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Everyone of You Will Make at Least $220 in July-- Guaranteed!!!

In summary, The Pampered Chef is offering a bonus of $200 this month to hosts of their catalog shows. If four hosts gather orders totaling $250, each host would receive $400 in free product and one would receive a 60% off item.
Staff member
I just got this from my hospitality director (NED). Very interesting idea. I've heard of it before, but with the bonuses this month, it would be very appealing to a customer. So I thought I'd share...especially since there are always new folks who haven't seen these yet.

ALL Bonuses are being paid for by The Pampered Chef… Share the info below with everyone.
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All you need is 4 people. And you'll make $220 this month. But think if you got 8 people, that's $440.

I'm looking for 4 people who could gather $250 in Pampered Chef Orders (= about 4-5 orders).

For your efforts you will get:
  • $100 in free products
  • One half priced item- of your choice
  • Unlimited shopping at 30% off
  • Your name will be entered into a drawing for the July 60% off host special!!

This is the first time that I ever offered this level of bonuses and I can only do this because of the AWESOME host special this month!!!!!!!

Thank you!

Here is how it would work: You get four people to gather some orders to equal at least $250 – just like a regular Catalog Show. Then they are going to split the Host benefits of a $1000 show! With 4 hosts reaching $250 each, you have a $1000 show- giving them $400 in FREE Product as a catalog show because of the bonus $200 this month. They’ll each get one half price item, since they’ll have earned 4 of them. They can use the host discount. Only one can get the 60% monthly special item, so you draw a name from the four to see who gets that. You COULD make it a Cooking Show for them and get $415 in free product, if they come to your house on a specific day and maybe treat them to a special recipe for the 4 of them. They can turn in their orders/payments and tally it up, divide it, etc, and close out the show right there! It would be convenient, and an extra few dollars free for them(while not a lot) , but maybe could work??

The only thing I can see is that you’ll have to combine the host orders for at least two of them, since I don’t think we can do more than two as “co-hosts”. The only thing I can see as being a snag would be if all four hosts ordered something with Lifetime or extended warranties...because you can’t put all of their orders in THEIR name- just two of them. I would try to do it so that lifetime items were in their name, and hope the others ordered “regular” stuff. :) But you’d have to give them a printed receipt showing who’s name it WAS ordered on I guess- so if there was an issue they called about, they’d know who’s name.
You can't have a co-host on a catalog show. So all host orders would have to go on one order. My problem is that the people who would most likely take me up on this would not all live in the same place and then I am trying to get hosts their items and paying shipping.
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  • #3
I didn't realize that about a catalog not being able to have a co-host. Thanks for that.Yes- it could have it's issues, but maybe you can tailor it to certain people. Don't know. Just throwing it out there. :) it may work for someone.
Pick select people to offer it to.
Oh, I like it - I'm definately going to give it a try. I know several people here in the area that I may be able to get on board.
I think this would be a perfect incentive for those would be hosts that are on the fence. I might try this with a few of my on the fence hosts. Select one week of the month, have 4 schedule shows that week and then close it as one show the end of the week and submit. Cooking shows always do better than catalog shows. I would even offer to let them have the show at my place, simpler for me and for them!

Mystery Host with 10 people collecting $100 would work as well, that would still give them each $40 to spend.
I did this in January and with 8 people participating the show was over $1500 with commissionable sales over $1700!! It does take some time to keep track of everything. I did have some out of town people want to participate and I made sure they were aware that they would have to come to me to get their products. One had family in this area she was visiting, one had friends in this area that were going to see her and the other drove down to get her products. Don't spend any of your own money on it - make them come to you!By the way when I did it, it was the same host benefit - extra free products. I split the show into two shows - $1000 show and $500 show. I was able to give away over $600 in free products. I split it up so everybody got something for free but had different levels.
wadesgirl said:
I did this in January and with 8 people participating the show was over $1500 with commissionable sales over $1700!! It does take some time to keep track of everything. I did have some out of town people want to participate and I made sure they were aware that they would have to come to me to get their products. One had family in this area she was visiting, one had friends in this area that were going to see her and the other drove down to get her products. Don't spend any of your own money on it - make them come to you!

By the way when I did it, it was the same host benefit - extra free products. I split the show into two shows - $1000 show and $500 show. I was able to give away over $600 in free products. I split it up so everybody got something for free but had different levels.

