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Can You Handle a No-Show Recruit in Your Home-Based Business?

In summary, my recruit cancelled her training three times and did not respond to my e-mails or calls. She does not believe in the business and does not have the "wow" effect when using the products.
Those of you who know me are aware that I rarely complain, but this one takes the cake!


Ok, a recruit of mine signed on Jan 1st at 12:19am.

At first I thought -- right, as soon as she comes out of the alcohol coma she will realize what she did and back out-- but no, I spoke with her and she was very excited about getting started.

So we set a training date for a few days after she would receive her kit....she canceled, saying that she "didn't drive well at night" and so we rescheduled for the next week...she cancelled, saying that she was sick and so we rescheduled again, she missed the Cluster Meeting, and I hadn't been able to contact her to get a confirmation about the training date (all this happening while my mom is taking a turn for the worse in a Nursing Home)...so I sent this e-mail to my recruit:

--- "Janice Wisneski, Pampered Chef"

> Hi (Recruit),
> I had set aside time Thursday morning (tomorrow)
> to do your training. I have not heard from you and
> need you to reply to me today.
> While things on your end may be busy, mine are as
> well. I take time from my schedule to help and train
> my TEAM, and I only ask that you respect my time as
> I respect yours. If you make an appointment with
> someone and they don't show up or call, how do you
> feel?
> When I block time for training or calls and the
> appointment is not rescheduled before the date
> arrives, it takes time from my other obligations.
> Please call me today so that we can set up a
> training time. I want to get you started with a good
> base to your business. I can do phone training,
> also, but I need to know what is going on in order
> to prepare for that.
> I know that you didn't enter into this business to
> take the products and run, but the company needs to
> see that we are working on fulfilling the promise
> that you made with them when you submitted your
> Consultant Agreement.
> This can be a great business, and earning $25-$30
> per hour from home is a good way to be able to fill
> your needs while working around your schedule, so
> please let me help to get you going!
> Talk to you soon!
> Janice
To which she replied by e-mail (with in a few minutes, I might add, when I had not been able to get her to return an e-mail or a call!):

(Recruit) wrote:

To be honest with you, after looking though the
information, I think this business is going to require
more time than I have to devote to it. I've read
everything I can get my hands on, looked at everything
I could on the website and I realized that I don't
believe in it enough to sell it. I had seen Pampered
Chef at a friends, although I never owned any. My
friend seemed so delighted with her stone that it
peaked my interest. I did just the other day, open
the products and do not find the tools any better than
I already owned from Wal-Mart, with the exception of
the garlic press. For example, as I watched the DVD,
there was a big plus for me that the spatulas are heat
safe to 450 degrees, but then I was looking at our
local grocery store (Meijers) and bought a 2 pack of
spatulas that say on the handle the same heat
guarantee, but I paid only $2.00 for the set. So,
anyway, that is where I'm at right now. I'm not ready
to make a decide against selling Pampered Chef, but
with my life in transition, I'm not ready to dive in
either. I just don't have that "wow" effect when
using them so how can I sell them properly. As far as
money is concerned, I wasn't getting into it for that.
My husband provides quite well enough for both of us.
Travelling holds NO appeal for me, so that perk
didn't impress me. I've travelled to much in my life
both in our great country and in Europe. My happiest
place to be is home. It was more...I'm looking for
something I can devote myself to, that I'm excited
about. I'm still pondering this one.

Sorry for my lack of communication.


PS - when you began losing me was when you said that
the meeting was "mandatory" in your e-mail. If I'm
going to go into business for myself, I will have to
be the one to dictate a mandate for myself. I wasn't
mad at you or anything, but it seems you live for
Pampered Chef, and I am not at that point yet.

Hmmm....to which I responded:


Thank you for your honesty. I always suggest that everyone try the business on for size to see if it will fit for them. Everyone gets into a home based business for their own needs/desires and that is what makes it such a great thing! I don't "live for Pampered Chef", but I am a professional business woman and I run my business in that mindset. It is a wonderful way to realize my potential while still providing the care and nurturing that my family needs from me.

