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Get Ready to Join the Consultant World: Tips & Info!

In summary, you will receive a Consultant planner, Planning Guides for your Hostess, and other materials in your start up kit. You may purchase the website now, but only people ordering through a cooking show can place orders until you sell $1250 in products. qualifying as early as possible
I am very excited I just signed up on line. I cant wait to get my kit. So I have been surfing the web for info ( how i found this site).

From What I read the Consultant pays full price when we submit the order and in return we get a commission check twice a month is this right?

I have already down loaded the PP3 for ordering and entering your calender info. Also do we get a hostess planner with our kit or do we have to purchase that from PC ?

Also i want the web site do we have to sale $1250 before we can get the site or can we go ahead and buy it and let people visit ?

Any tips or ideas about starting up would be great :love:

Crystal South Carolina
meabrat said:
I am very excited I just signed up on line. I cant wait to get my kit. So I have been surfing the web for info ( how i found this site).

From What I read the Consultant pays full price when we submit the order and in return we get a commission check twice a month is this right?

I have already down loaded the PP3 for ordering and entering your calender info. Also do we get a hostess planner with our kit or do we have to purchase that from PC ?

Also i want the web site do we have to sale $1250 before we can get the site or can we go ahead and buy it and let people visit ?

Any tips or ideas about starting up would be great :love:

Crystal South Carolina

We could definitely answer your questions here, but it sounds like you have a lot of questions that would be better in a face-to-face or telephone conversation. If you signed up, even if you blindly did it online, you'll have a director who is responsible for your training. If you went and signed up blindly online then you'll be assigned that director based upon where you live. I'd call Home Office on Monday at 888-OUR-CHEF and find out who your director is. That person is getting paid to help you and can answer all of your questions in detail much better than we could on here.

You wrote: "From What I read the Consultant pays full price when we submit the order and in return we get a commission check twice a month is this right?"

I wish I could answer this for you but I'm not even sure what you mean by your question.

Hostess Planners do come in your kit, and we get a certain amount free every month if we indicate it on our supply order.

You may purchase the website now, but only people ordering through a cooking show can place orders until you sell $1250 in products.

I would suggest focusing your efforts on booking your first 4 cooking shows, and not worry so much about the website or the "extras" yet.
Congratulations. I hope you will be assigned a Director who will answer all your questions, with the latest information. My understanding is that your website will
be activated to receive orders, as soon as you have qualified. I've been a consultant five years. Like you, I wanted to sign up ASAP, so I would have my website information when I had my business cards printed. You will get a Consultant planner for yourself, and your start up kit will have Planning Guides for your Hostess, as well as other materials and your tools for whatever Kit you signed up for.

In the meantime, start lining up your Hostesses, and get as many shows scheduled for your first thirty days. You will be greatly rewarded for qualifying as early as possible.
If you have a person who recruited you, lean on them for all the answers to your questions. They are there to support you. This site is great for supplimental support.

