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Conference Schedule: Track A vs. Track B - Which One Are You On?

In summary, there are two tracks for the conference, A and B, and they are assigned by upper level directors. The tracks may impact workshop scheduling and meal times, but everyone is still able to attend the general sessions. It is not necessary to know who is attending before assigning the tracks. A meet and greet is planned for this year's conference and everyone is looking forward to meeting in person. Some attendees are unsure if they will be able to attend due to financial constraints or other commitments.
Gold Member
So there are two tracks for Conference for scheduling meals and what not. What track are you?

I am Track B. Go to the Conference page and it tell you on there is you click the track button.

Edited to add that the tracks are set by your Executive Directors and up!
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How can they know this, if registration hasn't even started yet? Don't they need to know who is coming first, before they can assign a track? That doesn't seem right.
ChefBeckyD said:
How can they know this, if registration hasn't even started yet? Don't they need to know who is coming first, before they can assign a track? That doesn't seem right.

It's all based on the National Executive Director, etc. But, I see your point Becky!
They assigned them by upper level director. I'm in track A.
Ahhh, just went and looked - yes - it's not Stacie personally who is on track two - it's her Executive or above who's track two. Got it now!Oh - and I will be in Track One.
I am in A as well.
Figures...I'm in B. :( Well, if I go this year, we MUST have a CS meet n greet! No one came to the one during my wave last year. :(
  • #10
wadesgirl said:
Are you going this year?

I really want to, but not sure yet. Just depends on if I can work it out financially. I'm taking this stupid class for NJ teacher certification b/c they won't honor my VA teaching license and I still have to make the last payment of $435 on the stupid class, which I'll be using my April commission for. So, it depends on how successful my May is.
  • #12
leftymac said:
I really want to, but not sure yet. Just depends on if I can work it out financially. I'm taking this stupid class for NJ teacher certification b/c they won't honor my VA teaching license and I still have to make the last payment of $435 on the stupid class, which I'll be using my April commission for. So, it depends on how successful my May is.

You can do it! You added so much joy to the mystery box tables!
  • #13
I'm on track A. I've been more of a "lurker" on the boards for a few years now,..but I would just love to meet some of ya'll in person!!
  • #14
wadesgirl said:
You can do it! You added so much joy to the mystery box tables!

I'm gonna try my best! I really want to go.
  • #15
babywings76 said:
Figures...I'm in B. :( Well, if I go this year, we MUST have a CS meet n greet! No one came to the one during my wave last year. :(

I was planning to post info for one next week or a little thereafter.
  • #16
babywings76 said:
Figures...I'm in B. :( Well, if I go this year, we MUST have a CS meet n greet! No one came to the one during my wave last year. :(
Definetly!!! I already told my team there would probably be one and I would want to be there!Oh and Track A here...
  • #17
I'm track B - but that tracks only really seem to impact when you have your Workshops and maybe your Executive Team get-together, and somewhat the meal schedule (track B seems to get a little longer breakfast time because of workshops, etc). And one night, Track A gets done sooner, the next night it's Track B.EVERYONE is in the General Sessions (which I was glad to see).
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  • #18
during wave 2 last year we met some from CS.. had a Great time.. :)
  • #19
colegrovet said:
during wave 2 last year we met some from CS.. had a Great time.. :)

I was Wave 1. I bumped into a few cheffers during Conference, but no one showed up for the meet n greet. Everyone already had plans or things came up. It was a long day and I think we didn't have that much free time in the evenings to do things like that. People were busy spending time w/ their clusters and friends.

This year will be better because we will all be there the same time! :)
  • #20
I am in track A.
  • #21
Track B here. Figures.Don't know for sure if I'm going either. Had money set aside for this. Well, stupid car needed 2 front axles last week. So $250 later ... left me short. We'll see how things go in the weeks ahead.
  • #21
esavvymom said:
I'm track B - but that tracks only really seem to impact when you have your Workshops and maybe your Executive Team get-together, and somewhat the meal schedule (track B seems to get a little longer breakfast time because of workshops, etc). And one night, Track A gets done sooner, the next night it's Track B.

EVERYONE is in the General Sessions (which I was glad to see).

