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Director How Can We Work Together to Make Your Pampered Chef Party a Success?

In summary, the caller was frustrated because they only had one free Friday evening for the month to host a party and the person they were scheduled to have the party with did not want to include any of their friends on the guest list. They ended up coaching the other person on how to create a guest list and how to host the party successfully.
Gold Member
I had someone schedule a party in June with me. She was a guest at another show of mine. The day she picked was my only Friday evening for the month. She seemed put out when I asked her for the Guest List. Every suggestion I had for her she shot down, ie, go through your holiday card list, invite people from different circles, include people that live far away.... It was very awkward because our conversation was just about finished and instead of say good bye, she just hung up. It was odd. Background, personally, I am not excited to do this party, she will probably invite just the same people from the party where I met her. It was a very small party barely making $300. There has been another party from the original party and it was in the $200s. I know I might sound unthankful, but times are tight and if I have to go out on a Friday, I want to be making some money.


Thank you for scheduling a Pampered Chef party. You hung up the phone a bit abruptly and you seemed bothered by the guest list. While this is a party for you, for me it is my business. By you and I working together, we ensure that each one of us is successful. You earn free and discounted products and I earn a pay check. It is my goal to make sure that every party is a success not only for me, but for my hosts too. I believe that the guest list is a best place to start and is the key to a successful party, but it is something that only you can do. Once the list is finished, you really do not have much to do. I print the invitations, buy the envelops and stamps and mail them out.

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings that you might have.

I look forward to working with you on your party.
Please do not send this!!! I think you might want to take a deep breath, walk away from the computer, do something enjoyable to take your mind off of her, then come back later and rewrite your email. I know if I received this (no matter how difficult a host she may be...) I would cancel my show with you. Your email sounds rather bossy and like a lecture to me. I don't have time to help you rephrase it now, but I'm sure Sheila will pop on here and turn this around so that your host will end up being your best friend! Good luck!
pamperedlinda said:
Please do not send this!!! I think you might want to take a deep breath, walk away from the computer, do something enjoyable to take your mind off of her, then come back later and rewrite your email. I know if I received this (no matter how difficult a host she may be...) I would cancel my show with you. Your email sounds rather bossy and like a lecture to me. I don't have time to help you rephrase it now, but I'm sure Sheila will pop on here and turn this around so that your host will end up being your best friend! Good luck!

I was thinking the same thing. Sometimes its better to walk away & just do something else. Then get back to it later or even the next day....HTH
"So sorry we got cut off on the phone the other day. I am so excited to see you again and help you earn those free tools! Let's talk over the phone sometime next week so that I can help you finalize the details." That's it.

If she doesn't want to give you her address, no biggee. When you coach her, have everyone bring their ugliest kitchen tool (wooden spoon, spatula, etc). Also remind her that everyone who brings a friend not originally on the guest list or an outside order gets a free gift.

Make this positive.
I agree - DON'T SEND IT!!
Wait til Sheila gets online - she is the queen of wording and she'll likely have a really great suggestion.
Nanisu said:
"So sorry we got cut off on the phone the other day. I am so excited to see you again and help you earn those free tools! Let's talk over the phone sometime next week so that I can help you finalize the details." That's it.

Make this positive.

This wording sounds good to me.
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  • #7
That's why I post it here first. I hate sending things via email. This being said... I am tired of feeling apologetic because I want to earn an income. I just don't know the right way to tell hosts that this is a business for me and we really do rely on it to pay the bills.
cookingwithlove said:
That's why I post it here first. I hate sending things via email. This being said... I am tired of feeling apologetic because I want to earn an income. I just don't know the right way to tell hosts that this is a business for me and we really do rely on it to pay the bills.

