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Start a Pampered Chef Club: Creative Ideas!

In summary, the author suggests starting a Pampered Chef club with a hostess who rotates monthly to receive rewards. The author suggests charging for the club, either through a fundraiser or through selling products.
Gold Member
I got this idea from a scrapbooking club that I am in, but has anyone ever thought about talking to one of their most frequent hostess about starting a Pampered Chef club? and depending on the size of the club the hostess rotates every month? and having a certain amount that everyone hase to be spend every month that way it qualifes for the min of $150.00 show? I just wanted to know what everyone's thoughts on this is.
good oneI think this is an idea that would warrant a search. It would be awesome to be assured a show a month even if the minimum is $150. And with just 10 people you could have a $15 minimum - anyone could do that. I think this is a great idea, Leah. What book did you see it in? I would love a copy of the article or info.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I didnt' find it in a book..... A group of ladies from my church wanted to get together and scrapbook and their is a lady at chruch that sells it so we formed a club, that way we could always get hostess rewards. And it's a gurateented party every month!! :)

jrstephens said:
I think this is an idea that would warrant a search. It would be awesome to be assured a show a month even if the minimum is $150. And with just 10 people you could have a $15 minimum - anyone could do that. I think this is a great idea, Leah. What book did you see it in? I would love a copy of the article or info.
If I had of read right I would have known that, HAHAHA!!!:p Sometimes I just take in parts of it!:D
genious! I didnt even think about this! My sister is a CTMH cons. and she does a $25 for 6 club. What we do:

6 people sign up to be in the group. Every month you have to place a minimum $25 dollar order, before shipping and tax. Every month one person is the host, so she will get $25 in free products. Plus you can pretty much choose the month you want to be the host so you can get whatever stamp set is on special that month. My sis is able to mail our packages for $6 bucks or less via priority mail.

So here is what I would do.

Have my 6 open spots. Once everyone joins up, I would actually call it a $30 for 6 (knowing that most people will probably spend a bit more). Have a random drawing for who will be the host certain months. Put out an email to all of them, and tell them their month. If they want to trade months, fine by me. If they wanted direct shipping, I would let them know that I will cover $5 dollars of it, but the rest would be up to them. It would be a little more expensive for us to mail a stone, than it would be to send in the post. So moving on, I would do the "show" and then call the host to get her free stuff order and also let her know that she will be getting a 20% discount (if it hit $200, if not $15%) Yes it would be a small out of pocket for you, but in the end it makes a great way to take care of our customers. Does this all make sense? I have a flyer from my sis. I am gonna tweak it a little and then I will post it on here for everyone. :D
that would be great info! thanks! i even thought about doing it for 12 months to have a whole year covered and reduce the price for each one a month. or maybe do 10 and have a drawing for the remaining 2 months of all members as an incentive to join.

And we would never have to truly worry about not going inactive if we had a slup and did not have shows either.
I just had the same idea yesterday! I got invited to a scrapbooking fun night with my CTMH consultant and I thought it would be fun and profitable to do the same thing with PC. I hadn't thought of charging for it though. I may have to rethink my plan. I was thinking of maybe doing a Bring $25 and cook two family meals for the week kind of thing where they could take home two prepared meals to heat up. We could prepare them using the PC tools. That way they pay for the food and get to use the tools, and hopefully like them enough to buy something.
What a great idea. I like the 10 people for $20 or $25 min order for 12 months with 2 mystery host months. I'm thinking make the mystery months be "new product months" so the mystery host months would be september and march. Once everyone signs up draw names to get their "month" (or check birthdays?). Remember to book each show off of the previous so that each hostess gets the chance to order the host product the following month.

I'll have to work on a flyer for this.
T if you can share that flyer when you come up with it I'd totally love it! This idea sounds great!
  • #10
there she is!!Tasha I knew you would look in. I have ever confidence that your flyer will totally out do mine! LOL! But I look forward to seeing it. Thanks girly! :D
  • #11
I think I'm going to do 2 flyers. One based on simply joining the club and the rotating hosts and the other will be a "let's cook together once a month". What do you think?

I'll post both flyers in word and pdf format when I'm done.
  • #12
This is a neat idea. How would you promote it? What would you do that night? Have everyone help you make a meal while you give tips, etc? Kind of like a cooking class?