Will you share your wording that you sent out?
I have some HUGE goals in January and I need your help! Don’t worry you will be rewarded greatly for helping me out!I am asking for 10 volunteers to participate in my $1000 Mystery Host Show!Here is the scoop - I need 10 people willing to collect $100 in orders (10 x $100 = $1000!) - you can do this by passing around a catalog at work or in your neighborhood, at family gatherings or just asking your friends if they need to get some shopping done. Or even shop for yourself and get something back!After I collect all the orders, I will draw a name for each of the following prizes*:
One GRAND PRIZE WINNER will win $150 in FREE Products
One WINNER will win $100 in FREE Products
Three WINNERS will win $55 in FREE Products
One WINNER will win 60% their choice of Bamboo Fiber Bowls, 4-Piece Leakproof Glass Container Set or 7" Santoku Knife
Four WINNERS will win 50% off ANY ONE product of their choice (including cookware sets or any other product in the catalog!)PLUS each participant will receive a FREE gift from me valued at $13
AND 30% off ANYTHING ELSE you order!
For every $100 in orders, you will receive a chance in the drawing (initial winners will only be drawn once but it ups your chances of being for the grand prize!). Secure a booking (or book your own show!) and you will also receive an extra chance.Respond by January 11th, and receive a FREE Season's Best Cookbook! I need to hear soon, so that I can get your show information to you ASAP!I need all orders turned in by Janauary 25th (any turned in later will not be able to be counted as part of the show - sorry!). Winners will be called by January 27th and must submit their personal order no later than January 28th.All orders will be shipped to me. I will sort, pack and label your orders for you & deliver them to you.First 10 to respond will fill the open spots!For more details please call or email me.Thanks,
my information

*Rewards are based on a $1000 show. Values maybe less depending on the show total. If more than $1000 is turned in, I will draw extra names for the extra value!
  • #10
I don't exactly remember the final break down but with the extra free stuff for both a $1000 and $500 show (in January it was $500 for the lowest level not $650 like this month) but I gave everybody free stuff and then each of the 8 got either a half price item or a 60% off item. The free gift was the trivet.
  • #11
thank you soo much for posting this! i've been thinking about rejoining PC and i was looking for a good solid idea to start the business at full speed. this sounds perfect! i was thinking i could change it to $300 in orders each so i'd get closer to the sales bonus ($1250 in 30 days = $100 free product). and i might even be able to get 8 ppl to do it so i could have 2 $1k+ shows right out of the gate!$220 commission - $80 kit + $100 FPV = extra stuff for my kit and $140 for my bank account. win win :D now to propose it to the hubs!
  • #12
You can enter the show under your name (no earnings on anything above & beyond the 30% off items ~ but this is what I do because it's easier in my records than trying to remember who's show they ordered on.) or you can choose 1 of the hosts, put everything in her name & then write "gift receipts" to the other 3 from her. They'd have to hang on to it for warranty purposes.

I've done the 10 hosts before ~ never thought about doing it with just 4 hosts. Great idea! ;)
  • #13
Sheila said:
I've done the 10 hosts before ~ never thought about doing it with just 4 hosts. Great idea! ;)

That's what I was thinking. I love the idea of just 4 hosts and feel it is a lot more "doable" on my part to get 4. And each one gets so much more for their efforts -- free product and half-price item and the chance at the 60% off item (1 in 4 is great odds)!

Thank you for the great idea. I'm going to share it with my team at our meeting tomorrow night. I know they'll love the idea and it will really boost their chances of selling $1500 and earning fall products.


Shari in TX

Related to Everyone of You Will Make at Least $220 in July-- Guaranteed!!!

What is the "Everyone of You Will Make at Least $220 in July-- Guaranteed!!!" promotion?

The "Everyone of You Will Make at Least $220 in July-- Guaranteed!!!" promotion is a special offer from Pampered Chef that guarantees each consultant will make at least $220 in commission during the month of July.

How does the promotion work?

To participate in the promotion, consultants must submit a minimum of $1,000 in sales during the month of July. If a consultant does not earn at least $220 in commission from these sales, Pampered Chef will make up the difference.

Is this promotion available to all Pampered Chef consultants?

Yes, the "Everyone of You Will Make at Least $220 in July-- Guaranteed!!!" promotion is available to all active Pampered Chef consultants who submit at least $1,000 in sales during the month of July.

What if I submit more than $1,000 in sales during July?

If you submit more than $1,000 in sales during July, you will still be eligible for the promotion. Your commission will be based on your total sales, and if it is less than $220, Pampered Chef will make up the difference.

Is there a limit to how much commission I can earn with this promotion?

No, there is no limit to how much commission you can earn during the "Everyone of You Will Make at Least $220 in July-- Guaranteed!!!" promotion. The more you sell, the more you can earn!

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