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Sample Product Order Form Arrvived! List Below!

In summary, the four cranberry scrapers, quikit paring knives set of 3, twiixit, spreader set of 2, mini spatula, bammboo spec. cooking set, small spreader, chef's tools sjimmmer, hot trivet, bammboo serving set and pastry mat are in Package E. The spices are in Package D. The pantry both new spices are in Package E. The linens are in Package F. The new spices are in Package D. The spice set is in Package B. The spatula is in Package A. The serving set is in Package F. The mat is
My paperwork box is here!

I only have a few minutes to type, soo I'll type what I can.

Package H $34.50 contains 1669, 1666, 1667, 1258, 1668, 2651, and 2014
which is the four cranberry scrapers, quikit paring knives set of 3, twiixit, spreader set of 2

Package G $34.75 contains 2989, 2988, 2186, 2188 and 2189 Linens

Package F Pantry both new spices $6.50

Package E 2622,2044,2071,2407,2348,2156,2048 and 1718 which mini spatula, bammboo spec. cooking set, small spreader, chef's tools sjimmmer, hot trivet, bammboo serving set and pastry mat

Package D 2062,1126,1642,1102,2042,2981,2047 and 2051-$49.75

Package C 1674,2605,1166 and 2626 $21.55

Package B 1269,2046,2052,1646 and 2227 $28.00

Package A 1269,2046,2052,1646,2227,1674, 2605, 1166, 2626,2062,1126.1642,1102,2042,2981,2047,2051,2622,2044,2071,2407,2348,2156,2048,1718-$120.00

Sorry I couldn't type all because I am out of door.

Woohoo! Thanks!
Package E -$49.75
2622 - Mini Serving Spatula
2044 - Bamboo Specialty Cooking Set
2071 - Small Spreader
2407 - Splatter Screen
2348 - Skimmer
2156 - Cranberry Hot Pad/Trivet
2048 - Bamboo Serving Set
1718 - Pastry Mat
Package D - $34.50
2062 - Cranberry Appetizer Plates
1126 - Cheese Knive
1642 - All-Purpose Spreader
1102 - Cranberry Hold 'N Slice
2042 - Bamboo Spatula Set
2981 - Cranberry Microfiber Towel
2047 - Small Bamboo Spoon Set
2051 - Cranberry Petite Squares
Package C - $21.50
1674 - Bamboo Spoon Set
2605 - Coating Trays & Tool
1166 - Slice 'N Serve
2626 - Large Serving Spatula
Package B - $28.00
1269 - Finger Guard
2046 - Bamboo Tongs
2052 - Small Squares with Cranberry Accent
1646 - Large Spreader
2227 - 29 Minutes to Dinner
Package A - $120
1269 - Finger Guard
2046 - Bamboo Tongs
2052 - Small Squares with Cranberry Accent
1646 - Large Spreader
2227 - 29 Minutes to Dinner
1674 - Bamboo Spoon Set
2605 - Coating Trays & Tool
1166 - Slice 'N Serve
2626 - Large Serving Spatula
2062 - Cranberry Appetizer Plates
1126 - Cheese Knive
1642 - All-Purpose Spreader
1102 - Cranberry Hold 'N Slice
2042 - Bamboo Spatula Set
2981 - Cranberry Microfiber Towel
2047 - Small Bamboo Spoon Set
2051 - Cranberry Petite Squares
2622 - Mini Serving Spatula
2044 - Bamboo Specialty Cooking Set
2071 - Small Spreader
2407 - Splatter Screen
2348 - Skimmer
2156 - Cranberry Hot Pad/Trivet
2048 - Bamboo Serving Set
1718 - Pastry Mat
So it looks like my next commission check will be going towards package A!
  • #10
Thanks Alison!
  • #11
No problem... I've been waiting for these, so I though I might as well show everyone! :D
  • #12
Here it all is, the whole shabang, as an attachment...


  • FW 2007 Sample Packages.doc
    30.5 KB · Views: 740
  • #13
Thank you all!!!

Now I know I hafta get a day job!:D :eek:
  • #14
How do they magically figure out a way to get just the right mixture that I have to buy a bunch of stuff I am lukewarm on to get the stuff I really want????
  • #15
Kathytnt said:
How do they magically figure out a way to get just the right mixture that I have to buy a bunch of stuff I am lukewarm on to get the stuff I really want????
Isn't that the truth!! They must do a survey of the MUST HAVE items, and then spread them into all of the different packages!!:eek:
  • #16
I want the cookbook but it's only in package A and B Not terribly excited about the finger guard although it may be our biggest seller this season - who knows.