Looking more closely to the schedule I see that all the general (recognition) sessions are together. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday the eating and workshop times are staggered so that one group eats early one day and later the next. Lots of time between meals and sessions to get around (and to visit booths I'm sure).
  • #22
I think we should all put in our signatures whether or not we are attending conference and which track we are in. That way, everyone can see and we won't need to ask each other a million times, because you know we'll all forget!
  • #23
Okay, Keith. Mine is updated. How about updating yours? :p
  • #24
BethCooks4U said:
Okay, Keith. Mine is updated. How about updating yours? :p

I did, hello. :p
  • #26
BethCooks4U said:
Was that there already? I would have sworn...

Yes ma'am, it was.:balloon:
  • #28
I am SO looking forward to conference.

It will be interesting to see how having everyone together and the tracks work out.

I noticed that we only have 3 workshops this year. In 2006 we had 5 and then it changed to 4. But the price is the same even though it's less workshops and no banquet. Interesting.
  • #29
I also noticed there are just 3 workshops to choose this year BUT... There is a session where all attendees will get to hear the guest speakers. I consider this like another workshop. I kind of like it because I have found the guest speakers to be phenomenal in the past and this way no one will have to regret not choosing that workshop.
  • #30
Also, our session with our Executive director is also a workshop.
  • #31
BethCooks4U said:
Also, our session with our Executive director is also a workshop.

Oh I hope so! That would be soooo much better than the hours of recognition and speeches I am used to!
  • #32
etteluap70PC said:
Oh I hope so! That would be soooo much better than the hours of recognition and speeches I am used to!
LOL - I totally agree! (Paulette and I sit through the same speeches - last years were especially long and painful - but at least I was sitting next to someone fun! heehee)
  • #33
I'm going and I'll be in Track B. I've changed my signature accordingly. :)
  • #34
BethCooks4U said:
Also, our session with our Executive director is also a workshop.

Where does it say that this is a workshop and not just team recognition time? I know Rae needs her recognition time :)

I'm with others in counting how much workshop time there actually is. First glance at the agenda before they broke it into the tracks had me questioning the value of going, just from a strict learning in a classroom/workshop opportunity standpoint. In a pinch (financial and kid coverage), I could leave Wed. night and skip the Thurs. session.

Was last year the last time for Career Club Luncheon?
  • #35
Becca_in_MD said:
Where does it say that this is a workshop and not just team recognition time? I know Rae needs her recognition time :)I'm with others in counting how much workshop time there actually is. First glance at the agenda before they broke it into the tracks had me questioning the value of going, just from a strict learning in a classroom/workshop opportunity standpoint. In a pinch (financial and kid coverage), I could leave Wed. night and skip the Thurs. session. Was last year the last time for Career Club Luncheon?
This was exactly what I was thinking. I just looked up my registration email from last year- and we had 4 workshops. So if they are putting the Guest Speakers during General Session, and then the 3 workshops- then it evens out more I would think. I'm not in a financial bind, but do try to watch how I spend it. But I think my family would string me up if I DIDN'T go- simply because THEY want the days to go site-seeing again. :) (We have family just outside of town, so it's a family trip.)
Besides...i do enjoy it! :D
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  • #36
I am already starting to feel majorly bummed out, because most likely I am not going to be able to make NC this year (due to my full time job schedule).
I am in Track A, if I am able to make it.
This is the year NOT to miss NC, and it makes me sick that I probably won't be able to go....:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
  • #37
I can't imagine that they'd do away with the Career Club Luncheon. It was on the second day before. I imagine more information will be available on details as we get closer to NC.
  • #38
Becca_in_MD said:
Where does it say that this is a workshop and not just team recognition time? I know Rae needs her recognition time :)

I'm with others in counting how much workshop time there actually is. First glance at the agenda before they broke it into the tracks had me questioning the value of going, just from a strict learning in a classroom/workshop opportunity standpoint. In a pinch (financial and kid coverage), I could leave Wed. night and skip the Thurs. session.

Was last year the last time for Career Club Luncheon?