Also, when I first read it, it sounded like the guests would spend $25/$30 on products so that it would end up being a $150 show. Who would pay for food?

Again-really good idea! I know that some of the people at my shows would like to host but they don't know many people. Or for those people who say that everyone they would invite is already there. Hmmm. Something to think of offering for the beginning of the year. What a great way to get people excited in January!

I would love to see the flyer when you get it done!
  • #13
tlennhoff said:
What a great idea. I like the 10 people for $20 or $25 min order for 12 months with 2 mystery host months. I'm thinking make the mystery months be "new product months" so the mystery host months would be september and march. Once everyone signs up draw names to get their "month" (or check birthdays?). Remember to book each show off of the previous so that each hostess gets the chance to order the host product the following month.

I'll have to work on a flyer for this.

I LOVE that idea of the mystery hostess for new product months! You all are really getting me excited about this idea! I've been looking for new ways to jazz up my business & this sounds like fun!
  • #14
pamperedgirl3 said:
This is a neat idea. How would you promote it? What would you do that night? Have everyone help you make a meal while you give tips, etc? Kind of like a cooking class?

Also, when I first read it, it sounded like the guests would spend $25/$30 on products so that it would end up being a $150 show. Who would pay for food?QUOTE]

I was thinking about doing either a night where we all get together and cook, or doing it just as a catalog show. That is how we do the scrapbooking one because we are all over the country. For those who live in the same place I would tell them that they could come over to my house on day..at this time, sorta thing, and then we would make a recipe. Maybe if one of them wanted to have it at her house we could do that too. I dunno, havent thought too much about that aspect yet, but I would be doing either just an order type thingy or a cooking night.
  • #15
Thanks! I think a cooking night sounds more fun to me. Plus it might be a great way to get customers/hosts for life, & recruit leads b/c you'd get to have so much one on one time with them. You'd become one of their friends! I have many people who tell me they like small shows better, so maybe I'd ask them if any of their friends would like to do something like this! Then no one would feel like they have to spend a bunch at a party unless they really want to, & they could start collections like Stoneware & get a piece a month.
  • #16
I too have alot of customers like this. I was only thinking of possibly doing the cooking show because I move alot (military) and so my customers that are in whatever state I am, will be able to come and cook, but the ones who arent will still be in the club, just not at the "show." However if I were in one place and staying there I would def. want to try and get the 10 or 12 people from the town, so that we could have a cooking night. Hopefully this will work in all of our favors. We are gonna have to keep it posted on how it works, and if we all get the number of people we want to have.
  • #17
The Pampered Chef® Catalog ClubOk, gang while I'm working on making this pretty I thought you all could read the text for the 2 different clubs. This one is for the monthly catalog club. So what do you think of the wording? What would you change? What do you feel when you read this? Does it make you excited?

A great new way to get Pampered Chef delivered to your door every month!

I’m looking for 10 people to join a monthly Pampered Club. Each month you order a minimum of $25 in product and I’ll rotate the host benefits so that everyone is host once. If you have favorite pantry items this is a great way to get them every month.

In March and September The Pampered Chef® releases their new products and we will do a cooking show. At the show I’ll teach you a seasonal recipe, tell you about our new products, give out new catalogs and order forms, and pick our “mystery host” of the month. If you can’t attend the show simply place an order with me as usual

This will be a catalog show during January, February, April, June, July, August, October, November, and December. You place your order on the website (show name is Pampered Club), call me with your order, or drop your order in the mail. All orders must be received by the x of the month.

I’ll let you know the start date what month you are host. I’ll also be booking each show off of the previous so you will have an opportunity to buy host specials two months in a row and remember you get 10% off of all your orders for 12 months following your Host party.
  • #18
I think you could do it either way cooking or catalog. You could always let the host for that month make the choice of what she wanted. I would let whose ever house it is buy the food for the product. If you wanted like a girls night out - to just eat and shop - you could always have each guest bring their favorite PC recipe. That would be a good way to taste test a lot of recipes at once too.

Of course, I would love it to be a catalog show b/c then I as the consultant reaps rewards with little work to me, HAHA LOL!!!
  • #19
The Pampered Chef® Cooking ClubThis text is for the cooking club where you would do a food demonstration each month.

I know you love Pampered Chef as you are some of my favorite hosts and customers. I am so excited to offer you an opportunity to get into the “club”.