One way is to talk about it during the shows. I have hosts/customers who think I should be giving them big discounts and they don't believe me when I tell them I would be losing money I'd I gave them things for half price or some such thing. lol

Maybe we should fo back to the old tagline: the kitchen store that comes to your door. But then would they get it then either?
Nanisu said:
"So sorry we got cut off on the phone the other day. I am so excited to see you again and help you earn those free tools! Let's talk over the phone sometime next week so that I can help you finalize the details." That's it.

If she doesn't want to give you her address, no biggee. When you coach her, have everyone bring their ugliest kitchen tool (wooden spoon, spatula, etc). Also remind her that everyone who brings a friend not originally on the guest list or an outside order gets a free gift.

Make this positive.

I like your response also. It's short and sweet. No unecessary elaboration or details. You just have to pretend she said good-bye and keep on coaching her. Good luck!!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Nanisu said:
If she doesn't want to give you her address, no biggee. When you coach her, have everyone bring their ugliest kitchen tool (wooden spoon, spatula, etc). Also remind her that everyone who brings a friend not originally on the guest list or an outside order gets a free gift.

Make this positive.

I have found that when I get the guest list, even if it is just 10 people my parties hold and my show average is higher. I went back through last year's shows and for the shows that I did not get a guest list for they either cancelled or had a $330 average. For the ones I did get the guest list for only 2 cancelled due to family emergencies and my show average for them was $680.

While I have never cancelled a party due to the lack of a guest list, I sometimes wished I did. I try to maintain the attitude that anything can happen at a party and I could meet my next best consultant. But she hung up on me and believe me I was being polite and had a smile on my face while I was speaking with her. I struggle with how to tactfully tell my hosts that while this is a party for them it is my business and I require a working relationship with my hosts. I would love to hear how you approach this subject with your hosts.
  • #11
I agree, don't send that! I didn't even finish reading it, I had to scan down to see if it was already a done deal! ;) You can't let your frustration show to them. No matter how bad you really WANT to tell them off, it's very important for you to come off as being helpful, professional AND make it look like what they get out of this is what's important.

First of all, is she Hispanic? If so, don't fret that she hung up on you. I found out (the hard way) from an ex-co-worker years ago that it's not in their culture to say thank you or goodbye. When they are done, they just hang up. It's common and not considered rude in their circle. So if she's Hispanic, just chalk that one up to culture not her being upset or rude. ;)

Okay, just finished reading your draft all the way through. Here's what I'd send:


I wanted to send you a few tips for hosting a GREAT Cooking Show. These are things that I've tested that work great and I'd love to see you earn lots and LOTS of items from your wish list for free and at a discount. I promise, if you follow these host coaching tips, you can achieve your goal! :D
  • Send me a guest list. I'll do all the work! I'll print the invitations, stuff the envelopes, pay the postage & make the trip to the post office. All you have to do is provide the list.
  • Invite LOTS of people! If you market to 5 people, you'll get the results of marketing to 5 people. If you market to 40, you'll get the results of marketing to 40. :D
  • Follow up with your guests.
    • If someone mentions that they can't attend, ask them if they would like to place an order to help you reach your goal. You'll be surprised at how many will order to help you.
    • If they RSVP that they are planning to come, call them 2 days before the show (even if you know that they are not home - you can leave a message) and let them know that you are looking forward to seeing them on [day] at [time] for your Pampered Chef Show. You can even tell them that we will be making [recipe name] and how much fun we will have at the show! Life gets in the way, so this is a great reminder that they previously said they would be in attendance.
    • If they said they were coming but end up not coming, follow up & let them know that you were sad they were unable to attend, but ask if they wanted to place an order to help you reach your goal.
  • Remember that you are not restricted to people who can attend in person. With our online ordering system, anyone, anywhere can order on your show & help you to achieve your goals.

The more you sell, the more you earn! So set your goals on how much you want to earn for free and at a discount and go for it! $1,000 is a VERY achievable goal if you have the desire and follow through to make it happen. Wouldn't you LOVE to earn $215 in Free Items, 4 half-priced items, something off the host flyer at 60% off and then 30% off anything else that you wanted above & beyond that?

