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3 Day Booking Blitz ~ Are You In?

In summary, the girls are doing a bookings blitz to get those products and bookings. They are looking for people to help them out and be sincere. They are only accepting pink products in May. If someone wants to join in, they can offer an incentive.
Earn those products ~ get those bookings ~ fill your calendar? Deb Jennings, Kristi Tarducci and I are doing this...

Starting NOW ending Friday 4/27 ~ Ready, Set, Go make those calls! Post your results here!

If you need to know what we're talking about, check this out:

Don't forget ~ create a sense of urgency! "You can only get these products in May (pink) ~ only get this special in June ~ I only have ___ ___ and ___ dates in June/July for YOUR party!"

I know this booking blitz is for June and July Sell-a-thon...but remember, MAY shows will get you June and July bookings!!!


See what earning a pampered vacation will do to you? :)
Good idea... starting a thread just for this...

So far today:

2 cooking shows!!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Yep! So excited I typed my name twice on the original post! LOL ~ just wanted to make sure you knew my name!!! LOL:D :D :D :D

  • Thread starter
  • #5
Got another May show!

UGH!! I am at school (teach 1st grade), so I can't start calling until school gets out!!

I got two today though... through email....
I got one catalog show for May so far!!!:D
Last edited:
One catalog show for May!
Just got another July booking!!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Got 3 catties for May and 1 cooking for June!

  • Thread starter
  • #11
1 June cattie booked!
  • #12
Not trying to take over but Maybe I will join in-I got let go today at my full-time job.:(
  • #13
Need to get my butt in gear for this, but can't until this W/E when I'm not at my FT job... ...need to break outside that "circle of friends"...have a few leads, but need to get them going...
  • #14
chefkristin said:
Not trying to take over but Maybe I will join in-I got let go today at my full-time job.:(

Sorry to hear Kristin - kick up your PC business. What line of work were you in? Good luck!!!!!
  • #15
janetupnorth said:
Sorry to hear Kristin - kick up your PC business. What line of work were you in? Good luck!!!!!
I belong in Finance/Accounts Payable. I had this job in Travel and Order Processing :confused: It just wasn't right. I am really not too upset. I just left Staples after being there for 6 years for this stupid job. Well I made a couple of contacts and I am going there (Staples) at 3:30 today for an interview!:)
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Good luck Kristin!

One more June show!

  • #17
Ginny-- What are your totals for June/July as of now?
  • #18
Me so far...

1 Wedding Shower
6 Cooking
2 Catalog

4 Cooking
  • #19
Got one booked for June!

Ann R
  • Thread starter
  • #21
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
Ginny-- What are your totals for June/July as of now?

6 cooking
7 catties
1 fundraiser

4 cooking
3 catties

2 cooking
2 catties

And still working on MORE ! ! ! Got about 80+ folks to call before Friday ~

  • #22
Ginny u ROCK!!

I just got another July!!

That brings me up to:

3 HWC Fundraisers
1 Catalog

1 Wedding Shower
6 Cooking
2 Catalog

5 Cooking
  • #23
My afternoon exploits:

9 calls (my son was being a huge pain and wouldn't let me work!!!!)
1 call back to schedule interview
1 not home, call tonight
3 left messages
1 call back in a month to schedule June/July show
1 at work, call tonight
1 phone interview conducted, needs to see more info
1 "Think Pink" team member recruited

I'll be back on the phone tonight once DH gets home from work!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
Got 2 more! One May cattie and 1 June cooking!

6 cooking
8 catties
1 fundraiser

5 cooking
3 catties

2 cooking
2 catties

And still working on MORE ! ! ! Got about 60+ folks to call before Friday ~

  • #25
wow awesome job girls! those are great ...
  • #26
okay so just got the urge to do this! i'm going to go thru allm y contacts after i put my daughter to bed and start calling. (shes going to bed in a few minutes) ... i'm excited, i really really really REALLY hope i get the same results as you girls ahve!!!!
  • #27
Okay What is everyone saying when you are making the calls??!?
  • Thread starter
  • #28
Being EXCITED when talking to them is the MAJOR key ~ if you're excited, it's contagious!

