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Director Things We Would Like to Say to Our Team....

In summary, the customer was not aware that her friend was still doing PC and did not submit the order in time. The co-dependent consultant attempted to recruit her into the business by telling her that she was still an active consultant and hooked her up for the downline to submit her show.
Gold Member
So tired of this every month, thought I could vent a little...

"oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you joined this business because you thought the business would just roll in to you... I didn't realize the phone was so intimidating to you--every time I see you you seem to be on it"

"Oh, i totally understand that you didn't have time to schedule any parties because your dog is sick."

"oh, your mom said she would get orders for you at work two weeks ago, and today's the 30th and you still haven't gotten catalogs to her? Bummer."

"yes, you DO have to start all over again if you don't submit anything for two full months"

"Oh I'm so sorry you couldn't find time to work the FREE booth I tried to give you this month--even tho you said you would, I didn't realize your aunt would have surgery and your mom would be upset."

These are actual conversations I could have had this month....

Why exactly DID you answer your cell phone if you are at work with customers in front of you? Ever heard of putting it on silent and letting it go to voice mail so I could leave you a message and let you know why I'm calling you on the ONLY number I have for you? Or, here's a brilliant idea....you could ANSWER my emails then I wouldn't have to call you...Don't get all huffy with me about it.....guess that means you didn't actually have your party this weekend that you've been rescheduling for 6 weeks...that your girlfriend, the former PC consultant, is supposed to be hosting for you....argh!!!!!
LOVE this!!!

Uhhhmmm no you can't send in a show with a Sept date and have the hostess get the Aug specials because she wants them.

No, the show you did July 5th and sent in on Aug 10th does not count toward to 2 shows for the bag
You guys crack me up! :roflmao:
uhhhhmmmm do I think taking a vacation 2 days before the end of the month when you are in the last month before losing your directorship is a good idea???

Wow, really you are training your team to "shot" for 2 shows a month! Sounds like a recipe for success to me
LMAO!!!!! :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Here are mine...

"No, I can't come do the show for you. I'm flattered you think I'm a great consultant but it's YOUR business... you're going to have to do your own shows..." (I did her intro show... now she wants me to do another show for her because the 2 she's had in the meantime have been busts. Ummm... it's called HOST COACHING!!!!!!!!!!!!

"No you can't turn in your show after Labor Day because you're going away (not until Friday). You've had 6 months (and me reminding you in the interim) that you needed to get a show in by August 31st to remain a consultant." "No... there are no extensions"... because after 6 MONTHS of doing NOTHING you still need more time?

"Why don't my recruits do anything?" Ummm... because you're trying to recruit people into a business you're not working yourself! You do 1 catalog show a month and by telling people they *don't HAVE to do anything*, they won't. DUH!!!

"Call me... I have a question..." No, I won't call you. I've told you time and time again to PLEASE leave your question on the VM so I can call you back with an answer... it saves us both time. And no, your question isn't too complicated to leave on a voicemail.

"I know I could look this up but it's just easier to call you because I know you know the answer and can just tell me..." :grumpy: Perfect! Thanks for taking the INDEPENDENT out of Independent Consultant. I think PC needs a new title for some.... "Hello, my name is xxxx, I'm a Co-dependent consultant with The Pampered Chef." SMH
I had a customer last month that wanted to place a big enough order to make her own show. While chatting with her, I figured out that she was a charter host for someone in my downline, but she didn't think that her friend was still doing PC. I told her yes, she's still an active consultant & hooked them up for the downline to submit her show. It got down to the wire and no show was submitted before the deadline. Ugh! Here we are at the end of Aug & she still hasn't submitted that order! Hoping she does, I need her to be active this month for me to make AD! I have the Personal Team Sales and the Organization Sales, but not the 4 personal recruits. We have had a LOT of people in the middle of military moves this summer & activity has really dropped! Most of my "regulars" are not green this month! :(
finley1991 said:

"I know I could look this up but it's just easier to call you because I know you know the answer and can just tell me..." :grumpy: Perfect! Thanks for taking the INDEPENDENT out of Independent Consultant. I think PC needs a new title for some.... "Hello, my name is xxxx, I'm a Co-dependent consultant with The Pampered Chef." SMH

:veryfunny: OMG! I almost spit my Diet Coke on the laptop reading that!!!
They say, "Nobody answers their phone or calls me back." I want to say.. Well now you know how I feel when I am trying to reach you!!

