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Personal Request Regarding Spring Launch

I don't think that would work.maybe someone could start a thread that says "email me @ and I'll send you the new product list" or something. And then folks can email him/her directly for the info, without everyone posting "Send to me at xxx@" forever. And that person doesn't have to constantly check the thread for those requests.
Gold Member
I would like to put this request officially "out there".

I will be attending Spring Launch on Wednesday the 9th, and I know there are many people who will not attend until the 12th. I know we have differing opinions regarding whether or not the information announced should be kept secret, and I know we've had plenty of discussions about it before.

I would just like to request that no one spoil anyone else's surprises by posting information publicly until everyone has had a chance to attend their own Spring Launch.

Whether you choose to share with your team at a meeting, PM others, etc. I'll leave that up to you. But if you could refrain from posting threads about announcements, products, promos and such for the coming week, I'd greatly appreciate that.

Thank you!
I completely agree with this.
Thanks! I agree
I agree. I'll be sharing things privately with my team, but wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for anyone.
Yes please....I don't get to enjoy the surprises til the 9th too....and I LOVE Surprises! :D
I'm from the other side! I can't go to spring launch and won't hear the stuff until it comes out on CC. Would someone PM me with the news? Thanks in advance!
Yes please, no posting. I go on the 12th as well!!!!
jchriste65 said:
I'm from the other side! I can't go to spring launch and won't hear the stuff until it comes out on CC. Would someone PM me with the news? Thanks in advance!

I sure will, however it won't be until late Saturday night by the time I get back home. So if Saturday night/Sunday morning is okay with you.
NooraK said:
I would like to put this request officially "out there".

I will be attending Spring Launch on Wednesday the 9th, and I know there are many people who will not attend until the 12th. I know we have differing opinions regarding whether or not the information announced should be kept secret, and I know we've had plenty of discussions about it before.

I would just like to request that no one spoil anyone else's surprises by posting information publicly until everyone has had a chance to attend their own Spring Launch.

Whether you choose to share with your team at a meeting, PM others, etc. I'll leave that up to you. But if you could refrain from posting threads about announcements, products, promos and such for the coming week, I'd greatly appreciate that.

Thank you!

"LIKE" I don't go until the 12th.... :(
  • #10
I'm not going at all. Instead of this thread becoming extremely long with requests to please PM with info etc why not just make one WELL marked spoiler thread and those who don't want to know, don't open that thread? Would that work? Are there any official rules from PC regarding this like there is with Conference?
  • #11
kcjodih said:
I'm not going at all. Instead of this thread becoming extremely long with requests to please PM with info etc why not just make one WELL marked spoiler thread and those who don't want to know, don't open that thread? Would that work? Are there any official rules from PC regarding this like there is with Conference?
Yes there are rules. I am sure that they will be asking people to be careful and not share until all have attended their launches. Some of us have team members going to different launches so we can't share with our entire team but we are free to share with those on our own teams that won't be going to a future launch.

As far as putting a spoiler thread out, no that would not work. It would be like when conference was in 3 waves - too hard to keep the secrets and too tempting if that is out there. There is one week between the first and last launches. We can keep quiet for that long.

I would start another thread for pm me requests though.
  • #12
Too much temptation to have it here but stay away from it!! I didn't go last year and forked out the dough and comitted to a 6 hour drive to attend this year (Dallas on the 12th)and would appreciate everyone's respectful compliance of Nora's request! TIA
  • #13
Maybe whoever IS willing to type up the list of items and share it to others should start a thread on Saturday/Sunday that just says " email me @ and I'll send you the new product list" or something. Then folks can email him/her directly for the info, without everyone posting "Send to me at xxx@" forever. And that person doesn't have to constantly check the thread for those requests. I'm not going, and I saw that other thread in which it WAS posted for a few hours, so I know, but I didn't write anything down or remember everything....so I can't volunteer for that. :D
  • #14
I should have flyers ready this weekend (I snagged screenshots of the catalog when I was leaked the other day so I'd have some extra time to work on the spring splash), but not sure how I could go about distributing it to those who want it, without subjecting myself to being bombarded with requests, as I don't plan to make it available on the TT website till all meetings are complete... I'll post if I can figure out a good method.
  • #15
So did another thread ever get started for those of us that cannot attend a spring launch to get the news early?
  • #16
I am going on the 12th :( sooo far away but I agree :)
  • #17
What's wrong with not knowing until it is officially put out there if you aren't going to Spring Launch? Or, since it probably won't be on CC until the 14th, not having it put out here until the morning of the 12th - by then the ones who are going on the 12th will be in the meeting and nothing would be spoiled - accidently or otherwise - for those who didn't want to know.
  • #18
Well I know some people who have pages on FB were saying they were going to post it there immediately after returning home on Saturday. I am betting as in the past, HO will ask nothing is released to anyone before the 12th.
  • #19
pcchefjane said:
Well I know some people who have pages on FB were saying they were going to post it there immediately after returning home on Saturday. I am betting as in the past, HO will ask nothing is released to anyone before the 12th.

