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Director Laugh of the Day... Well, Kind Of!

In summary, the host of a show took money from orders and spent it on her daughter's birthday party. She then blamed the presenter for her own mismanagement. The presenter then had to threaten to cancel the show in order to receive the funds. Despite this, the checks did not arrive in the mail today and the presenter was left with no choice but to cancel the show.
Just had a host e-mail me... her catty show has been going on 6 weeks. I told her I would cancel the show unless I got the $$ from her Monday. I'm sick of calling her each week and listening to her *promise* to send the $$. She took the money from the orders and spent it on her daughter's birthday party.

Today she tells me that it's my fault because this is why she doesn't do these kinds of parties.

I just have to laugh at this!
Because it is so much easier to blame someone else! And you know she will tell each one of her guests who ordered some lie about how you screwed up. People amaze me in the saddest of ways sometimes.

What a nut job!

Shame on her for trying to say it's YOUR fault that she can't budget and spent her guests money!!! It does kind of make you wonder what she's going to tell them if she doesn't have the funds to reimburse them either. Do you at least have the order forms so you can let the guests know? Or do you have to rely on the version that she gives to them?
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  • #4
I have the orders but no contact info.This has just been *one* of those shows... some put their orders on one order (it was over $200) so they wanted 3 guest specials on that one order. I of course said no... But it doesn't matter. I'm sure her friends know what is up with her. I'm not worried. I just thought it was funny that it's MY FAULT!The next thing will be that she has to have the $$ come out of her account on a Tuesday for her order (she's using her debit card I guess) and I've told her that I can do my best but I can't guarantee that that will happen because I don't personally run the cards!Goodness! I feel bad for her because clearly there are major financial problems going on with her... and maybe it's not phasing me so much because this happened to me on like my 3rd show when I started. The host took the $$ and paid her rent and then told her friends that I had stolen it. I was so green then I didn't know what to do! At least I know that this is not my fault... AND I do still have the e-mail she sent telling me that she took the money to use for the birthday party just in case!
Wow, that takes some cojones! That woman is nutso. Glad you can laugh about it!
last time I checked that is called STEALING!! so clearly you made her steal they money right???
Ugh...this just leaves me annoyed and angry for you! lol

Glad you're seeing the ridiculousness of it all and are taking it in stride. I'm impressed that you managed to get her to pay for the show at all!

Nicely done!
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  • #8
pcjenni said:
last time I checked that is called STEALING!! so clearly you made her steal they money right???

Yes... yes, I did! I think I held my santoku knife to her throat! Oh wait... it was a catalog show... I've never met her!
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  • #9
Jolie_paradoxe said:
I'm impressed that you managed to get her to pay for the show at all!

Nicely done!

I haven't yet... I'll keep you posted. I told her I had to have the money in hand on Monday or I would be canceling the show.
  • #10
OMG that is just nuts!! That just amazes me!
  • #11
Want a show to laugh about? You guys know I live in Texas, right? I walk into my host's home Friday at 6pm for our party. It feels good too. Nice and cool since our temp was a cool 97 degrees that day. Just when I'm about to ask her which table she wants me to set up on, she points me to the backdoor saying, "oh, I thought we'd do it on the deck." It too all the cool points I had not to go off on the lady. I was so dang HOT! And there were a TON of flies! I was irritated, but we did have a good time.Colleen, I'm sorry about your host. How crazy can you be?!
  • #12
Way to go Colleen on getting her to fork over the money! Just submit the card on Monday night & then "re-do" it several times on Tuesday (and Wed if needed) until it takes! LOLChef Kearns, what did she do? Just build the deck or put in a pool that she wanted to show off or something? Or maybe she just doesn't like having parties in the house because her house is a model home in her mind ... good to look at, but you can't LIVE in it! LOL
  • #13
Chef Kearns said:
Want a show to laugh about? You guys know I live in Texas, right? I walk into my host's home Friday at 6pm for our party. It feels good too. Nice and cool since our temp was a cool 97 degrees that day. Just when I'm about to ask her which table she wants me to set up on, she points me to the backdoor saying, "oh, I thought we'd do it on the deck." It too all the cool points I had not to go off on the lady. I was so dang HOT! And there were a TON of flies! I was irritated, but we did have a good time.

