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Is the 2007 Pampered Chef National Conference Worth Attending?

In summary, this person's boyfriend thinks that the National Conference is a waste of time and money. However, the successful PC people go to conferences all the time, and this is a great opportunity to network and learn more about your career.
I need help:eek: I have been part of the Pampered Chef for almost 3 years. This past year has been really great for me and I really would like to go to the National Conference in 2007. I am from Maryland and never left the eastern shore so it would be a bonus just to leave here. I have spoken to my boyfriend a couple of times about this and he keeps thinking it is a waste of time and money. I told him that this will be a great experience for me and I will learn so much. But he thinks that I get enough training near home from our monthly meetings and thinks I will learn nothing new from this. Everything I say he says something back. How can I explain to him better why this is such a great opportuinity and not a waste of time or money!!!!! thank you
First off, ask him if he sees your PC career as a fun thing for you to do or a business. Let him know that successful business people go to business conferences all the time. AND let him know that the successful PC people go to National - no matter what! FYI, my director always has gone to conferences - she makes about 25K per month...per MONTH!Sorry if I seem upset, but I am. I don't know your situation and I don't want to judge. However, this is your boyfriend talking to you, not your spouse. In my opinion...and it is just that, an opinion...you are giving someone who does not directly affect the rest of your life (as of now) way too much hold over your life decisions!!!So, GO TO CONFERENCE if you want to! :D
cmdtrgd said:
First off, ask him if he sees your PC career as a fun thing for you to do or a business. Let him know that successful business people go to business conferences all the time. AND let him know that the successful PC people go to National - no matter what! FYI, my director always has gone to conferences - she makes about 25K per month...per MONTH!

Sorry if I seem upset, but I am. I don't know your situation and I don't want to judge. However, this is your boyfriend talking to you, not your spouse. In my opinion...and it is just that, an opinion...you are giving someone who does not directly affect the rest of your life (as of now) way too much hold over your life decisions!!!

So, GO TO CONFERENCE if you want to! :D

This was in one of the newsletters from my upline--not sure how long ago. Anyway, it says that conference attendees are: 20 times more likely to become a director, they recruit 10 times more, generate 3 times more bookings per show, have sales 6 times higher than non-attendees, & are having way more fun than anyone has a right to! All of that equals MORE MONEY--so he shouldn't have a problem with that!!!

It's also a great way to network with those around the country-not just in your area. You get to attend workshops focused on your needs. I went this year (started in July 2005) & I have noticed a HUGE difference in my bookings, my sales & my attitude. I did more than twice the amount of sales & shows in the 2nd half of the year than I did in the first.

Hope that helps!!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
everyone thank you, that helps!! :)
OMG, I can't even tell you how awesome National is! It is the best investment you can make for your biz. I didn't go for the first 3 years; I've been the last 2. I don't plan on missing again! My dh likes to give me a hard time since he has to take care of our 2 girls, but it's all in fun. If you want to make your business grow, then definately go to conference! (plus everything you spend while there is a tax deduction!)
First off in defense of myself, I have a pretty successful business but I have not been to conference yet. I want to go so badly this year. It all depends on my full time job situation.

Second, I agree with what has already been said. This is your boyfriend, not your husband. You need to take control of YOUR business and not let him talk you out of it. I have heard so many great things about conference. If I make it this year it will be my first like I said, so I hope to see you there!!! ;)
Another benefit of conference is that it will give you a change to bond a little with the other folks in your cluster.

Love love LOVE conference!! (Of course, the fact that I won a HO tour shopping spree at my first one helps! :) )
chefann said:
Another benefit of conference is that it will give you a change to bond a little with the other folks in your cluster.

Love love LOVE conference!! (Of course, the fact that I won a HO tour shopping spree at my first one helps! :) )

That's awesome Ann! I had my fingers & toes crossed that I would win...I didn't but a gal in my cluster did. Fun to watch!
Kristin: if you're successful now, just imagine the next level that conference will take you to! I was pretty successful myself; had good shows, but man my biz has taken off since going to conference;)
  • #10
While it is true that many consultants do quite well without ever attending Conference (I saw one woman last year who had a Director ribbon, 8-year pin, and a 1st time attendee button), it really provides fantastic motivation and training for those who need a little extra push.

