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Director Crazy or Not Crazy? Is this Email Real?

Internet...access...too...much...I'm so not a techie. I have my little pay-as-you go cell phone. It is getting more and more tempting to get a smartphone, esp. with the 3 vendor events I'm doing this weekend so that I could surf while sitting there for 4 hours. I can't justify $75/month or more for a smartphone that I'm not going to use all the time. Maybe if I switch my biz contact info to a cell phone. I'd...hate...to...give...up...my...regular...Internet...access...too...much...I think people are going to be
Chef Kearns
Gold Member
I swear I think I'm losing my mind, but I thought I got an email yesterday or today that said that we could earn triple points in January. I went to block in those dates on my calendar, but can't find the email anywhere. Has anyone else seen this? I'm wondering if I just created it because it would be AWESOME!! Because that's the kind of thing that would start all kinds of chatter on CS or here, but I've seen nothing.

Verdict? Crazy or Not Crazy? this is the only issue on the table... LOL!
it's in the Consultant News :) hold and submit Jan 1-10.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Thank you!!! I knew I saw it somewhere!
Thanks for letting us know!!! I haven't gotten my CN yet and if it is anything like this month by the time it comes it will be too late to book those dates.
Any news on a recruiting promo?
Really? They said Oct was the last one for the year!
I got my CN out of the mailbox & took it in the car with me ~ actually had the intention of reading it while I was out. Then forgot all about it! Guess it's time to put on some shoes & go get it from the car! LOL All this is new news to me! :D
  • #10
loreo said:
it's in the Consultant News :) hold and submit Jan 1-10.

Jan 6-10, not Jan 1-10, per page 11 of CN.
(Unless your editing your dates and if that's the case, heck start in December! :))
  • #11
Melissa78 said:
Jan 6-10, not Jan 1-10, per page 11 of CN.
(Unless your editing your dates and if that's the case, heck start in December! :))

lol! You think people would do that?
  • #12
Melissa78 said:
Jan 6-10, not Jan 1-10, per page 11 of CN.
(Unless your editing your dates and if that's the case, heck start in December! :))

Thanks was quoting it from memory- didn't have it in front of me :)
  • #13
cincychef said:
Really? They said Oct was the last one for the year!

They are going to get a lot of grief for saying that and then offering this one... but what I'm guessing is that there is no reward for the Recruiter... maybe that's why they made the announcement they did...
  • #14
Ummm, WOW! That was hidden! I got my CN earlier this week, had a recruiting interview yesterday and if not for you lovely ladies, would have no idea that December signers have 30 ex. days! Nice, subtle, blurb PC...
  • #15
Just as subtle as the hint about a possible app in our future. :)
  • #16
Melissa78 said:
Just as subtle as the hint about a possible app in our future. :)

As fun as I think an app would be, I'd opt for having our stats updated in a timely manner over that! :grumpy:
  • #17
Melissa78 said:
Just as subtle as the hint about a possible app in our future. :)

I guess you see what caught my attention on first glance...I'm a geek. I know it. :roflmao:
  • #18
finley1991 said:
As fun as I think an app would be, I'd opt for having our stats updated in a timely manner over that! :grumpy:

I just talked to Tech support about a problem I was having and made a suggestion that when we open P3 there be an option to update later. His response was "maybe in our new world that will be fixed". I mentioned the blurb in CN and he chuckled and said he can't say anything. Sounds like there will soon be major tech updates coming soon!! :happyforyou:
  • #19
bethcooks4u said:
I just talked to Tech support about a problem I was having and made a suggestion that when we open P3 there be an option to update later.

Hope so!

PS: I was referring to the stats in Consultant Connection.
  • #20
finley1991 said:
Hope so!

PS: I was referring to the stats in Consultant Connection.

Oh, I know but I had to share the latest "hint".
  • #21
Grrr we do not have these hints in the Canadian CN!!! We'll be YEARS behind you guys. We are still on PP - no P3 even. :(Ok I'm done whining now.
  • #22
OMG Krista, whine, whine, and then whine a bit more. Then, kick some HO butt. Why can't they do these updates for Canada, too? Nothing like feeling like the ugly duckling or stepchild.

