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Is joining Pampered Chef worth it for a busy mom of three?

In summary, joining Pampered Chef can be a great option for busy moms looking for a flexible job that allows them to work from home. As a consultant, you have the opportunity to earn an income while still having time for your family and being your own boss. Pregnant moms and those with young children can also join and benefit from the flexibility of the job. New consultants can expect support and training from their consultant/director and the Pampered Chef home office, as well as access to online resources. While there may be competition in your area, each consultant has their own unique network and there are always new and exciting products to offer to customers.
Hi there.... Still debating whether or not I want to sell PC. I hosted a party in March that went very well. And am very excited about the prospect of working with my consultant/director. :D She is great!

There is a part of me that would love to sell pc. I work FT but am looking for a new job. I am preg. w/ #3 and have a 19 month and 4 yr old. It's quite the juggling act as it is. Right now I need a job that has good base income & insurance as my husband is self-employed. So anyway... just checking things out and trying to decide what is best for my family. :)

One thing I am a little worried about is it seems there are quite a few consultants in this area.. so lots of competition before I'm even out the door.
Well hello & welcome to chef success. Hopefully this site will help you make up your mind & make the decision easier. There are a lot of good resources here. Also, pampered chef now offers health care insurance. As for business,write down a list of 1000 contacts & call them to see if they'd we willing to host a show for you. The most successful consultants have 4-6 shows booked before they become a consultant. What other questions or concerns do you have?
Tropicalburstqt2 said:
Well hello & welcome to chef success. Hopefully this site will help you make up your mind & make the decision easier. There are a lot of good resources here. Also, pampered chef now offers health care insurance. As for business,write down a list of 1000 contacts & call them to see if they'd we willing to host a show for you. The most successful consultants have 4-6 shows booked before they become a consultant. What other questions or concerns do you have?

...oh, too many zeros....just a list of 100 will get you on an AWESOME start!!!
Lol. Thanks for the correction. My fingers were going crazy. You only need a list of 100, but a list of 1000 would be awesome. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I have 4 people who want to host cooking shows, and 1 has offered to do a catalog show for me :D My recruiter has a been a really good resource. Where do I find more info on this health insurance?
I'd say if you already have 4 people who want to do shows, why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose... for $155 you get an AWESOME starter kit worth over $570. Right now when you sign up and you submit $1250 in your first 30 days (easy to do with 4 shows!!) you get a fantastic lineup of new fall products worth over $170. PLUS you'll earn commission on those 4 shows, and Pampered Chef Dollars as well!! What do you have to lose? If it doesn't work out, at least you'll know you gave it a shot! But you may find that it's not so hard to juggle those things!

I hope that helps! Good luck!
So I doubt you are going to hear anything negative here! :) This truly is a great company to work for and it works around your family.

As far as too many consultants in your area - there really is no such thing. Each of you works your business in their own way and reaches different people. I live in probably the smallest city in my state and I rarely do shows in town, I'm always driving to other towns. So you aren't limited to just your area!
I live in a one stoplight town and there are at least 3 of us (that I know of in our town), there are also at least 2 in one of the neighboring small towns. My Executive director lives about 20 min away and there are 7 directors that I know of in the area, and I haven't had trouble with shows. At one show two customers said they wouldn't host b/c they were loyal customers to another consultant (one I know in our group), but they still placed over $60 in orders each.
I have only been doing this since March and haven't much trouble. I had also hosted within the last year, and had 5 parties booked off of mine, so my close circle of friends were pretty PC'd out by the time I signed, but really, I have done great with it.
Welcome to Chef Success, M. I agree, you don't have to worry about your community being over-saturated with PC Consultants. Believe it or not, as you talk to people while you are out and about, you will find some who have never even heard of The Pampered Chef, and others who haven't been to a show in years! I also agree, if you already have 4 or 5 shows lined up, there's no reason not to go for your 'test drive!'
  • #10
Hi M!
I'm "almost" a consultant, too, but not cause I am undecided. I promised my sweetie I'd wait til I finished a project (9/18, can't wait!).I have to second those who say--give it a test drive. Do your best, go all out, and evaluate it after a month or two. The worst that can happen is you get lots of products for little money, bonus products, and commission to go in your pocket. If you decide not to do it, you can always quit. I was worried about "too many consultants" at first, but then I remembered my party--tons of outside orders from people I hadn't even mentioned the party to--they heard it thru the grapevine, and came flocking to ask to place orders, because they don't know a consultant!I bet you'll do great, you have enough initiative to find this place! I like wandering around in the"files"--that people have uploaded, gives me plenty of ideas.Best of luck!--and remember, if you try it and don't like it, no harm no foul!Marghi
  • #11
Now you can even start with the $80 mini starter kit and "try" the business for 60 days that way.

Related to Is joining Pampered Chef worth it for a busy mom of three?

1. Is joining Pampered Chef worth it for a busy mom of three?

Many busy moms find success and fulfillment in selling Pampered Chef products. With flexible hours and the ability to work from home, it can be a great option for those looking for a job that fits their busy schedule.

2. What are the benefits of joining Pampered Chef as a busy mom?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, you have the opportunity to earn an income while still having time for your family. You also get to be your own boss and set your own schedule, making it easier to balance work and family life.

3. I am currently pregnant and have young children. Can I still join Pampered Chef?

Absolutely! Pampered Chef is a great option for moms who are pregnant or have young children. The flexibility of the job allows you to work around your pregnancy and family schedule.

4. What kind of support and training can I expect as a new Pampered Chef consultant?

As a new consultant, you will receive support and training from your consultant/director, as well as from the Pampered Chef home office. There are also online resources and training materials available to help you succeed in your business.

5. Is there a lot of competition in my area for Pampered Chef consultants?

While there may be other Pampered Chef consultants in your area, remember that each consultant has their own unique network and customer base. Plus, with the variety of products and new releases, there is always something new and exciting to offer to customers.

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