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Director Express - Second Time Around

In summary, the author is undecided about whether or not to attend Director Express again. Their husband is supportive but they are undecided about whether or not to attend because they do not feel like they will be able to implement any action steps from the class.
Gold Member
I need some input on whether or not to attend Director Express again.

I went last year, and I really enjoyed it all, but I'm still just a SC. Yes, I did have a baby in between, but even now that he's seven months old, I'm dead in the water.

I want to say I want the motivation, but that's what I thought I'd really get out of Spring Launch, too. In reality, I think I would be embarrassed to go to DE again, having been through the class once.

I do have a recruit who is very excited about growing her business, and she wants to go. We have two options: a Friday in Atlanta, or a Saturday in Chattanooga. She has registered for the Saturday one, as it's hard for her to take time off work. For me, while DH has that Saturday off, he doesn't feel totally comfortable with me leaving him with two kids all day, and he doesn't think I should drive twice as far when I could go to the Atlanta one.

One of the reasons my business is dead in the water, is because I'm having a very hard time finding the time I know I need to put in it. I leave the house no later than 7 AM, Get home around 6 PM, by the time I get the kids to bed it's 8 PM and I am exhausted. I work at a company with a strict no solicitation policy, and my breaks and lunch are spent pumping or visiting my son at daycare to nurse. So, I need to decide if I should make the effort to attend, when I don't really know how I will be able to implement the action steps.

The hardest part is knowing how much I love my business and how badly I want to succeed in it, but I just can't figure out what to do.

Any suggestions for any of these dilemmas are warmly welcomed.
If it were me- If it's money spent, and time away from your family that is not likely going to result in any results that you know you can't get without it (since you've already gone), I probably wouldn't go. THIS time. Work your business the way you know how. You've been a consultant long enough to know "the answer" of what you need to do (just like I do).I would love to go the one of them near me too, but sort of like you- I know that even after I do, I've got obstacles and time issues at home that would likely mean I wouldn't implement much when I got home, I'd get distracted. Until I get things sorted out first with my schedule and ability to work my business, additional training isn't going to help me much. I am on the fence about NC this year - because of the time and cost, and I've not yielded much from my business to justify it. So for me, I'm going to address THOSE issues and at least try to get something rolling with PC, and then I'll go to NC (or director express or both depending on DE's schedule later this year).Don't know if my perspective helps. Good luck!
NooraK said:
... Any suggestions for any of these dilemmas are warmly welcomed.

Just because you asked ... Your husband is a father, not a babysitter. You should not feel like he's doing you a favor by letting you get out of the house and away from the kids for any reason. Even if you were leaving to go out with your friends shopping, it's his duty as a parent to be a parent. That goes double when your absence is for Pampered Chef or any other source of income. But the parenting goes both ways. He should get some away time too. And then, of course, dates with the two of you and no children are also important. ;)