My Exec told me that it is a workshop. I'm sure there'll be some recognition during that time - maybe that's why it's 75 minutes instead on 1 hour. there will be tons of opportunity for learning. In the past they have had "learning time" during the general sessions and the last general session is billed as learning in that there will be a speaker. You will not want to miss the last day! That's when they have traditionally announced the recruiting incentive and extra bonus for attending and have always given us the special edition CN on the way out the door.
  • #39
I'm track B...cant wait!!!! We def need a night for all of us to meet up! :D
  • #40
There was talk of an "official" CS gathering. Now, I realize that there's nothing official in any way, shape, or form about CS, but I hope Greg is working on something. I'd love a chance to meet more Cheffers.
  • #41
We can't pass up the opportunity to at least TRY! How often will you have the chance to have everyone in one group?!Question would be WHERE? (Maybe we can commandeer the tables they use for breakfast/lunch in the main hall?)
  • #42
I'll be attending and I'll be in Track A
  • #43
I am Track B too...
trying to figure out the finances of going. But, I think it should be a go. I have been in PC for over 2 years, and this will be my first time!!
  • #44
Bobbi, I think we'd have to be someplace other than McCormick Place, since CS isn't officially affiliated with The Pampered Chef. Plus, I image that space at McCormick Place is pretty pricey. I'm picturing a banquet room at some mid-priced restaurant or hotel.
  • #45
  • #46
You truly will have 4 workshops when you include those guest speakers on the last day and let me tell you... I've heard them on CD .... get ready to be blown away but them!!!!!!! I'm BEYOND excited! You should have heard my friend and I when we found out! We were screaming at the chance to hear them live! I'm stoked that EVERYONE at NC gets to hear them and I'm SO thankful for everyone to get to hear them! The cost of NC alone is a bargain when you consider getting to hear professionals like this! ANTICIPATE WITH EXCITEMENT AND JOY PEOPLE.. NC will be SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #47
quiverfull7 said:
You truly will have 4 workshops when you include those guest speakers on the last day and let me tell you... I've heard them on CD .... get ready to be blown away but them!!!!!!! I'm BEYOND excited! You should have heard my friend and I when we found out! We were screaming at the chance to hear them live! I'm stoked that EVERYONE at NC gets to hear them and I'm SO thankful for everyone to get to hear them! The cost of NC alone is a bargain when you consider getting to hear professionals like this! ANTICIPATE WITH EXCITEMENT AND JOY PEOPLE.. NC will be SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, Diane, could you not be so pessimistic about everything? :D:D:D

Love you, Girl! :love: Thanks for the excitement and the encouragement about the guest speakers! I've also read a book by him - "Go For No", and it was really good, so I'm excited to get to hear him in person!
  • #48
I'll work on that! :) I LOVE National Conference!!!!!!!!!

Is that toned down enough for ya??? I'm SO stoked that we will all be together!!!!!!!
  • #49
colegrovet said:
during wave 2 last year we met some from CS.. had a Great time.. :)

Yes we did have fun! :)

I am in Track A!
  • #50
Track A for me! I was excited for conference since the last conference got over! I look forward to it every summer!
<h2>1. What is the difference between Track A and Track B at Conference?</h2><p>The two tracks at Conference refer to the different schedules for meals and events during the event. Track A and Track B have different times and locations for meals, workshops, and other activities.</p><h2>2. How do I know which track I am on?</h2><p>You can find out which track you are on by checking the Conference page. Click on the track button and it will display whether you are on Track A or Track B.</p><h2>3. Can I switch tracks if I want to attend a specific event or workshop?</h2><p>No, the tracks are set by your Executive Directors and cannot be changed. However, you may be able to attend certain events or workshops that are open to both tracks.</p><h2>4. Is one track better than the other?</h2><p>No, both tracks offer a variety of events and workshops. Your track is simply determined by your Executive Directors and is not an indication of the quality of your experience at Conference.</p><h2>5. Do I have to stick to my designated track for the entire Conference?</h2><p>Yes, it is important to stick to your designated track for the entire Conference in order to ensure that there is enough space and resources for all attendees. However, there may be some events or workshops that are open to both tracks.</p>

Related to Conference Schedule: Track A vs. Track B - Which One Are You On?

1. What is the difference between Track A and Track B at Conference?

The two tracks at Conference refer to the different schedules for meals and events during the event. Track A and Track B have different times and locations for meals, workshops, and other activities.

2. How do I know which track I am on?

You can find out which track you are on by checking the Conference page. Click on the track button and it will display whether you are on Track A or Track B.

3. Can I switch tracks if I want to attend a specific event or workshop?

No, the tracks are set by your Executive Directors and cannot be changed. However, you may be able to attend certain events or workshops that are open to both tracks.

4. Is one track better than the other?

No, both tracks offer a variety of events and workshops. Your track is simply determined by your Executive Directors and is not an indication of the quality of your experience at Conference.

5. Do I have to stick to my designated track for the entire Conference?

Yes, it is important to stick to your designated track for the entire Conference in order to ensure that there is enough space and resources for all attendees. However, there may be some events or workshops that are open to both tracks.

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