And I love to be at home, as you do! That is why I love this business. I love to travel as well, and the Pampered Chef pays for the trips we take. That's the nice side benefit!

I would love to work with you in the future if you change your mind. I wish you had at least given the opportunity a chance.

As for the items you can buy at Meijer for $2, I can only tell you honestly, that you get what you pay for. Our company is so successful because they care about their customers -- and the products we carry with the warranty that they offer is second to none.

I don't know how much you know about the Pampered Chef, but the company is owned by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway Corporation, who own only well respected, stable and profitable companies. The subsidiary companies his corporation owns include Fruit of the Loom, Dairy Queen, Helzburg Diamonds, Benjamin Moore and The Pampered Chef to name just a few. His philanthropic endeavors are one of the things that impressed me about this company. He has given over $30 million to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for their World Healthcare Organization, quite a good thing!

As far as the "mandatory" phrase in the e-mail, I always consider our meetings mandatory to your business. I feel that if you had been able to attend my initial training or a meeting, you would have been able to see why. However, this is your business and there are consultants who run their businesses without attending monthly meetings...it's all your choice!

From your response, I can tell that you are a woman of integrity. In keeping with the Agreement that you signed, Pampered Chef reduced the cost of the products that you can now use in your kitchen in exchange for you to complete 6 shows.

If Cooking Shows are not what you want to do at this time, 6 Catalog Shows can be completed in order for you to fulfill the Consultant Agreement that you signed. This will show the company that you were not in it simply for receiving the products at a reduced price. Catalog Shows can be done by simply giving out catalogs to friends or family to pass around and gather orders. They can even be out of town. The products are delivered right to their door. It takes only $150 in product sales to be submitted as a "show". I can help you through the ordering process, also. I am here for any questions that you may have.

If you are set against fulfilling your Consultant Agreement with the company to do any of the 6 shows that you agreed to do, please let me know and I would be happy to pick up the paperwork from you. The products are yours to keep, of course, but if you are not going to use the catalogs, invitations, etc, I would hate to see them go to waste! I can drop by and grab them from your front porch when I am out in XXXXXX this week (need to go out to visit my Mom in the Nursing Home on Friday, so it's on the way).

I know that you have a unique situation -- and if I was able to help you in any way, I would hope that you will let me know.

Support and training is something that I offer to all the members of my TEAM, and if I can be of service to you, please know that I am here.

God Bless,



Uh, no, she hasn't responded to that one yet.

Feel free to use any of the above e-mail response from me for your own correspondence if ever needed!
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All I could say is "Wow"!! Janice, you handled yourself like a professional! Great come back!!
That really sucks Janice! I am sorry that people are like this... maybe she will change her mind and feel foolish when her crappy scrapers break in a few weeks.

I guess if there is a good side- she at least told you before you invested time into her. I have a lady just like this, only she insists that she wants to do the business, then doesn't!! It is so frustrating!
I think you handled that wonderfully!!!! I don't think I would have done that well. Very good job!! No wonder you became a Director so darn fast!!
I agree..wow, that was great...so professional but yet to the point! I am sorry that it is turning out to be this way, but I think that for her to be successful, she should really love the product...
  • Thread starter
  • #6
It really iritates me when someone gets the product at a discount and doesn't fulfill the agreement that they made. Bless and release, I know, but I would never do this to a company (take their products and lie to them by not fulfilling a commitment).

Ugh, it irks me!
It is the people like this that will someday start charging a recruit if they don't fulfill their agreement..... (to keep the kit) ...it's too bad
I always threaten that PC randomly requests the products back if people don't do their shows... I know it is BS but they don't know that!! And it has worked a few times! Nothing puts the fear in their eyes like thinking the PC truck is coming to repo their kitchen tools!!
You handled your situation very well! Bless and release....and give us all the juicy info when she responds to you!
  • #10
That was awesome Janice! You handled that so well. Hopefully she will fulfill her commitment for the shows.
  • #12
Great responses, Janice! And I will take you up on using any or all of your email for future reference. I am cutting and pasting as we speak :)!

