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Director Maximizing Your January Meeting: Pre-Leadership Strategies for Double Points

In summary, Colleen is doing her meeting after she gets home, and she is doing a phone meeting on the Monday after leadership to discuss all the announcements.
Do you all wait until after Leadership to do your January meeting????

Just trying to weigh the options I was thinking before then I don't have to take a night out of double points but not sure that I should be thinking like this......
For some reason, I come home from Leadership EVERY YEAR with the flu! And I always, in the past, had my Spring Kick Off the Saturday after we got back. Last year I did it with a 103F fever and it was horrible.This year, I am doing a conference call Sunday night for anyone who wants to hear the announcements and ask any questions. Since HO posts everything as soon as Leadership is over, they knew all of the products, trip announcements, etc.I took the idea from Deb that I am doing it the last Saturday of the month so they can see the products. Then I'm going to set up stations to make the new theme show recipes. I think it will be fun.
Colleen - a few days before any conference start drinking Airborne or Emergen-C or some kind of immune booster. At conference, keep a water bottle with you with packets of the immune booster and keep drinking those - it really helps and my director swears by it!As for meetings (sorry for the hijack), mine is on the 15th. Most of them will have seen the Special Edition CN, but I want them to feel the excitement from Leadership as well as see all the goodies I brought home!
cmdtrgd said:
Colleen - a few days before any conference start drinking Airborne or Emergen-C or some kind of immune booster. At conference, keep a water bottle with you with packets of the immune booster and keep drinking those - it really helps and my director swears by it!

I've done that every single year... and no matter what... I still get the flu. My dr. thinks it's mostly because I work at home (live alone) and don't have kids so when I go, I'm exposed to lots of different things that I'm normally not around. No amount of Airborne will matter! (His words, not mine). So at least I know what to expect!

Anyway... back to the meeting ideas...
I tend to get sick also, but it is usually because I don't get enough sleep.

I am doing my meeting after I get home. My director talked about doing a meeting earlier in the month to get people on track for the new year.
Colleen - get out there and sub in your local Elementary school once a month!!!Heh....are any of your team members going to Leadership with you? Could you have them help you with the meeting or even give your strong team members assignments in exchange for secrets while at Leadership?
My meeting will be on the 10th since I can't go :cry: and no one from my team is going either.:(

We usually meet on the first Thursday of the month but moved it because of the holidays and then I had a host wanting to do her show that day - and now has cancelled!:yuck::mad: She wanted it before returning to school and now she says she has too busy of a class schedule - whatever.

Anyway, I am doing a phone meeting on the Monday after leadership to discuss all the announcements.
cmdtrgd said:
Colleen - get out there and sub in your local Elementary school once a month!!!

Heh....are any of your team members going to Leadership with you? Could you have them help you with the meeting or even give your strong team members assignments in exchange for secrets while at Leadership?

Thanks for the great ideas Kate! You are so awesome to help me out here!!!! (All of you are!!!!)

It's funny that you mention about volunteering at the local schools! Last year I went to my niece's and my nephew's school to see and was rejected. They will only allow parents to volunteer. They said, "It 'looks' strange when an adult that doesn't have children in the school want to help." When I didn't understand, they said it was for their children's "safety" from unknown adult strangers. Evidently, only single adults kidnap kids and are pedophiles... married adults with kids are okay. I was even turned down from helping with the girl scouts. Having a child in the troop is a requirement. So I get my fill by attending every sport and school function I can for my niece and nephew!!! I have a better record of attendance at every event than their parents do! What's even more interesting is that as I told my friends these stories, most of them agreed with the school's view. They wouldn't want an adult they didn't know working with their kids. Maybe I should look into Big Sisters.... I didn't think of that until just now.

On your second thought... and this is going to be come a TOTAL HIJACK here.... (Be prepared!) I haven't posted anything about this because I am pretty down on my team right now. I'm doing my best to be a good director, role-model, mentor, etc and they just don't seem to want to follow my lead. I am the only one on my team, and the only one on my director's team who is going to leadership. My director's personal team has all but dissolved. I have no idea who is left besides me... since she moved, their is no communication from her or among any of the other consultants. I have been working directly with my director's director on coaching calls every other week since June.