I’m looking for 10 people to join me for a monthly Pampered Chef Cooking Club. We will get together once a month to make 2 recipes that you take home. These recipes will be seasonal and taste great frozen and reheated. We will meet on the first/last/2nd/3rd/etc. (day of week) each month at (time) at my house, address.

Each month you order a minimum of $25 in product. Over the year I’ll rotate the host benefits so that everyone will have a chance to host a show just by showing up and buying your favorite products. In addition, food costs will be between $15-25 depending on the recipes we choose. At our kick-off show we will cook x and the food cost will be $x. At that show, and all following shows, we will pick the 2 recipes for the next month. A week before each show I’ll let you know what the food costs are for the recipes we selected.

I’ll also be booking each show off of the previous so you will have an opportunity to buy host specials two months in a row and remember you get 10% off of all your orders for 12 months following your Host party.

In March and September The Pampered Chef® releases their new products and I’ll do a “mystery host” for those shows. At the show I’ll:
• Teach you two seasonal recipes,
• Tell you about our new products,
• Give everyone new catalogs and order forms, and
• Pick our “mystery host” of the month.

At the beginning of each show I’ll pass out what you bought from the previous show so we can all ooh and ahhh over our new kitchen “toys”.

Just think, you create a wish list and each month you buy one item off the list, and on the months you are host you can get even more of your wish list items. This is also a great way to get your favorite pantry items every month so you never run out.

What are you waiting for? Contact me now to become part of the club.
  • #20
I have a few people who want a lot but pay checks only allow them a little each month. I think i would like to offer them to make out a wish list with about $300-$400 worth of products on it ($25 a month for a year). I iwll take thier credit card numbers and order around the first on the month and send them the total via e-mail. This way they get new products each month but they never know what is coming! christmas once a month! Each month someone will be the host and i will tell them and let them pick the specail and host benefits if they want it. i will then host 2 mystery shows each year for new products.
Will this work?
  • #21
I love your idea SaraMarie. Hmm, I'll need to add it to the flyers as an option "be surprised each month".
  • #22
Thats an awesome idea Sara! I think I may have to try that too!
  • #23
Ok here are the word documents and in the next post I'll attach the PDF files. What do you think?


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  • #24
And here are the pdf files.


  • Monthly_Cooking_ClubB.pdf
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  • Pampered_Chef_ClubB.pdf
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  • Wishlist_FormB.pdf
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  • Pampered_Chef_ClubB6M.pdf
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  • #25
Cooking Club TipMy very first recruit has maintained and built her business for the past two years, mainly based on these.

Couple of tips I have learned from her...

One year seems to be too long for most people. You would do better to have multiple groups of 6.

Invite the host to treat this as her own party, and boost sales by inviting "her people" to the demonstration. "Practice" your host coaching on each month's host, and watch the sales soar! Also, the Pampered Chef Pool
is very popular for these!

I would definitely treat this as a "Cooking Club", not just a catalog show each month. Do a them each month...frying, cookies, Cajun, roasting, braising, etc. By having it at YOUR home each month, you will have all your tools at your finger tips, and not have to haul everything with you.

Eat the cost of the food (sorry, no pun intended! :rolleyes: ) as a benefit of belonging to the Club, and remember to save your receipts!

You could also do a contest for each month's booking benefit. Something like "Bring in the most (in dollars) in outside orders, earn the Hostess Benefit for that month, even if it's not YOUR month".

Hope this information helps!
  • #26
I've done additional files for the cooking club on a 6 month basis. I am not as willing to give away the food because if we are doing enough to feed 6 people's families with 2 dishes I would regularly be spending more than the $150 show commision would bring in. Maybe its because I keep kosher or because I would only use fresh ingredients for this but I'm picturing this costing over $30 in food and I'm not sure doing it at a loss would be a smart business decision.


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  • #27
tlennhoff said:
... I am not as willing to give away the food because if we are doing enough to feed 6 people's families with 2 dishes I would regularly be spending more than the $150 show commision would bring in. Maybe its because I keep kosher or because I would only use fresh ingredients for this but I'm picturing this costing over $30 in food and I'm not sure doing it at a loss would be a smart business decision.

Oh, absolutely! If you're doing a "make and take" theme, I would not pay for the food. The type of club I was talking about was more about learning a new cooking technique/style of food. In which case, you would be demoing a couple of things and letting them try as well, not making food for six families!

