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Cockroaches and Unmentionable Deposits...

In summary, a homeless man was using a dumpster at the recycling company where the author works, and the workers were told to leave when they found out. There was a cockroach infestation at the same time.
Kitchen Diva
Gold Member
Well, today ends my 3rd day at my new job, and what an exciting day it was!

I work for a company that recycles, re-uses, re-sells and refines electronics. We have more business than we can handle right now. Which is good, but it's happening faster than we can rent buildings, semi-trailers and hire workers...

So I guess we have this large dumpster on our site where residents can come in and drop off their electronics when we are closed. They empty it each morning to process the items left there.

I learned today that a homeless man was living in this dumpster, and he used one corner of it for "unmentionable deposits"...when our supervisors that run the back (unloading, sorting, weighing, tearing down, etc..) found out, they told the workers to LEAVE it and DO NOT take the items out of there because they didn't want pooh covered electronics in the back, nor did they feel it was healthy to touch them to process them.

Well, the workers emptied it and I guess the entire back of our facility smelled like those unmentionable deposits... To add to their misery (because the warehouse part is not air conditioned) The guys in charge of fumagating the trailers before they unload them (we get trailers full of electronics from all over the USA) to eliminate rats and cockroaches...forgot to fumigate a few of them, so our facility (which is nice, and new) and two other storage and processing facilities have a small cockroach problem.

One made his way up to my office today. I let him live long enough to name him Hank, and I found a ream of paper to toss on him. When a bug is longer than 2 inches I do not step on it while wearing expensive shoes, nor do I want to feel the crunch of their shell breaking under my foot. GROSS!

So today was very exciting at work. Large-freaky looking Texas sized cockroaches running around and homeless man pooh al over a dumpster of electronics dropped off for recycling.

Care to try and beat that? :)

Wow! I think I'd rather have a little less excitement, thank you. LOL! BTW, you may be sorry you asked people to top that. I'm sure there are people here who can. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #3
raebates said:
Wow! I think I'd rather have a little less excitement, thank you. LOL!

BTW, you may be sorry you asked people to top that. I'm sure there are people here who can. ;)

Really!? I figured human pooh over everything and stinking up almost an entire building and needing people in yellow body suits to come in and clean and sanitize was pretty huge! Oh, I forgot about the people in yellow body suits...

Kidding, I don't think they actually came. :rolleyes:
Oh MY !!!!! Only you could make a situation like that sound humorous!!! (well me being your sista 5 maybe I could too - but I doubt it!) You handled it better then me - I don't do pooh - or insects - no rodents - not a fan of reptiles - LOL!
Way to liven up the threads there sista!!!! LOL!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
PamperedDor said:
Oh MY !!!!! Only you could make a situation like that sound humorous!!! (well me being your sista 5 maybe I could too - but I doubt it!) You handled it better then me - I don't do pooh - or insects - no rodents - not a fan of reptiles - LOL!

I ABHOR (sp?) cockroaches. I normally run from them, however I was feeling a little fiesty today and was not about to let him get past me and start a family somewhere in my office- then they'll go after the snacks I have in my desk. I'm a little territorial about my snacks!

I do think one of the gifts of being a 5 is that we can make anything remotely disgusting sound humorous.

I once had someone tell me that I could make heck sound like a fun place to be....:p

Anywho- it was quite the day. I learned oodles and I even learned quite a few things on Excel which was fun. It's like being back at school, but I get paid, instead!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
PamperedDor said:
Way to liven up the threads there sista!!!! LOL!
Thanks my Cinco Sister! :)
I'm not saying it's not disgusting. I'm just saying there are a lot of people on here with a lot of, ummmm, interesting experiences.And, yeah, we 5's can tell a good story.
ehwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yuck yuck!!!!
  • #10
I'm liking the Cinco Sista thing - I really am!!!! Hey Rae wanna be one with us??? |

Does that mean we get to celebrate cinco de mayo more often?? LOL -
  • #11
Too funny! Well... yah, it's funny as long as it's not you that has to deal with it. I figured with your sister gone and a new job, you would be out of the drama! You should watch the show Verminators if you have cable. It's pretty good and gross at the same time.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
raebates said:
I'm not saying it's not disgusting. I'm just saying there are a lot of people on here with a lot of, ummmm, interesting experiences.