Yup...we've seen how well THAT has worked in the past. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #20
pcchefjane said:
Well I know some people who have pages on FB were saying they were going to post it there immediately after returning home on Saturday. I am betting as in the past, HO will ask nothing is released to anyone before the 12th.

I have to say I'm a bit sad about that. I understand that the pages are primarily for communication with customers and hosts, and it's the consultant's prerogative to post if they wish (assuming HO doesn't ask to keep things secret), but I do follow quite a few pages so that I can see what others are doing. Posting a warning is a nice gesture, but since FB goes in a reverse chronological order, if I were to sign in Sunday morning, I'd see the announcements before the warnings.

I'm glad I saw a discussion tonight, and I've gone and hidden all PC Pages from my news feed.
  • #21
pcsharon1 said:
What's wrong with not knowing until it is officially put out there if you aren't going to Spring Launch? Or, since it probably won't be on CC until the 14th, not having it put out here until the morning of the 12th - by then the ones who are going on the 12th will be in the meeting and nothing would be spoiled - accidently or otherwise - for those who didn't want to know.

Nothing wrong with that. Just excited and wanting to know before then. Some people don't mind sharing early and those are the people that I would like to be in touch with so I can get a fun email as early as possible :) Since it is not possible for me to go to a Spring Launch, I don't see what the harm is in somebody that IS able to go sharing with me early.
  • #22
I'm one of those who will be posting things on my fb page for my customers (probably Sunday afternoon, since I won't get home until late on Saturday). I posted a warning today so that any consultants can Unlike me until after they've attended their own SL. So, consider this a second warning--Unlike my page for a week. I'm honored when other consultants are interested in what I'm doing, but my first concern with my fan page is for my customers and hosts. I have shows scheduled for early March, and my hosts are anxious to find out what they can get as part of the special.
  • #23
raebates said:
I'm one of those who will be posting things on my fb page for my customers (probably Sunday afternoon, since I won't get home until late on Saturday). I posted a warning today so that any consultants can Unlike me until after they've attended their own SL. So, consider this a second warning--Unlike my page for a week.

I'm honored when other consultants are interested in what I'm doing, but my first concern with my fan page is for my customers and hosts. I have shows scheduled for early March, and my hosts are anxious to find out what they can get as part of the special.

Ditto here.

I have shows March 1st, March 3rd, and March 5th. It's hard enough that I can't get these hosts catalogs until the middle of the month - and I've already let them know that I'll be posting info for them on FB, so that they can share some info with their guests who are being invited on FB. I just posted to let everyone know that I'll be posting Launch info later this weekend. So this would be my 2nd warning also. :)
  • #24
Thanks for letting us know if you are planning to post launch info on facebook before everyone has a chance to go to their launch and learn it there. I have gone in and temporarily 'unliked' all of my PC friends fan pages.

Now, for those of you who do not have fan pages and are planning to post the info on your personal page, or for those of you who have a fan page and are planning to post it in both places, please let us know that as well so that I can temporarily hide you .... I will be upset if I learn it from you and not from my Spring Launch.

btw - I didn't hide you Noora since we'll be together for our spring launch :)
  • #25
I'm another one that will be posting news on my fan page... nothing crazy, since I cannot attend a Spring Launch, but a few little teasers here and there. :) Hope you all have a wonderful time at the Launch!
  • #26
Again - I am only posting info on my PC Page.

I have to say that I think it to be a bit forward, and out of line, to ask me to not post info on a page that is for MY guests and hosts.

If my PC Fan Page was for other consultants, I can see where there would be an issue...but my Fan Page was built for my Customers. They are who I am talking to and sharing with when I post on that page. While other consultants are welcome to like the page, they really have no right to dictate what I share on that page - they are just visitors there.

And this isn't directed towards you Noora - but I've been accused of "spoiling" the surprise, and of cheating, and being "cavalier" towards others...and I do take exception to that. I am managing my business, and providing service and information for my customers on a page that was built expressly for that purpose. Anyone has the ability to hide that page until after their launch.