If you came to a meeting you would know how to find the current specials!

Have you ever looked on Consultant's Corner?

The number is 888-OUR-CHEF, they are there to help you.
  • #10
Kinda repeating Sheila...

"You told me 29 days ago that you had an individual order that was big enough for a show. Why haven't you submitted it yet? Instead, you keep posting on FB about how you only have 3 days til vacation. Seems like you've already left!"
  • #11
Can you just tell me if you are not coming to the meeting so I don't have to go to the trouble and put my family out?Would it be so hard to reply when I try to contact you?Please stop putting down my training topics before you hear the info that I'm about to share.Okay so you know what I want to hear when we role play at meetings. Do you think it would be so hard to DO that once you leave the meeting?No, I don't have a secret that I don't share with you to get business.
  • #12
No, why would I be confused as to why you would go inactive before qualifying and sign with a Hospitality Director who is 25 minutes closer to you for meetings -- after I spent at least 16 hours doing training and support with you....and why would I be upset that the said Hospitality Director would go behind my back to sign you? Oh, and yes, I AM glad you are NOT on my team anymore.
  • #13
Me: Did you do the online training yet?
Them: No
Me: Did you do the online training yet?
Them: No
Me: Did you do the online training yet?
Them: No
Me: Did you do the online training yet?
Them: No
Me: 4 "no's" down, 96 left to go....
  • #14
Just return my F%^&G call/email/text! please.

Yes, it was so nice of you to surprise me with that unexpected show you entered. However, it would have helped my nerves a ton had you responded to my messages and let me know it was going in. thank you.

What I really want to say:
I'm DONE spending my time trying to track you down and help you. If you want your business to be successful, then I'll help you. If you want to be a part of the TEAM, I'll help you. If you want to waste my time, I won't. I think you are being rude and inconsiderate. My personal business is suffering because YOU don't have the courtesy of a gnat to be honest with me or yourself. I'm done. Babysitting you is taking the joy out of the reason I love this business. It's gonna be all about me for a while.
  • #15
OMG....I have laughed so freakin hard reading your brilliant witty coaching tips! LOVE it...scared the hell out of my puppies. Oh, this was too good. Thank you my friends!
  • #16
No you can not put a ridged baker (or whatever new fall products your friends ordered) on the August show you are doing so you don't have to buy the kit again. That rule has not changed in the 6 years since you started.This consultant need an August show and KNEW it had to go in before the end of the month but still shared the new catalog. She has over $300 in orders and I suggested she put in the orders that didn't have fall products now and do a Sept show with the other orders. She said "I wanted a half price item but I have to put this in August?" Urggg...
  • #17
No, your personal order does not earn you commission nor does it count towards your monthly sales. That is why it is under noncommissionable order.

Yes, I am sure.

No, it does not count as your second show for the bag.

Yes, I am sure.
  • #18
No, you can not use your Pampered Chef Dollars on a Catalog Show where you are trying to order stuff for yourself to be active this month. But if you pick up the phone, you can probably FIND $150 in orders from other people to make your show AND get something off the host flyer at 60% off. Then you can use your Pampered Chef Dollars on a Kit Enhancement or on the NEW Fall Products to get more for less.
  • #19
No I am not going to give you stuff for just showing up at the meeting or for submitting one show every other month. Yes, every show is important and does help but I am not going to reward the minimum any more. When you stretch you can EARN things!Sorry if you think the meeting topics are repetitive but judging by your performance you still need reminders on the basics. We will always cover booking, host coaching and recruiting at the meetings. Even director meetings cover those things.In response to "why don't you share all those things you learn at conference with us": why don't you GO to conference and learn them in the atmosphere that it gives you. I can not recreate the experience of thousands with just a few people. And by the way I DO share what I learn. Yes, it's booking, host coaching and recruiting.
  • #20
These are great!
  • #21
Yes, when you pass around a summer catalog and want to enter it as a September show the prices have changed and so has shipping. No PC will not "give" them the old prices

No, you are not going to book shows just by sitting on your sofa while displaying hippo like behavior.

Gee, really I am sooooo lucky to have as many shows as I do... let me explain why... I pick up the phone, step outside my box and call people and ASK for shows. I do a lot of shows. While this goes in direct conflict with your self proclaimed hippo-ness, it IS the way to make money and have a successful behavior. I realize you might miss an episode on Bravo, TLC or HGTV, BUT it is the sacrafice I make for my family.
  • #22
pcjenni said:
I realize you might miss an episode on Bravo

Nothing good comes on until 10pm anyway (well, here in MI) and they won't be making calls at that time anyway... :sick:

This pic says it all...


