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Vendor Show Giveaway Idea; Help, Please.

In summary, the person is thinking of doing something different to entice people to give them their information and to build further rapport with people they meet at vendor fairs. They are putting together little cello christmas bags with a recipe card, a couple of candies, and a silly little holiday doo-dad. Each person who fills out a survey slip will get a little bag. The person is going to put a slip of paper into each bag with the name of one of Santa's reindeer. Each reindeer will depict a different prize.
I'm thinking of doing something different to entice people to give me their information and to build further rapport with people I meet at vendor fairs. I've been putting together little cello christmas bags with a recipe card, a couple of candies, and a silly little holiday doo-dad. Each person who fills out a survey slip will get a little bag. I am going to put a slip of paper into each bag with the name of one of Santa's reindeer. Each reindeer will depict a different prize. Of course one name will be a free cooking show (which will be most of the bags). Any thoughts on this idea would be helpful...I haven't thought it through thoroughly....lol...thank you so much!
I really like this idea! I am doing a Holiday show on Saturday and have now started thinking about how I can get this accomplished and ready to go for 9am on Saturday =)
I think that people love getting something....I was planning on using the spce-turn-about prize for either booking or spending over $75 (with host receiving item at her show or customer when their order comes) but this is great because it's holiday focused....what are you needing advice on?
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  • #3
JessBarszcz said:
I really like this idea! I am doing a Holiday show on Saturday and have now started thinking about how I can get this accomplished and ready to go for 9am on Saturday =)
I think that people love getting something....I was planning on using the spce-turn-about prize for either booking or spending over $75 (with host receiving item at her show or customer when their order comes) but this is great because it's holiday focused....what are you needing advice on?

I think I was just wondering if it made sense! Should I post a sign with what each reindeer represents, or just wait until I talk to them on the phone (if they don't call within 24 hours, I'll call them and let them know what they've won).
ohh ! I'm doing a holiday event next weekend.. I'm going to use this and put them all in the Trifle bowl. Pretty! :)) thanks for the idea.. I get a small 8 foot table so I need double duty!
I don't know if I would personally give them something just for giving me their information. That's a lot of money spent for me. I always give everyone who comes through a recipe card and I'm going to do the spice turn about idea but that's only if they spend so much or book a show. That's what I'm really going for.
wadesgirl said:
I don't know if I would personally give them something just for giving me their information. That's a lot of money spent for me. I always give everyone who comes through a recipe card and I'm going to do the spice turn about idea but that's only if they spend so much or book a show. That's what I'm really going for.

I have to agree. After looking at costs, the people that want the awesome newsletter info and news on PC products etc. will gladly give their info...maybe it will be money down the drain for people just 'wanting' something. You could turn this into a pick a reindeer for hosting a show!! That might generate some extra interest in hosting a show...I'm using the spice turn about to hopefully boost sales/bookings and it's something I can use at shows easily as well....but I love the holiday idea...something I am writing down for the holiday open house I'm working on...crossing my fingers that my ideas can translate into an awesome open house with lots of orders for December!!!
I think I was just wondering if it made sense! Should I post a sign with what each reindeer represents, or just wait until I talk to them on the phone (if they don't call within 24 hours, I'll call them and let them know what they've won).

I would definitely let them know the benefits...why do they want a reindeer!! So let them know what the possibilites are...either by just telling them or having something they can read themselves!! Good luck!! :)
I like the reindeer idea.
How about in the baggie put the reindeer name, recipe card, your business card and a few pieces of hard candy.
If I were doing the reindeer names the slips of paper would read. Place your order and tell me the reindeer's name and I will tell you what you won!
Don't tell them what they get until you have the order amount. When I do this sort of giveaway it is always tied to 3 price points *(they do not know this and I don't feel its sneaky but it is successful), I decide on my levels and do a price appropriate product (these examples today may not work with commission amount earned but match it to whatever you can order on supply order) So they have Dancer but if they spend $20 and under they get a SB, OR 2 twixits, OR "etc"
if they spend $21 -90 they get a petite spoon set or set of quickcut knives (or whatever you want to give)
$91 plus they get a rub or something else (free shipping),
It's a super cute idea, but I think it's going to cost you more than you think it might. ;)

I've learned that 1 good booth lead is better than 10 that will get me no where. I advertise the monthly guest special on a big tri-fold board (to get their attention from across the room) and go from there. Once they are at my table, looking & talking - I ask if they would like to be on my monthly e-mail newsletter. Most are fans & say yes. If they say no, that's fine with me. It's one less dead lead in my system. LOL

If you really wanted to do a giveaway, maybe try something like: Sign up for my newsletter, get 1 entry ... then get 1 bonus entry for every $20 purchase. If they book a show, 3 entries. If they sign up to be a consultant, 10 entries! Then have one big prize as your drawing. I had the Executive skillet that comes with the new consultant kit, then bought a set of cookware & received a 2nd one. I gave the 2nd one away at a fundraser booth once. It went over super well! :D
  • #10
i would suggest a gift certificate redeemable only through you so you will get some business from the give away!!
  • #11
regarding cost.. I picked up snowflake cello bags at the dollar store.. 20 for a $1 (w/ twisties!) and chocolate candy there too. I packaged up 60 bags with recipe cards and candy. 3 packs of bags, 5 bags of candy and 2 packs of cards. $10.00 divided by 60... $0.16 a pop total.

if I get 60 contacts with names, emails and phone# I think it will be worth it. and I have old catalogs .. so I think I'm set!

Related to Vendor Show Giveaway Idea; Help, Please.

What types of vendor show giveaway items do you recommend?

At Pampered Chef, we suggest offering practical and useful items that showcase your products. This could include small kitchen tools, spices, or recipe cards. You can also consider offering a discount or coupon for future purchases.

How many vendor show giveaway items should I have on hand?

We recommend having at least 50-100 giveaway items for a successful vendor show. This will ensure that you have enough to hand out to potential customers and create a buzz around your booth.

Can I customize the giveaway items with my logo or branding?

Yes, at Pampered Chef, we offer customizable options for our giveaway items. You can add your logo, business name, or any other branding elements to make the items unique and memorable for attendees.

What is the best way to display my vendor show giveaway items?

To make a strong visual impact, we recommend using a tiered display stand or basket to showcase your giveaway items. This will make it easy for attendees to see and grab the items while walking by your booth.

How can I make my vendor show giveaway items stand out?

In addition to having eye-catching display stands, you can also make your giveaway items stand out by offering a variety of items. Consider having a mix of high-value and low-cost items to cater to different attendees' interests and increase the chances of them stopping by your booth.

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