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What New Products Have You Used?

In summary, the new products include a Petite Paring Knife, 29 Minutes or Less Cookbook, Cinnamon & Caramel Sprinkles, Pizza Cutter, Appetizer Plates and Caddy, Coating Trays, and SA Squares. The finger guard is a silly idea and the coating trays are still being tested. The pizza cutter is liked more than expected, and the boning knife is only used for boning. The new knives are liked, but the old knife is still preferred.
Gold Member
I've been playing w/ some of my new products - and trying them out in the kitchen....ones that I have used that I've fallen in love with already are:

The Petite Paring Knife!
LOVE it!!! It is the perfect size paring knife!
29 Minutes or Less Cookbook - I think all our Dinners for the next month will be coming from this cookbook!
Cinnamon & Caramel Sprinkles - I'm thinking I may sprinkle them on my oatmeal & cream of wheat too.....I've certainly loved them any other way I've used them!
Pizza Cutter - I was amazed at how sharp it is and how easy it is to use!
Appetizer Plates and Caddy I have them sitting on the counter - and they are just so pretty!

A couple I've used, but not completely excited about:

The Finger Guard - okay - I admit, I thought it was silly to begin with - but I was willing to give it a shot.....I had a bunch of rhubarb to chop - so I read the instructions, and tried it out. It made chopping awkward, and alot slower than normal. DH came home and saw it laying on the counter - so, without giving him my opinion, I had him try it too. He is not an experienced knife person - but he had the same experience with it. Awkward and slow.
The boning knife - It isn't as flexible as my Wusthof Boning knife, and I never use the Wusthof one either.......it's not that I think it's a bad product - just don't really have a use for it.
Coating Trays Still trying to figure out what these are for? They aren't deep enough for dipping the type of candies I would dip - and usually when I am coating something, I use paper plates or plastic baggies - so I can just throw away the mess at the end.....
I actually used the finger guard yesterday, dicing onions. Actually, it gave me a good guide for slicing the onion in nice even slices. It was a bit ackward, but I am going to reserve judgement on this. Need more R & D.
I really appreciate you all posting this. It helps to give me an idea of what to purchse. I was not very excited about the finger guard or the coating trays when I saw them in the catalog. However, I may have ended up getting them just because most things are better than they look in the catalog. Now I won't be wasting any money.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I think the finger guard will be like the mix n chop & the decorator bottles - people won't need to see it to want to buy it - it'll sell itself.
I gave out Fall minis at my show yesterday (after checkout) and everyone was oohing and aahing over the Coating Trays. One woman has a kid with Crohn's disease and therefore has to be careful about what he eats, so she really liked this.
Pizza cutter.... liked it more than I thought I would. I was kinda bummed they were restyling it. It is kinda sacred to me and wanted them to leave something well enough alone.

Cinamon and caramel sprinkles all I can say is OMG!!!! YUM!!!!!!!
I've used the Finger Guard and liked it better than I thought I would. Probably won't demo it, though. BTW - I was never taught to bend my fingers when I used a knife - just taught not to put my fingers in the line of fire!

I like the cranberry scrapers - they don't stain. Maybe they'll come out with a cranberry cutting board ....

The sprinkles. I'm afraid I will buy lots of those at full price. My dh LOVES the cinnamon rolls made with them. I had to remind him they are $6.50/bottle!

The cranberry accent SA squares - perfect size for showcasing food at a show.

DH likes the Pizza Cutter - I haven't tried it yet.

Love the new knives - of course I have used the boning knife for everything BUT boning ....
I just used the pizza cutter to cut tortillas for the Enchilada Casserole in the 20 minute cookbook. LOVE IT! Maybe mine is finally getting dull after almost 6 years of use, but this new one was effortless.
I don't plan to use the new one at home. I have a very old one, and I have a brand new one from my kit which I received in April. My new one is sharper than the old one (I didn't realize the very old one wasn't sharp until the new one came), and now the restyled one can stay in my show bag.
  • #10
You'd actually have to have your stuff to be able to use it:( :mad: :(
I'm so freakin annyoed that I don't have it yet that I can barely get on this site because I'm scared I'm going to throw a temper tantrum!!!:( I am not the model of patience and it's really starting to annoy me that I have to wait so dang long!:(
  • #11
I tried to edit my post but the site is being flakey for me so I will add it here.