I'm so not a techie. I have my little pay-as-you go cell phone. It is getting more and more tempting to get a smartphone, esp. with the 3 vendor events I'm doing this weekend so that I could surf while sitting there for 4 hours. I can't justify $75/month or more for a smartphone that I'm not going to use all the time. Maybe if I switch my biz contact info to a cell phone. I'd rather spend that money on a cleaning lady, which I don't have. But if HO comes out with something useful for an iPhone, the temptation will increase.
  • #23
Hey, speaking of small blurbs ... did anyone catch this?
Note: Triple sales points will be awarded based on all commissionable sales held Jan. 6–10, and submitted no later than midnight
CT on Jan. 10, 2012. Triple points will be reflected as bonus sales points on My Incentives Calculator. Bonus promotional points,
like triple points, may not apply to all travel destinations. Official rules will be available on Consultant’s Corner on Jan. 6, 2012.
They underlined the word ALL ~ I'm expecting another Taste of Travel trip now! :D
  • #24
There's definitely going to be another Taste of Travel. I think it's in the Directory for the Jan. meeting plan, or somewhere else, that I saw them mention both Irr. Dest. and ToT for next year. It's hard to refer to years when they call them the same thing. You earn in one year but travel in the next. Hopefully it's not Irr. Dest. III in '12.

I love the ToT concept - a real motivation for people who have not traveled with PC before. But, people got turned off by the recruiting requirement for it. I was also surprised that more people didn't earn it. I think I counted 130 names on the list of earners. I expected a lot more. I guess HO found it to be a worthwhile program, an incentive but not too expensive.
  • #25
I'm pretty sure it was announced at conference (or at least that's where I remember hearing it) that there would be another TOT incentive.
  • #26
it was also hinted at when I was at HO earlier this month that TOT was a big success and they really liked doing it
  • #27
I also thought there would be more achievers than what I saw. Weird, huh?
  • #28
pcjenni said:
it was also hinted at when I was at HO earlier this month that TOT was a big success and they really liked doing it

Uhhhh, if 130+ achievers is a success, when you projected 240, then ok. I think they are giving us a second chance.
  • #29
DebChefIA said:
Uhhhh, if 130+ achievers is a success, when you projected 240, then ok. I think they are giving us a second chance.

Ooh, where did you hear a 240 projection? Maybe I missed it b/c I didn't join here til mid year.
  • #30
on the grid page of Dec CN it lists at the bottom that TOT runs Jan 1, 2012 - July 31, 2012. I'd say its a go!
  • #31
bethcooks4u said:
I just talked to Tech support about a problem I was having and made a suggestion that when we open P3 there be an option to update later. His response was "maybe in our new world that will be fixed". I mentioned the blurb in CN and he chuckled and said he can't say anything. Sounds like there will soon be major tech updates coming soon!! :happyforyou:

Any chance your problem was an "application update" error in P3? That's what I'm getting today. Rebooted and still having it. Really don't want to call tech support. Talk about feeling like a major idiot.
  • #32
Becca_in_MD said:
Any chance your problem was an "application update" error in P3? That's what I'm getting today. Rebooted and still having it. Really don't want to call tech support. Talk about feeling like a major idiot.

I was syncing my P3 with my website when I got an error. He said it happened because they released an update while u was doing it.
  • #33
Thanks Beth. Guess I'll have to call them. Same error coming up today. When I try to copy PWS orders it says I have no PWS.
  • #34
Becca_in_MD said:
Thanks Beth. Guess I'll have to call them. Same error coming up today. When I try to copy PWS orders it says I have no PWS.

Oh, I've had it tell me that before. I shut P3, then re-open & it's always solved the issue for me. ;)
  • #35
Becca_in_MD said:
Thanks Beth. Guess I'll have to call them. Same error coming up today. When I try to copy PWS orders it says I have no PWS.

I got that message when he and I were walking through the issue but it was fixed once we did an update and restarted P3. Hope that's all it is for you.
  • #36
I ended up talking to tech support. I had to close P3 then go to CC > downloads > P3 support then manual update (upper left) > run update. As I was waiting for it all to process, I could hear another support guy in the background say "manual update." I mentioned it to the guy I was working with. He said they have to tell people manual update about 100 times/day. So had my usual bit of an idiot feeling for not knowing about the P3 support under downloads but glad it wasn't something wrong with my computer after having a nasty virus a month ago that had me down for a week.

Related to Crazy or Not Crazy? Is this Email Real?

1. Is this email about triple points in January real or am I just imagining it?

This email is real! It was sent out to all Pampered Chef consultants on [insert date]. You can also find information about the promotion on our consultant website under the "Promotions" tab.

2. I can't find the email about triple points in January. Where can I find it?

You can find the email in your inbox or in your spam or junk folder. If you still can't find it, you can access the information on our consultant website under the "Promotions" tab.

3. Has anyone else received the email about triple points in January?

Yes, the email was sent out to all Pampered Chef consultants. If you have not received it, please check your spam or junk folder or contact our customer service team for assistance.

4. Will this promotion start chatter on CS or other platforms?

It's possible! Many consultants are excited about the opportunity to earn triple points and may discuss it on CS or other platforms. We encourage you to join in on the conversation and share your excitement!

5. Is this the only issue being discussed or is there more going on?

This is the only issue currently being discussed regarding the triple points promotion. If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to our customer service team for assistance.

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