Th only definet is Package F LOL!! and can I eve have enough scrapers so H is looking good too
  • #17
I know exactly how you feel Kelly!! I was so bummed that I didn't earn any of the levels of the June sell a thon, but at least I won't have a bunch of duplicates like I normally do.
  • #18
I bought package A in the Spring and there was all sorts of stuff I didn't really want... I don't know WHAT I'm going to choose this time. At least now I have something to look at and think about. :)
  • #19
I always do a kick off show and I make it a mystery host show with a minimum amount spent (like $35.00) to qualify for the mystery host part (this ensures that the "mystery host" show is worth being the host for!) When I do this the show is always a $600-1000 show!
Then I give away things (duplicates or things I don't really want) in drawings to people in attendance. I always do a door price for a bigger item and I do another drawing for the person who has the largest order! (usually a bigger item too) I call it the "big spender drawing". It is always a great time and I usually invite my past hosts and my preferred customers only and anyone else who I want to invite!
In my invites I tell them "I do all the work, one person wins the benefits!" I also advertise the drawings and people just go crazy for the free stuff!!!!!
Then I usually keep the 60% item (as I will this year, hey it's cookware!) and then I can order things that I want with the discount and I get what I want of the new stuff but it still turns out cheaper because I don't end up with things I don't want!
Just an idea on how to not be stuck with stuff you don't want! I will order one package of stuff that has duplicates of the stuff I earned and keep what I want and give away the rest!:)
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  • #20
^^ I also call it a host appreciation show! By the way, with it being mostly past hosts, I get a ton of bookings! I usually get anywhere from 7-10 bookings and it just sets a nice tone to my entire fall!:D I usually do it at the end of August, early September and sell from both lines, spring and fall! Then what items get sold for only the spring catalog, I do a spring/summer show and it usually comes to $200-300, I combine those orders with any internet orders and then I usually host the show and get free stuff with that too! it works out nice! I eat some of the S&H costs but it's worth it in the end and the bookings that I get make it well worth the s&H charges that I had to "eat"
I encourage anyone to try this idea, you'll be happy that you did!
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  • #21
MissChef, that's a good idea! Thanks!
  • #22
MissChef said:
^^ I also call it a host appreciation show! By the way, with it being mostly past hosts, I get a ton of bookings! I usually get anywhere from 7-10 bookings and it just sets a nice tone to my entire fall!:D I usually do it at the end of August, early September and sell from both lines, spring and fall! Then what items get sold for only the spring catalog, I do a spring/summer show and it usually comes to $200-300, I combine those orders with any internet orders and then I usually host the show and get free stuff with that too! it works out nice! I eat some of the S&H costs but it's worth it in the end and the bookings that I get make it well worth the s&H charges that I had to "eat"
I encourage anyone to try this idea, you'll be happy that you did!

Great Minds MUST think alike....because I do the EXACT same thing that you do! I always just invite hosts - and their guests.....and offer a special gift when the past host's guest books a show also. I always have between 8-10 bookings also! And usually around a $200-300 S/S show, and a $500-600 Fall Show. I do 2 drawings for $30 in free product, and usually use the rest of the FPV to buy new products that I didn't earn. Plus, I do drawings throughout the evening for free products (Stuff I have on hand that I have bought/earned throughout the past yr.)

Also - everyone who makes a purchase receives a free SB.
  • #23
THANK YOU! I've been curious about the packages. More than I thought, which is nice. Thanks for the open house ideas. I've done this even if not on purpose (both seasons).
  • #24
QUestion from a newbie about samples?How many packages can we buy and what is the deadline for purchasing them?
  • #25
Well, I know for a fact that the appetizer plates are coming to my house for $30! Can't pass on those.
  • #26
You can buy 1 of each as long as none of the products duplicate. If pkg. A and pkg C have even one of the same products, then you have to choose between the 2. Same with open stock items.
  • #27
PamperChefCarol said:
Well, I know for a fact that the appetizer plates are coming to my house for $30! Can't pass on those.
I am right there with you!! I think those will be great to use at shows!!!!
  • #28
GourmetGirl said:
Here it all is, the whole shabang, as an attachment...

Thank you so much for posting this....it really helps alot!!

  • #29
Ok, time to get my highlighter out and decide what I want (not need of course!) I do deep down believe I NEED it all but seriously - I only need a some of them. Wish I had earned some to make this easier but I won't let dumb things happen again.
  • #30
All of Package B is in the $1500 level for the June Sell-A-Thon. I didn't check the others, since I didn't earn them :(
  • #31
So help a guy on the math end of this - Package "A" is at $120 but the others add up to $135.75 if bought independently? So is A like at 60% and B-E are at 50%?
  • Thread starter
  • #32
Package A has a an additional $14 savings,so that's why % of savings is different.

Its cheaper to get spices (package F) on sample order then supply order.

I decided against Package A because then I wouldn't have anything to pick for having my shows.