And, yeah, we 5's can tell a good story.

Yeah, we be jammin' in the story department. :) The gal I work with at the front of the office needed to help me with something today. So when I was sitting next to her she asked if I had any more fun or interesting stories.

LOL- I was too tired to try and think of anything. But at least I keep her entertained! Oh, and I taught her 2 things today she didn't know! (and she's a college grad!) chuckle!!!:D
  • #13
The Furry Guy will often start a story then turn to me and say, "You tell it better."
  • #14
Actually, come to think of it, I have several friends who do the same thing.
  • #15
Kitchen Diva said:
Yeah, we be jammin' in the story department. :) The gal I work with at the front of the office needed to help me with something today. So when I was sitting next to her she asked if I had any more fun or interesting stories.

LOL- I was too tired to try and think of anything. But at least I keep her entertained! Oh, and I taught her 2 things today she didn't know! (and she's a college grad!) chuckle!!!:D

Brillant and funny - it MUST be a 5 thing!!

Ok - I have to get off - another thunderstorm is hitting - I have no idea what is going on - we have had them every night for a week!!! (pretty much ) AND we rarely get this stuff -
  • #16
PamperedDor said:
I'm liking the Cinco Sista thing - I really am!!!! Hey Rae wanna be one with us??? |

Does that mean we get to celebrate cinco de mayo more often?? LOL -

I'll join your Cinco Sista crew! Does that mean we get chips, salsa, and virgin margaritas whenever we want?
  • Thread starter
  • #17
PamperedDor said:
I'm liking the Cinco Sista thing - I really am!!!! Hey Rae wanna be one with us??? |

Does that mean we get to celebrate cinco de mayo more often?? LOL -

Um- sure!

The sad think is nothing fun rhymes with Cinco- geesh, we just can't get a break.. Well, Gingko rhymes, but seriously that's not a fun word...
  • #18
raebates said:
The Furry Guy will often start a story then turn to me and say, "You tell it better."

Bet he aint a 5!!! LOL!!

I hope all the other numbers aren't getting jealous of our coolness.... LOL -

Ya know if you double us - we are a 10!!! Ya we bad!

OMG - big thunder - gotta run!!

(oh I don't do thunderstorms either - add that to my list)
  • Thread starter
  • #19
raebates said:
I'll join your Cinco Sista crew! Does that mean we get chips, salsa, and virgin margaritas whenever we want?
Yes it does! And we even get cheesecake! :)
  • #20
Kitchen Diva said:
Um- sure!

The sad think is nothing fun rhymes with Cinco- geesh, we just can't get a break.. Well, Gingko rhymes, but seriously that's not a fun word...

Yeah, I'm supposed to take Ginko Baloba for my memory, but I keep forgetting to take it.
  • #21
raebates said:
I'll join your Cinco Sista crew! Does that mean we get chips, salsa, and virgin margaritas whenever we want?

Well - I will go for the real margaritas Rae - its a Dor thing!

YA Kacey - need a cool word that rythmes - that 9 group is lucky - but we are cooler!! LOL
  • #22
Kitchen Diva said:
Yes it does! And we even get cheesecake! :)

I thought we were the cheesecake.
  • Thread starter
  • #23
PamperedDor said:
Bet he aint a 5!!! LOL!!

I hope all the other numbers aren't getting jealous of our coolness.... LOL -

Ya know if you double us - we are a 10!!! Ya we bad!

OMG - big thunder - gotta run!!

(oh I don't do thunderstorms either - add that to my list)
I love storms.! We have one coming- it should be here tomorrow. Looks like it is in North Dakota right now.

