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Countdown to National Conference

In summary, the conversation revolved around National Conference and attendees discussing various aspects such as workshop selection, registration refunds, and attire. Tips were also shared and questions were asked about tracks and a possible Chef Success gathering. The recommended attire is business casual with no denim or shorts.
Staff member
Every year I do a countdown. I like to include lots of tips, both for NC and for travel in general. Feel free to add your own suggestions.

Today is April 11. There are 92 days until the beginning of National Conference.

Have you chosen your workshops? Registration opens tomorrow. You can go on CC now and download the workshop list/descriptions. This will give you some time to decide exactly which workshops address your needs.
This will be my first!!!! Can't wait to read all the tips!
Is registration refundable? I want to register right away... but need an out just in case. I am looking forward to the tips too... as this will be my first year!!
ChefMary412 said:
Is registration refundable? I want to register right away... but need an out just in case.

I am looking forward to the tips too... as this will be my first year!!

Yes, it's refundable.

A few years back, I was registered to go, but ended up having a baby prematurely. My registration was refunded.
Yeah! I FINALLY decided to JUST DO IT! :) Looking forward to meeting everyone - are we having a Chef Success gathering? I am in Track B too ... the only thing I know for sure is that I agreed to sleep on a cot/air mattress to make the room cheaper AND I am having dinner with my group/Director Monday night at Navy Pier. Other than that, not sure yet ... what kind of clothes should we pack? Just business casual type clothes? Do we need anything dressy?
ChefBeckyD said:
Yes, it's refundable.

A few years back, I was registered to go, but ended up having a baby prematurely. My registration was refunded.

Last year I think it was refundable up until middle of June. The rules/info will have the exact date.
Does anyone remember how many workshops we can sign up for?TIA,
There are only 3 workshops slots on the schedule... :D
If you go to the Training Tab and select the National Conference page, you'll find the agenda/schedule, as well as the workshop descriptions of what is offered.
I couldn't remember if they ran a couple back to back or not. I was hoping for more than 3 b/c they look really good this year! :thumbup:

  • #10
sandilou said:
I couldn't remember if they ran a couple back to back or not. I was hoping for more than 3 b/c they look really good this year! :thumbup:


We technically get a 4th- because the last general session will be the Guest Keynote speakers talking to all of us. But smaller workshop sessions- just 3.

We'll have to hope they put the rest online in the Audio Training section like they usually do. :)
  • #11
I keep hearing people talk about what track they are in. What does this mean and how do we know?
I am semi planning to go. I need to make some money before I can sign up. We own a landscape business, so I will have to be able to pay for all day care for my kids while DH is working that week.
  • #12
lesliec said:
I keep hearing people talk about what track they are in. What does this mean and how do we know?
I am semi planning to go. I need to make some money before I can sign up. We own a landscape business, so I will have to be able to pay for all day care for my kids while DH is working that week.

All of the info is on the Consultant Corner NC page.

But it just has to do with which workshop times you will be in. It's based on who your highest upline is (Nat.Ex.Direct, Sr. Exec Direct, etc). EVERYONE is attending the same time in July- 12th-15th....unlike past years when we were in different Waves and folks were scheduled to attend conference on different dates. Open the different documents and you'll see what information we all have to date.

*Sorry Rae...your thread got highjacked! ;)*
  • Thread starter
  • #13
esavvymom said:
*Sorry Rae...your thread got highjacked! ;)*
Nope, this isn't a hijack. It's exactly what this thread is for.
cookingwithdot said:
Yeah! I FINALLY decided to JUST DO IT! :) Looking forward to meeting everyone - are we having a Chef Success gathering? I am in Track B too ... the only thing I know for sure is that I agreed to sleep on a cot/air mattress to make the room cheaper AND I am having dinner with my group/Director Monday night at Navy Pier. Other than that, not sure yet ... what kind of clothes should we pack? Just business casual type clothes? Do we need anything dressy?
We haven't heard anything yet about a CS gathering.The official PC guidelines say business casual with no denim or shorts. Now, people will argue with that, but that's always been the official word from the HO. Unless they change that this year (which I don't see happening), that's the guideline.
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Today is April 12. Registration opens today. There are only 91 days left until the start of National Conference.

Are you registered? I will be as soon as registration opens. I'm checking every 15-20 minutes.

Do you have a plan for hotel reservations? If not, get on the ball!