I have one future director, but she has ZERO ambition to move her business forward. She says she does, but does no work to make anything happen. She will only sign someone if they come to her and say, I WANT TO DO THIS! The rest of them, really, are hobbyists. I did the 5th quarter assignment that my NED gave me and the reality is, I really need all new people. They are fine... average $2000-$4000 a month as a group but no one has the fire to want to do more.

I really don't know what to do. They love the recognition at the meeting and there certainly isn't a lack of that... they say the meetings are great and informative, but they aren't a priority for them to attend. Sometimes I have more hospitality than I do consultants from my team. They've done almost exactly half of the # of shows and sales in 2006 than they did in 2007. The good news is that my business (# of shows and sales) have doubled in the second half of 2007 over 2006. In October, I was up 360% personally over October 2006.

I listened to a "must attend" meetings cd from leadership last year. One idea I heard that I liked was inviting the top performers to a "Breakfast of Champions" each month. Inviting the top 4 in sales and top 2 recruiters to breakfast on Saturday each month. I liked that and think I'll try it.

I am at such a loss of what to do with them! I sent out a bingo challenge at the beginning of December with the challenge to get a Bingo on a sheet of business activities to do to keep them working over the holidays. If they got a Bingo, they would get a personal call from me from Leadership. NOT ONE SINGLE ONE OF THEM did it. And it was soooooo easy to do!

When I ask them to do something at a meeting, they either don't show up at all, without telling me they aren't coming, or show up and say, "Oh... I'm not going to do that part... I didn't have time to prepare" or whatever. My attendance averages around 3-8 at any given meeting (I know when it rains/snows I will have exactly half show up who said they were coming).

So I am at a a loss.... anyone have any thoughts? Honestly, on one hand I feel so great about my personal business because it's better than it's ever been and on the other hand, I feel like the loser director.

I guess the answer is is that they are really hobbyists. And I know, if you can't change your people, change your people. I have lots of recruit leads who want to talk in January. I'm really looking forward to getting a great boost a Leadership. Maybe if they see new people coming in and being excited, they will be to?

Not sure... thanks so much for all of your help! I really, really, really want 2008 to ROCK but I feel like I am starting at zero with my TEAM.

HELP? (PS: Thanks for reading my novel of a post!)

PPS: I've been sitting with this for 10 minutes debating whether or not to delete my text or post it... I feel like I'm baring my soul here and usually I keep the problems I have to myself.... okay here goes... hitting submit!
Colleen - this is EXACTLY why we are here!First off - look into getting in the sub pool in your local district. Most will let you decide which school(s) to sub at, but you are at the mercy of the teachers on when you are needed. When I did sub, I would take off days I didn't want to work and actively look for jobs via the sub system - email me at [email protected] if you want more info.As for the team, it sounds like you need to partner up with a few other directors and get exciting meetings going. I love the meetings I attend and help with. However, my director makes tons of money with a huge downline and what she does right now does not apply to my business. If it weren't for the other successful people who attend the meetings, I wouldn't be as inspired and as "I can do that if she can". As for the FD, be blunt. Ask her if this is still really something she wants and let her know she doesn't have to say yes. You probably have already done that, but keep with it. Ask her how she wants you to keep her accountable - some people aren't coachable (in certain times of their lives) and you have to let them go back to doing what they think is best. Work closely with her downline because you never know when they are going to be yours.And...RECRUIT!!!
  • #10
Thanks Kate! I feel better already! Maybe just admitting my problems helped!!!!The biggest problem and best opportunity for me is that there really aren't any other directors around me. There was an ED about an hour away that I used to attend her trainings when I could but her team tanked and now she's down to AD. She's not going to Leadership and neither are any of her directors. One FD (chefann) is going... she and I are driving and rooming together. Ann comes to my meetings and is such a joy. Her enthusiasm is boundless! I'd love to bottle it and inject it into the others!I plan to talk to my FD this week so I will do as you suggest and ask again. Thanks again for your help! I'm feeling more positive now! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!I will check about jobs via the sub system... can I do that without any teaching background?
  • #11
{{{{{HUGS!}}}}} Colleen, I could have written a lot of what you did - except the part about your personal business - mine was the worse year I've had - it seems anyway.

