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What Do I Do with My Facebook Now That I've Joined?

In summary, Facebook is a social networking site where people can communicate with each other. You can see the activities of your friends, and you can also see their walls. If you don't want to see certain conversations, you can block them.
Gold Member
I just joined facebook. I don't completely understand it. I had 3 friendship requests waiting for me when I joined (I do know these people). I accepted them, now I can see this long stream of conversations between them and other people that I don't know. One of these people is VERY chatty (I think she spends hours on fb) and frankly, I'm not that interested in other peoples conversations with other people that I don't know. Is this normal?

I can also see this status thingy that tells me what they are up to, who they are accepting as friends, and what they are looking at - what's up with that?

So, now that I'm on Facebook - what do I actually do with it?
Hey- what's your email there? I'll add you as a friend. (My email that I use there isn't the one I use here.)
When you click on their name you are taken to their "Wall". This is where people post things to her. If you don't want to see this, don't click on their name.My favorite part is to see what everyone else's status is. You can change your status in the top box that starts out "Linda". So you can say "Linda is watching Survivor right now!" or things like that. Plus there is a Private Chat spot if you click on their name in the Who's Online box in the lower right corner. That's really nice too.
You may have gotten those other friend requests from aspects of your profile, like your high school or college. Those people may have attended the same school as you, but different years. And some people are just friend, um... sluts... wanting as many friends as possible.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
wadesgirl said:
When you click on their name you are taken to their "Wall". This is where people post things to her. If you don't want to see this, don't click on their name.......

Actually, I'm seeing that on my home page under the "News Feed" and "Status Update" tabs.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
chefann said:
Hey- what's your email there? I'll add you as a friend. (My email that I use there isn't the one I use here.)

I'll send you an email with that info.
I just joined too & I have 6 friends... lol story of my life. I don't understand the facebook thing either but my boyfriend from 7th grade found me on there. ha ha Like you, I don't really want to log on & see everyone else's conversations from their wall.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
chefann said:
You may have gotten those other friend requests from aspects of your profile, like your high school or college. Those people may have attended the same school as you, but different years. And some people are just friend, um... sluts... wanting as many friends as possible.

I haven't filled out any personal info for myself yet - I'm Kinda leery about putting to much personal info out there for people to access.
I haven't either. And I don't use my full name on the site for the same reason.
  • #10
I don't accept any "friends" that I don't know or have known in the past. I think there is a way to "delete" them as friends but I don't know how. Its a great way to keep in touch with people out of town. I got to see ultra sound pictures of my brother's twins!!! As far as seeing their conversations, Idk how to fix that either. sorry wish I could help!
  • #11
If you go to "settings', you can also put alot of blockers on there too, so if you only want "friends" seeing your activities or whatever. You can make it as high as you want, to where if someone is actually doing a search for you, they wont find you, or you can even have it so if they do find you, they can see you are on fb, but they need to send a friend request to you to see your profile or any other info.
  • #12
I have the highest security on FB, no one can find me there at all.I never joined!I haven't got enough time to maintain relationships on all my other sites without getting started on Facebook. Although, I fear that I may soon have to surrender and put up a page. "WHAT! You're not on Facebook?!?" Um, no. But I'm starting to feel like the last holdout in North American.
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  • #13
Okay, so let me get this straight.

If you are on FB and you have it set to "only friends" supposedly, no one can see you unless you accept them as a friend. Right?

But, that's not necessarily true. Because, I can see all these conversations between those who I have accepted as a friend and their friends - some ofthem I do not know and some I do know. And, they are talking PC like crazy! Some of these are AD's and SD's too. Don't flame me here as I'm not in agreement or disagreement nor am I trying to start a debate, I just don't understand all of this. I understand the theory that some say this is a 'conversation' with just our friends and we should be able to talk PC - but it really is more like 'eaves-dropping' on other people's conversations.

I hope that HO will come out with new on-line policies for us SOON! But, I would sure hate to be on that committee! What a head-ache.
  • #14
You can probably see their conversations because the conversations are on their walls, and since you're a friend of at least one person (the person who's wall contains the conversation) you can see it.
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  • #15
Ann, since you are now my fb friend - can you see any of it? Or would you have to be friends with one of the people in the conversation?
  • #16
Linda, when you are looking the part with all of the status updates from other people (not your wall, but when you click on "home") when you see each persons "comments" you can hover over their name or "comment" and at the right hand side a little "options" button will appear. You can use this in to choose to see more or less of that persons "things", meaning what people have written on their wall, their status up-dates, what apps they just used etc. I hope this makes sense, my lingo is not at all right!!

