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theOfficial Hijacking Threads Hijack Thread

In summary, many people are complaining about the way threads get hijacked and morph into something completely unrelated to the original thread title. Some say it's just the way normal conversation flows and topics change as one topic reminds speakers of another. Others say thread hijacking is an awful thing and it is terribly annoying. Well, this thread is going to stay on topic: thread hijacking! Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.
  • #851
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Oh, c'mon now, there was some good stuff in the '80s, Walkin' On Sunshine, Gloria, Morning Train, Thriller, Sharp Dressed Man, Legs, Money For Nuthin', Take On Me, Walk Like An Egyptian and, and, and...okay, Milli Vanilli. You got me on that fraud.

I'm glad you have a fond memory of Small Small World but almost everyone I know goes postal when they hear it.

I don't hear it that often and that is a good thing, Martha! The 80's songs...the one the makes me postal that she cranks is Bon Jovi's "It's my Life". I have pushed the others out of my mind for now, but that is the one that makes me want to rip her speakers out!!
  • #852
Another annoying one is Good Morning Starshine--especially these lyrics:Gliddy gloop gloopy
Nibby nobby nuby
La la la lo lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nuby abba nabba
Lee lee lo loI always wondered what they'd been smoking when they wrote that.
  • #853
raebates said:
Another annoying one is Good Morning Starshine--especially these lyrics:

Gliddy gloop gloopy
Nibby nobby nuby
La la la lo lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nuby abba nabba
Lee lee lo lo

I always wondered what they'd been smoking when they wrote that.

Regretfully, it wasn't strong enough...they would have passed out instead of writing that song!!!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #854
Oh, the golden age of Broadway theatre. :rolleyes:Gimme a head with hair, long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming, steaming, flaxen, waxen
Give me down to there, hair!
Shoulder length, longer (hair!)
Here baby, there mama, Everywhere daddy daddyCHORUS:
Hair! (hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair)
Flow it, Show it;
Long as God can grow it, My Hair!...or...When the moon is in the Seventh House
and Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the starsThis is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!-----------
I dunno if the moon is out of the seventh house yet or not (I suspect it is) but in retrospect, the age of aquarius wasn't much better than the age before aquarius, at least, the way the writers of Hair expected it to be.
  • #855
And I say, "hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
hey, hey, hey
I say Hey! what going on?"
  • Thread starter
  • #856
Hey? Hay!That's the last straw.
  • #857
Straw's cheaper.
Grass is free.
Marry a farmer,
Get all three!

Or, the 70's version:

Straw's cheaper.
Grass is free,
Unless you get the really good stuff.
  • #858
And they call it....Puppy Loooovee

Delta Dawn...what's that flower you have on
  • Thread starter
  • #859
Hay is expensive unless you buy it after it's been through the horse. Of course, they get a pretty good buck for it then, too.
  • #860
Then there's:

First in my class here at MIT
Got skills, I'm a champion at D&D
M.C. Escher, that's my favorite M.C.
Keep your 40, I'll just have an Earl Grey tea
My rims never spin, to the contrary
You'll find that they're quite stationary
All of my action figures are cherry
Stephen Hawking's in my library

My MySpace page is all totally pimped out
Got people beggin' for my top eight spaces
Yo, I know pi to a thousand places
Ain't got no grills but I still wear braces
I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise
I'm a wiz at Minesweeper, I could play for days
Once you've see my sweet moves, you're gonna stay amazed
My fingers movin' so fast I'll set the place ablaze

There's no killer app I haven't run
At Pascal, well I'm number one
Do vector calculus just for fun
I ain't got a gat, but I got a soldering gun
Happy Days is my favorite theme song
I could sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong
I'll ace any trivia quiz you bring on
I'm fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon


I been browsin', inspectin' X-Men comics
You know I collect 'em
The pens in my pocket, I must protect them
My ergonomic keyboard never leaves me bored
Shoppin' online for deals on some writable media
I edit Wikipedia
I memorized Holy Grail really well
I can recite it right now and have you R-O-T-F-L-O-L

