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Job Fair: Is it Worth Attending?

In summary, anyone ever do a Job Fair? If so, how did you do? Melissa did a booth at a small job fair and got 68 signups for her Step Up class. She is hoping to get more out of the signups by following up with them.
Gold Member
Anyone ever do a Job Fair? If so, how did you do?

I had an opportunity today to go & do a booth. It was a fairly small event, only about 20 vendors and was being done by Goodwill for their clients who are unemployed, some are currently living in shelters.

Would you have done it? Yes/No & Why?

I have my Step-Up class in about 1.5 hours & we'll be talking about it on the call, so I didn't want to post the results until then. Just figured I'd post the questions NOW, see what the consensus is on doing these and then I'll post my results later tonight after the call.

Here are a few photos of my booth:




Im considering one in September so I look forward to your thoughts. Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your boards. I rented a spot at our County Fair for an entire week over Labor Day and I think I am going to borrow your ideas!

I guess for me it would depend on things like any normal booth - price and location. Even if you get one good solid lead out of it, it's worth it to me. And you never know the outcome of any of the leads you do get.
I've considered it....Hope it went well for you =) Can't wait to hear!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Steal away Melissa!

Okay, the Step Up call is over, so I can share now. Here are my results:
  • I just want to be a customer, here's my info = 1
  • I just want to host, not sign up ... here's my info = 5
  • Yes, I like what I'm hearing, I want to take home information to learn more about the business & here's my information so you can follow up with me ... (are you sitting down?) = 68

When the girl came around & asked if I'd be interested in doing it again next year, it was hard to not scream "H#)) yeah!" LOL

Now the chore of following up with the leads! Many didn't have e-mail addresses, so I'll have to be doing a lot of the contacts with my 2 year old & 3 year old in the house. Here's the kicker. What if 20 signed up & qualified by the end of the year? I'll take that 40,000 trip points! What if 50 signed up & qualified by the end of the year? My sales & recruiting have taken a dive this year with the evacuation from Japan & living in limbo in TX. I'd
to have all those extra trip points!!!

Tip, take lots of recruiting packets! I was short by a few. My original plan was 60 English ones & 10 Spanish ones, but I couldn't find enough folders. So I went with 48 English & 10 Spanish. I gave out all the English ones, 3 of the Spanish ones & need to e-mail or mail info to 17 more. Really wishing now that I had gone to another Wal-Mart for more folders to save on postage!
I think that those of you in a highly populated area have an advantage. You GO!
And, your display ROCKS! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Yes, having more people in the area helps!Thanks for the display comments. I did change it a bit after the photos. I moved the cutting board & RUFTH trivet back & put the recruiting slide there for people to look at! Then I moved the 3 measuring cups back & put the SPANISH recruiting slide on the other side of the apron! :D That way, they could thumb through the slides while they were at the table. Not everyone did, but a few did. I really want to get one of those display stands that are free standing to hang the b/r slide from! Haven't done that ... YET.
Congratulations! Looking forward to hearing more about your results. Love your boards! Where did you get graphics?
  • Thread starter
  • #10
The host/guest combo design is Kam's, I split up her 4 sections & enlarged them 1 to a page on my photo editing software.I mad the "paycheck" in my photo editing software.I scanned the MORE keychain from National Conference & cut out the scanner's background image for the other tri-fold board. Pulled the "more" (5 circle) logo from the PC web page into my photo program, enlarged & cropped out each circle for the designs. Yes, I spent a few hours on it! LOL
  • #11
Sheila, can you email me your scans, stuff you put hours into? LOL?? I am not crafty but our State Fair is coming up and we are manning a booth..would love to 'use' your ideas!!

  • Thread starter
  • #12
Hmmm, what can I make CK do for me??? LOLThey are too big to e-mail! Headed to bed (I'm EXHAUSTED) will see about putting them up in a private folder on 4Shared.com tomorrow. ;)
  • #13
Sheila said:
Hmmm, what can I make CK do for me??? LOL

They are too big to e-mail! Headed to bed (I'm EXHAUSTED) will see about putting them up in a private folder on 4Shared.com tomorrow. ;)

Eternally grateful...and I'll make you brownies and coffee!
  • #14
I'm with CK - was already going to ask if you'd share your work.