I'm not much of a "make and take" person. Love the concept, just don't see me applying it in my life, so I tend to not think along those lines. Great idea for a cooking club, though!
  • #28
My husband & I are thinking of going to a few "cooking classes" at a local bistro. The cost is about $40 a person & you watch the chef make the food. Then you get to take the food home. Many of the people in his office have gone to this & love it. I figure if they are willing to pay $40 to take home food, then surely people will be interested in $25 or $30 & get kitchen products that last longer than food! I think I need to start thinking of recipe choices or a cooking theme for each month & research some info about it. Do it more from the standpoint of the food/cooking tips instead of focusing on the products used like I do at a regular show.
  • #29
Thanks!!!THANKS TLENN!!! you have done great work!!! AWESOME for us to have these!!! I also agree that I would not want to eat the cost of the food b/c it would eat too much in my profit.

AND THANKS LEAH for bringing this wonderful idea to us!! I think you have created quit an interest and will be helping boost our businesses!!! :D
  • #30
If people come up with menus and recipes it would be great if you'd share them. I'm willing to do a booklet up with 6 months worth of "pick and choose" recipes or seasonal/monthly recipes. So if you post the recipe and what month you think it would be good for I'll do a booklet up.

Anyone that implements this should let the rest of us know how it goes and what worked and what didn't.
  • #31
tlennhoff said:
If people come up with menus and recipes it would be great if you'd share them. I'm willing to do a booklet up with 6 months worth of "pick and choose" recipes or seasonal/monthly recipes. So if you post the recipe and what month you think it would be good for I'll do a booklet up.

Anyone that implements this should let the rest of us know how it goes and what worked and what didn't.

Great idea!
  • #32
A couple of years ago a friend of mine did this with her PC business. At first it went okay, but the ladies quickly burnt out. Unlike Scrapbooking there aren't new ideas each time. Our catalog is only 47 pages long not 400, so people do run out of things to buy. Doing it month to month is too much (just from watching someone else attempt this). It would be better to space it out every other month or every 3rd month. Especially since our catalog changes 2x a year.

It is a fablulous idea though. Much luck!

Okay...I just read page 2 of this thread. I can't remember who posted about their recruit, but she had great ideas on how to keep it fresh each month with a theme. Teaching them something like a cooking class should keep them interested. Great idea!
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  • #33
pamperedgirl3 said:
Thanks! I think a cooking night sounds more fun to me. Plus it might be a great way to get customers/hosts for life, & recruit leads b/c you'd get to have so much one on one time with them. You'd become one of their friends! I have many people who tell me they like small shows better, so maybe I'd ask them if any of their friends would like to do something like this! Then no one would feel like they have to spend a bunch at a party unless they really want to, & they could start collections like Stoneware & get a piece a month.

Just want you ladies to know that around here Sur La Table charges $65 for a 90-min adult class. $35-45 for a kid's class. All they get is 10% off in the store, the samples and recipes. I have been thinking about charging a minimum of $30 each adult, $25 for 90-min for kid's class. If I do the adult class, there will be very little "shpeel" ~ if i'm selling a "cooking class" I want it to be short and sweet (let's face it, a $150 show earns us (at 27%) about $40.... not a big chunk of change for reserving a particular prime date that could be booked for a party. Unless you do it at your house, and offer more than one class the same day? <thinking out loud here >

  • #34
Tasha I just got on to look at these, and they are wonderful!! Thank you so much for being such a huge help! Love them!

Oh and I don't remember who was saying it, but the ctmh catalog (scrapbooking) is only 95 pages, and that includes all the little details and what not. We can have new ideas every single month, we just gotta figure out how to work it!

Good luck to all who are gonna try this! I am very excited to get this started! :D
  • #35
would love a copy too please
chef-kina said:
genious! I didnt even think about this! My sister is a CTMH cons. and she does a $25 for 6 club. What we do:

6 people sign up to be in the group. Every month you have to place a minimum $25 dollar order, before shipping and tax. Every month one person is the host, so she will get $25 in free products. Plus you can pretty much choose the month you want to be the host so you can get whatever stamp set is on special that month. My sis is able to mail our packages for $6 bucks or less via priority mail.

So here is what I would do.

