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Is Holiday Tipping Expected for Service Providers?

In summary, most people do not tip their service people at Christmas, but some people do. Some people give a gift, while others just give money.
Silver Member
I was reading breifly on who and what to tip for the holidays and was wondering if everyone does so? It listed people like, the pool guy, postal guy/gal, newspaper deliverer, hair dresser, house keeper and package delivery carrier, etc. etc.

Do you all tip these service people every year and how much or what do you give?

Last year I gave my UPS guy a gift (because we knew eachother from another job I worked at) and he was reallly nice. And our mail carrier a gift because she was awesome!
But I neglected others on the list like our newpaper deliverer and pool guy and hair dresser (even though I only get a hair cut once every 6 months) and feel bad now?

Just wondering?:confused:

I tip my hairdresser every time (he's a hair god), but I gave him extra tip this week when I went.

I felt kind of awkward, though, because I too had read all of the stuff about how much you should give your service people as a Christmas gift. My tip wasn't that good.....

He knows I love him anyway (I hope) :)

  • Thread starter
  • #3
Jean DeVries said:

I tip my hairdresser every time (he's a hair god), but I gave him extra tip this week when I went.

I felt kind of awkward, though, because I too had read all of the stuff about how much you should give your service people as a Christmas gift. My tip wasn't that good.....

He knows I love him anyway (I hope) :)

Oh, I tip my hair dresser too after the cut but wonder if I should send her an extra something during the holiday, (I won't be in to see her until next year sometime)?

Yeay, I was reading something about tipping the pool guy the amount he charges for 1 service ($70):eek: extra for the tip?!
I don't typically tip those service type people extra around the holidays... I never see my mail carrier or those type of people so I don't even think about it. I also don't tip my hairdresser... he is expensive anyway and he owns his shop... I will tip more than usual if we go out to eat or something like that. I try not to feel bad about it... I don't get tipped or get a bonus at Christmas for doing my job... Maybe that isn't the most selfless way to look at it but if i feel moved to tip someone I will - regardless of the time of year. KWIM?
I would love to hear what others do for their "service people". Last week our garbage men left us a Christmas card signed, "The 4 G-men". To me they're just asking for a tip and reminding me there's 4 of them.
I know this is going to sound mean, but here goes. I think that some of the people are doing their job and they get paid for that. I don't see the need to tip the mailman and garbage men for doing their job. I would have to keep a running tally of the times they put the barrels back nicely and the times they threw them so they rolled around the street. As for the mail carrier I get different ones all the time. The old one was always late and some days I wouldn't get any mail. Sometimes I would get 2 sets of mail on Saturday because he wouldn't finish on Friday night. If the weather is bad he might deliver or not. I live in a city that is highly populated, so there is no excuse.
I fell that they should do their job, because it is their job. They shouldn't do it better or worse dependent on my tip.
I do give a gift for my daughter's teachers. She has 5 specials( Art, phys Ed, Music, library and health) plus she has her teacher and the aide. I give the special a little something with her handmade card and the teacher and aide more with her handmade card.
I feel like if I put out thank you cards to all the service type people I am in contact with , they would be annoyed that it didn't have monetary value. It shouldn't be about the money spent but the appreciation.
I'll get off my soapbox now!!
I don't tip extra at the holidays. I don't have a normal hair dresser, cleaning lady, etc! I am going to give our paper lady a tip - a gas station gift card. Figured it was something that she can use to perform her job. But, I feel like she pressures people into a tip (I'm only tipping because she does a really good job). She leaves a card with our paper with her return address in the left corner. Like a signal to send her something.

But I got to thinking, I'm sending her $10. Let's say she has 1000 people on her route (just guessing). If 25% of those people give her $10, that's an extra $2500! That seems really excessive to me! I am still going to send it to her but I really don't agree that you need to tip everyone extra at the holiday season.
The "guidelines" for holiday tipping are just suggestions. Right now I'm specifically thinking of the mailmen, garbage men, and possibly the newspaper delivery person. If you have a regular person and they do a great job, then this is your way of saying thank you for all that you do. Yes, they get paid, but this is your thank you. Mailmen do so much - we have a fabulous one - and I plan on tipping him with a restaurant gift card and some homemade goodies (his son attends the school I used to teach at). We have had crappy mailmen (who I wouldn't have dreamed of tipping) and it makes you appreciate the good ones! My uncle is a postman and I can tell you that not too many people tip, say thank you, or are even that courteous to him (and I know he goes above and beyond what is necessary).

