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What is the Impact of the Bookings Slide on The Pampered Chef® Show Bookings?

In summary, the Bookings Slide is a great way to remind guests of all the benefits of booking with The Pampered Chef, and it's a great way to recruit new guests. It is a different concept than the "booking coupons" that show consultants often use, and it is a visual tool that can impress guests.
Gold Member
I was reading the PC news and it was talking about the Bookings Slide. What is that?

Bookings Slide — How has the Bookings Slide made it easier for you to book Shows and explain all the benefits The Pampered Chef® has to offer? What do you tell guests when they ask questions during the Bookings Slide demonstration and what are some common questions you get asked?
There's a more detailed article in CN.
It's in the Consultant News.
I have been using this since National Conference (one of my sister directors invented it and presented it to us). It's a great way to remember to talk about all the benefits of booking and throw a recruiting blurb in. People usually really like it.

I have to say, too that since I've been doing it the big change is that I don't hear complaints about shipping cost. When I get to that slide I tell them that everyone but the host has just a $4.25 shipping fee if their order is sent with the show but they can pay slighly more and have it direct shipped to their home. I tell them that a host packet - just 3 catalogs, invitations and a few papers - cost me $4.80 and they can buy everything in the catalog for that same $4.25.
I read the article in CN and was planning on posting a thread about it today, b/c I was wondering if anyone on here has used it and how it worked for them? What do they say? How do they present it? Effectiveness?

I have a show on the 16th and I'd love to pull it out and use it, but I'd love to hear from others who have use it and found it effective.
Is it the same concept as when people present the "booking coupons" at their shows?
Nope. It's quite a bit different.
I really like the sound of it, and how easy it is to present, plus the visual impact, I was just curious if anyone had used it. If not, I'll report my "success" (fingers crossed) after my show on the 16th!! :thumbup: :D

Edit - somehow I missed your post Beth. Oops! *blush* I love your blurb about shipping. Anymore blurbs/quips you want to share? :p How are your bookings after you started using it?
Last edited:
BethCooks4U said:
I have been using this since National Conference (one of my sister directors invented it and presented it to us). It's a great way to remember to talk about all the benefits of booking and throw a recruiting blurb in. People usually really like it.

I have to say, too that since I've been doing it the big change is that I don't hear complaints about shipping cost. When I get to that slide I tell them that everyone but the host has just a $4.25 shipping fee if their order is sent with the show but they can pay slighly more and have it direct shipped to their home. I tell them that a host packet - just 3 catalogs, invitations and a few papers - cost me $4.80 and they can buy everything in the catalog for that same $4.25.

I think I may try it. I have seen LS consultants use these and its a great visual.

Beth... have you seen a difference in your bookings?
  • #10
cheryl929 said:
I was reading the PC news and it was talking about the Bookings Slide. What is that?

Bookings Slide — How has the Bookings Slide made it easier for you to book Shows and explain all the benefits The Pampered Chef® has to offer? What do you tell guests when they ask questions during the Bookings Slide demonstration and what are some common questions you get asked?

Thanks so much for posting this! I had the same question. I don't think I got the latest CN, which would explain my confusion!
  • #11
Actually, I have only seen a slight increase in bookings with it but I know others who have seen huge differences.

I present it as part of the intro just before I do the recipe. I say that I want to thank ____ (the host) and I want to invite everyone to consider hosting their own show and here's how you'll be rewarded. Then I flip/snap the whole thing open (I usually get WOW's) and then I step through it all. It just takes a few minutes and I don't forget anything with it. I just expand slightly on each one.

Another example of what I say is when I'm at the Hospitality card I say that the host would have provided you something to eat here today anyway but Pampered Chef rewards her for just inviting you here with $15 in free products.
  • #12
I like the idea for sure. I think, being a visual person, those being like minded will see the benifits easier than if I only talk about our promotions.
  • #13
babywings76 said:
Is it the same concept as when people present the "booking coupons" at their shows?