I am also new to FB and figuring things out... But you're right, I sometimes wonder if the "friends of friends" realise how many people can see what they are writing. One "friend" of mine, someone who I knew in high school, but wasn't really friends with, has people I don't know commenting on her "status" and using language I don't care to see, but it pops right up!!

So I guess the other things is to realise how many people can see the things you write on your friends walls...
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  • #17

I'll be your friend, too!

I always think it's funny when I try to find someone and there's this list of people and you click to see their friends to see if it's someone you know and it say "so-and-so has no friends" and I feel so sorry for them! :rolleyes:
  • #18
FB has been so fun....I keep in better touch with my nieces & nephew that are from MS, & some other family & friends that live far away. I just "found" dh's good friend that we haven't talked to in about 9 years. It's just fun to see what everyone is up to, see pics of their kids, etc...
I don't always want to see everyone else's conversations either, but I think if you can see someone's that's not your friend, it's because their profile isn't set private. All my things I make so only my friends can see.
  • #19
pamperedlinda said:
Actually, I'm seeing that on my home page under the "News Feed" and "Status Update" tabs.

I think you can change your settings to choose how much stuff you want to see from your friends. I have recently gotten on it too and I love it! I have found so many old friends and family members that I never get a chance to talk to. It's a great way to keep in touch with people!
  • #20
pamperedlinda said:
Ann, since you are now my fb friend - can you see any of it? Or would you have to be friends with one of the people in the conversation?

Nope, I can't see their conversation.

What's funny is that my home shows "Linda is now married." like you just had the wedding this morning. :)
  • #21
pamperedlinda said:
I just joined facebook. I don't completely understand it. I had 3 friendship requests waiting for me when I joined (I do know these people). I accepted them, now I can see this long stream of conversations between them and other people that I don't know. One of these people is VERY chatty (I think she spends hours on fb) and frankly, I'm not that interested in other peoples conversations with other people that I don't know. Is this normal?

I can also see this status thingy that tells me what they are up to, who they are accepting as friends, and what they are looking at - what's up with that?

So, now that I'm on Facebook - what do I actually do with it?

I also joined facebook because a friend of mine asked me to. She is also very chatty and sends me "lil blue cove" requests, "best friend" request, "my girls" requests, etc. etc. etc.
It's exhausting!!! Plus... I don't have time for all of that!!!
What's the point anyway?!?!?? To me it seems like kid stuff!
  • Thread starter
  • #22
caraighan said:
I also joined facebook because a friend of mine asked me to. She is also very chatty and sends me "lil blue cove" requests, "best friend" request, "my girls" requests, etc. etc. etc.
It's exhausting!!! Plus... I don't have time for all of that!!!
What's the point anyway?!?!?? To me it seems like kid stuff!

I hear ya girlfriend! Please don't send me any of that stuff.
  • #23
pamperedlinda said:
I hear ya girlfriend! Please don't send me any of that stuff.

Don't worry!!! Even hers, that I've known for... oh, about 30 years or so, I ignore!!! Like I said, I don't have time for all of that!!! LOL
  • #24
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I have the highest security on FB, no one can find me there at all.

I never joined!

I haven't got enough time to maintain relationships on all my other sites without getting started on Facebook. Although, I fear that I may soon have to surrender and put up a page. "WHAT! You're not on Facebook?!?"

Um, no. But I'm starting to feel like the last holdout in North American.

That's what I've told people who have wanted me to join FB.

I guess I'm a holdout too.:)
  • #25
I'm holding out too...but it is on my to-do list. Too many younger generation family members are on it...seems its the only way to keep in touch these days! (Me, I still kinda like the phone...or (gasp) actually seeing each other!)
  • #26
I love FB!! There are so many of us on there from here.
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  • #27
legacypc46 said:
I'm holding out too...but it is on my to-do list. Too many younger generation family members are on it...seems its the only way to keep in touch these days! (Me, I still kinda like the phone...or (gasp) actually seeing each other!)