So, my feelings are that once you realize that you shouldn't feel bad for leaving him at home alone with his children, it will be easier for you to find time to get your PC tasks done. :D
I just went - I had never been - and I really think if it is close enough to you to not have an extra expense of a hotel, it is very worth it. Will I promote in 90 days? I'm going to try and I sure hope so. If it takes me six months will I be upset - heck no, I'll be director! I really think the motivation and information is completely worth it.
It sounded like they made some changes to it too so even though you went before, you might hear and learn something different than last time!
I agree with what you already know and what Bobbi is saying. I don't know that HO is going to tell you anything new. Get your show schedule up. Make more contacts. Can you carve out 30 min. each day? Is that easier to do than take a whole day to go to DE? Is Directorship really a goal for you right now? Do you have a mini goal that you can reach for first? I've been to New Directory Academy as well as the NC Promote to Director workshop last year (my guess is that it was a mini DE). I know what I should be doing yet I don't do it. Can't decide whether to go to the DE near me this spring. The temptation is to do it b/c it's free. I need to decide what I'm going to do about my biz and my habits. Will I get one little nugget that makes an impact? Could very well. Hmmmm....
Don't be embarassed to go again!! If you feel like it's important to your business go for it. I've been through 3-4 Step Up Trainings, Director Express last year and a million other trainings. I will still keep going to any and all trainings I can get my hands on!!
You asked, so I'm going to be honest. It sounds like you're making excuses for yourself. We can all make excuses as to why we aren't succeeding as we'd like to in our business. Do you think that those who ARE succeeding are making excuses or feeling sorry for themselves? They are NOT! They see a goal and tell themselves that they ARE going to attain it. Don't let the first thing that comes to your mind be an excuse of why you can't do something. That said, I think you should go again. I went to the one in Chicago yesterday and about 1/3 of the people there were there last year. It's nothing to be ashamed of.Oh, and Sheila is right. Your husband is a parent. "Doesn't feel comfortable with 2 kids all day" doesn't cut it for a parent. It's part of being a parent. What if you came home from the hospital after having a baby and your husband had to go to work and you said "Oh honey....you can't go back to work yet. I don't feel comfortable with 2 kids all day yet." He'd probably laugh at you, right? Why is it different for him? Don't let it be! He's been a father of 2 children for 7 months!As far as using your lunch break to express milk, you don't have to do that. Georgia state laws state that any employer must provide you with unpaid breaks during the day to express milk. And they must provide a discreet place other than a bathroom stall to do so.
Ga. Code Ann. § 34-1-6 (2001) permits employers to provide reasonable, unpaid
break time for employees to express breast milk and provides that employers may
make reasonable efforts to provide a private location other than a toilet stall for an
employee to express milk.
No way would I give up my lunch hour to pump. If you go to nurse your son instead of pump, that's your decision (and one I firmly stick by as I believe that nursing a child is extremely important), but I would make sure that my employer knows that I will not be using my lunch hour to pump anymore. Whew....that turned into a much longer post than I had anticipated. Sorry!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Thank you for the frank feedback ladies.

Deanna - Yes, I do feel like I'm making excuses, but I feel like I'm also searching for something to turn it around with. I have a few bad habits that are time wasters, and I've started working on that (I've decided to give up FB for Lent). And yes, Georgial law does allow for that, and I actually have a beautiful room for that purpose to use (and we're even getting a refrigerator for storing milk because I asked for one). I do go nurse at lunch, which I plan to continue until my son is a year old (five months to go). As for expressing milk during breaks vs. unpaid time, my position is so flexible that I don't think my manager would even make me take it as unpaid time, but then it would cut into the time I need to actually get my job done.

Sheila - can you say that to my husband? :D I've had a really hard time finding a way to say that, because I'm afraid of coming across as a nag or worse. He really is a great father, but I let it slide way too much when it comes to taking care of the kids. You're right. If something were to happen to me tomorrow, he would just have to figure it out, and there are men out there who do it every day.

The cost of going to Chattanooga is a smal issue, but if I ride with my recruit and share expenses, it really isn't much more than going to the one in Atlanta, since the mileage is just a bit more than double, and we could split it in half. I really want to support her, and because our D is in California, I feel a responsibility to be a good upline.

I'm half tempted to just register for the Chattanooga one and tell DH "tough, deal with it" but I also know that's not totally fair to him. I have 3 weeks before the Chattanooga DE, and a week and a half to the Atlanta one. Maybe I'll see if I can carve out 30 min each day after work to make some calls, and if I can do that, then I'll register.
  • #10

Chattanooga is the Sat. event with your recruit you can ride with and share expenses, right? If your DH is like mine, sometimes I have to tell him stuff and leave him to it (kinda like a 3 year old!).