  • #13
Dang Janice - you are awesome--- you handled that BEAUTIFULLY!!!
  • #14
You did handle that beautiful...Carolyn I felt like I was back in Parkland with that ladies response...UGG. Her and her trips and her life....bla bla bla. Whatever!!!
  • #15
Wow, Janice, that was awesome!!! I have a similar situation with a recruit who signed in NOVEMBER and has yet to do anything. For over two months, she never returned my calls or emails. I definitely may need to cut and paste your words, so thanks for offering them!

Of course, when I just got a hold of my recruit this week, she says she still wants to do it, but decided to open up her own hair salon and it's taking lots of time. If she doesn't request a change of her first SS month within a week, she wont' have any chance of qualifying before going inactive and will lose any possible SS bonuses. So, we'll see what happens.

I'm just shocked about what yours said about not being impressed with the products. It's not like she gave them much of a chance, that's for sure!

Keep us posted!
  • #16
Janice, you are amazing. I also have a gal who signed in August and has done nothing, so I may use these words with her.

Thanks for sharing so we can all learn! That's what I love about PC. :)

(As I sit here waiting for a call back from one recruit who said she would call me in 10 minutes (that was 45 mins ago) and having just left messages for TWO other team members who were not home for our scheduled call! GRRRRRR!!!!!!)
  • #17
DebbieJ said:
Janice, you are amazing. I also have a gal who signed in August and has done nothing, so I may use these words with her.

Thanks for sharing so we can all learn! That's what I love about PC. :)

(As I sit here waiting for a call back from one recruit who said she would call me in 10 minutes (that was 45 mins ago) and having just left messages for TWO other team members who were not home for our scheduled call! GRRRRRR!!!!!!)


I know you want your team to succeed, but your time is precious. My director is a NED and guards her time! I had a meeting scheduled with her and got stuck on the other side of town and couldn't do anything about it. If I hadn't called her to know I was stuck and still on my way, she would have stayed for about 10 minutes and left - and I would have really had to work hard to get her to sit down with me again. Not because I wasn't worth it, but because she can't waste her time. She is done with her work every day at 3pm when her son comes home from school. What is my point? If you let your team know that your time is precious and you will only work with those who show you that they are working. You might want to give them 3 strikes or something along those lines, but make it known.
  • #18

Thanks for the pep talk! I am turning over a new leaf this year and am *trying* to be better about my time and be more professional and all since I will be promoting very very soon. I am a business woman and I want to act like one. :)

So, yes, I am going to have to devise a plan. I emailed my team LAST WEEK with all the notes from our Jan 15th cluster meeting (which none of them attended) and asked them to get back to me with their goal for the trip incentive (which was one of the exercises we did at the meeting). NO ONE DID!!!!! GRRRRR!!! I can't help them with their goals if they don't communicate them!!!! I did talk to one consultant about it in our weekly call earlier this week but it was only because it came up in another way. She talked about wanting to save her PC earnings to take her DH on a cruise. I said "heck no, why not go on a free cruise and keep your money!" LOL!

I am going to schedule a meeting with my director soon to figure this all out. :) We chatted about it briefly yesterday.

I'd love to hear how everyone else handles this. I am inspired by you, Janice!!!
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  • #19
All I can say is wow! I never would sign to take the products, or not even try! I just don't get it.
  • #20
Yeah I can't believe that. Well is she is not impressed with the products..she should more than happy to give them up huh?
  • #21
Jilleysue said:
Yeah I can't believe that. Well is she is not impressed with the products..she should more than happy to give them up huh?

