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How can I reactivate my Pampered Chef business and generate new leads?

In summary, Sarah is trying to get her business back up and running after being inactive for a while. She is considering doing a fair and feeding people in her office, as well as having a Mystery Host show. Jenni offers a great idea of having a mini margarita pie party.
Hello Ladies and Gents!

I'm trying to get reactivated with Pampered Chef and finding it really difficult. I'm fortunate to work in a large place with TONS of women but most are very apprehensive about spending money, especially when times are hard. I was wondering two things and I hope you don't mind me bending your ears.

First, because I "used up" all of my leads and I'm not a very outgoing person, I've run out of party people. Any suggestions how to restart the engine? I was thinking of having a book party throughout my office. On the flip side, I don't know if its better just to send out a newsletter to people I think are potential hosts since everyone although most came to my open house last September and I don't know how eager everyone would be. Or do I do both, sending out a newsletter to the people I would think will bite AND have some kind of incentive with an office book party?

Lastly, when you've been inactive, what happens to your PWS? Is that inactive as well? I realize I've lost bridal show and individual incoming order priveledges until I've reached a certain amount but I was just curious as to the website. I have my website information on all of my stickers, labels and cards and I'm hoping I can keep it!

Thanks for your time,
I would definitely do both, but I wouldn't send out your newsletter only to those who you think will "bite". Send to EVERYONE! I'm learning .... slowly, but surely .... not to pre-judge. It's difficult sometimes, but it is true that you never know if today or next month or next year is a good time for someone. It never seems to be about them or you, it's about their situation AT THAT MOMENT.

Have you also thought maybe of doing a fair/flea market or something like that? That would enable you to reach out to people who are outside your "circle". I too am not very outgoing and find it hard to talk to new people, but it would be worth a try.

You could make up some posters too and post in local malls and supermarkets.

Good luck in getting your business going again!! :D
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Actually, I was invited to do a fair with my Leader next Tuesday evening around the corner from my house. I wasn't sure if I could hand out business cards if my website wasn't going to be up and running or if it was even going to be the same website address!

You're right on the pre-judging. I need to stop and open it up to everyone. I guess sometimes you just never know!

Thanks so much for your time and great advice!
How about a Mystery Host show at your office? That way people only need to collect $100 in orders. I haven't tried this yet, myself, but if you look at the threads regarding this, you'll see alot of people seem to get pretty excited.:thumbup:

I'm praying for a really successful July for you!!:sing:

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I'm thinking that I will be really really lucky if I get women to buy $20 worth of stuff. Government work is great to get into but its certainly not for the money!

Thanks for the well wishes, Sarah!
I would feed the people in my office and pass around books. The mini margarita pies are cheap and make tons. Leave books and order forms near the food!!!
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That's a great idea, Jenni! That's one thing EVERYONE in this office responds to....FOOD! They always hunt you down for recipes. I brought in Too Much Chocolate cake and Peanut Butter Frosted Double Chocolate Brownies and they were scarfed down in 20 minutes. Tons of emails and visits for the recipes!

Its sad how something so obvious escapes me....

Thanks again!

Related to How can I reactivate my Pampered Chef business and generate new leads?

1. What does "I'm Back and Motivated" mean?

"I'm Back and Motivated" is a phrase used by Pampered Chef consultants to indicate that they are returning to their business with renewed energy and determination. It can also refer to a specific promotion or incentive offered by the company to help consultants stay motivated and achieve their goals.

2. How can I stay motivated as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of resources and tools to help consultants stay motivated, including training and development programs, recognition programs, and a supportive community of other consultants. It's also important for consultants to set specific goals and regularly track their progress to stay motivated and focused.

3. Can I use the "I'm Back and Motivated" phrase in my marketing materials?

Yes, you are welcome to use the "I'm Back and Motivated" phrase in your marketing materials as long as you are an active Pampered Chef consultant and comply with the company's branding guidelines. You can also use the official "I'm Back and Motivated" logo, which can be found in the consultant's back office.

4. What are some ways I can get back on track and be more motivated in my Pampered Chef business?

One great way to get back on track and stay motivated is to connect with your upline and fellow consultants for support and accountability. You can also set specific goals, attend training and development events, and utilize the various resources and tools provided by Pampered Chef to help you stay motivated and achieve success.

5. How can I encourage my team members to stay motivated?

As a leader, it's important to lead by example and show your team members how you stay motivated in your Pampered Chef business. You can also offer support, recognition, and incentives to help keep your team members motivated and focused on their goals. Regular communication and check-ins can also help keep team members engaged and motivated.

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