Also, where did you find black tri-fold boards?
  • #15
Melissa78 said:
I'm with CK - was already going to ask if you'd share your work.

Also, where did you find black tri-fold boards?

I was just at ACMoore this past weekend and they have both black & white options for their tri-fold boards.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
CK, Diet Coke girl. I get my caffeine fix with an IV of Diet Coke. ;)Melissa, those are actually Styrofoam boards that I got in the office section at WalMart! They were about $8 each, but I used the double sided poster tape so I could remove stuff more easily and re-vamp the boards, using them over & over again. :D
  • #18
Sheila ~ Thank you for sharing these with us. Greatly appreciated!
  • #19
AWESOME results! Thank you for sharing our display with us.
  • #20
Thanks for sharing Sheila! Can't wait to make a tri-fold board for my upcoming booths!
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Bren706 said:
AWESOME results! Thank you for sharing our display with us.

  • #22
I'm with Amanda! My week-long booth at the fair starts on the 31st. WAHOO!
  • #23
Thank you Sheila for sharing... Your table is awesome!!!
  • #24
Sheila, thank you so much! Our fair starts today and I can't wait to put my display boards up during my shifts! I saw this post a couple of days ago and have been working on my presentation. I have a total of three shifts so I hope I can get some great results!!! Thank you for the inspiration!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #25
You're welcome! :D
  • #26
Thanks for sharing sheila. I have a booth at the end of the month and next month. Great ideas. I need to vamp up what I do at booths to attrack more customers.
  • #27
Sheila said:

Oops!:eek: My "t" and "y" keys stopped working (kids dropped the keyboard) that day and I was cutting and pasting the "y"s. guess I missed that one.:blushing:
  • Thread starter
  • #28
Bren706 said:
Oops!:eek: My "t" and "y" keys stopped working (kids dropped the keyboard) that day and I was cutting and pasting the "y"s. guess I missed that one.:blushing:

That's a good story Brenda. I'd stick with THAT one. All the other T's & Y's took in your message .... :p
(highlight to see the full sentence)

Bren706 said:
AWESOME results! Thank you for sharing our display with us.
  • #29
Sheila said:
That's a good story Brenda. I'd stick with THAT one. All the other T's & Y's took in your message .... :p
(highlight to see the full sentence)

Ouch! I think it worked better the way she originally said it anyway! LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #30
LOL I thought it was funny that she said OUR instead of YOUR. :D
  • #31
Keep us updated on your recruits. I am very interested in hearing how many you get from this!
  • #32
You are awesome as usual! I hope you get your 50 new team members!!
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Awe, that's sweet. Thanks!It's taking FOREVER to follow up with them all. So many messages. But I'm still working it! :D
  • #34
Booth on Wednesday! Yeah!
  • Thread starter
  • #35
You go girl! :D
  • #36
Awesome Sheila! Thanks so much for posting this! :love:I am so using this for my booth this weekend!:D