That's what I was thinking.
  • #22
Wow Janice, you are awesome! You handled that so professionally; good job! I just don't get people either; how do you sign the agreement, get all the products, and then do nothing?
  • #23
Janice, I'm impressed with your professionalism! You handled every step of that as a caring businesswoman. Great job!
  • #24
Good response !!! I have only signed 3 people in three years time ! And two of the three never did a thing !!! IAm kinda thinking maybe that is why PC is uping the sign on fee !
  • #25
Wow Janice, you handled that soooooooo Professionally. I might borrow some of your letter for one of my consultants. She did one show then went in-active so I just don't push it. Wish she would have at least qualified:(

Gillian I was ROFL about the PC Truck coming to REPO her kitchen tools. Too funny. That would be great wouldn't it.

I would be mortified to grab and run:confused: . Hopefully the Price increase will prevent some of that.
  • #26
Wow Janice! Great work! I am however sorry that you even have to deal with it. I had a kit napper. She was a friend of mine. Sadly we don't talk much anymore. I put a lot of time into her and she just let it go. Not to mention I gave her an extra Stoneware Bar Pan that i had to welcome her to my team. That made me mad :mad: !
  • #27
Don't we have a buy back policy?
If she feels that PC is not for her at this time, and she believes so much in the retail stuff, then she should not only return or give you the paperwork, but she should return the product to the company with the same "integrity" as when she signed the agreement AND when she received the product... EVEN if she used it already.

Terms and Conditions of Independent Consultant Agreement

B. 6
Upon termination of this Agreement, Company will refund to Consultant 90 percent of Consultant's purchase price on any unused and resaleable product samples or inventory purchased within 12 months of the date of termination should Consultant return such products.
  • #28
By the way, I got so fired up I forgot to tell you that you had done an excellent job. Even though you probably didn't feel like this, but you sounded very cool and collective and not to mention very professional. I'm actually going to print it out and steal some of your words just in case I need to use them in the future.
  • #29
This thread should be a sticky, Moderator. I know this situation is more than a once in a career experience. Janice gave a great representation of PC in her response to the recruit. Janice basically outlined some key elements of why I joined.
  • #30
WOW Janice - you handled that wonderfully. I have a couple girls who have done that. One never did a thing, the oher did 4 catalog shows to qualify and quit. I'm saving this in my files. You Go Girl!
Im anxious to see if she ever responded.
  • #31
The only thing I would have said differently is the part about "the products are yours to keep". I would have told her that since our products were not up to her standards and she was chosing to not fulfill her legal obligation, that I would contact FedEx and they will be by the house to pick up her kit.

It is SO obvious that she just wanted the stuff for a great price. I know that it's not worth PC's time to go after these kit nappers but I really wish they would go after the blatant ones!!

Related to Can You Handle a No-Show Recruit in Your Home-Based Business?

1. Why did my recruit sign up and then cancel on training multiple times?

There could be a variety of reasons for this, such as personal commitments, conflicting schedules, or simply not feeling ready to start the business. It is important to communicate openly and honestly with your recruit to understand their reasons and find a solution that works for both of you.

2. How can I ensure my time is being respected as a business owner?

Setting clear expectations and boundaries with your team is key. Make sure to communicate the importance of punctuality and follow-through, and be understanding of any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. It is also important to have open and honest communication with your team to address any issues that may arise.

3. What can I do if my recruit is not interested in the business after signing up?

It is important to respect your recruit's decision and understand their reasons for not pursuing the business. Offer support and guidance, but ultimately it is their decision whether or not to continue. You may also want to consider discussing the option of fulfilling their Consultant Agreement through Catalog Shows if they are not interested in hosting Cooking Shows.

4. How can I address concerns about the value of our products?

It is natural for individuals to compare prices and quality of products, but it is important to remind them that our products are backed by a respected and successful company and come with a warranty. Emphasize the value and quality of our products and how they can benefit the customer in their everyday life.

5. What can I do if my recruit is not responding to my attempts to contact them?

In this situation, it may be best to give them space and not pressure them. However, you can also reach out and remind them of their commitment to the company and offer support and guidance if needed. If they are unresponsive or not fulfilling their Consultant Agreement, you may need to consider picking up the paperwork and products from them. Communication and understanding are key in these situations.

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