~ create a sense of urgency (gotta get it booked now, before it's too late)
~ ask them for THEIR help (people love to help)
~ be SINCERE (folks KNOW when you're reading from a script)
~ Pink products ONLY in MAY (who wouldn't want to help whip cancer!?!?)
~ If you have to, offer an incentive. Create a challenge amongst other hosts

I can't say that I say the same thing to each person cuz it depends on who I'm talking to...a dear friend, a past host, a cancer survivor, a past customer, last year's May hosts and customers...

Good luck! Just be EXCITED!!!

You can say you're doing a challenge, 24 bookings in 24 hours...that works too.



Almost forgot why I clicked on...got another May cattie show!
  • #29
Tonight's results--I made a total of 15 calls. These were leads from a fair I did two weeks ago.

5 left messages
1 recruit lead (it was kind of an interview, she wants me to mail more info)
1 call back in a couple months
1 call back next week, has to check with her friend who would cohost
1 call back in two weeks
1 call back tomorrow (we set an appt)
1 already has a consultant
1 no answer
1 busy signal
1 send a catalog
1 May cooking show booked!!!!

For May I have
7 cooking shows
1 cattie show
1 fair
and I'm running my THINK PINK fundraiser

For June I have
4 cooking shows
  • #30
I have a Santoku knife that I was thinking of giving away as an incentive.... do you think it would be better to offer it to the host with the highest show in June or July....or do a drawing of all of the hosts with 500+ shows from June and July? Thanks!!
  • Thread starter
  • #31
jenniferknapp said:
I have a Santoku knife that I was thinking of giving away as an incentive.... do you think it would be better to offer it to the host with the highest show in June or July....or do a drawing of all of the hosts with 500+ shows from June and July? Thanks!!

Wow Jennifer ~ I want to be one of your hosts! For me ~ that wouldn't be something I'd give away ~ I'd rather have two of those here.

But you're insisting of using that for an incentive in June/July ~ definitely for the highest show.

  • #32
Kitchen2u said:
Wow Jennifer ~ I want to be one of your hosts! For me ~ that wouldn't be something I'd give away ~ I'd rather have two of those here. But you're insisting of using that for an incentive in June/July ~ definitely for the highest show.Ginny
Well I have one that I use all of the time, and then this 2nd one new in packaging...I earned one when I first signed last year, and then another in my SS plus package....so I really don't have much invested in it... and I don't know of any other way to sell it, since the lifetime warranty wouldn't really apply....so I feel like I should be giving it away. And I was thinking of doing the rest of 2007....but then when we got the info that sell a thon is 2 months in a row, then maybe that is a good time to just do it!
  • #33
Good luck Kristin!! I have to agree with Janet....kick up your PC business!!!
  • #34
I made a booking benefit flyer just for June/July hosts. You made need to change the font because it is a font from DJ Inkers....

I got the idea from Jennifer somewhere on here.... I think she mentioned it in another sellathon thread...


    98 KB · Views: 615
  • #35
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
I made a booking benefit flyer just for June/July hosts. You made need to change the font because it is a font from DJ Inkers....

I got the idea from Jennifer somewhere on here.... I think she mentioned it in another sellathon thread...

Thanks for posting! I used yours, but tweaked it quite a bit, only because I am offering two incentives... It's attached.


  • June & July Specials.doc
    166 KB · Views: 403
  • #36
Jennifer... I like yours... I don't have an extra kinfe sitting around though... oh well!! :)
  • #37
Just got another catalog show for June!! That brings me up to:

3 HWC Fundraisers
1 Catalog

1 Wedding Shower
6 Cooking
3 Catalog

5 Cooking
  • #38
Laurie.... How are you doing with your bookings??? Any luck??? I know a little friendly competition always motivates me!!! :)
  • #39
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
Jennifer... I like yours... I don't have an extra kinfe sitting around though... oh well!! :)

Do you have any other products sitting around that you can throw in as a special? You could do a kit enhancement order, and give that product away (if you haven't already done one) ...umm, or you can always pick another product, and plan to put it on a host's order in early August, and use their percentage off...
  • #40
Ummm... I have a Large bar Pan.... But that is it... and some smaller items...
  • #41
How is everyone doing with the phone today???

Here is where I am at as of right now!!

3 HWC Fundraisers
1 Catalog

1 Wedding Shower
7 Cooking
4 Catalog

5 Cooking
  • #42
OK... I feel silly... I am the only one posting.... What's up????

Just got another cooking for June...

Here are my totals...