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  • #23
Stop CCing me on all of the emails you send to Home Office with your suggestions on how to make Pampered Chef better. No, I do not think a good customer rewards program is a good idea. No, I don't like the idea of little mini containers of sauces. No, I don't want a line of cast iron. No, they should not reward consultants differently based on how busy the consultant is with other things. No, not everyone should be eligible for the lead system, this is part of the perks of working your business. Just because you have been dong this as long as me, doesn't mean you know more than me. Spend more time focusing on your business not that one thing you think Pampered Chef should change.
  • #24
No, I will not offer a SECOND meeting each month to "do" a show for you and the rest of the team ... hardly any of you show up at the one meeting I DO offer. Besides, I am so busy doing so many shows so that I can qualify as a Director under the Elite Seller program since none of you ever submit anything until the 31st of the month and I refuse to let my paycheck and my title rely on your sorry asses.
  • #25
"Oh, I'm so sorry you can't come to conference again this year. Didn't your husband have both knees replaced last July? You say, you're going to sign up and sell Sense candles and 31 bags and Pampered Chef and work full time. Why not just concentrate on P.C. since you did sell $15,000 your first year and you don't have trouble with bookings. No, I'm sorry I can't do a show for you with these companies. Would I refer you to my friends. I think not. Yes, I have your $15,000 career necklace and when you decide to grace us with your presence at a meeting, I'll give it to you".

I've been doing this 20 years and could write a book but I think they would probably want to put it in Fiction instead of the Business category! I can't believe some of the things that grown women say!

Got to love them though!

  • #26
"Just stop the excuses and tell me the truth...believe me, I can handle it. Actually, I pretty much know already"

"Come with me or do nothing because I'm not staying here, I'm going somewhere!....I'm cruising! while your sorry ass is still making excuses"

whew! I feel so much better now!...maybe it's allowing myself the okay to say "bye bye dead weight" or the 2 glasses of wine I had with dinner tonight :blushing:
  • #27
pamperedlinda said:
"Just stop the excuses and tell me the truth...believe me, I can handle it. Actually, I pretty much know already"

"Come with me or do nothing because I'm not staying here, I'm going somewhere!....I'm cruising! while your sorry ass is still making excuses"

whew! I feel so much better now!...maybe it's allowing myself the okay to say "bye bye dead weight" or the 2 glasses of wine I had with dinner tonight :blushing:

Where's the like button?! :clap:
  • #28
And things I would like to say to Colleen's people --

"No, I won't come and do your show for you either....and when did Colleen give you my number???"

  • #29
Just priceless!
  • #30
Yes, Yes, are a GREAT director, maybe it is the example you are setting of only doing $400/mo in personal sales for the last six months that is setting that same standard for your team.. oh yeah except for that one month, June, when I helped you and you got to walk at conference because you kept your (D) title... and now this month you forget that.. and are holding your $1200 show that would put me over $12,000 for AD pay!!!! Oh well, luckily most of my TEAM play like a TEAM and we made it without you!!!

Whew... I need some of that wine tonight...

or Colleen will you just come do some shows for my people!?
  • #31
I supposed I could go on tour and just do shows for everyone... I can see the t-shirts now...This is kinda funny... when I was looking to buy a condo two years ago, my 18yo niece suggested I get a tour bus and put a big PC logo on it and live out of it. That way I could just roll up to someone's house, have the hosts and guests board the bus for the show and no cleaning of the host's house needed. She might have been on to something... ;)
  • #32
Either *crap* or get off the pot...I can't do it for you!

Okay, so I'm being nice about it ;)
  • #33
good thing is obviously we are not alone because we have all had these people!!
  • #34
I've got to say -- this thread is SO cathartic - I think we need to keep it going ALL THE TIME.
And btw - has the tracker updated and my team just seriously sucks ass or has it not yet updated?
  • #35
The tracker has not updated. I know this because I submitted a show that is not yet showing. GAH!
  • Thread starter
  • #36
"Yes it is amazing that _______________ did $1500+ at her kickoff show! It was pretty complicated, she pretty much let everyone know that she was starting her business and invited them...., no I don't think anything was magic about it. She just did what I told her, just like I told you when you had 4 people there at your show and didn't advertise. Yes, it's a shame your kickoff show did $350 and you go no bookings..."
  • #37
These really were awesome and I think we've all mentally stated these at one point.