As for tipping hairdressers, pool boys, etc. I don't think that it's necessary. You tip the hairdresser every time you go...and unless you live in a warmer environment, you don't have a pool boy year round.

It all comes down to this - did they perform a service for you? Did they do a good job? Are you happy with them? It is a personal decision for everyone...but this year I know I will be tipping the mailman and doing something nice for our garbage men (they are nice to my dogs and everything!)

Just my two cents.
You need to do what feels right for you. For me if someone performs a service and does a good job they get tipped. I tip my hairdresser very well because she does a good job, is friendly, and I trust her with my hair. I look at it this way she could just do a basic good cut, but she is creative and gives me an awesome cut.

If I see my mail person (it changes day to day) outside I always ask how they are doing and thank them. Again they can be careless with my mail if they so choose.

Just because someone is successful does not mean they do not deserve a tip. I look at it as Karma...treat them how you would like to be treated.
  • #10
TipI also don't have regular hair dressers, or anyone cleaning anything in my home. I never see the garbage men, or the mail man/woman, they seem to change all the time. I also never see the Fed Ex or UPS guy because they run back to their trucks and drive off before I get to the door. I also don't get the paper. So I don't have the problem of tipping anyone this year. I do however make it a point to leave a nice tip everytime we eat at a restaurant unless the service was terrible and also I tipped the nail salon guy nicely for doing a great job. But like I said it's not on a regular basis that I see these people.
I will take a plate of cookies and fudge over to the post office cause I see those people all the time with my selling on eBay and shipping packages. I will also leave some bible tracts and will wish them a Merry Christmas. Also my daughter's tutor for her dyslexia will get some freshly baked cookies that my daughter will make for her as well as a PC item!

I think someone should never ask for a tip. That's rude and very unprofessional. Leaving a card on your trash can implying that they need a tip for four men is crazy! I would leave a card just giving my thanks to them for doing their job.

Debbie :D
  • #11
Yes - I've been reading on aol home page about tipping and such - I don't do anything extra around the holidays myself. My hairdresser is my sister-in-law who I do give little gifts periodically as she doesn't charge me for haircuts - I'm awfully lucky there! As far as the newspaper - I've never tipped - I, too, get the card in the paper a few weeks before Christmas - my brother-in-law works in circulation at a newspaper and he says they do get some people who take the jobs around the holidays - collect the tips and then quit! Not saying that they don't do a good job - I just don't tip them for it. My husband works in retail - works his butt off around the holidays and he doesn't get tipped - he still treats people nicely regardless.

As far as the mailman - I always say thank you to them and do talk to them when I see them. My biggest area for tipping - is always at restaurants - especially when my kids were younger and left bigger messes.

I swear the people who should get tips sometimes are the ones who have to put up with grumpy customers at stores during the holiday season!
  • #12
What is your opinion on tipping a "waitress" in a resturant where you stand in line for your food, get your own drink and the only thing the waitress does is makes sure your food is good and your drinks are filled?? To me, that's really not a waitress, I usually don't leave a tip or if I do, it's a small tip. I did all the work to get my own food. Just wanted to see what you think.
  • #13
We don't have any restaurants around here like that, so I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet they still make little for an hourly wage. I would tip them, just not as much as you would tip a regular waitress. I tip 20% normally, but I'd probably only leave 8-10% in that situation. But that's just me, and as a waitress, I'm a little biased.
  • #14
wadesgirl said:
What is your opinion on tipping a "waitress" in a resturant where you stand in line for your food, get your own drink and the only thing the waitress does is makes sure your food is good and your drinks are filled?? To me, that's really not a waitress, I usually don't leave a tip or if I do, it's a small tip. I did all the work to get my own food. Just wanted to see what you think.