3 HWC Fundraisers
1 Catalog

1 Wedding Shower
8 Cooking
3 Catalog

5 Cooking
  • #43
bumping... just so people will see it
  • #44
Got another show today. May Catalog for sure, maybe a cooking show. She just had an MRI and sees her Dr. on Monday to see if she needs surgery.
  • #45
GRRR, i called like 25 people last night and i got maybe 1 yes .. shes just gotta figure out a date (shes full time mom and nursing student). everyone else i got answering machines! STUPID ANSWERING MACHINES! I havent been abletodo any calls today becuase i've been sooo busy trying to get ready for my show tomorrow! makes me so mad!
  • #46
oh but i might have my FIRST bridal shower in may!!! YEAH! i'll definately need help with that!
  • #47
OK, let me preface by saying, I work full-time and do PC at a Hobby level...(just so I don't feel totally blown away and humiliated by your results...)

Here's mine after tonights calls...about 15-20 minutes worth...mind you 2 were maybes that all I had to do was call and finalize dates.

1 catalog show
2 cooking shows

1 cooking show
1 cooking show to finalize date but will be in June!

I still have 1 more maybe for June and July that I can't get ahold of tonight.
  • #48
I too work full time (teacher) and do PC as a part time, but I really wanted to ROCK in June because I am looking at purchasing a new car...

By the way... your babies are adorable!!!
  • #49
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
I made a booking benefit flyer just for June/July hosts. You made need to change the font because it is a font from DJ Inkers....

I got the idea from Jennifer somewhere on here.... I think she mentioned it in another sellathon thread...

WOW ... I absolutely LOVE this idea ... i'm bringing this to my show tomorrow night! Thanks!!!
  • #50
YEA!!! Good luck!! Let me know how it goes over... I am going to go ahead and get one of each on my kit enhancement... that way I have them and I dont have to pay full price for them!!!
<h2>1. What is the "3 Day Booking Blitz" all about?</h2><p>The 3 Day Booking Blitz is a focused effort to help consultants book parties and fill their calendars with upcoming events. It involves making a concentrated effort to reach out to potential hosts and secure bookings for the next few months.</p><h2>2. How does the "3 Day Booking Blitz" work?</h2><p>The booking blitz is a team effort, where consultants work together to make phone calls and reach out to potential hosts. It typically lasts for three days, with the goal of booking as many parties as possible during that time period.</p><h2>3. What are the benefits of participating in the "3 Day Booking Blitz"?</h2><p>Participating in the booking blitz can help consultants earn more products, get more bookings, and fill their calendars for the upcoming months. It is a great opportunity to boost sales and grow your business.</p><h2>4. How can I create a sense of urgency during the booking blitz?</h2><p>To create a sense of urgency, you can emphasize the limited time offer for certain products or specials, as well as the limited availability of dates for parties in the upcoming months. This can motivate potential hosts to book a party with you sooner rather than later.</p><h2>5. Can I still participate in the booking blitz if I am not available during the designated three day period?</h2><p>Yes, you can still participate in the booking blitz even if you are not available during the designated three day period. You can adjust the dates to fit your schedule and continue to reach out to potential hosts to book parties and grow your business.</p>

Related to 3 Day Booking Blitz ~ Are You In?

1. What is the "3 Day Booking Blitz" all about?

The 3 Day Booking Blitz is a focused effort to help consultants book parties and fill their calendars with upcoming events. It involves making a concentrated effort to reach out to potential hosts and secure bookings for the next few months.

2. How does the "3 Day Booking Blitz" work?

The booking blitz is a team effort, where consultants work together to make phone calls and reach out to potential hosts. It typically lasts for three days, with the goal of booking as many parties as possible during that time period.

3. What are the benefits of participating in the "3 Day Booking Blitz"?

Participating in the booking blitz can help consultants earn more products, get more bookings, and fill their calendars for the upcoming months. It is a great opportunity to boost sales and grow your business.

4. How can I create a sense of urgency during the booking blitz?

To create a sense of urgency, you can emphasize the limited time offer for certain products or specials, as well as the limited availability of dates for parties in the upcoming months. This can motivate potential hosts to book a party with you sooner rather than later.

5. Can I still participate in the booking blitz if I am not available during the designated three day period?

Yes, you can still participate in the booking blitz even if you are not available during the designated three day period. You can adjust the dates to fit your schedule and continue to reach out to potential hosts to book parties and grow your business.

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