From what I can see, it's the same concept as the booking coupons I use - only on steroids!
  • #14
Do you think it would be useful to add (since I do this) a page that indicates that I send the invitations and make reminder calls? Perhaps a page that says "personal secretary". I know there is a ME page, but this seems to be a little different.
  • #15
chefjeanine said:
Do you think it would be useful to add (since I do this) a page that indicates that I send the invitations and make reminder calls? Perhaps a page that says "personal secretary". I know there is a ME page, but this seems to be a little different.

I think that's a great idea. I would probably skip the ME page and put that in place of it (the ME page is not in the one I do but I have printed it off and am adding it to mine as soon as I can get it laminated).
  • #16
DebbieJ said:
It's in the Consultant News.

Is it in the current CN?
  • #17
jrstephens said:
Is it in the current CN?

November. . .but who knows when it will show up on my doorstep.
  • #18
You can also go to CC and get step by step directions on how to make your own. > Download Center > Promoting Your Business > Bookings Slide.

It is just like the booking coupons but bigger in size. I too have been using the coupons for awhile now and have had many guests make commits like wow, there's more!, etc. as I'm explaining the benefits. Visuals really do help.
  • #19
chefjeanine said:
November. . .but who knows when it will show up on my doorstep.

You can see it online now though. It's a great issue! I can't wait to get the "real" thing!

I have been using something similar (though definitely different) for awhile. It has SIGNIFICANTLY improved my bookings! The first show I used it at I got 6! As someone mentioned, it gets the visual people.
  • #20
janezapchef said:
You can see it online now though. It's a great issue! I can't wait to get the "real" thing!

I have been using something similar (though definitely different) for awhile. It has SIGNIFICANTLY improved my bookings! The first show I used it at I got 6! As someone mentioned, it gets the visual people.

What have you been using? That's great that it's working for you. Can you share some details?
  • #21
I like the bookings slide idea. Here's what I have been doing...
I have each hosting benefit written on a piece of colorful paper, but one for each THING. $100 bill cut out, 4 squares that say 1/2 price, 1 square that says 60% off, 10% off for a year paper, 30% discount paper and the booking benefit. I put all the papers in the collapsible bowl (it reminds me to take it -- it's one of my favorite things, but it's used so often at our house I was forgetting it a lot, if that makes sense.) At the end of the show, I say that I want to tell them a little bit about what Host is going to get today... I pull (or have guests pull) the things out one at a time and explain them. For the booking benefit one, I pick at least 3 people from the guests and say when Susie has her show in November, Sally will get this AND Susie can get it too; when Tammy has her show in December, Sally will get this AND Tammy can get it too; when Liz has her show in January, Sally will get this AND Liz can get it too. In fact, for every show booked withn 6 months, Sally can get the host special as well!

This isn't my idea. I saw Stacy Itzel's demo a few months ago, and this is what she does.
  • #22
That sounds great! I love all these ideas. Now to decide which way to go! ;) I did try to print off the booking coupons, but for some reason I can't get the file to open right. (I have a Mac). I am able to open Word documents, but for some reason that one doesn't appear right. (It looks okay in the shrunken image that the computer shows as recent downloads, but when I click on it, it's doesn't work right.) Does anyone with a Mac have the file that they can share with me, in case it's a Mac issue? If not, I'll do the booking slide or Jane's (Stacy's) idea. Thanks!
  • #23
chefjeanine said:
November. . .but who knows when it will show up on my doorstep.