So please - I really don't want any more emails or messages on FB about this - I'm not doing anything to purposely spoil anyone's fun. I would never post info on a page that was for everyone, or on here.
  • Thread starter
  • #27
ChefBeckyD said:
Again - I am only posting info on my PC Page.

I have to say that I think it to be a bit forward, and out of line, to ask me to not post info on a page that is for MY guests and hosts.

If my PC Fan Page was for other consultants, I can see where there would be an issue...but my Fan Page was built for my Customers. They are who I am talking to and sharing with when I post on that page. While other consultants are welcome to like the page, they really have no right to dictate what I share on that page - they are just visitors there.

And this isn't directed towards you Noora - but I've been accused of "spoiling" the surprise, and of cheating, and being "cavalier" towards others...and I do take exception to that. I am managing my business, and providing service and information for my customers on a page that was built expressly for that purpose. Anyone has the ability to hide that page until after their launch.

So please - I really don't want any more emails or messages on FB about this - I'm not doing anything to purposely spoil anyone's fun. I would never post info on a page that was for everyone, or on here.

Aw, I'm sorry you're getting that kind of a reaction.

I agree that it's completely up to you as to how you want to handle your page. It's for you to communicate with your customers (I just like seeing the cool recipes you post :)).

While I like that HO has gone to a regional training format, what I'm sad about is these issues created by it. I know we used to deal with it during Conference, but Doris used to expressly state she didn't want us to spoil surpirses. Plus, we didn't have FB thrown into the mix. But I suppose there's never going to be an ideal solution, since there are way too many consultants spread across the country to be able to do all these events at once.
  • #28
raebates said:
I'm one of those who will be posting things on my fb page for my customers (probably Sunday afternoon, since I won't get home until late on Saturday). I posted a warning today so that any consultants can Unlike me until after they've attended their own SL. So, consider this a second warning--Unlike my page for a week.

I'm honored when other consultants are interested in what I'm doing, but my first concern with my fan page is for my customers and hosts. I have shows scheduled for early March, and my hosts are anxious to find out what they can get as part of the special.

Rae - is this going to be on your personal fb page or do you have a fan page?
  • #29
For those wanting to post on FB- I would make it more of a "WOW these new products are FANTASTIC- book your show for March and be the FIRST customers to see the new line!!" Make it so tempting, they'll want to book a show ;)
  • #30
pamperedlinda said:
Rae - is this going to be on your personal fb page or do you have a fan page?

That is what I was just going to ask as well.
  • #31
If our company, who I feel privileged to be a part of, would like us to wait until all of our consultants are enlightened about the new products, etc., I feel compelled to NOT share any information until then. jmho
  • #32
If our company, who I feel privileged to be a part of, would like us to wait until all of our consultants are enlightened about the new products, etc., I feel compelled to NOT share any information until then. jmho

Agreed - I would hate to be talking to someone and find out that a customer knows something before a consultant.
  • Thread starter
  • #33
pamperedlinda said:
Rae - is this going to be on your personal fb page or do you have a fan page?

chefheidi2003 said:
That is what I was just going to ask as well.

She has a Page. She will not be posting on her personal profile.
  • #34
Maybe this has been addressed...I haven't been on here much in the past 8 months. A lot of drama in my life... But do you have completely different pages for your business or are they linked to your personal fb page with the ads and pages "button"? Mine is linked with the "page" button and everything I post there shows up on my personal page. I actually haven't used it much because of all my drama, but would like to use it more for my business. Thanks
  • #35
if anyone is sending out emails early for us that would like to know early can i get on somones list? I too am not going to a spring launch and like others have mentioned. This is SOOOO late to find out about things we will be offering our hosts soon. I think the July conferences gives us more time to familiarize oursleves with the new prodcuts. This time it just seems like we're going to be so rushed. So if anyone is sending out the info early pealse please email me. [email protected] Thanks!
  • #36
I would also like the info. Unable to go to spring launch due to family commitments and would love to find out about the new products. Please someone help the suspense is killing me
  • #37
I am going on the 9th but I want to know NOW! So, if anyone wants to share please PM me. Thanks!
  • #38
I cannot attend springlaunch due to family obligations , so if someone would PM me that would be great .
Thanks in advance.
  • #39
I'm providing the info to the team, but requesting that they keep it hush-hush & not share it with customers or hosts until after the 12th. I know that some consultants would be super disappointed if they were scheduled to go to SL later & accidentally learned about the new products from a non-PC person. ;)