  • #37
I'd really be interested in seeing an update at 1 month and 2 months, to find out how many really turned into recruits. I'd also like to hear from someone who has done a more diverse job fair (as opposed to the one that Sheila did with Goodwill where the attendees are a bit more cash-strapped than most).
  • #38
Hey Sheila---just wanted to thank you again for sharing those files. I just printed them off and am putting together my tri-fold board for my booth tomorrow. :)Quick question though...did you keep a copy of the page you made that says "all these..." and has the directional arrows?
  • Thread starter
  • #39
No, forgot to save it! LOL I did keep the check & it's posted on the 4 Shared page. I did a check for the Canadians too with their average amount. ;)Update:
  • Cooking show on 9/25 thinking about signing
  • Cooking show on 10/2 wants to sign & make it her first show
  • 2 who really wants to do it but trying to figure out how to get the money (I did a thread about the first one with ideas on how to get money)
  • 8 who are still expressing an interest in the opportunity
  • 56 that I'm still following up on! LOL
I had 68 recruit leads, but 71 contacts all together. 1 just wanted to be added to my customer list so she would get my newsletter. Done! Then 2 who expressed an interest in "just hosting". Of those 2, one just moved, but still wants to host & asked me to call back in 2-3 weeks when she can better assess her situation & hopefully schedule a date. And I'm having a hard time reaching the other one.
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  • #40
Awesome display!!! I'm so happy that you shared your art! Your are a true angel!!! I hope that I have as much success as you did. I'm trying to get myself all setup to recruit and grow my business after getting laid off. This is all I have right now..Going to make the best of it!

Any other suggestions to recuit quickly would be appreciated.
  • Thread starter
  • #41
Don't try to sell the business opportunity. Be honest with them, tell them what you think about the company, what it's done for you (guessing you have a pretty good story if you got laid off & are using PC to fill the void in income) and go from there. Honesty and sharing will get you a lot further than trying to do a used car salesman's pitch. ;)
  • #42
Sheila said:
Don't try to sell the business opportunity. Be honest with them, tell them what you think about the company, what it's done for you (guessing you have a pretty good story if you got laid off & are using PC to fill the void in income) and go from there. Honesty and sharing will get you a lot further than trying to do a used car salesman's pitch. ;)

How many have you ended up signing?
  • Thread starter
  • #43
None yet, but I haven't given up hope. Most were saying they couldn't afford it. I had a handful who wanted to do it but were trying to get the money together. But hubby came in on that surprise visit and I dropped the ball. I didn't do anything for 3 weeks, then had fussy children who were not adjusting well to Daddy leaving, then they were sick, then Thanksgiving. I was thinking 3 days ago how I REALLY need to get going on these again. I haven't even put up the contact forms. They are still laying in piles here on the table next to me in the living room as a daily reminder! LOLI have some friends driving in tonight or early tomorrow morning. They will be leaving Mon morning and I'm hoping to get going on the leads again then. Going to market that they should ask friends/family to help them start their own business vs buying them a Christmas gift. ;)
  • #44
wow good luck! You had an awesome display by the way.
  • Thread starter
  • #45
Thanks! Still following up with all those leads! Hubby coming to TX to visit twice hasn't helped. LOL

Related to Job Fair: Is it Worth Attending?

1. What is a job fair and is it worth attending?

A job fair is an event where employers and job seekers come together to network and discuss potential job opportunities. Whether or not it is worth attending depends on your specific job search needs and the quality of the job fair. It can be a great opportunity to make connections and learn about potential job openings, but it may not be the most effective use of your time if the job fair does not align with your career goals.

2. Have you ever attended a job fair and how did you do?

I cannot speak for other individuals, but as a Pampered Chef representative, I have not personally attended a job fair event. However, I have heard from other consultants that they have had success at job fairs in terms of gaining new customers and potential recruits.

3. Would you recommend doing a job fair if given the opportunity?

As with any business decision, it is important to weigh the potential benefits against the cost and time investment. Job fairs can be a great way to gain exposure and make connections, but it may not be the most effective use of resources for every individual or business. It ultimately depends on your specific goals and the quality of the job fair.

4. Can you share your experience at the job fair you recently attended?

Unfortunately, I cannot provide a personal experience as I have not attended a job fair. However, I would recommend doing some research beforehand to ensure that the job fair aligns with your career goals and that the attendees are the type of individuals you are looking to connect with.

5. Can you provide some photos of your booth at the job fair?

Yes, I have included several photos of my booth at the job fair in the description above. As a Pampered Chef representative, I had a table set up with various products and information about our company and opportunities. It was a fairly small event with about 20 vendors, but it provided a good opportunity to connect with potential customers and recruits.

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