Mine will probably get here in December!
  • #24
It opens OK on my Mac. (Because it's a PDF it should be fully cross-platform, too.) But there are page breaks in a couple of places where I wouldn't put them. ;)


  • bookings_slide.pdf
    178.1 KB · Views: 669
  • #25
chefann said:
It opens OK on my Mac. (Because it's a PDF it should be fully cross-platform, too.) But there are page breaks in a couple of places where I wouldn't put them. ;)

No kidding! I may be editing this on Word before printing... :rolleyes:

but love the idea! :love:
  • #26
chefann said:
It opens OK on my Mac. (Because it's a PDF it should be fully cross-platform, too.) But there are page breaks in a couple of places where I wouldn't put them. ;)

Hi Ann! Hey fellow Mac owner.... do you have the booking coupons on file somewhere? I was able to get the booking slide to open okay. Although, are the words supposed to be justified (is that the right word?) to the top of each page like mine appears?
  • #27
Why/how is this different from a Bookings Binder?
  • #28
It's not really, just another way to do it. It's very impactful to hold up a list of everything you get for hosting.
  • #29
babywings76 said:
Hi Ann! Hey fellow Mac owner.... do you have the booking coupons on file somewhere? I was able to get the booking slide to open okay. Although, are the words supposed to be justified (is that the right word?) to the top of each page like mine appears?

I don't think I have the booking coupons. The slide pages do seem to be aligned very much to the top of the page. If it bothers you, there aren't thousands of words on them. They'd be easy enough to recreate in Word.
  • #30
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Thanks! :)
  • #31
Beth - do you just have it laminated and taped together? How's that work? Or do you have another creative way to put it together so that it looks nice and is durable?
  • #32
I just re-read the article. I really like these words she uses to open up the discussion at her shows. No matter what technique you use, these are great words...

"How It Works
When Tish begins to talk about the Host
Rewards Program, she says, “I know what
you’re thinking. You’re looking at me having
so much fun and you’re thinking it’s all about
me. It’s not. It’s about you. And what’s in it
for you? Are there benefits for having your
family and friends over for some food and
fun? You bet there are. Let me show you!"
  • #33
Here's a Word version. It uses the Optima font, so you may need to find it on the web if you don't have it on your computer. (It's a Mac font, so Mac users should have no problem.)


  • Booking Slide.doc
    34 KB · Views: 898
  • #34
Ann - that's great! Thanks for doing that! Now I don't have to fiddle with it, I can print away. You're awesome! :D
  • #35
ChefJoyJ said:
Beth - do you just have it laminated and taped together? How's that work? Or do you have another creative way to put it together so that it looks nice and is durable?

Yes. Laminate and tape together. I use the clear tape you'd use to seal a package to mail. I tape it both on the front and back of each seam - makes it very durable.
  • #36
janezapchef said:
I just re-read the article. I really like these words she uses to open up the discussion at her shows. No matter what technique you use, these are great words...

"How It Works
When Tish begins to talk about the Host
Rewards Program, she says, “I know what
you’re thinking. You’re looking at me having
so much fun and you’re thinking it’s all about
me. It’s not. It’s about you. And what’s in it
for you? Are there benefits for having your
family and friends over for some food and
fun? You bet there are. Let me show you!"

I really like that paragraph - thanks for sharing it!
  • #37
Oh, yeah- I modified the wording a little bit on a couple of the pages, just to simplify and clarify a little. But you can change it if you like the original better.
  • #38
chefann said:
Here's a Word version. It uses the Optima font, so you may need to find it on the web if you don't have it on your computer. (It's a Mac font, so Mac users should have no problem.)

Thanks for making a Word Version, Ann!

I'm going to send it via email to Office Depot w/ instructions to laminate it, and I didn't have a way to send a pdf.!
  • #39
Thanks Ann! It looks so good! :)
  • #40
ChefBeckyD said:
Thanks for making a Word Version, Ann!

I'm going to send it via email to Office Depot w/ instructions to laminate it, and I didn't have a way to send a pdf.!

Do you know how much it'll cost to do it? I'd love to do the same. Just wondering... I've never done the online ordering with Office Depot before. Is it easy to arrange?
  • #41
babywings76 said:
Do you know how much it'll cost to do it? I'd love to do the same. Just wondering... I've never done the online ordering with Office Depot before. Is it easy to arrange?