Yep- we're the perfect 10's- and we're humble and modest, too. LOL:blushing:

Well I think I'm going to grab a Dillybar- watch about 30 minutes of TV and go to bed. I'm wiped out. Who knew that working 8 hours a day would wipe me out so badly.... whew.
  • #24
raebates said:
Yeah, I'm supposed to take Ginko Baloba for my memory, but I keep forgetting to take it.

NOW that is a 5 thing for sure!!!! Love it !!!
  • #25
Oh ladies - we are a hoot - we need to make our own NC - 5's united!! Could you imagine??

Go rest Kacey - its almost Friday!!! Stay positive and have a great workday tommorow!!

TTYL Rae - gonna run before the computer blows up from the storm - (oh ya - I do dramatic well!!)
  • #26
I'm outta here, too.Have fun tomorrow, Kacey!
  • Thread starter
  • #27
wadesgirl said:
Too funny! Well... yah, it's funny as long as it's not you that has to deal with it. I figured with your sister gone and a new job, you would be out of the drama! You should watch the show Verminators if you have cable. It's pretty good and gross at the same time.

I had to deal with the cockroaches. And the heavy ream of paper helped me deal with it! LOL

I actually felt bad for the guys in the back, and we went and got all of them soda's- since they had a stinky morning! And we bought the supervisors coffee... (well, I didn't buy them, I just helped get them)

No- there will always be drama in my life, or at least colorful interpretations of my colorful life! I believe there is drama because it strengthens me, builds character, and allows me to better help people when they go through drama...
  • Thread starter
  • #28
PamperedDor said:
NOW that is a 5 thing for sure!!!! Love it !!!
I started taking that, I did well for 3 weeks. I felt like I had better clarity, and better memory retention and recall...but after 3 weeks I couldn't remember to take them either! LOL

That's a 5 thing for sure- that's why it pays to tick off a 5, because 20 minutes from now, we'll have forgotten all about it!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
raebates said:
I thought we were the cheesecake.

No- we're cinnabons! Fun, gooey, rich, sinful, decadent, sweet, filling, indulgent, desirable, can't have just one....
  • Thread starter
  • #30
raebates said:
I'm outta here, too.

Have fun tomorrow, Kacey!
Thanks, I will. Tomorrow we'll be getting ISO certified so we'll have the suits walking around.

Oh, remind me to tell you about my shirt that I wore today. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow... Too funny!
  • #31
Well, I just got called back into work so I'll see if I can top your story. ;)(Doubt it!)
  • #32
Kitchen Diva said:
Yes it does! And we even get cheesecake! :)
I want cheesecake!!

Can a "1" share with all the 5's??

Kacey....you tell a story like DH does...he must be a 5 too!
Glad work is going well for you!
  • #33
Did I see a challenge? Dare I bring up the Potty Party?:D :yuck: :D
  • #34
chefann said:
Did I see a challenge? Dare I bring up the Potty Party?

:D :yuck: :D

I was just sharing that story with several friends.....I just can't tell it like you can though. I think you need to come have coffee with us, so you can tell it in person!:D
  • #35
Kitchen Diva said:
No- we're cinnabons! Fun, gooey, rich, sinful, decadent, sweet, filling, indulgent, desirable, can't have just one....

Now see, for me - a little cinnabon goes a long way......:D :p
  • Thread starter
  • #36
ChefBeckyD said:
Now see, for me - a little cinnabon goes a long way......:D :p
But we are still desirable and people CRAVE us! :) LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #37
chefann said:
Did I see a challenge? Dare I bring up the Potty Party?

:D :yuck: :D

I challenge you to a throw down! :) :D :chef:
  • #38
May I participate in the throw down? I used to work for a well-known brewery in the fine city of Milwaukee. I worked in the plant in QA. We used to have cockroach contests - who could find the largest, the cutest and the ugliest, who could find the most creative way to kill one (vortexing a poor cockroach in a vial filled with hydrochloric acid won, by the way), etc. The "returnable bottle" line was the grossest. Let's see - condoms, cockroaches, mice, vomit and poop in bottles, a dead monkey in a beer case:yuck: :eek: .

Oh, the memories...