There is nothing we can do if they don't have the passion. Change your people.

Keep doing what you're doing in your personal business and share that success. Those that are worth your time will be so glad you did!

My goal in 2008 is to rebuild my personal business and grow my team (and earn the trip in the mean time).
  • #12
Colleen - it depends on the district. Some require a certificate, some require a degree, some require you to be at least 21, some require some sort of training class. Plus, it is a great way to expand your customer and recruiting base!
  • #13
Thanks so much again everyone! I SO wish leadership was next week!!!!
  • #14
I'm not ready for it! I'm in the middle of moving my "office" from the sitting room attached to my bedroom to the den where nothing happens. That way I have room, I have a 5x8 table as my "desk" and I don't have to sneak around after a show to put paperwork where it is supposed to go! I need that to be done by next week so I can get the garage done by Leadership....whew. Anyone wanna come to Boise and help?
  • #15
I'm feeling better... just got a $100 online order for a gift certificate! I love those unexpected orders!!!!!!
  • #16
:cry:WHEW! Colleen! It is so good to know that I am not alone in feeling like a loser Director! I had 2 attend NC and said they wanted to promote by next July...only one of them has recruited anyone since then, and that was only 1!
I am upping my personal business for 2008 and have decided that if God wants me to make this what He wants, He will provide! I usually don't get into the being preachy or over zealous in my religion, but I have decided that I am really bad at "letting go and letting God"...a personal thing for me to work on! I know exactly what I am supposed to be doing, I just don't do it....like I should be calling folks tonight instead of sitting here typing this! I think I have gotten "decent" results with half way working my business and the idea of what it could be if I worked it like I am supposed to scares the beejesus out of me! Isn't that weird that success scares me? I am sure a psychiatrist would have a field day with me! I am hoping theat Leadership gives me the boost I need to really get going, and like you, I plan to just continue to share the opportunity with others and recruit, recruit, recruit! My team can always call me if they need something, but I am tired of asking for their goals and askiong how I can help them and getting NO reply! If it is to be, then God and I are gonna do it and if that means just being a consultant again, than so be it!
As for you getting sick at Leadership......GOOD LUCK! I understand about the being exposed to all new germs~I was when I worked at a pediatrician's office pre-kids and was sick the whole time I worked there (only 6 months...couldn't take any more:sick:) Now that my kids are in school, they get whatever floats through and then we get it, too! There is just no answer as bacteria tend to become resistant and change over years due to misuse of antibiotics!
OK-I am no longer ranting....my fingers hurt
  • #17
well, now...I leave this site after typing the above and go over to check CS....check this thread and post out

and then see my response after it.....I especially LOVE this statement:

"This business you have chosen has the ability to change lives. Direct sales
cannot do anything. But YOU can change lives with it. You are the one with
the life-changing ability. What are you waiting for?"

going to get on the phone now!
  • #18
Excellent thread! I am having a meeting in early Jan. (can not afford to go to leadership:(). That will be my "back to work" meeting. Then I have another in late January once the spring products arrive. Even though everyone knows what they are, I try to get everyone to have a chance to get to know the products and share ideas on how to sell them. My late Jan. meeting is usually decorated in the theme of the trip incentives to help build more momentum.
  • #19
January MeetingI'm having it the Monday, after leadership.
We moved it up, usually its the 3rd Monday of the Month, but my team members are excited!
I'm excited about Leadership too!
I'm still doing recognition for 2007, sales, recruiting,etc., red carpet event(on paper).
I have reminders to send out before I leave, its a special annual event.
I've been a Director for 2 years and found out the more exciting the meetings the more turn out.
Also, I've been working with team members (phone):who have worked on their Goal worksheet, which is in the Cons. planner. That seems to help, keep my team focus on their business.
Hope to see you at Leadership!,
  • #20