Love the Petite paring knife! I just used it to make dinner. OMG it's Perfect!
  • #12
MissChef said:
You'd actually have to have your stuff to be able to use it:( :mad: :(
I'm so freakin annyoed that I don't have it yet that I can barely get on this site because I'm scared I'm going to throw a temper tantrum!!!:( I am not the model of patience and it's really starting to annoy me that I have to wait so dang long!:(

You aren't getting a little peeved, are you?!?!?

This is gonna be you on the phone with HO in the morning, demanding to know when your stuff is getting delivered:

  • #13
ME TOO!! I don't have anything yet... not even my change over kit. And, I'm leaving for a month in the states in 5 DAYS!!

I have to at least get my September host packets out before I leave!!
  • #14
Kelly ~ My stuff shows that it will be delivered on Tuesday! But it shows that it never left Chicago but that doesn't mean anything, that's happened before! And then it's here on my doorstep! But Tuesday feels like toooo far, with no delivery on Monday!:mad: :mad: :( :(
  • #15
I love the Petite paring knife!! Works so great!! I also have taken everything out of the packages ($1500 stuff) and it all looks so cool. Can not wait to see how the new pan works.
  • #16
I love all the new SA stuff--especially the app plates and caddy and the cranberry accented platter. I think my box packer goofed b/c I got two sets of napkins and two sets of the guest towels (for 4 total of each), not that I'm complaining. Now I need two more placemats! I like the caramel finish on the bamboo, that looks really nice. The restyled spreaders etc I like b/c by and large I don't have any of those tools, but I don' tthink they are terribly different and I think if you demoed the old one and someone was interested they woudl still buy the new one. I do like the new knives, tried the guard and it was a bit awkward but I'm reserving judgement. The trays I haven't tried out yet but I love the idea of using them to make truffles rolled in various coatings, for breading meats, and (dh's idea) to set out toppings for pizzas so that kids can assemble them themselves (sauce, cheese, topping). I like the cookbook alot, I think there are some nicer sophisticated dishes that are doable in a short time frame and will appeal to cooks of various skill levels.
  • #17
I'd let you know what I like if my stuff would ever get here!!!
  • #18
I am still waiting for my Sell a thon box too! It is supposed to be here Tuesday. Of course I will be gone all day at the Tracy Williams training, so I'm hoping my DH will come home at lunch and bring the box it. One thing I really don't like about Fedex... they leave everything on my front porch, I live on a street with lots of traffic.
  • #19
I don't have any of the new products yet, but I can't wait to get them.

I think the dipping tray will be a big seller in my area. People here love chicken fried steak...for breakfast, lunch, and dinner...although 2 trays will be enough. The trays will make it easier. I generally use paper plates, but it does get messy. With the sides on the trays it will be much cleaner.
  • #20
love the petite paring knife! And know I'm actually excited about going to the grocery store so that I can try some recipes!
And this is another example of how weird I am, but I am VERY happy the new SBRC has lots of photos. Maybe those in the past had them, but since I'm still new I wasn't sure. I know that alot of my customers will be happy to see what it should look like - even if it is in black & white!
  • #21
amy07 said:
love the petite paring knife! And know I'm actually excited about going to the grocery store so that I can try some recipes!
And this is another example of how weird I am, but I am VERY happy the new SBRC has lots of photos. Maybe those in the past had them, but since I'm still new I wasn't sure. I know that alot of my customers will be happy to see what it should look like - even if it is in black & white!

Seems like they are adding more photos with each passing year. I REALLY like the looks of the new SB....extra photos and all!

I think most people are more apt to try a new recipe if they know what it's supposed to look like, or if a complicated step is pictured step by step. ***Pictures of EVERY RECIPE is really what helps to sell our cookbooks. Well, that, and the fact that almost 100% of our recipes turn out Super-De-Duper!
  • #22
Has anyone ordered any of the sample packages? Have you received them yet? Just wondering if they are shipping them yet or not...