I see that happening at buffets. People come to fill your cup periodically and take your dirty dishes. I don't tip them as well as someone who actually does bring my food to the table and pretty much gets everything for us since we are sitting and dining. It's not the same to me.

Debbie :D
  • #15
First - it is against the law to "tip" a gov't employee - so giving a monetary gift to the mailman is wrong. We actually got a notice from our Post Office regarding this.

Second - In our last bill from the Garbage company, there was a note to tell us our garbage man's name, and instructions on how to tip.....uh, I think not! If the only way I even know his name is because of a note telling me how to tip - why should I?

And last - I totally agree with Gina! I managed a bookstore for 8 years, and worked lots of long hard hours at Christmas time - without any tips! Why should I tip people I rarely see an extra amount for Christmas? My hairdresser, and waiters & waitresses get good tips from me throughout the year.

If I had a paper delivered, I would consider giving a tip for that person - but that would be about all. Don't have a pool guy (don't think there is any such animal in Michigan!) or a housekeeper - so no worries there!
  • #16
I gave my hairdresser a bigger tip this past week for my haircut, but not a ton! ($5 extra)

I have two mail carriers (one is my regular full time lady, and a second who works on Saturday and when my full timer is on vacation...) The full time lady I just gave a gift bag with a Bath and Body works Wallflower and one package of refills (cost to me: $10) and the other lady will get a Christmas mug filled with homemade pecan/cashew brittle.

If I can catch the men who take our garbage, (sometimes there is one, sometimes two) I will give them a cello bag of the brittle too.

I think that is the extent of extra tips that I will be giving out this year. I don't expect my customers to tip me (nor did I expect it when I was working full time at a physical therapy place) and I think it's nuts some of the "suggested" tips that I have heard in the past few weeks. Hello! Some of the suggested tips are MORE THAN I SPEND ON MY OWN FAMILY!! If I were made out of money, I would do more...but only if I felt like it. I certainly do not feel obligated.
  • #17
heat123 said:
I was reading breifly on who and what to tip for the holidays and was wondering if everyone does so? It listed people like, the pool guy, postal guy/gal, newspaper deliverer, hair dresser, house keeper and package delivery carrier, etc. etc.

Do you all tip these service people every year and how much or what do you give?

Last year I gave my UPS guy a gift (because we knew eachother from another job I worked at) and he was reallly nice. And our mail carrier a gift because she was awesome!
But I neglected others on the list like our newpaper deliverer and pool guy and hair dresser (even though I only get a hair cut once every 6 months) and feel bad now?

Just wondering?:confused:

I don't get the paper or have garbage delivery... no pool... I'm the housekeeper and so far, no one's tipped me. LOL.. I finally have a good hairdresser and I did gave her a holiday tip in a card this past week. I haven't tipped so far cuz they don't let you pad a check or credit card and I rarely have cash on myself so I thought the money would make up for that plus a little extra. I need to pay in cash so I can tip her throughout the year though. She's good and knows how to keep my hair from POOFing.. LOL. But I'm new to the whole tipping who thing too.

I have a mail lady and I don't know... she does her job. I don't see her as having a tippable type job which generally involves someone being underpaid and needing to make tips to get by. Like waitresses. We do tip our waitfolks VERY well... minimum of 20% because they make a lousy wage (usually only what the law says and the minimum wage for waitstaff is usually about half the price of minimum wage... they also put up with a lot and well, if they treat us well, we treat them well - I'm also not above giving a bad tip for blatantly bad service... thankfully that's only ever happened once in my life and I left a penny). We do have our fav waitresses at a local eatery that we request when we go.. but like I said, we're very generous with our year-round tipping that we don't feel the need to do more this time of year.
  • #18
KellyTheChef said:
I gave my hairdresser a bigger tip this past week for my haircut, but not a ton! ($5 extra)

I have two mail carriers (one is my regular full time lady, and a second who works on Saturday and when my full timer is on vacation...) The full time lady I just gave a gift bag with a Bath and Body works Wallflower and one package of refills (cost to me: $10) and the other lady will get a Christmas mug filled with homemade pecan/cashew brittle.