I got a business doing websites
When my friends need some code, who do they call?
I do HTML for 'em all
Even made a homepage for my dog
I got myself a fanny pack
They were havin' a sale down at The Gap
Spend my nights with a role of bubble wrap
Pop, pop - hope no one sees me gettin' freaky

I'm nerdy in the extreme
I'm Whiter than sour cream
I was in A/V club and glee club
And even the chess team
Only question I ever thought was hard
Was, "Do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?"
Spend every weekend at the Renaissance Faire
Got my name on my underwear

I relate to WAAAAY too many of those lyrics for comfort, and it seems like whenever I hear that song, parts of it end up stuck in my head.
  • #861
Hmmm...I am not familiar with this song, but I can tell by the lyrics that it probably is an ear worm!
  • #862
Defintely an earworm. One of my DS's friends did a mixed CD for him for our trip down to TX. That one definitely got stuck. I love it, though. Weird Al rocks!(I'm such a dweeb.)
  • #863
I'm so glad to be back on Chef Success.

I tried to access it earlier this evening, and I got some weird air force/nike site. Freaky! Imagine my panic when I thought I had been cut off from all my cheffer buddies!!!

I emailed Debbie, and she assured me that the site still existed, and that I wasn't the only one with that problem. As I told her, I really do have a wonderful, full life with lots of great friends. However, you guys and gals have become a part of my life. I would really miss you if you disappeared on me.
  • #864
Rae- I love Weird Al, too! If you ever have a chance to see him perform live, GO! He puts on a fantastic show! I just noticed on his webpage (www.weirdal.com) that he's going to be in Detroit this summer. Unfortunately, I think it's for the Taste Fest, which I avoid like the plague because of the crowds.BTW, I HAVE seen him perform White and Nerdy live (VH1 Big in '06 show). It was amazing.
  • Thread starter
  • #865
He appears at Summerfest a lot - maybe it's homage to Uncle Frankie?No, I know he's not related but it's a fun myth. Besides, they recorded Who Stole The Kishka together.
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  • #866
This thread may need another little jolt of nitro!
What shall we do? We can not let it die!! I have to get going for now, but will check back to make sure the IV drip is running well.:eek:
  • Thread starter
  • #867
The drip is here.
  • #868
With all the rest of us drips, you're just a drop in the bucket, KG.
  • Thread starter
  • #869
As many times as I've been called a drip, I'm not sure anyone has ever called me a drop.At least, until now.
  • #870
but please watch what you drop in the bucket!!
  • #871
guess it's better to be a drop in the bucket, than to kick the bucket:D :D
  • #872
I'm one of a kind, KG, just like you.Hey, wait a minute. That doesn't sound right.
  • Thread starter
  • #873
What's scary is that I know what you mean.I think.
  • #874
That probably should scare you.
  • Thread starter
  • #875
Not half as much as how I'm starting to find my way around Indiana!Anderson...Muncie...all tonight! :eek:
  • #876
Wow! I think you've earned the dubious distinction of honorary hoosier.
  • Thread starter
  • #877
Hoosier daddy?
  • #878
Wow! Amazing moment of déjà vu!
  • Thread starter
  • #879
All over again.
  • #880
Thanks, Mr. Berra.
  • #881
Where is Momma Beth and Jason?!?!?
  • #883
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
You can just call me Paul.

Hmmm. I thought Joseph Barberra was the cartoon guy.
  • #884
amy07 said:
Where is Momma Beth and Jason?!?!?
I'm here Amy, don't worry! But who knows about that Jason??
  • #885
Please don't leave me!!
  • Thread starter
  • #886
raebates said:
Hmmm. I thought Joseph Barberra was the cartoon guy.
I think my Paul Berra joke died.
  • #887
HA! I just got that one, KG!! Took me a while, but I got it! Pardon me, I think I'm having a coffin attack! dang allergies!
  • Thread starter
  • #888
Did you think this was a grave discussion?
  • #889
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I think my Paul Berra joke died.

As my DS and I often told one another:

My lack of response did not indicate a lack of understanding. Instead, it was a demonstration of my opinion regarding the lack of funny in your joke. :p
  • #890
You'll all love this.

I went to a high school play last night. My friend's friend was one of the directors, and it was at my the school I graduated from. We've gone before, and it's always a good time. High school productions are great!

