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Have You Found True Friendship on the Internet?

In summary, making friends on the internet is similar to making friends in real life. You can join online communities or forums, attend virtual events, and connect with like-minded individuals. It is possible to have true friendship on the internet by communicating openly and honestly, being supportive and understanding, and staying connected. To know if someone is a true friend, pay attention to their communication, level of sharing, and effort to stay in touch. The benefits of online friendships include support, companionship, diverse perspectives, and learning opportunities. To maintain online friendships, make an effort to communicate regularly, show interest and support, and be understanding of boundaries and differences.
I am coming out of the closet, I have been lurking on this site for a month or two, and I love it!!! I have LOVED all the ideas, comments, threads. I could go on and on about how much I have learned from everyone here!!

My name is Anna Crowder. I live in Knoxville, TN. I have 4 children, 12 (boy, Riley), 10 (girl, Hailey), 8 (boy, Drake) and 2 (boy, Brooks). They are the love of my life!! I am happy to be a part of this group!! You all make me laugh and have made me teary eyed (the trying to concieve thread). I am always here for anyone who needs me!!

I hope to make some wonderful friends here!

:) Anna
OK... Your thread title cracked me up!

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! Glad you enjoy my "Conceive" thread. Thanks for you kind words. I tell ya, the people on this site are just amazing and inspiring. Soak up all you can!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Thank you!! Glad you could laugh. :)
I wanted to be creative and it is exactly what I was doing and I giggled too!! I love everyone here and I can't wait to make some great friends. After I submitted my post, I noticed I butchered the word CONCEIVE (the whole i before e except after c thing kills me)... LOL!
Hey Anna!I'm also in K-town...who's cluster are you in?Welcome to the boards!Blessings....
Welcome to the board! I do kinda feel creepy sometimes when I talk about someone on here as "my friend on the internet". I love you guys so much though!!
Gillian - don't feel creepy! My husband and I met on the internet over 10 years ago and have been married 8.5 years. The internet connects people who otherwise would never meet!Teehee...shouldn't this thread be titled "Coming out of the Pantry?"Oh boy, do I need a good nap!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Hello there! How are you all? Thank you for the warm and funny welcome. I should have called this Coming out of the Pantry, that is great!
MamaChef, I am with Kelly Kramer. How about you? Email me. Maybe we can meet!! My email address is [email protected]

Welcome! This site and the folks on it are top shelf!

Anne: We really are too much alike. I was wondering too! :D
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  • #9
LOL!! I am glad I caught your attention!! I am happily married (to a man)!! I just thought it was a clever way to introduce myself!! I hope I do not offend anyone! All in good humor! :)
  • #10
Anna, no offense taken but you definitely caught our eyes!!
  • #11
lisacb77 said:
Welcome! This site and the folks on it are top shelf!

Anne: We really are too much alike. I was wondering too! :D
"Not that there's anything wrong with that" You just never know what you're gonna read!
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  • #12
AJ. I see you are a Sienfeld fan! LOL Me too!!
  • #13
Oh me too! DH and I love Seinfeld!
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  • #14
Me too Lisa! Most everything in life mirrors a Seinfeld episode! I could go on and on.. How are you today?
  • #15
LOVE the Seinfeld... and the KRAMER!
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  • #16
OK..hows this?!?

I'm out there Jerry, and I am lovin every minute of it"
  • #17
ChefTotsy said:
OK..hows this?!?

I'm out there Jerry, and I am lovin every minute of it"
Jerry: You're crazy.
Kramer: Am I? Or am I so sane that you just blew your mind?
Jerry: It's impossible.
Kramer: Is it? Or is it so possible that your head is spinning like a top?
Jerry: It can't be.
Kramer: Can't it? Or is your entire world crashing down all around you?

Funny thing... My maiden name was Newman. But no one picked up on the Hello, Newman thing until after the show went off the air. Slow on the uptake I guess.
  • #18
Well you guys must go read my post on the floral cupcake pan then...I discovered how to make muffin tops by accident!!!
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  • #19
LOL!!! I also love the Master of My Domain. Kramer was the first one fast asleep! I love that show!! Oh, and Elaine's dance.....I am laughing just thinking about it!! Oh, and the dot on the sweater.....
  • #20
Here, here for Seinfeld...I love the whole thing - have watched every episode at least 50+ times! Never gets old!

And now that you have joined us, you must share something, a flyer, idea, etc...it's the rule! :)
  • #21
gilliandanielle said:
Welcome to the board! I do kinda feel creepy sometimes when I talk about someone on here as "my friend on the internet". I love you guys so much though!!

I have a very close friend that I met in a chat room over 3 years ago. When Italk about her just like I do my friends who live in my home town, people sometimes look at me funny!! I know how you feel.

People always assume you only meet freaks on the internet!!!
  • #22
I can't help but randomly repeat the "I can't spare a sqaure." skit!
  • #23
cmdtrgd said:
Gillian - don't feel creepy! My husband and I met on the internet over 10 years ago and have been married 8.5 years. The internet connects people who otherwise would never meet!

Teehee...shouldn't this thread be titled "Coming out of the Pantry?"

Oh boy, do I need a good nap!

I met my husband to be on the internet about a year ago!!! I always feel werid when I say this is my friend off the net, becasue I have so many friends then I stop and think... wait does anyone really care anymore? LOL I lvoe this site so much!!!!

Related to Have You Found True Friendship on the Internet?

1. How can I make friends on the internet?

Making friends on the internet is similar to making friends in real life. You can start by joining online communities or forums that align with your interests and values. Be active in discussions and reach out to people who share similar thoughts and opinions. You can also attend virtual events or join online groups to connect with like-minded individuals.

2. Is it possible to have true friendship on the internet?

Yes, it is possible to have true friendship on the internet. Many people have formed strong and long-lasting friendships through online interactions. The key is to communicate openly and honestly, be supportive and understanding, and make an effort to stay connected with your online friends.

3. How can I know if someone I met online is a true friend?

It takes time and effort to build a true friendship, whether online or in person. Pay attention to how the person communicates with you, how much they share about themselves, and how supportive and understanding they are. If they consistently make an effort to stay in touch and show genuine care and concern for you, it is likely that they are a true friend.

4. What are the benefits of having online friendships?

Online friendships can bring a lot of benefits. They can provide support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. They also offer a diverse perspective and allow you to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures. Additionally, online friendships can be a source of learning and growth as you exchange ideas and experiences with your friends.

5. How can I maintain my online friendships?

Just like any other friendship, maintaining online friendships requires effort and communication. Make time to catch up with your friends, whether through messaging, video calls, or virtual hangouts. Show your interest and support for their lives and be there for them when they need someone to talk to. Remember to also be understanding and respectful of their boundaries and differences.

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