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Can anyone cure my office supplies addiction?

In summary, the conversation revolves around the addiction to office supplies and the struggle to resist buying them. The participants share their experiences of going to office supply stores and ending up buying more than they intended. Some even joke about needing help and being surrounded by enablers. One person shares their job at Staples and another talks about the company's lack of consideration for their employees. One person also mentions a points program that allows them to earn gift cards for their office supply addiction.
Gold Member
...I am an office supplies addict. I have been addicted to office supplies for about 4 years now and find myself in Staples, Office max and/or Office Depot at least once a week. On my l ast visit to Staples (yesterday) I was just going in to pick up a pack or rubber bands for my husband and I walked out with $60+ worth of office supplies (that I paid less than $1 for thanks to coupons, sale prices and gift cards)
From one office supply junkie to another, I would love to help you...but I can't follow my own advise!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
What was my husband thinking, sending ME to Staples to pick up rubber bands for him?!?!?!
Carolyn, it's NOT your fault.......it sounds like you are surrounded by "enablers". How dare your husband put you in such a difficult surrounding, and what about those people who gave you the gift cards.....they are just adding to your "addiction":p LOL
But of course, those of us with the "problem" totally understand your situation!;)
Carolyn.... he should know better by now! LOL:)

I am sooooo glad I am not the only adict out there! I sure as heck don't get those awesome deals though!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
amy07 said:
Carolyn, it's NOT your fault.......it sounds like you are surrounded by "enablers". How dare your husband put you in such a difficult surrounding, and what about those people who gave you the gift cards.....they are just adding to your "addiction":p LOL
But of course, those of us with the "problem" totally understand your situation!;)

Actually the gift cards came from points programs that I do online...open emails and visit websites to earn points...cash the points in for gift cards to just about anywhere (I, obviously, always choose Staples)...PM me with your email address and I'll send you the link to sign up for the points programs...I get a GC every 6-8 weeks...
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You really are addicted to Staples! I guess we all know what to get you for your b-day, LOL!
HAHAHAH, I know the feeling. I am shaking wanting this label maker...LOLOL. You are too funny.
So a couple of weeks ago, I walked into Office Max to pick up a few small office supplies - some tape refills, some padded mailers....you know the usual stuff....an hour later I walked out with a cart full of stuff and $178 dollars poorer......but I'm not addicted - I can stop any time I want to!

I just don't want to!:rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #10
gilliandanielle said:
You really are addicted to Staples! I guess we all know what to get you for your b-day, LOL!

And the coolest part is -- they just opened a bran dnew Staples 0.5 miles away from my house!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Jilleysue said:
HAHAHAH, I know the feeling. I am shaking wanting this label maker...LOLOL. You are too funny.

O k- I have to see one of these label makers and play with it...I will probably end up wanting one, too.
I think my step-dad has one...he labeled everything with it for a while but doesn't seem to use it much anymore...wonder if I can get him to give it to me. He is good like that...gave me his iPod a few years ago...he's like that - he gets a new gadget and goes nuts with it for a short wile...then forgets all about it.
  • #12
Carolyn, try WORKING at Staples for seven years. You should SEE the stuff I have in my house.I'm TWITCHING because I'm broke and there are SO.MANY.NEW.OFFICE.SUPPLIES!Send me that link you're talking about, will you?
  • #13
And the problem is ........ what!? Sounds perfectly normal to me! I love Staples! (much more than Office Depot!) DH and I went to Staples yesterday for some magnets on a roll.....we bought 2 new office chairs instead! Now I'm all comfey at my new desk sitting in my new chair typing on my new laptop! Speaking of.....I better get some work done so I can pay for all of this! heeheehee
  • #14
Oh office supplies is there anything better.........PC supplies:D

I love post it's!!! Thumb tacks in every color of the rainbow, shapes too!!

I must lable everything, I also laminate everything, even my take out menus:eek: . I must have a sharpie in every color ever made. Staples to me is like a candy shop for kids.
  • #15
OK...I worked at STAPLES for the past 6 years! I am pretty anti-Staples right now because they laid off almost 200 of us so they could move to a shared service center in Columbia, SC. I will stick with Office Max. I am sure in time I will get over it but they never even offered us a discount. A few times a year we got a 12% discount, excluding pc's and stuff like that. They are an extremely cheap company when it comes to there employees. All they want to do is achieve their 30 million by 2010. They don't care about all of the people that it is affecting.