This was a comedy. Now, while I do occasionally giggle like Betty Rubble, I more often have a great big belly laugh (which comes from my great big belly :D). I spent years in theater. My theater buddies all especially love to invite me to their comedies because I laugh loud at everything. It works like a living laugh track to get others in the audience laughing. (I don't do it on purpose. I'm just really easily entertained.)

The performance was great. The young man playing the lead has a real future in theater. (I suggested to the director/drama teacher that they should do The Odd Couple next year with him in the role of Felix Unger. Tough part for a kid, but he could definitely pull it off.)

A girl who appeared to be about 12 years old sat in the row ahead of us. She was two seats down from me, one seat over from my friend. During the first act she turned around several times when my friend and I laughed loud. The rest of the crowd was kind of dead, so our laughter stood out. We're used to that. We're even used to kids looking at us when it happens.

By intermission, at the end of the second act, it was obvious that our laughter was irritating her--mine in particular. (My friend's laugh is a bit more lady-like than mine.) By the end of the third act she was visibly annoyed. During the fourth act, she shushed me! That's right. A pre-teen little twerp shushed me for laughing during a comedy! :eek:

Sadly for her, that just made us laugh all the more. We found it really funny. I was hoping she'd turn around and give me the fish-eye again. I wanted to stick my toungue out at her. :p

After the performance, the cast came out into the audience to greet their friends and family. We caught twerp-girl tattling on us to her big sister who had a major supporting role. Made us laugh again--long and loud. I mean, can't you just hear that conversation? "See those two ladies over there? They were laughing. Really loud. I shushed them."

I actually decided the whole thing was really sad. I mean, if she's that uptight and crotchety now, what's she going to be like when she gets old like me? Sad. Very sad. :(
  • Thread starter
  • #891
raebates said:
As my DS and I often told one another:

My lack of response did not indicate a lack of understanding. Instead, it was a demonstration of my opinion regarding the lack of funny in your joke. :p
Hey, c'mon! I put the "fun" in "funeral!"
  • #892
Yes, you do!
  • #893
I think this thread may need its own funeral!!
  • #894
Rae that is too funny of a story! I could see her shushing you if it was some sad play and you were laughing at a character dying or something, but goodness gracious... it's a comedy for pete's sake! Someone needs to ship that girl into shape before high school or she will never survive! I say good for you for laughing... they do say laughter is a great workout ya know...
  • Thread starter
  • #895
There is nothing more fun than attending a show or watching a movie that is full of Easter eggs and being the only one in the auditorium laughing at them! (Easter eggs are inside gags or jokes that have nothing to do with the plot line.)

I remember receiving a pass to go see the remake of The Wild Wild West (Will Smith as James West) when it came out. That film is full of inside jokes and references to the old television series. Both The Kat Lady and I were cracking up at all of them - and we were the only ones in the theatre who were laughing! We were getting many of those same looks from people who thought that movie was a drama and not the comedy it was made to be. (Maybe that's why it didn't do well at the box office - it was a dark comedy but I don't think a lot of people figured that out!)

One specific scene really cracked us up! One character, a military general, lost an ear in battle and had a prosthetic brass ear horn. The general gets killed, and there is a close-up of his face with the ear horn facing upward. His little white dog comes and sits next to the ear horn with his head tipped to the side - an exact reference to the famous old RCA-Victor logo featuring Nipper, the white dog, next to the Victor Gramophone with the tagline, "His Master's Voice." We almost split a gut laughing at that one!

Your 12 YO girl's mother must have been in the row in front of us - she obviously didn't get the gag, she turned and glared at us! If looks could kill, we would have been splattered all over the back of the theatre! (Apparently, we're not supposed to laugh at the death of a character, even if it IS a sight gag!)