Now, go to CC and check out all of the NC things you can download. You might not need them all, especially if you've been to NC before. It doesn't hurt, though, to read things over. After all, things might have changed since last year.
  • #15
I keep checking too and Registration is not open yet! I am getting so excited!!
  • #16
Its now 9:42am and its not open yet....but if I remember from last year it didn't open til 10am either EST or CST. So I'll keep checking.
  • #17
I'm pretty sure I saw something that said it would be open at 10am CST.
  • #18
10am CST! I just called Home Office. Do we need to start a new thread with a countdown for when registration opens? LOL! :)
  • #19
do you think it will sell out fast? I just think that it is different since there is only 1 conference... and that so many spring launches were closed.
  • #20
I'm pretty much not moving from my computer until I register!!!!!
  • #21
Quick question, if I earned NC free last year for Level 1 do I have to pay now and then be reimbursed?
  • #22
It's after 10am CT, and it's still not open!!!

Amanda, my D thinks when you log in and register, it'll show as free to you.
  • #23
Registration is up. I just registered myself- now how do I register my husband?
  • #24
I found it. :)
  • #26
My registration is not showing free from last year's level 1 incentive...anyone else?
  • #27
Mine is showing earning $125 off for March sales but nothing for earning Level 1 last year.
  • #28
which workshops are everyone registering for?
  • #29
I have:

5 Star Customer Care
7/13/10 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Prospecting On-the-Go
7/13/10 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Help Hosts Get the Most
7/14/10 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

I'm not 'officially' a Team Leader, since I didn't have my $750 in personal sales last month, so I couldn't take either of those workshops.
  • #30
I registered for the following:

Prospecting On-the-Go
7/13/10 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

5 Star Customer Care
7/13/10 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Top Seller "Show-how"
7/14/10 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

For those that have been with PC for a while do you think that Prospecting On-The-Go is going to be the same as Out And About Made Easy from last year's conference?

Judy :)
  • #31
KimberleePowell said:
Registration is up. I just registered myself- now how do I register my husband?
There was a spot on your registration to "add a guest" before you submit it all. Not sure how you do it after you have completed your own registration. I believe that you will have to pay full price ($200) for him though...in case you weren't aware. I'm registered...I didn't have any fears of them selling out any time soon. I think they are well prepared for the thousands who will register, and not everyone will even register THIS month. I'm sure many will be waiting to get the money, etc. But I went ahead just so I can increase my odds of winning some prize money! :) Fat-chance! But worth a try.... I've got hotel reservations (had them for months)- at the Embassy Suites a block up the road from the Sheraton. DH and boys go with me each year. So I'm set. We drive- so nothing else really to do except EARN SOME CASH to pay for it with my business commission...so it's not coming out of our pockets this year. :)And while it seems I should be moving ON to new subjects (like growing a team), I registered for:Bookings Abound 7/13/10 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Help Hosts Get the Most 7/13/10 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
5 Star Customer Care 7/14/10 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
The others- I'll listen to when they are online in the fall. :D
  • #32
Hi...can we register now for Home Office tours or do we have to wait until we get there?
  • #33
mailgirl1978 said:
Hi...can we register now for Home Office tours or do we have to wait until we get there?

They aren't doing them this year. The Agenda says "Virtual Home Office Tour" - all day on Monday.
  • #34
I registered an hour ago- Track A

Staying at Hyatt McKormick!

Workshops are

Time Management (need this one!!!)
Prospecting on the Go (didn't take Out and About last year, but heard it was good)
Top Seller (ALWAYS take that one!)

I think it's going to exciting this year, now I'm getting excited! Also got my plane ticket last night! :)
  • #35
Question- if by some MIRACLE, I become Team Leader between now and mid June, would I be able to change a workshop? I'd love to have the Time Management course- that should be open to EVERYONE in my opinion....Team Leaders and above aren't the only ones who struggle with this. Or if I decided to change a workshop in general?? I chose the 3 most practical ones for me, but if my business picks up or changes in the coming weeks, I may want to modify one of my workshops.
  • #36
I"m sure you can, you can change your workshop when you check in for registration
  • #37
I think I've changed my workshops every year that I've gone....:eek: You just go to the registration counter, and ask them to change it for you. They'll print up a new ticket for you right there.

I'm planning to be a director by the time conference rolls around, so I'm sure it will change again this year!