I won't be posting on FB until the 12th. ;)
  • #40
While I am excited to know the new products, right now I'm more interested in what's being discontinued. If someone could please PM me that information I'll be a good girl and wait for my director to share the new products with me.
  • #41
I completely agree Mystik.... I have guests from a show this week that want to know if they should order things, what they are discontinueing etc. I don't what to tell them. I can wait for the new stuff but would love to know what were getting rid of. Can someone pm that?
  • #42
Please add me to the list of those who would love to get a PM on both new products and those that are being retired. Can't make Spring Launch and will be out of communication for a week soon. Thanks!
  • #43
Tams said:
Please add me to the list of those who would love to get a PM on both new products and those that are being retired. Can't make Spring Launch and will be out of communication for a week soon. Thanks!

Please add me too. Thanks!:love:
  • #44
Tams said:
Please add me to the list of those who would love to get a PM on both new products and those that are being retired. Can't make Spring Launch and will be out of communication for a week soon. Thanks!

Please add me to the list also. Health problems has cause me not to go anywhere.

  • #45
We were given the official do NOT spill the beans talk until after the the 12th. It is only fair that everyone gets the same amount of excitement from their Spring Launch so I hope everyone here who has attended, including myself, can keep their "fingers" quiet! And a secondary reminder, even for all of you who have not attended a meeting yet, unless you have your February booked where you want it, DO NOT TELL YOUR CUSTOMERS EITHER! If you do, you may be pushing a February party into March. After all, our hosts in March do get any one of the new products at 60% off for hosting in March.
  • #46
Please PM me regarding new products. I am not going to spring launch. Thanks!
  • #47
John, we were simply asked to pledge not to share any information until our February was booked. Though, I'm changing my tactic to offering to send a new mini-cat to my customers. I feel perfectly comfortable sharing the list with people who couldn't make it, but I won't do that anywhere publicly.
  • #48
You got the swear right, Rae. I am also sending out some mini's to my best hosts & customers who are not shopping in Feb. I need to get my conference registration paid for!! :)
  • #49
In Hartford, we were told not to share ANYTHING with ANYONE until after the 12th. There was no "unless your February is booked" option. March hosts should be excited enough that they will be getting a choice of a brand new product for 60% off. I have more March shows booked than February and I didn't share any information other than our new catalog comes out March 1.
  • #50
I would love to know the new products ands SATS products we are getting. I couldn't attend due to work, please email me [email protected] or PM me. Thank you in advance!
<H2>What is the purpose of this request regarding Spring Launch?</H2><p>The purpose of this request is to ask Pampered Chef consultants to refrain from publicly sharing information about the Spring Launch until everyone has had a chance to attend and experience it for themselves.</p><H2>When is Spring Launch taking place?</H2><p>Spring Launch will be held on Wednesday, the 9th for some consultants, and on the 12th for others.</p><H2>Why is it important to keep the information announced at Spring Launch a secret?</H2><p>Some consultants may have differing opinions on whether or not the information should be kept secret, but it is important to respect the surprise and excitement of others who have not yet attended the event.</p><H2>How can consultants choose to share the information with their team?</H2><p>Consultants can choose to share the information with their team at a meeting, through private messages, or in other ways. The request is simply asking that the information is not publicly posted until everyone has had a chance to attend Spring Launch.</p><H2>Is there a specific time frame for when this request applies?</H2><p>This request applies for the coming week, until all consultants have had a chance to attend their own Spring Launch. After that, consultants are free to share the information as they choose.</p>

Related to Request Regarding Spring Launch

What is the purpose of this request regarding Spring Launch?

The purpose of this request is to ask Pampered Chef consultants to refrain from publicly sharing information about the Spring Launch until everyone has had a chance to attend and experience it for themselves.

When is Spring Launch taking place?

Spring Launch will be held on Wednesday, the 9th for some consultants, and on the 12th for others.

Why is it important to keep the information announced at Spring Launch a secret?

Some consultants may have differing opinions on whether or not the information should be kept secret, but it is important to respect the surprise and excitement of others who have not yet attended the event.

How can consultants choose to share the information with their team?

Consultants can choose to share the information with their team at a meeting, through private messages, or in other ways. The request is simply asking that the information is not publicly posted until everyone has had a chance to attend Spring Launch.

Is there a specific time frame for when this request applies?

This request applies for the coming week, until all consultants have had a chance to attend their own Spring Launch. After that, consultants are free to share the information as they choose.

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