Colleen, I'm sorry about your host. How crazy can you be?!

I had my worst show experience ever last summer when the host ushered me to her back yard.. it was 99 degrees and abut 85 percent humidity and she had 4.. yes FOUR dogs running about in the back yard where she set me up... poo everywhere....FLIES ruled and I had such a hard time completing the show and trying to be grace-filled. I prayed alot that no-one would get sick. She combined the "show" with a BBQ and I was sort o at her mercy. It as a really weird situation and I nearly threw up several times. Then it took me several tried to close the show and of course had to wash EVERYTHING that I had out there including all my bags ect.
I truly HOPE that you get her money so that you at least can be paid for your efforts and that those who ordered get their items. I'm SO SORRY you had to go through all this and then be blamed on top of it all.
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  • #14
I told her I had to have the money in hand today or I would be canceling the show. We'll see... It's terrible but I'm honestly hoping that she doesn't send it because she money that she *took* for the party she plans on putting on her cc and I'm sure that will be declined.This is such a mess! At least I will know one way or the other by the end of today...
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  • #15
Shocker (NOT!) the checks didn't arrive in the mail today...

I sent her the following e-mail. It might not be the best, but it's done with and I have RELEASED!!!!!!! Now I can breathe a sigh of relief!

Dear xxx,

I am sorry to say that since I did not receive the checks in the mail today, I have no choice but to cancel your show. I have been more than understanding and accommodating to you regarding this. You repeatedly told me you were going to mail the checks and each you told me you didn't mail them for one reason or another. I am sorry that it has come to this but at this point, I have no other choice as this has been going on for 6 weeks now. Please return the checks to your friends and reimburse anyone else necessary. If your friends have any questions, they can contact me directly.
  • #16
finley1991 said:
Shocker (NOT!) the checks didn't arrive in the mail today...

I sent her the following e-mail. It might not be the best, but it's done with and I have RELEASED!!!!!!! Now I can breathe a sigh of relief!

Dear xxx,

I am sorry to say that since I did not receive the checks in the mail today, I have no choice but to cancel your show. I have been more than understanding and accommodating to you regarding this. You repeatedly told me you were going to mail the checks and each you told me you didn't mail them for one reason or another. I am sorry that it has come to this but at this point, I have no other choice as this has been going on for 6 weeks now. Please return the checks to your friends and reimburse anyone else necessary. If your friends have any questions, they can contact me directly.

Looks good to me! If I can offer one bit of advice, please never apologize in a message like this for something like this. She should be offering you a HUGE apology! Great job by you in how you handled this situation.
  • #17
great job Colleen!
  • #18
finley1991 said:
I am sorry to say..... [/I]

she was just sorry she had to say it, she wasn't really saying sorry....=)
  • #19
wouldn't have felt better to say "sorry you are a loser, liar and a thief"! :angel:
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  • #20
pcjenni said:
wouldn't have felt better to say "sorry you are a loser, liar and a thief"! :angel:

Yes... but in all honesty, I feel really bad for her. Obviously she's desperate if she had to steal $$ from her friends...
  • #21
I don't blame you for wanting to wash your hands of her. I would recommend that you hang on to the e-mails (even if you have to print them) as evidence should this come back on you in a few more weeks. You NEVER know what she'll tell her guests!!!Jenni, I laughed so loud at your post I was afraid I'd disrupted the sleep of my babies! LOL That was a good one. Don't we wish we could be that rude sometimes? Dang that background in Police Dispatching where I learned to NEVER do or say anything that I wouldn't want to explain in a court of law. That moral value sure does take the fun out of life sometimes. ;)
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  • #22
Okay... so she just texted me!!!!! Saying the same thing that she said.. "I need to get you the checks... can I drive them out..." I am at my sister's with family in town today and tomorrow. I said no and explained AGAIN the same thing via text that I put in the e-mail. She's on her own. And I am NOT going to feel bad about this.
  • #23
Great for you for standing your ground!
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  • #24
I got another text saying she was sending the checks today. I said AGAIN that I had cancelled the show. Haven't heard back from her this time...