For now, I'm taking:

Get More Out of 24: Time Management for Leaders
7/13/10 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Strong Start: New Consultant Success
7/13/10 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Share the Biz at Every Show
7/14/10 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • #38
wadesgirl said:
Mine is showing earning $125 off for March sales but nothing for earning Level 1 last year.

We get $125?? I was thinking that the $25 was just absorbed into the total if you made it to $2,500. HAPPY! HAPPY! JOY! JOY!
  • #39
straitfan said:
We get $125?? I was thinking that the $25 was just absorbed into the total if you made it to $2,500. HAPPY! HAPPY! JOY! JOY!

Yep! If you made it to $5000 then it gets absorbed into the $200 - but with the $2500 level, it was $125 (if you'd turned in 2 shows by the 15th).
  • #40
yippee! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #41
Today is April 13. There are only 90 days until the start of National Conference.

Have you filed your taxes yet? Speaking of taxes, remember that much of your National Conference trip will be tax deductible. Be sure to keep track of everything. Now, while taxes are still fresh in your mind, is a good time to set up whatever system you'll use for categorizing your NC deductions.
  • #42
I posted this in the "Career Luncheon" thread posted by Wadesgirl- but thought maybe it would have some interesting 'intel' in here for everyone regarding a few of the changes upcoming with NC this year.This was part of an email I got today from my director that came through the chain from Chris Manion:
There's lots that's new and different and FUN! Like the new Hall of Fame where Career Club Achievers and others will be honored. This year, Career Club achievers get to have lunch with their teams instead of a separate lunch (I'm told there's a better way of being recognized that's being planned! hey-hey!)Instead of an evening banquet, Executive Directors will host a “Team Time with your Executive Director” event on Wednesday afternoon. This is a great opportunity for networking, recognition and inspiration with peers, and to get better acquainted with more people in your Executive “family.”There's 3 full breakfasts and 2 lunches (no boxed lunches). That's 5 meals. In the past, we got 4 meals. * Directors and above will also receive lunch on Monday.
* Upper Level Directors will receive both lunch and dinner on Monday.Executive Dinners have changed (there are only so many banquet halls in these hotels!). "Team Time with your Exec" is now scheduled for the afternoon so we can all still connect in one room and share the joys and accomplishments of the past year together. That means most have three free nights for dinners in the great city of Chicago! You can try a different nationality restaurant every night. Go Howling at the Moon, eat our famous pizza, check out Greek town - Oo-pah! - have a drink from the 95th floor restaurant in the John Hancock building and check out the view, Grab a Blue Man Group show, or listen to some really good jazz at a jazz club. So many wonderful possibilities!The Home Office has finally taken a cue from Oprah and taped their Home Office Tour so we get to see the Distribution Center which was my favorite part of the tour when I saw it years ago but hasn't been included in the last three years due to safety and FDA regulations. I don't think anyone will miss the long bus rides to/from the corporate offices. Lots of Whirlwind Product booths will be in play for free product give-aways each day at Conference.
  • #43
I can't wait to go & see everyone!! I'm loving that we will all be in the same conference this year!
  • Thread starter
  • #44
Today is April 14. There are 89 days until the start of National Conference.If you’ve never gone to NC before, you’re in for a real treat. As you can see from Bobbi's post, they treat us well. I’ll be sharing travel and NC tips in the coming weeks. A few of the more important things I mention more than once. Feel free to ask questions. Feel free, too, to add any hints or tips you can think of.
  • #45
I am so excited! New to the business-only 2 months-and have registered for NC! I am on Track A-registered for my classes also. I would like to know more about the Scavenger Hunt and the Wind Tunnels for those whom would like to share. Also does Merrill offer specials at the NC?
  • #46
smart2cook said:
I am so excited! New to the business-only 2 months-and have registered for NC! I am on Track A-registered for my classes also. I would like to know more about the Scavenger Hunt and the Wind Tunnels for those whom would like to share. Also does Merrill offer specials at the NC?