Besides, where else can you go to be a part of a crowd of 5,000 people who are all screaming with excitement over a spatula in a new color? :D
  • #11
chefann said:
Besides, where else can you go to be a part of a crowd of 5,000 people who are all screaming with excitement over a spatula in a new color? :D

Now that might make it worthwhile to be at conference for. :D

The other cool thing about conference will be looking for cheffers with their Buttons (http://chefsuccess.com/showthread.php?t=13764).
  • #12
I 2nd the previous postings and even if...
PamperedChefTricia said:
I need help:eek: I have been part of the Pampered Chef for almost 3 years. This past year has been really great for me and I really would like to go to the National Conference in 2007. I am from Maryland and never left the eastern shore so it would be a bonus just to leave here. I have spoken to my boyfriend a couple of times about this and he keeps thinking it is a waste of time and money. I told him that this will be a great experience for me and I will learn so much. But he thinks that I get enough training near home from our monthly meetings and thinks I will learn nothing new from this. Everything I say he says something back. How can I explain to him better why this is such a great opportuinity and not a waste of time or money!!!!! thank you

He were your husband, no one should control anyone else. Be independent and GO!!!
  • #13
I totally agree that because he is your boyfriend and not your husband, he doesn't get to have as much say in the matter. That being said, I know that sometimes it just feels better to have someone's support, not necessarily his permission, but his support.

I have to be honest, if my husband asked me not to go, I probably wouldn't--I expect the same courtesy from him. I would probably kick, scream, and cry (and then get my way--hee hee), but marriage is about give and take. Sometimes giving hurts.
  • #14
I have been twice and both times my husband did not want me to go. However, he goes to Colorado on a hunting trip nearly every October, so I tell him that I am going on my vacation just like he goes on his. Fortunately for me, he is not trying to be controlling...he just misses me when I am gone. Of course, when I go away for a few days he also realizes all of the things I do that helps him, so that makes it even better when I get home. The first time I went I came home to a totally spotless house. Now that was a nice welcome home present. LOL
  • #15
My new DH who I was engaged to this summer during confernce was a great support system, he told me that I needed to go and it would benefit my business. Boy did it ever benefit me as a consutlant. When I got home my house was completly clean it was a very nice suprise.:) But remeber that no one has control of your business or you... the only person who has that is you and only you.
  • #16

Sorry to hear that boyfriend is unsupportive, but you need to do this for yourself. It is an amazing experience. I went last year after only being with the company for a few months and am so glad that I did.

Your business is your business. You need to invest in yourself to be able to invest in your business. Tell boyfirend you are sorry that he thinks it is a waste of time, but you are heading to Chicago!

Plus, you will have a blast.

Wave 2
  • #17
I intend to go this year. My husband is actually going to go too, but just to hang out in chicago! :0)
  • #18
He is your "boyfriend"....you might want to consider being your own person...and inform him of what your doing. This is not a way to start a long term relationship...You didn't ask for my opinion (sorry) but think about it...he is not really good husband material - if he is trying to control you already... and he is just a "boyfriend". he should be supporting you!!
Go and enjoy yourself, learn all you can and if he doesn't like it...well that is his insecurities. Be the best you can be... and if he wants to participate..."great" - if not he can stand back and watch! whew...
  • #19
lacychef said:
That's awesome Ann! I had my fingers & toes crossed that I would win...I didn't but a gal in my cluster did. Fun to watch!
Kristin: if you're successful now, just imagine the next level that conference will take you to! I was pretty successful myself; had good shows, but man my biz has taken off since going to conference;)
Oh I totally agree Lacy! I can't wait. I hope I can go!

Related to Is the 2007 Pampered Chef National Conference Worth Attending?

What is the purpose of National Conference 2007?

The purpose of National Conference 2007 is to bring together Pampered Chef consultants from all over the country for a weekend of learning, networking, and celebrating.

When and where is National Conference 2007 being held?

National Conference 2007 will be held from July 25-28, 2007 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

What events and activities can I expect at National Conference 2007?

There will be a variety of events and activities at National Conference 2007, including keynote speeches, breakout sessions, product demonstrations, and a vendor expo. There will also be opportunities to network with other consultants and attend fun social events.

Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to attend National Conference 2007?

Yes, National Conference 2007 is only open to current Pampered Chef consultants. It is a great opportunity for consultants to learn and grow their business.

How do I register for National Conference 2007?

You can register for National Conference 2007 through the Pampered Chef website. Simply log in to your consultant account and click on the National Conference registration link. Registration typically opens a few months before the event.

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