I like the phone too, I prefer to hear someone's voice opposed to reading their words. I feel like I'm always on the computer! Practically everything I do is on-line and I get tired of staring at my lap top off and on all day and evening. Even DS commented to me not too long ago he said "Mommy are you ever gonna come watch me play or are you always going to be reading at your computer" It seems like everything is available on-line these days - I actually prefer somethings to be in print so I can read them wherever I want to.
  • #28
I am also on face book but I have been able to connect with my cousins who I havent seen for ever.
  • #29
chefann said:
Hey- what's your email there? I'll add you as a friend. (My email that I use there isn't the one I use here.)

Hey send me your two names so I can befreind you both! :)
  • #30
caraighan said:
I also joined facebook because a friend of mine asked me to. She is also very chatty and sends me "lil blue cove" requests, "best friend" request, "my girls" requests, etc. etc. etc.
It's exhausting!!! Plus... I don't have time for all of that!!!
What's the point anyway?!?!?? To me it seems like kid stuff!

There's a button that says "Ignore all future requests from this person".. I always cliick that b/c I just don't have time for all those stupid applications!! :) Plus most of them do not even make sense to me!! haha
  • #31
Hey Linda, I just found something new! WHen you click on "Home", scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. At the bottom left, there is an "options for news feed". If you click here, you can change the types of things you will see, and also change how much you see from different people! This is going to come in handy...

And be sure you check out your own privacy settings for how much people can see of your own "posts" and comments.
  • #32
chefann said:
Nope, I can't see their conversation.

What's funny is that my home shows "Linda is now married." like you just had the wedding this morning. :)

'Bout time he made an honest woman out of her, eh?
  • Thread starter
  • #33
I just got an email that someone wrote on my wall - WTH is that and how do I find it?
  • #34
pamperedlinda said:
I'll send you an email with that info.

crystalscookingnow said:
I just joined too & I have 6 friends... lol story of my life. I don't understand the facebook thing either but my boyfriend from 7th grade found me on there. ha ha Like you, I don't really want to log on & see everyone else's conversations from their wall.

I would love to add you guys as my friends, PM me with your full names so that I can send you a friendship request. :)
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  • #35
pamperedlinda said:
I just got an email that someone wrote on my wall - WTH is that and how do I find it?

found it....I can see this this is going to take a lot of time....
  • #36
rennea said:
I love FB!! There are so many of us on there from here.

I like it too...and there is less whining. (oops, did I say that out loud?):angel:
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  • #37
Kitchen Diva said:
I like it too...and there is less whining. (oops, did I say that out loud?):angel:

nope - you typed it....:p
  • #38
http://profile.ak.facebook.com/object2/886/93/l7087758108_7046.jpgYou can get it at http://www.amazon.com/dp/0470262737/?tag=pfamazon01-20.The Kat Lady has a copy here from work and she's hinting around that I should join FB. She [gulp] already has. [/gulp]
  • #39
hmm... guess I'll have to look for The Kat Lady on there. Then we can pick on you.
  • #40
I got my facebook page up last weekend, and I have enjoyed getting back in touch with old friends from before I got married. BUT it is a BIG time waster, Even more of a time waster than CS.
  • #41
Add me! Add me!

I just joined recently. I'm listed as Rae Bates.

I promise not to send any of you all of that "lil blue cove" requests, "best friend" request, "my girls" requests, etc. etc. etc.
  • #42
I send out the lil blue cove and the cute lil green thing because they are cute and they are saving the rainforest. I won't send you any if you don't want them, but I do like to collect them. When I first got on FB I was completely overwhelmed with all of the requests. I just do a few each time I get one. Right now I have about 13 requests waiting for action. You know...take as long as you want to sort through them all because it is not like your friends will know if you've opened it or not.

I think some of the applications are made for the high school unit that is in full-force on FB, but some of them are for everyone. I support the ones from causes that I believe in. Sending out those little plants and fish help to save the Rainforest, so I do it!! I think they're cute!
  • #43
That's good to know. Since I just joined I wasn't sure what she was talking about. Since they're important to you, I can understand your choice to send them.
  • #44
If anyone wants to add me, I'm Crystal Wiese
  • #45
raebates said:
Add me! Add me!