The scavanger hunt is new this year. But the Whirlwind Shopping Sprees.... Man, they better pick me this year.... That's all I have to say. Just think of the wind booths with the dollar bills in it and you have only so much time to grab as much as you can. Well, same concept, but it is all the product with one of them being the full cookware set. Merrill did have some specials last year, but it was just nice to be able to try on some of the shirts before buying them. :D I so can't wait... 89 days Rae? Way too long to wait... Actually, I have to get at least one more recruit to sign first. :) I want to be TL by NC:cool:
  • #47
Krista! I was stationed at Ft. Devin's MA 33 yrs ago LOL I cannot believe where you live!!! The best hot sub sandwiches I had ever had in my life! Course, I had never had them before til then and thank you! Luck on that new recruit-YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • #48
smart2cook said:
Krista! I was stationed at Ft. Devin's MA 33 yrs ago LOL I cannot believe where you live!!! The best hot sub sandwiches I had ever had in my life! Course, I had never had them before til then and thank you! Luck on that new recruit-YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Wanna know what else is real funny... :p You probably knew or heard of either my father or my grandfather because they were stationed there too 33 years ago. Sharpe or Griffin were the last names. AND my hubby and I are looking to move to VA somewhere between Woodbridge and Richmond most likely.:D
  • #49
Are you trying to make me feel older than I do LOL! I might did know a Griffin. And I live close to Wooldridge as in Rd and in Chesterfield County of Richmond LOL.
  • #49
smart2cook said:
Are you trying to make me feel older than I do LOL! I might did know a Griffin. And I live close to Wooldridge as in Rd and in Chesterfield County of Richmond LOL.

No, no :eek:, I would never mean to do that... My dad went into the service when he was really young. And my grandfather was a commander on Devens. It's no longer a base. All of the townhouses are gone. Only thing left of the housing is "Colonel's Row".
  • Thread starter
  • #50
Today is April 15. There are 88 days left until the start of National Conference.

I haven’t seen anything about dress code for this year, but I’ll assume that it will be similar to what it’s been in the past. Here’s the official word from last year:

Pampered Chef requires that at all official Pampered Chef functions you dress business casual. No denim or shorts. Chicago can be hot in the summer, but keep in mind that you are indoors most of the time and the air conditioner can be chilly. Packing a light blazer or sweater is a good idea since you can easily take it on and off when needed.

There are those who will argue that they should be allowed to (or always have, or by golly intend to) wear either denim or shorts. Be that as it may, the HO has set the rules, and I am an inveterate rule follower. (Remember, I’m not trying to start a fight or a huge discussion. I’m just trying to offer helpful hints so the countdown doesn’t get boring.)

Start now to take a good look at your available wardrobe in light of the rules. If there’s something you need to add, you have almost 3 months to search out sales, resale shops, and consignment shops for whatever you need. If you start now, you won’t be as tempted to spend a lot just to get something.
<h2>What is National Conference?</h2><p>National Conference is an annual event hosted by Pampered Chef for our consultants to come together and learn, network, and celebrate their achievements.</p><h2>When and where is National Conference held?</h2><p>This year's National Conference will take place from July 11-13 in Indianapolis, Indiana.</p><h2>How do I register for National Conference?</h2><p>You can register for National Conference through your Consultant's Corner account starting tomorrow, April 12. Simply log in and follow the instructions to complete your registration.</p><h2>What workshops are available at National Conference?</h2><p>There are a variety of workshops offered at National Conference, covering topics such as business building, product knowledge, and leadership skills. You can view the workshop list and descriptions on Consultant's Corner.</p><h2>How can I make the most out of my National Conference experience?</h2><p>We recommend choosing workshops that align with your goals and areas you want to improve upon. Additionally, take advantage of networking opportunities and attend any special events or activities planned for the conference. And don't forget to have fun and celebrate your achievements!</p>

Related to Countdown to National Conference

What is National Conference?

National Conference is an annual event hosted by Pampered Chef for our consultants to come together and learn, network, and celebrate their achievements.

When and where is National Conference held?

This year's National Conference will take place from July 11-13 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

How do I register for National Conference?

You can register for National Conference through your Consultant's Corner account starting tomorrow, April 12. Simply log in and follow the instructions to complete your registration.

What workshops are available at National Conference?

There are a variety of workshops offered at National Conference, covering topics such as business building, product knowledge, and leadership skills. You can view the workshop list and descriptions on Consultant's Corner.

How can I make the most out of my National Conference experience?

We recommend choosing workshops that align with your goals and areas you want to improve upon. Additionally, take advantage of networking opportunities and attend any special events or activities planned for the conference. And don't forget to have fun and celebrate your achievements!

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