If I can catch the men who take our garbage, (sometimes there is one, sometimes two) I will give them a cello bag of the brittle too.

I think that is the extent of extra tips that I will be giving out this year. I don't expect my customers to tip me (nor did I expect it when I was working full time at a physical therapy place) and I think it's nuts some of the "suggested" tips that I have heard in the past few weeks. Hello! Some of the suggested tips are MORE THAN I SPEND ON MY OWN FAMILY!! If I were made out of money, I would do more...but only if I felt like it. I certainly do not feel obligated.

That's my thought! I don't spend very much on my family, why would I spend even 1/2 on a "total stranger"?
  • #19
Oh...and I need to add WHY I would want to tip my mailcarriers and garbage men...

My mail carriers are SUPER nice and bring my mail and/or packages right up to the door if they won't fit in the box. They are always friendly and LOVE my little boy...

The garbage guys are nice and always look to see if Evan is watching them through the living room window. If he is there...they always wave to him! **I even called the main office and lodged a "compliment" on them! Service people normally don't get to hear the good comments about them!

If I never saw them, I would not be worrying about tipping them or giving them something special from me.
  • #20
We have crappy mail service. They don't take the "extra" effort to shut the door all the way which as resulted in wet mail. They cram everything in there instead of leaving bigger items at the door. Before when we had crappy managment and the roads were hardly plowed, they wouldn't deliver when the roads were too bad. Same with the garbage man. We forgot the garbage can last week and only put out a card board box to throw away, they didn't even take it. They don't put the lid back inside the can, just leave everything laying in the lawn or worse, it gets blown down the road. Even if I wanted to tip either of these "service" people I wouldn't!
  • #21
chefbritt said:
We don't have any restaurants around here like that, so I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet they still make little for an hourly wage. I would tip them, just not as much as you would tip a regular waitress. I tip 20% normally, but I'd probably only leave 8-10% in that situation. But that's just me, and as a waitress, I'm a little biased.

I'd probably do the 10% thing to someone like that... and if they were sincere about good service. I also tip the pizza delivery person about 10%..
  • #22
lkprescott said:
I'd probably do the 10% thing to someone like that... and if they were sincere about good service. I also tip the pizza delivery person about 10%..

We are too cheap and like to eat warm pizza so we always go pick it up. I don't even remember the last time we had delivery.
  • #23
wadesgirl said:
We are too cheap and like to eat warm pizza so we always go pick it up. I don't even remember the last time we had delivery.

LOL! My DH refuses to have a pizza delivered. Our fav. pizza place (Papa John's!) is only a 4 minute drive from our house, so he goes to pick it up.
  • #24
wadesgirl said:
What is your opinion on tipping a "waitress" in a resturant where you stand in line for your food, get your own drink and the only thing the waitress does is makes sure your food is good and your drinks are filled?? To me, that's really not a waitress, I usually don't leave a tip or if I do, it's a small tip. I did all the work to get my own food. Just wanted to see what you think.

If you are talking about buffet style restraunts, I tip them because they still get the pay of a waitress which in UT it is lower then minamum wage (unless they changed it) but the amount always depends on how often they come and get the dirty plates and refills the drinks.
  • #25
ChefBeckyD said:
First - it is against the law to "tip" a gov't employee - so giving a monetary gift to the mailman is wrong. We actually got a notice from our Post Office regarding this.

From CNNMoney:
"As a government employee, postal workers are prohibited from accepting cash gifts or gifts valued over $20. However, a small gift valued under $20 is fine (ex. cookies, chocolate, gift certificates). Wine is not a good option since carriers cannot have any alcohol in their vehicles. Better yet, write a letter of appreciation on behalf of your carrier to the postmaster."

So technically, not against the law to tip them, just anything over $20 or cash. :)
  • #26
Jennie4PC said:
If you are talking about buffet style restraunts, I tip them because they still get the pay of a waitress which in UT it is lower then minamum wage (unless they changed it) but the amount always depends on how often they come and get the dirty plates and refills the drinks.

