latest is about the fall changeover box. Her e-mail to me said: Didn't you think I got...
  10. elizabethfox

    What to Do With a Changeover Kit After Inactivity with Pampered Chef?

    I thought we didn't get a changeover kit unless we were active, but I got one yesterday with all the new spring and summer materials and I have not been active for 3 months. I got the kit two days after I decided to leave PC..lol. What should I do with it? Am I able to return it to PC? If not...
  11. P

    Changeover Kit Active/Inactive Status?

    Does anyone know the particulars on your status to receive the Spring/Summer changeover kit? I have a few inactive downline and I want to send them an email regarding their status and receiving the new Spring/Summer info.
  12. Barry Carlton

    Questions About S/S 2011 Changeover Kit

    I got my cats. and other info along with my MFP but no order forms. Do they come later or do we have to order them? Also I received some Spanish material. Not all of it but some, is this normal?
  13. kam

    My Changeover Kit: New Products, Price Increases & Discontinued Products

    I just got my changeover kit!! It did not have a Special Edition Spring CN, but it did have 2 other things instead. 1. Your Spring Product Guide 2. Your Spring Marketing Guide I don't know about anyone else, but I liked this better. All the info (New Products, Price Increases &...
  14. DessertDivaFL

    Changeover Kit Arrived Too Soon!

    The changeover kit and the new products I earned arrived today in a large box which looked like the order I was expecting and now the surprise is a little spoiled for me. I did not open the smaller box with the new catalogs so I can be surprised with the rest of the new products tomorrow at...
  15. V

    Another Newbie Question: Changeover Box?

    As I peruse the threads, I keep reading snippets about a changeover box. I called the Solution Center to ask about this, and the person I spoke to wasn't sure what was in them besides "some catalogs" (that surprised me...PC's service seems to be stellar with my dealings with them so far)...
  16. S

    Changeover Date for New Recruits

    Does anyone know the date for new recruits to receive Spring/Summer catalogs vs. the Fall/Winter catalogs. I'm sure I read it somewhere but cannot find it.
  17. heat123

    Will Delaying My Submission Affect My Active Status?

    I am on the brink of inactive status (if I don't submit $110) by month end. Will I or won't I receive a CO this month??? Nothing submitted in June. Was active in May however. And I did receive a JULY consultant news suprisingly. :confused:TIA
  18. J

    Returned Transactions-Will I Get My Changeover Box?

    Hello all! I've been searching for an answer, and just can't find it, so I'm hoping someone who's been in my shoes can help! I was out of the country for 2 weeks for my wedding & honeymoon! While I was away, my bank froze my account for fear of fraud (irritating since I called and told them...
  19. A

    Question on New Catalog Changeover

    OK, here is a question. I have a catalog show set up on my website today. I'm closing it on the 6th. Since this crosses two different catalog periods, what happens if someone orders stoneware from the F/W catalog to get the special, but the show technically ends during the S/S catalog period...
  20. C

    Get Ready for Spring: New Catalog and Materials Now Available!

    I just got information from one of our Directors that the changeover boxes with the new spring paperwork and cataloges should arrive by Feb 12th. You will only get this if you are active. The box should include a form to buy the new spring products at half price. I usually do that online...
  21. finley1991

    Director Changeover Boxes Shipping Charge

    Can someone tell me what the shipping cost is for the changeover box? Mine came in my DB box and it's not listed on my commission statement. I have a consultant who is upset that she was charged for the shipping and I want to know what it is before it becomes a huge issue... I have $6 in my...
  22. K

    Get Your Canadian Fall/Winter Changeover Kit and New Catalogues Now!

    Did any Canadians receive their fall/winter changeover kit with the new catalogues yet?
  23. WLMcCoy

    Yah!! Just Got My Changeover Kit!!

    :love:Getting ready to leave for work, can't wait to go through it when I get home!!! :love: Glanced thorough it & LOVE the mini-cat cover & the spanish cover. Not 100% crazy about the english cover!!
  24. kdangel518

    Think We'll Get the Adj Measuring Spoons in Changeover Kits?

    Since we have the easy adj measuring spoon & that's being replaced in the new consultant kit by the restyled adjustable measuring spoons, do you think we will receive them in our changeover kit (like we received the restyled garlic press last season?) I obviously won't want to demo my easy...
  25. chefann

    When Is the Season Changeover and What Should You Know?

    Note: Dates for each season will be different, but each season change-over is usually generally the same. Check current communications from HO for specifics. Welcome to season change-over! This can be both exciting and confusing. Here are some tips for you. Dates Check the current...
  26. Jennie4PC

    Urgent Confused About Career Planner Changeover - Help Needed!

    My director said we ere supposed to recieve a fipl chart about the new career plan in our change over pkt and so I called HO and they said they would send me one. Well instead I recieved a new planner. I am on with HO right now and the lady has no clue what I am talking about. So were we...
  27. Jean DeVries

    Should I Have Gotten a Changeover Kit Yet?

    I hear everyone talking about ordering new supplies...I haven't gotten my changeover kit yet. Should I have? Eek. I'm also waiting for UPS to come pick up a return (going on a week now...). Maybe I"ve been deleted from HO's computer :(
  28. R

    What Is the Changeover Kit and Do Inactive Members Receive It?

    This is my first new season, can somebody explain what the changeover kit is? What is in it? What does it cost? Thanks!
  29. I

    New Products for Directors, SATs and Changeover Kits: When to Expect

    This may have been posted already so forgive me if it was... when are we to expect the new products for Directors and SAT and changeover kits?
  30. kam

    Supply Order Changeover Question

    I should know this...but I can't remember. The current Supply order form F/W 2008 says available to order through 2/15/09. So, does this mean I can still order at old supply prices until 2/15/09? And does that mean I can't order any NEW supply order products on that same order??