What drama!!!!!!
  • #25
Wow! She must think you're bluffing. LOL! How big was the show?
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  • #26
Chef Kearns said:
! How big was the show?

$400. And I could have used the sales... BUT my gut tells me that the checks would bounce (they were written at the beginning of May!) and that her cc would be declined.

I didn't hear back from her again after I sent the second text message repeating my original message...

I'm hoping this drama is over but for some reason my gut is telling me it's not.. and I'm not liking that feeling!
  • #27
Have you called Pampered Chef about her yet? I gave a warning call one time when I thought someone was going to try and blame me on something that went wrong. I could see her calling to complain.
  • #28
Oh, wow! Sounds like she's having a hard time accepting the consequence for her actions!!! I bet she's in a state of panic. She's probably told her guests a long time ago that she had already submitted the show & was waiting on YOU. Now she's probably not sure how to tell them that she has their checks in her possession.
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  • #29
I'm not going to put any more energy into it. If she calls HO, she calls HO. I have her e-mails and texts explaining what she did with the money and the repeated messages that she was going to send it.

I don't care what she tells her friends... I told her they could feel free to contact me if they had any questions.

I never heard back from her and was a *little* afraid when I got home last night that she'd be here but since I've never met her I wouldn't know what she looked like and she asked me for my address 4 times so I'm guessing she couldn't find it even if she wanted to come here. Plus it's a 30-minute drive on the expressway to get her and I doubt she would make the effort. It did make me more thankful that I live in a secured building!!!

It's done and I am relieved!!!!!! Blessed and released!!!!
  • #30
But it feels so much better to talk about it & get it off your chest, huh? ;) Venting is so good for the soul! :D
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  • #31
Good Lord! She just e-mailed me this TODAY!!!!


I will send you the checks this week. I cannot give people back their money because I really want the show to go on. I have the money in a envelope and have it on the mirror to find and send. I am at the library today because my internet is down at home. Please do not respond to this email as I will not get it.

I will find the envelope with the checks in my car and get them in the mail. I know I have your address in my text messages and will look it up and get them to you. Please do not cancel my show we really want the items.

Thank you,


I IMMEDIATELY texted her the SAME message I have said over and over that the show has been cancelled, I cannot process it at this point and to return to checks/money to her friends.

What else can I do here? Any suggestions?

PS: I'm REALLY irritated!!!!
  • #32
I wouldn't worry about it one way or the other.If you get the money - turn in a show. Consider it a bonus!If you don't get the money, then Oh Well! You weren't expecting it anyway!Oh - and never let her host a show again! :)
  • #33
I am with Becky... if she somehow gets herself together enough to FIND the check (loved that by the way!!) in her car (really???!!!) then she is somehow going to have to get herself together enough to actually find your address, put a stamp on the envelope, get it into the mailbox... don't really see this happening. What a MESS this person is!
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  • #34
Chefbeckyd said:
If you get the money - turn in a show. Consider it a bonus!

I can't turn it in as a show because she owes me money herself for her order and the cash she took from the orders that paid with cash. She insists that I take the money from her debit card on a Tuesday (only). I told her I don't control when it comes out of her account... PC processes that and I'm not even confident that her card will go through anyway.

I guess I'll just wait to see if I even get the checks in the first place....

UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yuck:
  • #35
finley1991 said:
Good Lord! She just e-mailed me this TODAY!!!!


I will send you the checks this week. I cannot give people back their money because I really want the show to go on. I have the money in a envelope and have it on the mirror to find and send. I am at the library today because my internet is down at home. Please do not respond to this email as I will not get it.

I will find the envelope with the checks in my car and get them in the mail. I know I have your address in my text messages and will look it up and get them to you. Please do not cancel my show we really want the items.

Thank you,


I IMMEDIATELY texted her the SAME message I have said over and over that the show has been cancelled, I cannot process it at this point and to return to checks/money to her friends.