I just did it and it was $12.99 before taxes. The laminating is what cost sooo much. Oh well...if it boosts my bookings, it will be worth it! Shipping is free, as well, if you want it shipped to you and don't need it right away.
  • #42
ChefJoyJ said:
I just did it and it was $12.99 before taxes. The laminating is what cost sooo much. Oh well...if it boosts my bookings, it will be worth it! Shipping is free, as well, if you want it shipped to you and don't need it right away.

That's actually a very good price! I've priced laminating machines, and the laminating paper to go with them - that stuff is PRICEY!!!

The nearest Office Depot is quite a drive for me, so this is such a great option!:thumbup:
  • #43
Thanks, Ann. That is very helpful.
  • #44
ChefBeckyD said:
That's actually a very good price! I've priced laminating machines, and the laminating paper to go with them - that stuff is PRICEY!!!

The nearest Office Depot is quite a drive for me, so this is such a great option!:thumbup:

I have a very active 20 month old (and soon to be NB), so learning that they ship for free was great!! Now I can upload my files to them, have them print and deliver, and I never have to get in the car. :thumbup: :love:

I was reading in the business tips forum, that's how I learned they ship for free. :chef:
  • #45
Hello Ladies,

I'm so glad to see this on the post! I was the presenter that introduce this at National Conference in the Abundant Bookings class. I have been using this for over 4 years now and I'm averaging about 2 to 3 bookings at each show. The booking slide that is on the post is what I'm using, you can print it out and take it to Office Depot and use your Perk discount card. I think it cost me under $10.00 to do it, then just lay all laminated pages on the floor and take clear packing tape and tape each page together (make sure you leave a little space between pages so it fold up right) then flip over and tape the other side. This makes it very durable, as many show as I do I've been using the same one for over 4 years.

Then at my shows, I thank my host for inviting me into her home and give her a gift and say "on top of this she get all of this and whip out the booking slide". Everyone says WOW and there eyes get really big!! It's amazing on there reaction when I do it. As I'm reading down the list and pulling them up as I talk about them they are reading along. I do this at the end of my demo when I do wrap up then I give them the door slip. So they see how easy the demo is and what they can get out of having a party. I just love it, and my whole team uses it as well. Our notes for the class in on my website at Welcome To My Personal Web Site under "calendar". I hope this helps!!
  • #46
[Hello Ladies,

I'm so glad to see this on the post! I was the presenter that introduce this at National Conference in the Abundant Bookings class. I have been using this for over 4 years now and I'm averaging about 2 to 3 bookings at each show. The booking slide that is on the post is what I'm using, you can print it out and take it to Office Depot and use your Perk discount card. I think it cost me under $10.00 to do it, then just lay all laminated pages on the floor and take clear packing tape and tape each page together (make sure you leave a little space between pages so it fold up right) then flip over and tape the other side. This makes it very durable, as many show as I do I've been using the same one for over 4 years.

Then at my shows, I thank my host for inviting me into her home and give her a gift and say "on top of this she get all of this and whip out the booking slide". Everyone says WOW and there eyes get really big!! It's amazing on there reaction when I do it. As I'm reading down the list and pulling them up as I talk about them they are reading along. I do this at the end of my demo when I do wrap up then I give them the door slip. So they see how easy the demo is and what they can get out of having a party. I just love it, and my whole team uses it as well. Our notes for the class in on my website at Welcome To My Personal Web Site under "calendar". I hope this helps!! ]

Sorry! Did not know it would not show my web address try:
../deniseh "Calendar"
  • #47
AACHEF said:
Hello Ladies,

I'm so glad to see this on the post! I was the presenter that introduce this at National Conference in the Abundant Bookings class. I have been using this for over 4 years now and I'm averaging about 2 to 3 bookings at each show. The booking slide that is on the post is what I'm using, you can print it out and take it to Office Depot and use your Perk discount card. I think it cost me under $10.00 to do it, then just lay all laminated pages on the floor and take clear packing tape and tape each page together (make sure you leave a little space between pages so it fold up right) then flip over and tape the other side. This makes it very durable, as many show as I do I've been using the same one for over 4 years.