Thanks for your help! :)
  • #23
I ordered mine, but it's still showing received on CC. I think I placed the order on Thursday.
  • #24
I ordered mine on Tuesday (Aug 1) and it is still showing received on CC as well
  • #25
Thanks! :)
  • #26
One of my consultants says that she is hearing that everyone wants the dipping trays.
I have not tried my products yet. I am saving them to have my team take them out of the box with me tonight!
Looking forward to the fun! Thanks for sharing your experiences with your products. I have taken the 29 minute dinners cookbook out and that is my only cheat!!
  • #27
KellyTheChef said:

You aren't getting a little peeved, are you?!?!?

This is gonna be you on the phone with HO in the morning, demanding to know when your stuff is getting delivered:

Okay!! I no longer need to be upset, I FINALLY got everything yesterday, including my ss pan that was shipped like 3 days after the original box was shipped:eek: , go figure!! :rolleyes:
Anyway, So now I can post on this thread!:rolleyes: I love the new cookbook and am going to see if I can make something for tonight's dinner out of it with ingredients I have on hand around here! I used the appetiser plates and love them! Even my hubby was thoroughly impressed! And my in-laws came up last night and Keith (my hubby) was showing them the ss pan and everyone loved it. I will start using some of my stuff today and I will report back later! LOL!:D :p
  • #28
chefann said:
I ordered mine, but it's still showing received on CC. I think I placed the order on Thursday.

Ann - what did you end up ordering?????? I know you were contemplating it because of cost. Just curious. I need to look at the sample packages and what I really want!
  • #29
Um... I don't remember... And I can't get into P3 because I have to reboot and that's just a pain in the patoot. I think I ordered packages E and F, the appetizer plates and caddy, gravy separator, and the rectangle platter with cranberry accents. I'm thinking of getting the dots round plates on another order because I think they'd be great everyday plates for when we redo the kitchen.
  • #30
I ordered my sample package on August 1st and it is due to arrive this Friday. I am so excited.
  • #31
Ugh! I ordered mine on the 4th...guess I still have a wait, huh?:grumpy:
  • #32
I'm sorry:( I'm very excited to see the products, I only earned the Petite Paring Knife (love it) and Pizza Cutter in June, Didn't get the SS Saute Pan in July
  • #33
vtchef said:
I'm sorry:( I'm very excited to see the products, I only earned the Petite Paring Knife (love it) and Pizza Cutter in June, Didn't get the SS Saute Pan in July

Don't be sorry! It's not your fault that I waited and mulled over what to order for so long!! :eek:

I would be excited if mine were coming Friday too!! ;)

Related to What New Products Have You Used?

1. What is your favorite new product from Pampered Chef?

My favorite new product is the Petite Paring Knife. It's the perfect size for all my paring needs and it's incredibly sharp!

2. Which new cookbook have you been using the most?

I've been using the 29 Minutes or Less Cookbook the most. All of our dinners for the next month will be coming from this cookbook!

3. How have you been using the Cinnamon & Caramel Sprinkles?

I've been using the Cinnamon & Caramel Sprinkles in a variety of ways, including sprinkling them on oatmeal and cream of wheat. They add a delicious touch to any dish!

4. What do you like about the new Pizza Cutter?

I was amazed at how sharp the Pizza Cutter is and how easy it is to use. It makes cutting pizza a breeze!

5. What is your experience with the Finger Guard?

I initially thought the Finger Guard was a bit silly, but I gave it a chance. However, it ended up making chopping awkward and slow, so I don't use it anymore. My husband also had a similar experience with it.

6. How does the boning knife compare to your other boning knife?

I haven't found much use for the boning knife as it's not as flexible as my other one. However, it's still a good product, I just don't have a need for it.

7. What are the Coating Trays used for?

I'm still trying to figure out the purpose of the Coating Trays. They're not deep enough for my dipping needs and I usually use disposable plates or bags for coating, so I haven't found much use for them.

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