I've been to both buffet style and "line" style resturants around here. Fuddruckers has it were you enter the line when you get in the door, order your food, pay and then they give you a buzzer. You have to go back up and get your food. The waitress only makes sure you have drinks and your food is okay. There is another resturant around here like that also. When we go to buffets they seem to work harder because they have to clear dirty plates and make sure you have clean ones.
  • #26
ChefJoyJ said:
From CNNMoney:
"As a government employee, postal workers are prohibited from accepting cash gifts or gifts valued over $20. However, a small gift valued under $20 is fine (ex. cookies, chocolate, gift certificates). Wine is not a good option since carriers cannot have any alcohol in their vehicles. Better yet, write a letter of appreciation on behalf of your carrier to the postmaster."

So technically, not against the law to tip them, just anything over $20 or cash. :)

Interesting - because we got a notice directly from the post office, and it didn't have a dollar amount, just that it was against the law to tip postal workers.
  • #27
Ive never had that type of service at Fudruckers of course I havent been there for ages.
  • #28
The article is called 5 tips: Holiday tipping.

5 Tips: Holiday tipping - Dec. 8, 2004

While I'm not planning on tipping anyone but the mailman (with a gift card valued at $20 - not a cent more! - and some homemade treats), I thought some people might find the article interesting. If I can catch the garbage men, I'll probably give them some home made goodies too (4 little festive bags - one for each!). They are nice to my dogs when they are outside. :)
  • #29
I am glad to see everyone tips waitresses/waiters even when they don't believe in tipping others. I tend to agree with what has already been said about tipping service people (mail, garbage, etc.) - I don't tip them - I don't see them and I know they get a good wage. I tip my hairdresser and nail person when I see them so that's taken care of.

As far as waitstaff is concerned, I always tipped but have substantually increased the amount since my sons started working those jobs. They make less than half of minimum wage per hour and the government charges their taxes according to the restaurant's sales that day - it is taken out of their measly check. Unless the waiter/waitress is really bad please tip them.

Now places like McDonalds do pay their people at least minimum wage so that's a different story.

...Speaking of McDonalds - if you are ever traveling through Mebane NC do not stop at the McDonalds off of exit 154 (I40/85). My son went there yesterday to get us lunch and the girl recognized him and said "I'll get you a different tea". When he asked why she said that she had SPIT in mine because she doesn't like it when people ask for no ice. Her manager told me that she denied the incident and that she and my son didn't get along in HS and he made it up. My son gets along with everyone (I am know as "Tom's mom" and everyone tells me how great he is so it's not just my opinion) and has never/would never say that if it wasn't true. In fact, he said he debated whether to even tell me about the incident.
  • #30
BethCooks4U said:
I am glad to see everyone tips waitresses/waiters even when they don't believe in tipping others. I tend to agree with what has already been said about tipping service people (mail, garbage, etc.) - I don't tip them - I don't see them and I know they get a good wage. I tip my hairdresser and nail person when I see them so that's taken care of.

As far as waitstaff is concerned, I always tipped but have substantually increased the amount since my sons started working those jobs. They make less than half of minimum wage per hour and the government charges their taxes according to the restaurant's sales that day - it is taken out of their measly check. Unless the waiter/waitress is really bad please tip them.

Now places like McDonalds do pay their people at least minimum wage so that's a different story.

...Speaking of McDonalds - if you are ever traveling through Mebane NC do not stop at the McDonalds off of exit 154 (I40/85). My son went there yesterday to get us lunch and the girl recognized him and said "I'll get you a different tea". When he asked why she said that she had SPIT in mine because she doesn't like it when people ask for no ice. Her manager told me that she denied the incident and that she and my son didn't get along in HS and he made it up. My son gets along with everyone (I am know as "Tom's mom" and everyone tells me how great he is so it's not just my opinion) and has never/would never say that if it wasn't true. In fact, he said he debated whether to even tell me about the incident.