His Master's Voice

Confucious Say: He who laughs last didn't get the joke!
  • #896
Alison, I'm afraid that little girl is in for a very long, unhappy life.I laugh a lot. People who haven't seen me in 20 years will recognize me in a crowded room because of my laugh. (It's distinctive, but not weird.) Life is way too short to be taken seriously. I also believe that laughter is a precious gift from God. He is the Creator of joy and laughter.As I said, I'm used to the looks. I'm waaaaay too frequently the only person in a theater laughing. I find myself explaining inside jokes, sight gags, etc., to my friends after movies and plays. My brain is obviously wired differently than most people's.The Wild, Wild West was amazingly funny! I remember the scene you're talking about, KG. I almost wet my pants. Unfortunately, humor for which you need to think isn't always appreciated.
  • Thread starter
  • #897
I'm used to dropping one liners and puns, only to have people look at me like I have carrots hanging out of my ears.Norman Cousins' Anatomy of an Illness should be required reading in school, along with To Kill A Mockingbird and Atlas Shrugged.
  • #898
Haven't read Anatomy of an Illness. I'll have to pick that up. I agree, though, about the others. Classics.
  • Thread starter
  • #899
Norman Cousins was diagnosed with a rare, crippling and incurable degenerative disease called ankolysing spodylitis in 1964 and was advised "...to get your affairs in order." Instead, he checked out of the hospital and into a hotel room, rented a projector and every comedy he could get his hands on. (This was decades before anyone had thought of video tape.) He did nothing but take mega doses of vitamin C, watch comedies and laugh. He said that 10 minutes of belly laughs gave him hours of pain relief.He lived until 1990, despite being misdiagnosed with several other illnesses. (I would have fired my doctor years before that, I think!)I never really agreed with many of his political viewpoints but to this day, I admire his chutzpah and the way he faced his malodies.
  • #900
Rae, I will be listening for that distinctive laugh at conference!! I can GUARANTEE this little twerp doesn't act like this in the classroom...she would have no friends to sit with to give fish eyes to!!
Just think...she will be Hallmark's new Maxine someday!!
<h2>1. What is a thread hijacking?</h2><p>A thread hijacking occurs when the topic of a conversation in a forum thread shifts from the original subject to something completely unrelated.</p><h2>2. Why do threads get hijacked?</h2><p>There are a few reasons why threads may get hijacked. Sometimes, it's simply the natural flow of conversation as one topic leads to another. Other times, it may be due to a lack of moderation or enforcement of staying on topic. Some users may also intentionally hijack threads for attention or to disrupt the conversation.</p><h2>3. Is thread hijacking a common issue on forums?</h2><p>Yes, thread hijacking is a common issue on forums. It can be frustrating for users who are genuinely interested in the original topic and can make it difficult for others to follow the conversation.</p><h2>4. How can thread hijacking be prevented?</h2><p>Moderation is key in preventing thread hijacking. Forum moderators should actively monitor threads and redirect the conversation back to the original topic if it veers off track. Setting clear guidelines for staying on topic can also help prevent thread hijacking.</p><h2>5. What should I do if I notice a thread being hijacked?</h2><p>If you notice a thread being hijacked, you can try politely redirecting the conversation back to the original topic. You can also flag the thread for moderation or report the issue to a forum moderator. It's important to remember to stay respectful and avoid engaging in any arguments or off-topic discussions.</p>

Related to theOfficial Hijacking Threads Hijack Thread

1. What is a thread hijacking?

A thread hijacking occurs when the topic of a conversation in a forum thread shifts from the original subject to something completely unrelated.

2. Why do threads get hijacked?

There are a few reasons why threads may get hijacked. Sometimes, it's simply the natural flow of conversation as one topic leads to another. Other times, it may be due to a lack of moderation or enforcement of staying on topic. Some users may also intentionally hijack threads for attention or to disrupt the conversation.

3. Is thread hijacking a common issue on forums?

Yes, thread hijacking is a common issue on forums. It can be frustrating for users who are genuinely interested in the original topic and can make it difficult for others to follow the conversation.

4. How can thread hijacking be prevented?

Moderation is key in preventing thread hijacking. Forum moderators should actively monitor threads and redirect the conversation back to the original topic if it veers off track. Setting clear guidelines for staying on topic can also help prevent thread hijacking.

5. What should I do if I notice a thread being hijacked?

If you notice a thread being hijacked, you can try politely redirecting the conversation back to the original topic. You can also flag the thread for moderation or report the issue to a forum moderator. It's important to remember to stay respectful and avoid engaging in any arguments or off-topic discussions.

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