P.S. I will never, ever, ever, ever drink anything from a "returnable" bottle. No matter how well they're cleaned, it's just, well, GROSS!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #39
dianevill said:
May I participate in the throw down? I used to work for a well-known brewery in the fine city of Milwaukee. I worked in the plant in QA. We used to have cockroach contests - who could find the largest, the cutest and the ugliest, who could find the most creative way to kill one (vortexing a poor cockroach in a vial filled with hydrochloric acid won, by the way), etc. The "returnable bottle" line was the grossest. Let's see - condoms, cockroaches, mice, vomit and poop in bottles, a dead monkey in a beer case:yuck: :eek: .

Oh, the memories...

P.S. I will never, ever, ever, ever drink anything from a "returnable" bottle. No matter how well they're cleaned, it's just, well, GROSS!!!

how did someone in Wisconsin get a monkey? Strange! Yeah, you top my day! I think I'll never drink from a pop bottle ever again period after this info! :yuck: :eek:
  • #40
chefann said:
Did I see a challenge? Dare I bring up the Potty Party?

:D :yuck: :D

That was my thought. At least no one had to see or hear the homeless man leaving presents.
  • #41
Kitchen Diva said:
how did someone in Wisconsin get a monkey? Strange! Yeah, you top my day! I think I'll never drink from a pop bottle ever again period after this info! :yuck: :eek:

It came in from Africa...
  • #42
Kitchen Diva said:
I challenge you to a throw down! :) :D :chef:
Long story short - the host got up in the middle of the show and proceeded to use an invalid's potty chair that was in the same room that the show was in. And then returned to her seat without washing her hands. Luckily, this was before the push for interactive shows.
  • #43
I used to manage a bookstore - in South Carolina...where they have HUGE roaches. I remember the ads on billboards around town (for Orkin I think) that had a huge roach on them, and stated "Cockroaches carry 16 Known Diseases".....which always made me wonder how many unknown ones they carried.

Well, being a bookstore manager, I had to pack and unpack a lot of boxes. One day, I was using a tape-gun to tape up a box of books for shipping, and I felt a big splash on my face. I thought to myself that that was weird - I couldn't see where the ceiling might be leaking...plus the fact that is was a beautiful sunny day - so where would the water be coming from anyway?
I went back to taping up the box....but the tape-gun was jammed and wouldn't budge. I flipped it over, and there, stuck in the mechanism of the tape gun was a completely flattened, humongous cockroach (oh and isn't it nice that we can type cockroach and not have it look like ****roach?). AWWWWWEEEWWWWWW! I had just splashed Cockroach guts ALL OVER MY FACE!!!

My assistant manager came running to the back room when he heard my scream...to find me sitting on my chair with my head between my legs trying not to throw up. I pointed to the tape gun (couldn't speak yet) - and he grabbed it, looked at it, and started laughing so hard he was rolling on the receiving room floor. Nice to have a sympathetic staff, dontcha think?

Later, that same year, I couldn't use my phone one day - and I took the back off from it to see if I could tell if there were loose wires or something(this was WAAAYYY before cordless phones or cell phones).....and found a NEST of baby cockroaches in my phone! :eek: :yuck: :yuck: :eek:
  • #44
Probably the babies from the cockroach you squished in your tape gun!
  • #45
Poor little orphans...kidding!
  • #46
Kitchen Diva said:
No- we're cinnabons! Fun, gooey, rich, sinful, decadent, sweet, filling, indulgent, desirable, can't have just one....

You need to make sure that DH know "can't have just one..." is just an expression and not permission...
  • #47
EEEEEWWWWWWWW! See? I warned you, Kacey.And, Katie, that's a very good point.
  • #48
I want to share with all the 5's:D
  • Thread starter
  • #49
ChefBeckyD said:
I used to manage a bookstore - in South Carolina...where they have HUGE roaches. I remember the ads on billboards around town (for Orkin I think) that had a huge roach on them, and stated "Cockroaches carry 16 Known Diseases".....which always made me wonder how many unknown ones they carried.