Linda, I love your attitude and that you have a plan. Rock it!!

No updates yet.
  • #38
It's updated now!!:happyforyou::clap::money:
  • #39
Nooo... you HAD to get your show in YESTERDAY to remain a consultant. Nooo... there are no extensions... you've had 6 months to get a show in. Noooo... my Director can't make an exception for you. Feel free to contact her if you'd like. She'll tell you the same thing I'm telling you. Noooo... HO won't make an exception *just for you.*

Please excuse me while I go find a wall to bang my head against...
  • #40
finley1991 said:
Nooo... you HAD to get your show in YESTERDAY to remain a consultant. Nooo... there are no extensions... you've had 6 months to get a show in. Noooo... my Director can't make an exception for you. Feel free to contact her if you'd like. She'll tell you the same thing I'm telling you. Noooo... HO won't make an exception *just for you.*

Please excuse me while I go find a wall to bang my head against...

Tell her: "lucky you! You can sign up with the mini kit and earn 3 new stones in your first 30 days!" lol
  • Thread starter
  • #41
"No I don't answer my phone on Wednesday or Friday nights. I work those nights. What do I do? Oh, I do shows."
  • #42
I love that Nancy! I love the "well I work a full time job adn the only time I can call you is 9 on week nights" really because I work a full time job too! so I am not available during my family dinner time! Nor at 9 pm... ever unless you make a specific appointment. And even better I am working MY business 3+ nights a week so I am not even home... so dont call and then email because while I am doing a show I can't talk to YOU!
  • #43
I put all of my team in my phone with a specific ring so when it goes off, I know it's a consultant calling. I don't answer any calls from them after 9pm or before 9am. It's my policy and they know it. They also know that if they call me and say, "I have a question, call me back" that they will NOT get a call back. They have to leave the question/comment/concern/issue/problem/complaint/etc on my voicemail in order to get a call back. If they do leave that message, I send them a text asking them to CALL BACK to my VM with the question and I will call them back with an answer. I beat that into them.

They might not all work every month, but that part, they get!!! LOL! :p
  • #44
My Mother-in-law gets up at like 4:30 in the morning & thinks the whole world should be up & functioning by 7. I turn off all my ringers when I go to bed. I'm also a night owl & like to stay up until midnight or 1AM. My team knows it's okay to call late & not worry about waking me. They are more likely to catch me without distractions when the kids are in bed for nap or after bedtime at night. So it's common for them to call at 10 or even 11 at night (which is day time for the ones in Japan). But that works for me. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #45
My comment was when they asked me "oh, where do you work?" when I say I am working....

Related to Things We Would Like to Say to Our Team....

1. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you joined this business because you thought the business would just roll in to you... I didn't realize the phone was so intimidating to you--every time I see you you seem to be on it"

It's important to remember that running a successful business takes effort and dedication. Utilizing tools like the phone is necessary for reaching out to potential customers and building relationships with them. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and use all available resources to grow your business.

2. "Oh, i totally understand that you didn't have time to schedule any parties because your dog is sick."

We all have personal responsibilities and unexpected events that come up. However, it's important to prioritize and find a balance between personal and professional commitments. Don't let temporary obstacles hold you back from achieving your goals.

3. "Oh, your mom said she would get orders for you at work two weeks ago, and today's the 30th and you still haven't gotten catalogs to her? Bummer."

Communication is key in any business. Make sure to follow up with your customers and ensure that their orders are placed in a timely manner. This not only helps you maintain a good relationship with your customers, but also reflects positively on your business.

4. "Yes, you DO have to start all over again if you don't submit anything for two full months"

Consistency is crucial in building a successful business. If you take a break from your business for an extended period of time, it's important to put in the effort to get back on track. Starting over may seem daunting, but it's necessary in order to continue growing and achieving your goals.

5. "Oh I'm so sorry you couldn't find time to work the FREE booth I tried to give you this month--even tho you said you would, I didn't realize your aunt would have surgery and your mom would be upset."

Life can be unpredictable and sometimes things come up that are out of our control. However, it's important to communicate any conflicts or issues with your team leader or those who are counting on you. This allows for proper planning and adjustments to be made, and prevents disappointment or missed opportunities.

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