That is just nasty. I mean how hard is it to get tea without ice? And if I was her manager I would fire her so fast if she did it in yours how many others did she do it to:yuck:
  • #31
Jean DeVries said:

I tip my hairdresser every time (he's a hair god), but I gave him extra tip this week when I went.

I felt kind of awkward, though, because I too had read all of the stuff about how much you should give your service people as a Christmas gift. My tip wasn't that good.....

He knows I love him anyway (I hope) :)

And your hair looks so nice even upside-down! :) He is good! :)
  • #32
BethCooks4U said:
I am glad to see everyone tips waitresses/waiters even when they don't believe in tipping others. I tend to agree with what has already been said about tipping service people (mail, garbage, etc.) - I don't tip them - I don't see them and I know they get a good wage. I tip my hairdresser and nail person when I see them so that's taken care of.

As far as waitstaff is concerned, I always tipped but have substantually increased the amount since my sons started working those jobs. They make less than half of minimum wage per hour and the government charges their taxes according to the restaurant's sales that day - it is taken out of their measly check. Unless the waiter/waitress is really bad please tip them.

Now places like McDonalds do pay their people at least minimum wage so that's a different story.

...Speaking of McDonalds - if you are ever traveling through Mebane NC do not stop at the McDonalds off of exit 154 (I40/85). My son went there yesterday to get us lunch and the girl recognized him and said "I'll get you a different tea". When he asked why she said that she had SPIT in mine because she doesn't like it when people ask for no ice. Her manager told me that she denied the incident and that she and my son didn't get along in HS and he made it up. My son gets along with everyone (I am know as "Tom's mom" and everyone tells me how great he is so it's not just my opinion) and has never/would never say that if it wasn't true. In fact, he said he debated whether to even tell me about the incident.

That's so gross!!:yuck: Makes you want to go inside to order & keep your eyes on your food at all times!!! I have heard horror stories over the years of different places & I sometimes wonder if I really want to eat out ever again!!!
I hope the manager keeps an eye on that girl from now on to prevent that type of behavior.
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Stampaholic1961 said:
That's so gross!!:yuck: Makes you want to go inside to order & keep your eyes on your food at all times!!! I have heard horror stories over the years of different places & I sometimes wonder if I really want to eat out ever again!!!
I hope the manager keeps an eye on that girl from now on to prevent that type of behavior.
Reminds me of a story back when my brother was in HS and his stupid freinds (one was a manager, the other just an attendant) from KFC would spit a logi in the egg batter or something nasty! Never went to that place when they worked there!:yuck:
  • #34
Glad to hear the good replys about waitresses! I've grown up in the restaurant biz & have been a waitress forever.....until the last couple years! (thanks to PC!) I did work at a buffet-style restaurant for awhile; I can tell you that those types of waitresses only make about $2.50/hour, so please do tip them! I always judge by service, but do remember that they are making very low pay & depend on tips for their money!

As far as the holidays go; I take a plate of baked stuff to the post office & to my hairdresser.
  • #35
Do you tip for the holidays?I do tip my paper delivery person as that is a job I would not want. My sister did it for 10 years. You have to go to bed early and get up every day of the year around 3:30 and pick up the papers and then deliver them in all kinds of weather. It is way to much work... I tip him $20. I am a cleaning lady and I do get tips, $10-$50, and some gift cards. My customers are friends I have cleaned for them so long. I do the extra's and they like and appreciate me. That is what it is all about.:rolleyes:
  • #36
BethCooks4U said:
...Speaking of McDonalds - if you are ever traveling through Mebane NC do not stop at the McDonalds off of exit 154 (I40/85). My son went there yesterday to get us lunch and the girl recognized him and said "I'll get you a different tea". When he asked why she said that she had SPIT in mine because she doesn't like it when people ask for no ice. Her manager told me that she denied the incident and that she and my son didn't get along in HS and he made it up. My son gets along with everyone (I am know as "Tom's mom" and everyone tells me how great he is so it's not just my opinion) and has never/would never say that if it wasn't true. In fact, he said he debated whether to even tell me about the incident.

Beth, I would go on the company website and report it!!
  • #37
nikkijo said:
Beth, I would go on the company website and report it!!