I'm here to help you achieve that goal! So send me your guest list as soon as possible so that we can get the invitations out in plenty of time for your guests to make arrangements to attend. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


And thanks to those of you who were recommending for her to wait for me to pipe in. That was super sweet! The in-laws had the kids all day & I was out shopping with a friend. Just got the kids in bed & am finally catching up online tonight. ;)
  • #12
So what was the outcome????! What did you end up sending and what was her response?
  • #13
Personally I tell my hosts in their first host coaching call that I want their show to be a success for both her and myself. "Sheila thank you so much for hosting a party with me. I want you to know that I truly appreciate your business. Without hosts like you, I wouldn't have the fun and profitable business I do today so thank you! My #1 goal is to make sure your party is a success for both you and I. In fact, my goal is to give you $220 in free product at the end of the evening. How does that sound? Great! To do that, we will want to have 15 guests in attendance...etc....."---~Krista (in Canada!)
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  • #14
I got her guest list. It is all emails. 30 email addresses and then she has names for people she is handing postcards out to. Her party is on June 10th.
  • #15
cookingwithlove said:
I got her guest list. It is all emails. 30 email addresses and then she has names for people she is handing postcards out to. Her party is on June 10th.

Let us know how you make out. She may want to "prove" to you that she can have a good party without a guest list and may work harder to do so. Either way, good luck and let us know how it turns out!
  • #16
What happened?!?
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  • #17
When I left the show we were at $340. But now she is over $500 with outside orders.
  • #18
Maybe she'll keep going & hit $1,000! :D
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  • #19
Okay, I have a little more time to write. To tell you the truth, I sent my original email as originally written. I got the guest list shortly there after. She was very pleasant to work with afterwards and we had a very fun party. She gave a couple of leads outside of her party for recruits and bookings. After reading the other emails they were not me. I am short and to the point. I am not passive aggressive. I guess I am not that nice. It is not respectful to hang up on someone and I feel compelled to stand up for myself. The guest list is a big deal to me, because I have very few cancellations. Host Coaching without one is not an option for me. Sure there are occasions when I have not gotten one and usually the show really falls short. I went back through my shows from last year. Average show with a Guest List to me was about $680. Average show without the Guest List either cancelled or about $330. To me this is significant and it is the one thing I do in my business that I am not very flexible about.
  • #20
:) Glad to hear that it worked out and looks like you ended up with a nice show!

Related to How Can We Work Together to Make Your Pampered Chef Party a Success?

1. What is the purpose of asking "How Does This Email Sound?"

The purpose of asking "How Does This Email Sound?" is to get feedback on the tone, clarity, and overall effectiveness of the email. This can help improve communication and ensure that the message is received as intended.

2. Who should I ask for feedback on "How Does This Email Sound?"

You can ask anyone who you trust to give honest and constructive feedback. This could be a coworker, friend, or family member. It is important to choose someone who is familiar with the context of the email and can provide valuable insights.

3. How should I phrase the question "How Does This Email Sound?"

The phrasing of the question may vary depending on the recipient and the purpose of the email. However, a general way to phrase it could be, "Could you please take a look at this email and let me know your thoughts on the tone and clarity?" This allows the recipient to provide specific feedback and not just a simple "yes" or "no" answer.

4. Is it important to ask for feedback on "How Does This Email Sound?"

Yes, it is important to ask for feedback on "How Does This Email Sound?" as it can help improve the effectiveness of the message. Often, we may not realize how our words may be interpreted by others, and getting feedback can help avoid any misunderstandings or miscommunications.

5. How can I use the feedback received from asking "How Does This Email Sound?"

The feedback received from asking "How Does This Email Sound?" can be used to make necessary changes to the email to ensure it conveys the intended message clearly and effectively. It can also help improve your communication skills and make future emails more impactful.

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