Then at my shows, I thank my host for inviting me into her home and give her a gift and say "on top of this she get all of this and whip out the booking slide". Everyone says WOW and there eyes get really big!! It's amazing on there reaction when I do it. As I'm reading down the list and pulling them up as I talk about them they are reading along. I do this at the end of my demo when I do wrap up then I give them the door slip. So they see how easy the demo is and what they can get out of having a party. I just love it, and my whole team uses it as well. Our notes for the class in on my website at Welcome To My Personal Web Site under "calendar". I hope this helps!!

Wow! Thank you so much!! I need to copy, print, and study it...super informative and very helpful! :thumbup:

How great to have the info straight from the source...and be able to "attend" the class! :)
  • #48
I downloaded that workshop recently and it is in my car for me to listen to. I think I will start it tomorrow on the way to work.
  • #49
I'm lovin' this idea. After doing this for 4 1/2 years, it's always nice to get a fresh perspective. (Paige...I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your goals!!!!)
  • #50
Rae! I see you!! Again it was nice meeting you this past Monday!
<h2>1. What is the Bookings Slide?</h2><p>The Bookings Slide is a visual tool used during Pampered Chef parties or demonstrations to showcase the benefits of hosting a cooking show. It consists of a series of slides that highlight the rewards, free products, and discounts that guests can earn by hosting a party.</p><h2>2. How has the Bookings Slide made it easier to book Shows?</h2><p>The Bookings Slide has made it easier to book shows because it provides a clear and concise overview of the benefits and rewards of hosting a Pampered Chef party. It also helps guests understand the value of hosting a party and encourages them to book a show on the spot.</p><h2>3. What are the benefits of the Bookings Slide for guests?</h2><p>The Bookings Slide offers guests the opportunity to earn free products, discounts, and other rewards by hosting a Pampered Chef party. It also allows them to have a fun and interactive cooking experience with their friends and family.</p><h2>4. What do you tell guests during the Bookings Slide demonstration?</h2><p>During the Bookings Slide demonstration, I explain the different rewards and benefits of hosting a party, such as earning free products and discounts. I also highlight the importance of supporting the host and their business, as well as the opportunity to have a fun and memorable cooking experience with loved ones.</p><h2>5. What are some common questions guests ask during the Bookings Slide demonstration?</h2><p>Some common questions guests ask during the Bookings Slide demonstration include: "How do I book a party?", "What are the rewards for hosting a party?", "Can I choose the theme or menu for my party?", and "Do I have to be a good cook to host a party?". </p>

Related to What is the Impact of the Bookings Slide on The Pampered Chef® Show Bookings?

1. What is the Bookings Slide?

The Bookings Slide is a visual tool used during Pampered Chef parties or demonstrations to showcase the benefits of hosting a cooking show. It consists of a series of slides that highlight the rewards, free products, and discounts that guests can earn by hosting a party.

2. How has the Bookings Slide made it easier to book Shows?

The Bookings Slide has made it easier to book shows because it provides a clear and concise overview of the benefits and rewards of hosting a Pampered Chef party. It also helps guests understand the value of hosting a party and encourages them to book a show on the spot.

3. What are the benefits of the Bookings Slide for guests?

The Bookings Slide offers guests the opportunity to earn free products, discounts, and other rewards by hosting a Pampered Chef party. It also allows them to have a fun and interactive cooking experience with their friends and family.

4. What do you tell guests during the Bookings Slide demonstration?

During the Bookings Slide demonstration, I explain the different rewards and benefits of hosting a party, such as earning free products and discounts. I also highlight the importance of supporting the host and their business, as well as the opportunity to have a fun and memorable cooking experience with loved ones.

5. What are some common questions guests ask during the Bookings Slide demonstration?

Some common questions guests ask during the Bookings Slide demonstration include: "How do I book a party?", "What are the rewards for hosting a party?", "Can I choose the theme or menu for my party?", and "Do I have to be a good cook to host a party?".

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