I second that!! :yuck:
  • #38
I did. I reported it on the McDonalds USA website. Probably nothing will come of it. lol:grumpy:
  • #39
I tipped my Fed Ex driver today with a $15 gift card for a Local Car Wash

But my real suprise game real early this morning, I took my daughter Lucy to school so that I could help her give her little gifts out to teachers and other staff member, well as I was about to leave the librarian came up to me and gave me a card and said 'Thank You' - I said what for, she said that all of the staff members wanted me to know that they appreciated the goodies that I bring in on Fridays - they really enjoy the recipes - they look forward in what new recipe that I will bringing in.

I waited until I got home and open the card and there was a $25 gift card for Wal-Mart.

I was very shocked - I have never receive a tip ever

  • #40
I did. I reported it on the McDonalds USA website. Probably nothing will come of it. lol

Don't bet on it. I have a friend who had the same thing happen in Missouri and he got a settlement out of it. One of the things he got was free food for 5 years, as much as he wanted. He tried to give that to me since he refuses to eat there ever again. lol He also got a cash settlement. He called the health department and they had caught the guy on tape.
  • #41
Oh, you should check on the video tape thing. Maybe it was recorded. That is just so disgusting. I'm afraid to complain at restaurants because I'm afraid the cooks or someone will do something to my food.
  • #42
The owner called me and said he would check into it further but I have heard nothing more. I am sure they will do nothing and I just hope she doesn't do/say something to hurt my son's reputation - he also works in the restaurant business - that's one reason he was so alarmed by what she said.
  • #43
I'm afraid to complain at restaurants because I'm afraid the cooks or someone will do something to my food.

When I was younger, I worked full service restaurants for a few years as waitress, cook then manager. I can't imagine anyone that I worked with or who worked for me doing something like that. They would have been fired on the spot. If I found out my kid had done something like that, it would just be too bad. There's no excuse for that kind of behavior.

I have no qualms about complaining when the food is bad. If I ever found out something had been done to my food because of a complaint, I'd just be the new owner of the restaurant. lol
  • #44
Pardon my grinchness coming out.. it's that kind of gray/dreay day in Michigan. I hate melting, dirty snow.....

The tipping thing makes me crazy. I tip waitpeople who make $2.65/hr, I do not tip garbagepeople who toss my lid of my can into the street or in the middle of my lawn. I don't tip the postal carrier: I know people who work at the post office, they make great money. I work at a wine store part time, no one has ever tipped me for suggesting an awesome bottle of wine. My hairdresser gets a tip. When I had a cleaning service, it was funny how all year long they broke things, misplaced things, and forgot to do certain tasks, but the week before Christmas there was always a card left on the stove with their 3 names on it.

Like I said, my inner grinchness is coming out, but you get the idea. Now, I have to go back working on enlarging my heart!!
  • #45
I leave a good tip for good service when we eat out. I do give my nail lady a nice gift, she does and awsome job and we are friends, same with the lady who helps me clean and my hair dresser. I am really thankful to have them help me and just want to show them how much I appreciate them.
  • #46
Today, for the first time ever, the FedEx guy actually rang the doorbell. He has never knocked or rang. I knew he was coming because I had a package being picked up today. He brought my heart dish. I had thought about leaving him a smal gift of something, but I thought it might actually be a different person because of the holidays and it was a pickup. Anyway, I felt a little bad for not giving him anything, but maybe if he always rang the doorbell and put things at the front door, I'd feel like tipping him!
  • #47
JAE said:
Today, for the first time ever, the FedEx guy actually rang the doorbell. He has never knocked or rang. I knew he was coming because I had a package being picked up today. He brought my heart dish. I had thought about leaving him a smal gift of something, but I thought it might actually be a different person because of the holidays and it was a pickup. Anyway, I felt a little bad for not giving him anything, but maybe if he always rang the doorbell and put things at the front door, I'd feel like tipping him!