Thanks for pointing that thread out! Very inspirational!:money:

I will use a lot of it at my January meeting. My February meeting will be about the new season. I'll have the products by then so they can play with them and get excited about the new season to get it booked. BUT FIRST we all need to get our businesses booked!
  • #21
I did a New Product Party for my customers last fall. I knew what the products were and had a chance to play with them at NC, so I didn't open the boxes when they came. The people who came to the party got grab bags (old products - mainly from Surprise Boxes at NC) and got to open the boxes. Imagine their surprise when box 1 and 2 were open and there were 2 more to open!!! I did open it to my team, too, and one came. I think I'll do it again and start advertising it now.
  • #22
I have heard of this before and often wondered if you get recruit leads from it??? I think, also, that if your cluster came, you would get folks interested in promoting just to get the Directors packages!
Anyone have success with this in the ways I mentioned?
  • #23
I have gotten recruit leads, but no recruits yet.
  • #24
What I am doing for my Spring Kick-off on the 26th is having the TEAM and inviting all potentials. The first hour will be a Closer Look segment, then the new products revealed. Then I plan to have 3 stations set up to make some of the new recipes from the new theme shows (assuming there are new theme shows!). Then as we eat, I will cover any new announcements. I plan to ask the potentials to stay for the closer look segment and new products and then invite them to stay for the recipe prep if they would like. At least, that's the plan... ;)
  • #25
Colleen - great plan! Think about letting them open the boxes of new products. Not just the box they come in, but the shipping boxes. When you have the visual of a stack of boxes that you get for free, it makes a big impact!
  • #26
finley1991 said:
What I am doing for my Spring Kick-off on the 26th is having the TEAM and inviting all potentials. The first hour will be a Closer Look segment, then the new products revealed. Then I plan to have 3 stations set up to make some of the new recipes from the new theme shows (assuming there are new theme shows!). Then as we eat, I will cover any new announcements. I plan to ask the potentials to stay for the closer look segment and new products and then invite them to stay for the recipe prep if they would like.

At least, that's the plan... ;)

sounds like a really good plan~3 of the 4 directors I meet with are going to leadership (including myself) so we will be planning the meeting while there...we have our meeting on the 18th, so products won't be in by then. I think it would be a good idea to concentrate on recruiting since that is the easiest way to get the incentive trips. We are thinking that the Feb meeting is the one to concentrate on new products and theme shows.

Related to Maximizing Your January Meeting: Pre-Leadership Strategies for Double Points

1. How can I maximize my January meeting for double points?

To maximize your January meeting for double points, make sure to plan ahead and set clear goals for your meeting. This can include promoting the meeting to your team, setting a theme, and preparing any necessary materials or demonstrations. Additionally, make sure to remind your team members about the importance of attending the meeting for double points and offer incentives for those who bring guests.

2. What are some pre-leadership strategies I can use for my January meeting?

Some pre-leadership strategies for your January meeting include setting a clear agenda, preparing any necessary materials or demonstrations, and promoting the meeting to your team. You can also consider reaching out to potential guests and offering incentives for those who attend.

3. How can I encourage my team to attend the January meeting for double points?

To encourage your team to attend the January meeting for double points, make sure to communicate the importance of the meeting and how it can benefit their business. You can also offer incentives, such as free products or a raffle, to those who attend. Additionally, remind your team members that attending the meeting is a great opportunity to learn and grow their business.

4. What should I include in my January meeting agenda?

Your January meeting agenda should include the theme of the meeting, any necessary demonstrations or activities, and important announcements or updates. You can also consider including a training or educational session to help your team members improve their skills and grow their business.

5. How can I make my January meeting fun and engaging for my team?

To make your January meeting fun and engaging for your team, consider incorporating interactive activities or games related to the theme of the meeting. You can also offer prizes or incentives for participation. Additionally, make sure to keep the energy and enthusiasm high throughout the meeting by engaging with your team and encouraging them to participate.

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