What else can I do here? Any suggestions?

PS: I'm REALLY irritated!!!!

Um, ok - so it it on your mirror or in your car???
  • #36
I think she wrote herself a note on her mirror to remember to find the envelop that she has in her car. She sounds like a great person to recruit! She could have lots of shows and make lots of money for herself!:devil:(I am joking of course)
  • #37
Hopefully if you get the checks from these people you will have their phone numbers and you can call them to let them know you won't be cashing their checks as you just received them and you can't turn in the show. You will probably think of better words to use of course.
people suck.
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  • #38
I'm not holding my breath that I will get the checks!!!! But who knows... I didn't expect to hear from her after last week!
  • #39
Good Lord this woman sounds like she knows she has painted herself into one tight corner. Hope this gets resolved soon. Take her infront of Judge Judy. I would love to see Judge Judy mince her up finer than onions in a Food Chopper!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #40
baychef said:
Good Lord this woman sounds like she knows she has painted herself into one tight corner. Hope this gets resolved soon. Take her infront of Judge Judy. I would love to see Judge Judy mince her up finer than onions in a Food Chopper!:D

Thanks for making me laugh Ann!!!! :D
  • #41
Ann, that was funny!
  • #42
You girls are a freaking riot!

So what part of NO does she not understand? The N or the O ???

Sounds like your host only hears what she wants to hear!

You watch! She's going to send you all the stuff & then be dumbfounded when you try to explain to her why the guests can't still have all the HWC items that they ordered back in May!
  • #43
Okay, I just had to come back with one more thought. Assuming that the people just placed orders on catalog items & not HWC items ... how can she possibly think that you would be able to cash those checks that are now almost 8 weeks old, without talking to the guests first to see if they still want the orders? I wouldn't even want to think about the odds of those suckers bouncing after so long!

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  • #44
Sheila you are exactly right! I'm pretty sure my bank won't take a check that old. I found a check in some paperwork that I hadn't deposited that was a month old and my bank (BofA) didn't want to take it. When I explained what happened they put a 10-day hold on the deposit!She's not going to send them and if she does, I'm going to mail them back to the guests and explain what happened. I'm not planning on outing her about spending the cash unless they get nasty with me or ask me directly. I'm planning to simply say that we were unable to process the show.
  • #45
I don't blame you girl. If you actually get the checks in the mail, I'd do a formatted letter to each check owner letting them know why you are returning their check! Here's how I'd vamp it just in case you need a suggestion. ;)

Dear [guest],

I received your check in the mail today from [host]. I had previously explained to her that due to the delay, I was unable to submit her May Catalog Show, as Pampered Chef has a deadline and she had surpassed that date. Due to the age of your check, I felt it was most appropriate to return it to you and clarify if you are still interested in placing an order. If so, I'll be more than happy to assist you, but it would be as an outside order and would not benefit [host]. Please note that any HWC items that were ordered under [host]'s Catalog Show are no longer available through Pampered Chef, therefore I am unable to order those items. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and regret that I didn't have your contact information until today or I would have attempted to reach you at an earlier date when the HWC items were still available. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail, or feel free to shop online at [web address]. I would love to still help you with your Pampered Chef needs.

Sincerely, ...​

That ought to get them asking the host questions!
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  • #46
Thanks Sheila! I love your wording! It's perfect!

She texted me this morning...

I will be sending the checks today. Please do not cancel the show the people want their stuff

I texted back saying the same thing I've said over and over and added that I will be returning the checks to the guests. And I put in BIG LETTERS that I cannot process the show at this point.

Interestingly enough, after I received her e-mail yesterday, I called my director and asked what I should do. She told me I should submit the show in good faith and go ahead with it. :bugeye: She said that canceling the show makes me and PC look bad to the guests. That kind of surprised me.

But honestly, I don't know how I can do the show... she's sending me the checks that were written to me... what about the cash orders and her order that she wants on her debit card? I feel that submitting the show is going to hold it up even longer and create more of a mess. Plus, I'm leaving for conference and can't do anything until I get back...

