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Lost Checks: What to Do When the Unthinkable Happens?

In summary, the person is missing checks that they submitted with intentions of depositing them when they got back. They have looked everywhere and are at a loss of what to do.
Gold Member
On Wednesday night, before leaving for Denver, I met up with a past host to get some checks for a few orders that she collected. I submitted the party that night (shipping to me) with intentions of depositing the checks when I got back. Here I am tonight and I cannot find the checks any where!! I have searched all over my house, in my purse, etc and cannot find them. I'm at a loss of what to do. I know I could call the guests and see if they could re-write the checks but I'm afraid that they would ask me to pay for the cancel fees on the original checks (which would be a wash for me). I can keep looking but I'm not even sure what happened to them. Usually I throw checks into my wallet but I didn't that night because I knew I was going to Denver.
Could they be mixed in some papers or a book?
Not sure who it is but I've heard people say pray to ST....somebody or other and you'll find your missing items...anyone?
St Anthony. I talk to him a lot....
So sorry you have to go through this! I feel your pain, I've had this happen to me a time or two, this is why I bought a PC money bag, all my payments go in there immediately, now I don't worry as much...I hope you find it soon before they debit it out of your account! Keep us posted.
Go through EVERYTHING...even places you are sure they are not.

Re-trace your steps when you got home that night. You probably set them somewhere weird.

Do you remember having them in your hand? Did you get into the car? Check the car. Think of the last place you are sure you had them and go from there.

Good luck!
I was looking for a gift certificate for a pedicure. I knew it was either on the counter or n my desk. I went back and forth between the 2 at least 10 times. It was on the counter the whole time. I had looked at the edge of it numerous times, but I thought it was a different color so didn't pick it up. Forget what you think the checks look like or what envelope or whatever you think you put them in. Even have someone else look with you. You have probably looked right over them.
You can also check with your host to make sure you didn't leave them with her. You can say that you just went to deposit them since returning, but couldn't locate them where you usually put checks & just wanted to check with her to make sure you didn't leave them. The prayer to St. Anthony I was taught as a child is "Dear St. Anthony, please come around, something is lost and can not be found. Please help me find... Thank you. Amen". And, yes - I still use it, and said it for you! I hope you find them.
Excellent idea to have another pair of eyes look for them!
And if it helps, I've done the same thing...
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Well she called me while I was packing for Denver so I ran out real quick and met up with her. I remember her handing me the first three checks and then writing me a fourth check for a return I was handling for her. After that I don't remember much!! I was too occupied with getting back home and finishing packing. I usually use my money bag but I didn't because all I grabbed as I left was my purse (which is the sling bag so there isn't much to loose in there). I'm still looking and hoping to find them!
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  • #11
Okay so I remembered one more thing... I grabbed my computer to double check that the checks were wrote out for the right amount when I got home. So they have to be some where here.
  • #12
So you grabbed the checks, hopped in the car, put them in the center console? Put them between the seats? Set them on the dash? Came home, grabbed them off the seat and put them in a drawer? Think! ;)
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  • #13
Teresa LM said:
So you grabbed the checks, hopped in the car, put them in the center console? Put them between the seats? Set them on the dash? Came home, grabbed them off the seat and put them in a drawer? Think! ;)

No I know they aren't in the car because I remember having them at home to double check the totals on my computer. The funny thing is DH decided to clean while I was in Denver - that's usually how things go missing around here! :rolleyes:
  • #14
Did you look under your mouse pad? I stick stuff there all the time.
  • #15
So you had it by the computer to check your amounts...it's not on your comuputer desk? do you have a trash can next to the computer that it could have fallen in? Just last week I thought I lost my PC Debit card, which I keep on my desk, and I was thinking where it could be, it fell in the trash can...if you didn't move it from the computer then it's around there somewhere...at least you know you brought them inside!
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  • #16
It was my laptop and I keep that by the couch. Last night I fell asleep early and tonight I won't be home until late but I'm going to tear apart the couch to see if I can find them.
  • #17
You're getting closer! At least you know they are inside the house. ;)

Related to Lost Checks: What to Do When the Unthinkable Happens?

1. What should I do if I lose a check from a customer?

If you have lost a check from a customer, the first thing you should do is contact the customer and inform them of the situation. They may be able to stop payment on the check or issue a new one. It is important to communicate with the customer and keep them updated on the situation.

2. Can I cancel a lost check and issue a new one?

Yes, if you have lost a check from a customer and have not already deposited it, you can cancel the check and issue a new one. However, it is important to inform the customer and have them confirm that the original check has not been deposited. You should also keep a record of the canceled check for your records.

3. What if the lost check has already been deposited?

If the lost check has already been deposited, you should contact your bank as soon as possible and inform them of the situation. They may be able to place a stop payment on the check or help you retrieve the funds. You should also contact the customer and inform them of the situation.

4. Will I be responsible for any fees or charges for a lost check?

It depends on your bank's policies and the specific circumstances of the lost check. If the check was lost due to a mistake on your part, you may be responsible for any fees or charges associated with canceling the check and issuing a new one. However, if the lost check was due to circumstances outside of your control, your bank may waive any fees or charges.

5. How can I prevent lost checks in the future?

To prevent lost checks in the future, it is important to have a system in place for keeping track of checks. This could include designating a specific place to store checks, keeping a log of all checks received, and regularly reconciling your records with your bank statements. You may also want to consider accepting electronic payments, such as credit cards or online transfers, to reduce the risk of lost or stolen checks.

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