Since Chattanooga is 3 wks away can you carve out a couple of hours every 3 or 4 days where he has to be totally responsible for the kiddos (even if you're still in the house) and build up his confidence of being alone with 2 kids? And let him know why you're leaving him with them. He needs to realize that you need to be comfortable with leaving them with him too. And we all know he can do it.
  • #11
It's easy girl. If he asks you when you'll be back, tell him "when I'm finished" ... if he calls to see when you are coming home, tell him "when I'm finished". If he keeps calling to check your status remind him that he's a parent, not a sitter & that you'll be back when you are finished. If you say it enough, it will sink in. ;)Parenting is a 50/50 deal. Yes, I stay at home with the kids during the day when hubby's at work and yes, I have to play the single parent role when the military sends him away. But during the evenings & weekends when he's home ... parenting is a 50/50 arrangement. Out of courtesy, I do not expect him to get out of bed in the middle of the night if he has to go to work the next morning ... and 99% of the time our children sleep through the night anyway ... but if they are sick & up during the night & it's a weekend, you better believe he takes one night & I take the other night! I also sleep in one weekend morning. I kick him out of bed, put in the ear plugs & enjoy what sleep I can get before the work week starts again and/or the military sends him away again. He usually packs them in the car & takes them to a park. He's found that to be easier than trying to entertain them in the house. :DFor your sanity, each of you need alone time away from one another & the family life. Even if it's just 1-2 hours of shopping, going out with friends to eat or to a movie ... it lowers your blood pressure & makes you a much happier person. Stand up for yourself girl & take your YOU time! You'll feel a bit guilty at first, but you'll get over it ... as will he! And the children really NEED that one-on-one bonding time with their Daddy. He may not see it now, but he'll have fond memories later! ;)
  • #12
Noora - let me know if you are going to the Atlanta one. I'm not sure if I have any consultants going yet. If any of them do want to go I'll go and support them. I've already registered for the 18th - have a show on the 17th so I can't go to that one.
  • #13
Oh Noora... I hear you loud and clear! I have let my business slide for 6 months or so just keeping active. I do not work outside the home but between scouts and other commitments I feel drained. I have had a few run ins with one particular parent of a girl in my troop and she drains me of every bit of energy and positiveness I have mustered. I was depressed after NC because within 2 months I had lost my team even the one performer I had (good friend as well). The performer who helped keep me excited about my biz went decided to switch to Premier (signed under her best friend). I was really hurt and lost all desire to run my business. I feel like I do want to grow my biz again but just do not feel like I can deal with it all. On top of all this we really NEED the $! I just can not seem to get out of my own way and make it happen. I know all these are excuses as well but they are my excuses and I am owning them. I know what I need to do but just can't seem to make myself do it.

I want to go to DE again too but mine is a week day and have no one to help with the kids.

Hang in girl!
  • #14
etteluap70PC said:
The performer who helped keep me excited about my biz went decided to switch to Premier (signed under her best friend). I was really hurt and lost all desire to run my business. I feel like I do want to grow my biz again but just do not feel like I can deal with it all. On top of all this we really NEED the $! I just can not seem to get out of my own way and make it happen. I know all these are excuses as well but they are my excuses and I am owning them. I know what I need to do but just can't seem to make myself do it.
My best performer signed with Premier in the Fall. She kept up both bizs as well as working FT. In Dec. she started backing off on PC, even cancelling a show b/c she was too nervous to do the demo as it had been a while. She wasn't following through on my suggestions to move her biz forward so she then starts scheduling time with our D for training. Misses some of those calls, doesn't follow through. Now she has said she's only going to do catty shows for PC. Meanwhile she's been coming to team meetings, getting the PC training to apply to her jewelry biz, and - most annoying to me - getting other people on the team to host jewelry shows and trying to recruit them. Thankfully they are not impressed and even one who said she would host is backing off. Enough of my hijack, but I know what you mean about being frustrated when your best performer leaves. Know what? I just recruited someone else in Feb. and she has the potential (don't they all?) to out perform this last one. Let Premier have them. We'll keep moving forward.
  • #15
I've been in my own self-imposed rut as well. That phone is looking like the size of skyscraper that I'm too afraid to pick up and use because it's been forever since I have put a ton of effort into my business. Last night I finally bit the bullet, called several of my past hosts and offered a $25 gift certificate that another CS user shared. So far I've booked 2 shows this month as a result. It's all about overcoming your excuses. It's a slow go, but 2 shows on the cluster calendar is a big motivator!That said, I'm at a point where I hate my 'real' job and want to make PC my full time career within the year so I am going to DE in STL in April. I am determined to grow my business and be successful.
  • #16
Last year, I was pretty new to PC but my director really wanted me to attend DE so I went. I was a little overwhelmed since I was just trying to get my business up and running. I learned some things but didn't really implement very well. I decided to go again this year (it was yesterday) to see if I could really get in the swing of things this year. I was so glad I went! It was different than last year, even though some things were repeated. I really learned a lot on the recruiting interview. The exercises we were doing were very helpful and the consultant I went with learned a lot as well. Hope you are able to make a decision, but for me, I was glad I attended! I am now a team leader and actually got a phone call during the meeting from a possible recruit wanting to meet with me on Friday! New Orleans...here I come!!!
  • #17
Hey Noora. Just heard from one of my consultants who is registered so I'm definately going again. Let me know what you decide to do. We're planning to pack a lunch and hang out there so we don't have to be rushed. You are more than welcome to sit with us. Just let me know if I need to save you a spot :)
  • Thread starter
  • #18
pamperedlinda said:
Hey Noora. Just heard from one of my consultants who is registered so I'm definately going again. Let me know what you decide to do. We're planning to pack a lunch and hang out there so we don't have to be rushed. You are more than welcome to sit with us. Just let me know if I need to save you a spot :)