I just joined recently. I'm listed as Rae Bates.

I promise not to send any of you all of that "lil blue cove" requests, "best friend" request, "my girls" requests, etc. etc. etc.

I tried finding you but there were alot of you to find lol!:p
  • #46
I can't find you, Crystal. I'll accept if you friend me--Rae Bates in Northern Indiana.
  • #47
I don't get all the requests either. I have about 85 right now and I was thinking I may just delete them all. I just don't get them. I want to chat w/ my friends. Maybe some day when I have more time I will check out the requests. Not today though.
  • #48
I'm a lotta woman, Heather. LOL! Looks like you found me, though.
  • #49
About the security features. You can have it set so everything's public, you can have it set so certain things are public, semi private and private. Or you can have it set so everything is private and only your friends can view your stuff. Some people may have things that friends of friends can view which maybe why you see things for other people.As for the invites, I ignore them ALL! I don't have time for it. In fact there is about 15 requests right now. You can ignore them all in the upper right hand corner of the page. Makes it really nice to not have to individually ignore them.Facebook is great for reconnecting or staying connected to friends. I've been in touch with a lot of friends from school that I haven't seen since then. Childhood friends of my older sister. Family, PC friends, etc. It's great sometimes just to chat with other PC people instead of calling or emailing them. It automatic so you don't have to wait for emails. It's great just to pop in and see how they are doing.
  • #50
wadesgirl said:
As for the invites, I ignore them ALL! I don't have time for it. In fact there is about 15 requests right now. You can ignore them all in the upper right hand corner of the page. Makes it really nice to not have to individually ignore them.

So does that mean that if I found you and made a request you'd ignore me? It's okay. I'm used to being ignored. :p
<h2>1. What is the purpose of Facebook?</h2><p>Facebook is a social networking platform that allows you to connect and communicate with friends, family, and acquaintances. It also serves as a platform for sharing photos, videos, and other updates with your network.</p><h2>2. How do I manage my newsfeed?</h2><p>Your newsfeed is where you see updates from your friends and pages you follow. You can customize your newsfeed by unfollowing or hiding posts from certain people or pages. You can also prioritize whose posts you want to see first by using the “See First” option.</p><h2>3. What is the “status thingy” and how does it work?</h2><p>The status update feature allows you to share short updates, photos, and videos with your friends and followers. Your status updates will appear on your profile and in your friends’ newsfeeds. You can control who sees your status updates by adjusting your privacy settings.</p><h2>4. Can I control who sees my posts?</h2><p>Yes, you can control who sees your posts by adjusting your privacy settings. You can choose to make your posts public, visible to friends only, or visible to a custom list of people. You can also choose to exclude certain people from seeing your posts.</p><h2>5. What else can I do on Facebook?</h2><p>Besides connecting with friends and sharing updates, Facebook also offers various features such as joining groups, creating events, playing games, and shopping on the marketplace. You can also use Facebook to keep up with the latest news and trends, and even find job opportunities.</p>

Related to What Do I Do with My Facebook Now That I've Joined?

1. What is the purpose of Facebook?

Facebook is a social networking platform that allows you to connect and communicate with friends, family, and acquaintances. It also serves as a platform for sharing photos, videos, and other updates with your network.

2. How do I manage my newsfeed?

Your newsfeed is where you see updates from your friends and pages you follow. You can customize your newsfeed by unfollowing or hiding posts from certain people or pages. You can also prioritize whose posts you want to see first by using the “See First” option.

3. What is the “status thingy” and how does it work?

The status update feature allows you to share short updates, photos, and videos with your friends and followers. Your status updates will appear on your profile and in your friends’ newsfeeds. You can control who sees your status updates by adjusting your privacy settings.

4. Can I control who sees my posts?

Yes, you can control who sees your posts by adjusting your privacy settings. You can choose to make your posts public, visible to friends only, or visible to a custom list of people. You can also choose to exclude certain people from seeing your posts.

5. What else can I do on Facebook?

Besides connecting with friends and sharing updates, Facebook also offers various features such as joining groups, creating events, playing games, and shopping on the marketplace. You can also use Facebook to keep up with the latest news and trends, and even find job opportunities.

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