Have my 6 open spots. Once everyone joins up, I would actually call it a $30 for 6 (knowing that most people will probably spend a bit more). Have a random drawing for who will be the host certain months. Put out an email to all of them, and tell them their month. If they want to trade months, fine by me. If they wanted direct shipping, I would let them know that I will cover $5 dollars of it, but the rest would be up to them. It would be a little more expensive for us to mail a stone, than it would be to send in the post. So moving on, I would do the "show" and then call the host to get her free stuff order and also let her know that she will be getting a 20% discount (if it hit $200, if not $15%) Yes it would be a small out of pocket for you, but in the end it makes a great way to take care of our customers. Does this all make sense? I have a flyer from my sis. I am gonna tweak it a little and then I will post it on here for everyone. :D

I sometimes have difficulties following all the way thru. Hope I can grasp this as it would be GREAT 4 ME 2; oh btw THANKS LEAH!!!

  • #36
tlennhoff said:
What a great idea. I like the 10 people for $20 or $25 min order for 12 months with 2 mystery host months. I'm thinking make the mystery months be "new product months" so the mystery host months would be september and march. Once everyone signs up draw names to get their "month" (or check birthdays?). Remember to book each show off of the previous so that each hostess gets the chance to order the host product the following month.

I'll have to work on a flyer for this.

ME TOO HERE PLEASE. LOVE TO SEE THIS FLYER, I work from 2-10:30 but sometimes stay till midnite, OTHER job, but didn't go to bed until 6:30 a today and got up by 10:30 and other than tired of sitting up at a computer, for most of waking hrs between work/home .....

anyways, this would surely guarantee our back to back 200.00 months too.

I don't always see the whole picture but would love the flyers :)

  • #37
I love your quote! live well.....
ChefBridgetA said:
I just had the same idea yesterday! I got invited to a scrapbooking fun night with my CTMH consultant and I thought it would be fun and profitable to do the same thing with PC. I hadn't thought of charging for it though. I may have to rethink my plan. I was thinking of maybe doing a Bring $25 and cook two family meals for the week kind of thing where they could take home two prepared meals to heat up. We could prepare them using the PC tools. That way they pay for the food and get to use the tools, and hopefully like them enough to buy something.

I know it's going to tell me I didn't type enough....
  • #38
U R Great
tlennhoff said:
Ok, gang while I'm working on making this pretty I thought you all could read the text for the 2 different clubs. This one is for the monthly catalog club. So what do you think of the wording? What would you change? What do you feel when you read this? Does it make you excited?

A great new way to get Pampered Chef delivered to your door every month!

I’m looking for 10 people to join a monthly Pampered Club. Each month you order a minimum of $25 in product and I’ll rotate the host benefits so that everyone is host once. If you have favorite pantry items this is a great way to get them every month.

In March and September The Pampered Chef® releases their new products and we will do a cooking show. At the show I’ll teach you a seasonal recipe, tell you about our new products, give out new catalogs and order forms, and pick our “mystery host” of the month. If you can’t attend the show simply place an order with me as usual

This will be a catalog show during January, February, April, June, July, August, October, November, and December. You place your order on the website (show name is Pampered Club), call me with your order, or drop your order in the mail. All orders must be received by the x of the month.

I’ll let you know the start date what month you are host. I’ll also be booking each show off of the previous so you will have an opportunity to buy host specials two months in a row and remember you get 10% off of all your orders for 12 months following your Host party.

I too love it, but also like the suggestion made by other poster about whether or not it's a show or catalog. I don't think I"d ask the Hostess to front the $ 15.00 if they're already paying to belong to club, or is it they're only paying the $ xx.xx min for the show. I know it's to ea. our own, but I'd like to be consistent with ya all :)

  • #39
what would everyone think of this???
tlennhoff said:
Ok here are the word documents and in the next post I'll attach the PDF files. What do you think?

As far as the food costs go, maybe get the 10 or however many participate for that month to all chip in for the food??? That way it's a smaller amt and everyone who comes will benefit as everyone is going home with food too??

Or am I just making things too complicated????

I definately will have to get my new house in order, but my kitchen isn't the best as it's way too small :( I just bought this cute house, and with the deal I got on it need to live in it for 9 yrs before leaving or I owe huge int. amts. My int. is locked in @ 4.99 for 30 yrs.

Also what will be done if we get an overwhelming response, just more of the same on different nights/days?