Well, being a bookstore manager, I had to pack and unpack a lot of boxes. One day, I was using a tape-gun to tape up a box of books for shipping, and I felt a big splash on my face. I thought to myself that that was weird - I couldn't see where the ceiling might be leaking...plus the fact that is was a beautiful sunny day - so where would the water be coming from anyway?
I went back to taping up the box....but the tape-gun was jammed and wouldn't budge. I flipped it over, and there, stuck in the mechanism of the tape gun was a completely flattened, humongous cockroach (oh and isn't it nice that we can type cockroach and not have it look like ****roach?). AWWWWWEEEWWWWWW! I had just splashed Cockroach guts ALL OVER MY FACE!!!

My assistant manager came running to the back room when he heard my scream...to find me sitting on my chair with my head between my legs trying not to throw up. I pointed to the tape gun (couldn't speak yet) - and he grabbed it, looked at it, and started laughing so hard he was rolling on the receiving room floor. Nice to have a sympathetic staff, dontcha think?

Later, that same year, I couldn't use my phone one day - and I took the back off from it to see if I could tell if there were loose wires or something(this was WAAAYYY before cordless phones or cell phones).....and found a NEST of baby cockroaches in my phone! :eek: :yuck: :yuck: :eek:
Okay.... YOU WIN!!!! (that is awful- makes me NOT wanna use tape guns, cell phones or visit SC ever again!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #50
katie0128 said:
You need to make sure that DH know "can't have just one..." is just an expression and not permission...
Hopefully DH will come back to the same box for more... ;)
<h2>1. What steps are being taken to address the cockroach problem at your facility?</h2><p>The facility is working with a pest control company to fumigate and eliminate the cockroaches. They are also taking measures to ensure that all incoming trailers are properly fumigated before unloading.</p><h2>2. How are the electronics affected by the "unmentionable deposits" being handled?</h2><p>The supervisors in charge of the back warehouse have instructed workers to leave any items that may have come into contact with the "unmentionable deposits" and not process them. This is to avoid any potential health hazards for the workers and to prevent contamination of the electronics.</p><h2>3. How did a homeless man end up living in the dumpster on your facility's site?</h2><p>The dumpster was available for residents to drop off their electronics even when the facility was closed. It seems that the homeless man took advantage of this and made the dumpster his temporary home.</p><h2>4. How is your facility handling the overwhelming amount of business?</h2><p>The facility is currently working on expanding their operations by renting more buildings, semi-trailers, and hiring more workers. They are also trying to keep up with the demand by working efficiently and effectively.</p><h2>5. What is your personal experience with the cockroach problem at work?</h2><p>As an employee at the facility, I have encountered a large cockroach in my office. I named him Hank and disposed of him using a ream of paper. However, I am not comfortable stepping on bugs or feeling their shell crunch under my feet, so I try to avoid them as much as possible.</p>

Related to Cockroaches and Unmentionable Deposits...

1. What steps are being taken to address the cockroach problem at your facility?

The facility is working with a pest control company to fumigate and eliminate the cockroaches. They are also taking measures to ensure that all incoming trailers are properly fumigated before unloading.

2. How are the electronics affected by the "unmentionable deposits" being handled?

The supervisors in charge of the back warehouse have instructed workers to leave any items that may have come into contact with the "unmentionable deposits" and not process them. This is to avoid any potential health hazards for the workers and to prevent contamination of the electronics.

3. How did a homeless man end up living in the dumpster on your facility's site?

The dumpster was available for residents to drop off their electronics even when the facility was closed. It seems that the homeless man took advantage of this and made the dumpster his temporary home.

4. How is your facility handling the overwhelming amount of business?

The facility is currently working on expanding their operations by renting more buildings, semi-trailers, and hiring more workers. They are also trying to keep up with the demand by working efficiently and effectively.

5. What is your personal experience with the cockroach problem at work?

As an employee at the facility, I have encountered a large cockroach in my office. I named him Hank and disposed of him using a ream of paper. However, I am not comfortable stepping on bugs or feeling their shell crunch under my feet, so I try to avoid them as much as possible.

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