Practice your recipes before your shows, to give yourself confidence. Keep it as simple as possible. If you already have PC products, use them to practice, until you get your kits. It will have a copy of the Spring Summer Season's Best, as well as some of the theme recipes, with very detailed instructions.
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Thanks for the fast response ! I signed up under someone who just signed up herself lol so.
What I was asking about the ordering is : When I place my hostess order and have all the info and orders in when we pay do we pay catalog price or do we pay a discounted price meaning we get our cut the day of the show. hope that is more clear.I already have 6 shows scheduled yippie. I want all the perks with the first 30 - 90 days again thanks for the response and tips I think i am going to love this site
your recruiters upline director should be more than happy to help you
When you enter your first Show order, you will see that your guests will pay the full catalog price, plus tax and shipping and handling. The best form of payment is via their credit cards. If you receive their checks or cash, you will want to be sure the checks clear, and you have the money in your account to cover the debit to your PC card, which will be issued in a couple of days. I am assuming you have requested a PC debit card number. That way, you will be able to cash out the remaining balance on your party, and get the show submitted. Remember, if a charge card bounces, your entire order will be on hold until you get that matter rectified. If you have a check bounce, you might pay an Insufficient Funds Fee at your bank (last time I got stung, it was $15 on a $29 check) and then had to tell the hostess, and have her get cash from the guest. In five years, I have only had three such incidents, in close to $40,000 in sales.
The first three years were golden, with no problems. So, don't let this discourage you.
Re: Just sign upsHi! Welcome to Pampered Chef! Your orders are placed when someone has a show. Customers @ the show pay the catalog price. You can accept any form of payment. Yes c/c from guests are easiest, but don't limit yourself to just that. When a guests pays you cash or check for their order you deposit that amount in your account and then about 3-7 days after show is submitted Pampered Chef will debit that amount from your account to pay for those orders. That is if you have a PC debit card. The first I believe 60 days in busines you can pay for those such orders with your own personal debit or credit card. After that a PC debit or PC credit card must be used. You can apply directly online for that as well as sign up for direct deposit at the same time. A PC debit card is simply a card that authorizes PC to debit your account for the amount of all customer payments not paid for with a customer credit card. Hope that makes sense to you.
Pampered Chef will pay us via commission via direct deposit twice a month. If you don't get direct deposit you will only get one check for the entire month plus they charge a fee to cut and mail a check. So, be sure to sign up for direct deposit right away. We get checks on the 8th and the 22nd. Hope all this helps. Be sure to check with your Director if you have a bunch of questions. That is their job. Ask your recruiter for your Director's info if you don't have it. HTH!
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Hi! Welcome to Pampered Chef! Your orders are placed when someone has a show. Customers @ the show pay the catalog price. You can accept any form of payment. Yes c/c from guests are esiest, but don't limit yourself to just that. When a guests pays you cash or check for their order you deposit that amount in your account and then about 3-7 days after show is submitted Pampered Chef will debit that amount from your account to pay for those orders. That is if you have a PC debit card. The first I believe 60 days in busines you can pay for those such orders with your own personal debit or credit card. After that a PC debit or PC credit card must be used. You can apply directly online for that as well as sign up for direct deposit at the same time. A PC debit card is simply a card that authorizes PC to debit your account for the amount of all customer payments not paid for with a customer credit card. Hope that makes sense to you.
Pampered Chef will pay us via commission via direct deposit twice a month. If you don't get direct deposit you will only get one check for the entire month plus they charge a fee to cut and mail a check. So, be sure to sign up for direct deposit right away. We get checks on the 8th and the 22nd. Hope all this helps. Be sure to check with your Director if you have a bunch of questions. That is their job. Ask your recruiter for your Director's info. HTH!

Related to Get Ready to Join the Consultant World: Tips & Info!

1. What is the process for becoming a Pampered Chef consultant?

To become a Pampered Chef consultant, you will need to sign up through our website or through a current consultant. You will then need to purchase a starter kit, which includes all the tools and resources you need to get started. Once your kit arrives, you can begin hosting parties and building your business!

2. How much does it cost to join as a consultant?

Our starter kits range from $109 to $259, depending on the tools and products included. There is also a $10 monthly fee for your personal website and access to training and support materials. This initial investment is a small price to pay for the potential earnings and rewards of being a Pampered Chef consultant.

3. What kind of training and support is available for new consultants?

We provide comprehensive training and support for all of our consultants. This includes access to online resources, live and recorded training sessions, and a community of experienced consultants who are always willing to offer advice and guidance. We want you to succeed and will do everything we can to help you along the way.

4. Can I still be a consultant if I have a full-time job or other commitments?

Absolutely! Many of our consultants have other jobs or responsibilities and still find success with Pampered Chef. You have the flexibility to work as much or as little as you want, making it a great option for those with busy schedules.

5. What are the benefits of being a Pampered Chef consultant?

Besides the potential for earning income and rewards, being a Pampered Chef consultant also offers the opportunity to meet new people, build relationships, and learn new cooking skills. You also have the support and resources of a well-established company behind you, making it easier to succeed in your business.

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