  • #40
Great work...I would be willing...
tlennhoff said:
If people come up with menus and recipes it would be great if you'd share them. I'm willing to do a booklet up with 6 months worth of "pick and choose" recipes or seasonal/monthly recipes. So if you post the recipe and what month you think it would be good for I'll do a booklet up.

Anyone that implements this should let the rest of us know how it goes and what worked and what didn't.

to kick in $$ send you money via Pay pal, for a little book???
  • Thread starter
  • #41
These are all awsome ideas keep them coming :) !!
  • #42
Soothenrelax said:
As far as the food costs go, maybe get the 10 or however many participate for that month to all chip in for the food??? That way it's a smaller amt and everyone who comes will benefit as everyone is going home with food too??

Or am I just making things too complicated????

I definately will have to get my new house in order, but my kitchen isn't the best as it's way too small :( I just bought this cute house, and with the deal I got on it need to live in it for 9 yrs before leaving or I owe huge int. amts. My int. is locked in @ 4.99 for 30 yrs.

Also what will be done if we get an overwhelming response, just more of the same on different nights/days?


Yes I'd split the cost among everyone - when I have the recipes from you all I'll use peapod or some such online grocery store to do approximate pricing on each recipe and what that would be divided by either 6 or 10 people and then I'll update the flyers with the average "monthly cost" or maybe we should figure out what that average is and eat the difference on any months when it is over that.

If I got an overwhelming response I'd do several clubs on different nights.
  • #43
Soothenrelax said:
to kick in $$ send you money via Pay pal, for a little book???

I'll do the booklet in PDF and Word format so everyone can take it to their local copy place and do it up in any way they would like as well as modify as appropriate.
  • #44
Ok here is a sample idea for the Cooking Club Recipe Booklet. This only contains one recipe right now, I need your help coming up with 11 to 23 more. I figured the cost by using peapod (online supermarket). The excel file I used for the cost figuring is in the zip file () as we cannot upload excel spreadsheets.

So what do you think?

Please, I need good PC recipes for freezing and reheating.

For the flyers I did see http://chefsuccess.com/showpost.php?p=91497&postcount=23 and http://chefsuccess.com/showpost.php?p=91498&postcount=24 . Note that I've added the 6 month flyers. We now have 6 month or year-long plans.

As ideas continue to come in I'll update or create new files and post links for where to find them. Please give me feedback on changes you'd like to see in the current flyers or new flyers with a "twist".


  • Cooking_Club_Recipe_Costs.zip
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  • #45
This is too funny. I am joining a Stampin Up club using the same concept of the CMs. I was also thinking today about ways to apply it to Pampered Chef.
I agree I think it would be hard to have people commit to 12 months and to make a purchase $30 every month. I like the idea of the make and takes and also the theme shows.

Thanks everyone I always enjoy reading your posts.

  • #46
Bumping with a request for recipes that freeze and reheat well. I'm new and do not own any of the cookbooks.
  • #47
Ok, I've gotten a couple of recipes and updated the booklet http://chefsuccess.com/showpost.php?p=91809&postcount=44 thanks to Soothenrelax.

When you give me recipes try to include the number of servings, ingredients, directions, and any hints/tips you have for freezing/reheating it (what temperature for how long) or alternative ingredients.

I am not going to do the pricing on recipes until we have at least 12 recipes. Right now we are up to 4.

Remember that these should be recipes that we can use to teach classes on how to make quick meals that can easily be frozen and that the kids could even take out to reheat if given good instructions.
  • #48
This is a GREAT idea! I am always looking for new ways to broaden my business. My only concern is that my house is like a little cracker box. My sister has offered her house for parties. Any suggestions on how to word that on the flyers??
  • #49
I'd simply make it location to be determined. Some people have talked about rotating it to the "host of the month", others to another location, I wouldn't spend too much time on the wording unless you are putting the flyer in the newspaper in which case you will want something much less wordy and more professional than I did. For location you could put city/town and state with "contact me for more details".
  • #50
mom2leelee said:
My only concern is that my house is like a little cracker box. My sister has offered her house for parties. Any suggestions on how to word that on the flyers??

Is there a school/house of worship/community center near you that you could use? Then there would be ample parking (especially since Murphy's Law of driveways says that the person who's blocked in by 3 people will be the one who needs to leave first), a larger kitchen/workspaces, and would remove any discomfort people feel about going to a house owned by someone they don't know.

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