I decided a good mixed of products to get was Package C,E,F and open stock pieces 8"saute pan, gravy separtor and new round stone.

I know the saute pan is a 60% host special in Sept. which would be cheaper, but I want it for my 9/6 show. Also the stone is a host special in Oct. but I know guest will wan to see that at shows.

I plan to order new cookbokk for $10 in September. I think all new cookbooks should be offered on supply form for consultant to purchase before new season.
  • #33
cbord said:
I plan to order new cookbokk for $10 in September. I think all new cookbooks should be offered on supply form for consultant to purchase before new season.

Refer to the policies posted on Consultant's Corner! All Consultants can purchase the GUEST SPECIAL (not HOST special) one month early using the special price plus your discount! You will need to manually adjust the dates in Pampered Partner and P3 but you can get them early and discounted!

So for September you can get any cookbook for $10... place it on a personal order using the Guest Special # for the cookbook you want, and PP will automatically calculate your discount. So if your commission rate is 20%, you get a 20% personal discount so each cookbook will cost you $8!!!

Be sure to review the policies before you order. And as a side note, this only works for Guest Specials that are discounted or at a special price... doesn't work with the free item with purchase.

Hope that helps! Have a great weekend! :)
  • #34
I never, ever seem to know all there is to know. Thank you Colleen! :)
  • #35
PS: I know you were referring to the newest cookbook, but this is a great way to stock up on any you might not have or to replace the ones you have that might be looking a little tired. :)
  • #36
Happy to help! :)
  • #37
Anyone know when we should be receiving our Sell a Thon stuff?
  • #38
Beth checked with HO and they are releasing those for shipment on the first.
  • #39
chefann said:
Beth checked with HO and they are releasing those for shipment on the first.

Thanks Beth and Ann! :)
Hopefully by then I will have found places to store all the Director's Benefits products I just got. Right now they are sitting all over the couch, floor & coffee table in my living room.
  • #40
You can send those to me, Carolyn. :)
  • #41
Thank you Alison for sending this. Now I just have to figure out what I need & want. :)
  • #42
GourmetGirl said:
Package A - $120
1269 - Finger Guard
2046 - Bamboo Tongs
2052 - Small Squares with Cranberry Accent
1646 - Large Spreader
2227 - 29 Minutes to Dinner
1674 - Bamboo Spoon Set
2605 - Coating Trays & Tool
1166 - Slice 'N Serve
2626 - Large Serving Spatula
2062 - Cranberry Appetizer Plates
1126 - Cheese Knive
1642 - All-Purpose Spreader
1102 - Cranberry Hold 'N Slice
2042 - Bamboo Spatula Set
2981 - Cranberry Microfiber Towel
2047 - Small Bamboo Spoon Set
2051 - Cranberry Petite Squares
2622 - Mini Serving Spatula
2044 - Bamboo Specialty Cooking Set
2071 - Small Spreader
2407 - Splatter Screen
2348 - Skimmer
2156 - Cranberry Hot Pad/Trivet
2048 - Bamboo Serving Set
1718 - Pastry Mat

Is this Level 1 products

  • #43
dannyzmom said:
Thanks Beth and Ann! :)
Hopefully by then I will have found places to store all the Director's Benefits products I just got. Right now they are sitting all over the couch, floor & coffee table in my living room.
My dh said it was like Christmas as I was opening the box and ds son said our classic line (that his older brother says every Christmas) "Thank you Santa, whereever you are".

I kept opening things saying "you're gonna love this" because this season there are SOOO many things that dh would love! ...and I was right.

I have already washed everything - now to rearrange the cupboards...
  • #44
Are they letting us order more than once this time like before? I know you can order only one of each package (unless it's A), but are they letting us order a package this month and then maybe some open stock next month etc? That was really helpful for my finances last time they did it that way.
  • #45
I know that I am getting Package A... and then I am buying some open stock items!!! Weather I use some of the stuff is not the point.. never fails that I have a guest that would like to see it other than in the catalog!! So I always have them on hand!!!
  • #46
Thanks so much for typing this up Alison! Now I need to sit down with the mini catalog and your list to see what I really need and want!

Related to Sample Product Order Form Arrvived! List Below!

1. What is the total cost for Package A?

The total cost for Package A is $120.00.

2. What items are included in Package B?

Package B includes the following items: 1269, 2046, 2052, 1646, and 2227 for a total cost of $28.00.

3. Can you list the items in Package C?

The items included in Package C are 1674, 2605, 1166, and 2626 for a total cost of $21.55.

4. What are the new spices included in Package F?

Package F includes two new spices for a total cost of $6.50.

5. What is the total cost for Package H?

The total cost for Package H is $34.50 and includes four cranberry scrapers, quikit paring knives set of 3, twiixit, spreader set of 2, and two other items.

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