Last night, at 6:15, my doorbell rang. It was the Fed-Ex Man with my heart dish! DH even said "wow, usually they just dump it by the door and run." I don't think it was the same guy though - because usually my stuff stinks like cigarette smoke, and this one didn't - so maybe that was the difference.
  • #48
WOW. Nothing like saying I'm your driver, where's my tip. lol

My fedex person has been a woman for the last couple of months and I left a gift on the porch where they deliver - had to go out before she came yesterday. My order was delivered but the gift wasn't taken. Oh, well...
  • Thread starter
  • #49
BethCooks4U said:
WOW. Nothing like saying I'm your driver, where's my tip. lol

My fedex person has been a woman for the last couple of months and I left a gift on the porch where they deliver - had to go out before she came yesterday. My order was delivered but the gift wasn't taken. Oh, well...
At least you thought about her and made the nice :blushing: gesture!
  • #50
I don't tip extra at the holidays either. I esp. don't tip people just for "doing the job they are supposed to be doing anyway". I do tip my hairdresser and nail lady and of course waiters (because they work for tips). Are not the mail, garbage, and delivery people supposed to do their jobs to the best of their ablitiy? What ever happened to "merry christmas" here are some cookies? I dont' get it?!
<h2>1. Should I tip for the holidays?</h2><p>Tipping during the holidays is a personal decision and there is no obligation to do so. However, if you have received exceptional service throughout the year, it is a nice gesture to show your appreciation with a small gift or tip.</p><h2>2. Who should I tip for the holidays?</h2><p>Typically, people who provide regular services to you throughout the year, such as your hairdresser, housekeeper, and package delivery carrier, are often given a small gift or tip during the holidays. However, it is ultimately up to you to decide who you would like to tip based on the level of service you have received.</p><h2>3. How much should I give as a holiday tip?</h2><p>The amount you give as a holiday tip varies depending on your budget and the level of service you have received. A good rule of thumb is to give an amount equivalent to one session or service fee. For example, if your hairdresser charges $50 for a haircut, you can give a $50 tip. If you are on a tight budget, a small gift or a heartfelt thank you note can also be a meaningful gesture.</p><h2>4. Do I have to tip everyone on the list?</h2><p>No, you do not have to tip everyone on the list. It is up to you to decide who you would like to show your appreciation to. If you have received exceptional service from your newspaper deliverer or pool guy, you can choose to give them a small gift or tip. However, if you do not have a close relationship with them or have not received great service, it is okay to skip them.</p><h2>5. What if I forgot to tip someone last year?</h2><p>If you forgot to tip someone last year, you can still show your appreciation this year. It is never too late to give a small gift or tip to someone who has provided you with great service. You can also include a note apologizing for not tipping them last year and thanking them for their hard work.</p>

Related to Is Holiday Tipping Expected for Service Providers?

1. Should I tip for the holidays?

Tipping during the holidays is a personal decision and there is no obligation to do so. However, if you have received exceptional service throughout the year, it is a nice gesture to show your appreciation with a small gift or tip.

2. Who should I tip for the holidays?

Typically, people who provide regular services to you throughout the year, such as your hairdresser, housekeeper, and package delivery carrier, are often given a small gift or tip during the holidays. However, it is ultimately up to you to decide who you would like to tip based on the level of service you have received.

3. How much should I give as a holiday tip?

The amount you give as a holiday tip varies depending on your budget and the level of service you have received. A good rule of thumb is to give an amount equivalent to one session or service fee. For example, if your hairdresser charges $50 for a haircut, you can give a $50 tip. If you are on a tight budget, a small gift or a heartfelt thank you note can also be a meaningful gesture.

4. Do I have to tip everyone on the list?

No, you do not have to tip everyone on the list. It is up to you to decide who you would like to show your appreciation to. If you have received exceptional service from your newspaper deliverer or pool guy, you can choose to give them a small gift or tip. However, if you do not have a close relationship with them or have not received great service, it is okay to skip them.

5. What if I forgot to tip someone last year?

If you forgot to tip someone last year, you can still show your appreciation this year. It is never too late to give a small gift or tip to someone who has provided you with great service. You can also include a note apologizing for not tipping them last year and thanking them for their hard work.

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