Thanks Linda, you're always such a sweetheart. I'm going to talk to DH a bit more, because I would like to go with my recruit. Because she's my only one (for the time being at least), I don't want her to feel ditched.

I do have a recruit lead that lives in Nashville, and has been on the fence for like a year and a half. Maybe with the 50% rebate plus great training near her, she'll sign, and they can attend together. Dream big, right?
  • #19
NooraK said:
Thanks Linda, you're always such a sweetheart. I'm going to talk to DH a bit more, because I would like to go with my recruit. Because she's my only one (for the time being at least), I don't want her to feel ditched.

I do have a recruit lead that lives in Nashville, and has been on the fence for like a year and a half. Maybe with the 50% rebate plus great training near her, she'll sign, and they can attend together. Dream big, right?

Not a problem, just let me know. Personally, I think it would be better for you and your recruit if you were able to go together.

And....always dream BIG girlfriend!
  • #20
I am going again. I went in a different town and it was with a different presenter. I was brand new when I went last year, and know I will get different things out of it this time. My ED said that it was different material, and even if it was the same, it would be different, as we are hearing it with different ears than we did last year. I understand about the hubby, mine used to be really bad about that, but has gotten better. Give him lists of things to do (McDonalds, Chick-fil-A, DVD's, Library, Park...) Do you have a sling where he could wear the baby when he goes out? that may make it easier. I am guessing that yours still nap, and honestly just a couple of small activities will occupy the morning. Worst case scenario, he can buckle them in the car and drive around. Be pro-active about it. If you really don't feel comfortable with leaving him with them, then go on the other day. If your downline wants to go, she will go with or without you. I drove 3 hrs for one last year (alone) b/c I couldn't do the date of the one that was 30 mins' away.
Yes, it takes commitment, and sometimes it is hard, but if you are willing to do the work, you can do it.

Related to Director Express - Second Time Around

What is Director Express - Second Time Around?

Director Express - Second Time Around is a software program designed to help directors manage their film projects more efficiently. It includes features such as script breakdown, scheduling, budgeting, and more.

How is Director Express - Second Time Around different from other film production software?

Director Express - Second Time Around is unique in that it is specifically geared towards directors, rather than producers or other members of the film crew. It focuses on the creative aspects of filmmaking and offers tools and resources to help directors bring their vision to life.

What are some of the key features of Director Express - Second Time Around?

Some of the key features of Director Express - Second Time Around include script breakdown, scheduling, budgeting, shot lists, storyboard creation, and collaboration tools. It also offers customizable templates and the ability to track progress and make changes throughout the production process.

How user-friendly is Director Express - Second Time Around?

Director Express - Second Time Around is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive for directors of all levels of experience. It offers a clean and organized interface, as well as helpful tutorials and customer support to assist with any questions or issues.

Is Director Express - Second Time Around compatible with both Mac and PC?

Yes, Director Express - Second Time Around is compatible with both Mac and PC operating systems. It can also be accessed from any internet-connected device, making it convenient for directors on the go.

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