I can't believe what a mess this is!!!!!!!!! :yuck:
  • #47
Just send in the orders for which you receive payment. If you don't have her host payment or the cash she took, don't submit their orders. Let her know you couldn't do it, but made sure the other people got their stuff. As an aside, I've never had a problem depositing an old check (unless I pointed it out to the teller). However, a courtesy call would be nice though not mandatory.
  • #48
finley1991 said:
Thanks Sheila! I love your wording! It's perfect!

She texted me this morning...

I will be sending the checks today. Please do not cancel the show the people want their stuff

I texted back saying the same thing I've said over and over and added that I will be returning the checks to the guests. And I put in BIG LETTERS that I cannot process the show at this point.

Interestingly enough, after I received her e-mail yesterday, I called my director and asked what I should do. She told me I should submit the show in good faith and go ahead with it. :bugeye: She said that canceling the show makes me and PC look bad to the guests. That kind of surprised me.

But honestly, I don't know how I can do the show... she's sending me the checks that were written to me... what about the cash orders and her order that she wants on her debit card? I feel that submitting the show is going to hold it up even longer and create more of a mess. Plus, I'm leaving for conference and can't do anything until I get back...

I can't believe what a mess this is!!!!!!!!! :yuck:

Offer the show to your Director.
  • #49
My bank would accept the checks, but I would call everyone first because people don't always go back and check to see if a check was cashed. They just look at their balances and check back maybe a few weeks. Not everyone balances their account every week and or month. In fact fewer do because of online banking.

And I would not use her debit card. Cash or a hand delivered money order. I had someone stiff me for a significant amount of money saying she mailed the money order. And mysteriously, she didn't keep the receipt from it to prove it.

I had a lady do what this host is doing to you and what I did was... the people that I had cleared payment for, I added on the direct shipping and submitted their orders. The host was the worst (trust wise) and she wasn't going to screw me out of a party. I wanted her guests to get what they ordered and I knew I was never going to see her again so she was free to make up some lie about me (she would do it anyway!)

Glad you all liked the Judge Judy reference with the Food Chopper. I just love her because she has the "kahoonas" to tell people just what it is and catches them in lies before they know what she has done!:D
  • #50
Unless a check states differently, all checks are valid for six months after the date on the check. After that they are considered to be stale. However, I agree with checking with the customers before cashing them.

I still think you are correct for not wanting to send in the show. If the host is so insistant for you to use her debit card on a Tuesday, she can go to the bank and do a cash withdrawal on Tuesday.
<h2>1. What is "Laugh of the Day... Well, Kind Of!"?</h2><p>"Laugh of the Day... Well, Kind Of!" is a phrase used by Pampered Chef consultants to express their frustration or amusement with challenging situations they encounter while running their business.</p><h2>2. How long has this particular host's catty show been going on?</h2><p>The host's catty show has been going on for 6 weeks.</p><h2>3. What did you tell the host when you reached out to her?</h2><p>I told her that I would cancel the show unless I received the money from her on Monday.</p><h2>4. What did the host do with the money from the orders?</h2><p>The host spent the money from the orders on her daughter's birthday party.</p><h2>5. How did the host respond when confronted about the situation?</h2><p>Today, the host told me that it was my fault because this is why she doesn't do these kinds of parties. She may have been trying to shift the blame onto me to avoid taking responsibility for her actions.</p>

Related to Laugh of the Day... Well, Kind Of!

1. What is "Laugh of the Day... Well, Kind Of!"?

"Laugh of the Day... Well, Kind Of!" is a phrase used by Pampered Chef consultants to express their frustration or amusement with challenging situations they encounter while running their business.

2. How long has this particular host's catty show been going on?

The host's catty show has been going on for 6 weeks.

3. What did you tell the host when you reached out to her?

I told her that I would cancel the show unless I received the money from her on Monday.

4. What did the host do with the money from the orders?

The host spent the money from the orders on her daughter's birthday party.

5. How did the host respond when confronted about the situation?

Today, the host told me that it was my fault because this is why she doesn't do these kinds of parties. She may have been trying to shift the blame onto me to avoid taking responsibility for her actions.

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