  • #16
They were kinder to us in the earlier days, but yeah... that's the reason I quit. I was just a rank-and-file sales associate (cashier and money room) but I'd worked EVERY department in the store, and there was NOTHING there I couldn't do... and my General Manger treated me (and everyone else) like we were nothing but easily-replaceable peons. And since he did EVERYTHING the company told him to do, I just didn't know any more what the company was advocating and what was just him being an a**hole.And yeah, that lack of a discount is still a big point of contention in my mind.I still love the products... but the company has done quite a few not-so-good things. :( They're still far better than wal-mart but yeah. It's sad the direction they've gone.
  • #17
jenniferp417 said:
They were kinder to us in the earlier days, but yeah... that's the reason I quit. I was just a rank-and-file sales associate (cashier and money room) but I'd worked EVERY department in the store, and there was NOTHING there I couldn't do... and my General Manger treated me (and everyone else) like we were nothing but easily-replaceable peons. And since he did EVERYTHING the company told him to do, I just didn't know any more what the company was advocating and what was just him being an a**hole.

And yeah, that lack of a discount is still a big point of contention in my mind.

I still love the products... but the company has done quite a few not-so-good things. :( They're still far better than wal-mart but yeah. It's sad the direction they've gone.
Office Max is right down the street from me but now you all have me wanting to get a Label writer.
  • #18
I love office supplies too!!! I also love to buy purses. Everytime I get a new one my husband thinks I need to get rid of 3. Is he crazy??
We have a new Office Max opening here in town and I cannot wait till it is open. I love the price we get for copies there. I haven't been able to find copies any cheaper anywhere else. Carolyn, I am interested in the points program and will pm you.
  • #19
Welcome to your first meetingFirst two steps...
  1. We admit we are powerless over office supplies—that our lives have become unmanageable.
  2. We come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity...
  • #20
Hi! My name is Jennifer and I'm an "office supply"-aholic.
  • #21
[alltogether] Hello, Jennifer! [/alltogether]
  • #22
I love it! I missed you, KG!
  • #23

A few weeks ago I went into our Office Depot--in the clearance aisle they had the clear and smoke business card holders for 0.05!!!! I bought 20! $1 can you believe it? then i got the PC discount too :)

I'm with you all, I LOVE office supplies!
  • #24
ange13 said:

A few weeks ago I went into our Office Depot--in the clearance aisle they had the clear and smoke business card holders for 0.05!!!! I bought 20! $1 can you believe it? then i got the PC discount too :)

I'm with you all, I LOVE office supplies!
Can I ask, why do you need 20 business card holders?
  • #25
Hello. My name is Tammi and I'm an Office Supply Addict too. :p

I recently purchased a LabelWriter, which I love. Today I went to Office Depot to make copies and ended up leaving with a rolling cart file which I paid $20 for, and then later went to Wal-Mart and purchased a Duck Laminator for $20. Somebody please stop me!!!!!!!!!! :p
  • #26
hoosierchef said:
Hello. My name is Tammi and I'm an Office Supply Addict too. :p

I recently purchased a LabelWriter, which I love. Today I went to Office Depot to make copies and ended up leaving with a rolling cart file which I paid $20 for, and then later went to Wal-Mart and purchased a Duck Laminator for $20. Somebody please stop me!!!!!!!!!! :p[/QU

What is a duck Laminator?
  • #27
It's a laminator with the brand name of "duck" :)
  • Thread starter
  • #28
ange13 said:

A few weeks ago I went into our Office Depot--in the clearance aisle they had the clear and smoke business card holders for 0.05!!!! I bought 20! $1 can you believe it? then i got the PC discount too :)

I'm with you all, I LOVE office supplies!

No WAY!!!!
I paid .98c for mine!!! Sheesh!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
chefkristin said:
hoosierchef said:
Hello. My name is Tammi and I'm an Office Supply Addict too. :p

I recently purchased a LabelWriter, which I love. Today I went to Office Depot to make copies and ended up leaving with a rolling cart file which I paid $20 for, and then later went to Wal-Mart and purchased a Duck Laminator for $20. Somebody please stop me!!!!!!!!!! :p[/QU

What is a duck Laminator?

A machine to laminate ducks...duh!!
  • #30
Ok, *now* all I can hear is the frustrated flapping of wings and muffled quacking.They're too thick to go through the laminator on one try. You better not run that ducky through the laminator TWICE!
  • Thread starter
  • #31
jenniferp417 said:
Ok, *now* all I can hear is the frustrated flapping of wings and muffled quacking.

They're too thick to go through the laminator on one try. You better not run that ducky through the laminator TWICE!

You HAVE to run them thru twice - once to quiet the quacking and a second time to seal the feathers nicely - LOL
  • #32
She's going to make laminated down jackets each having logos embroidered with Ann's Husqvarna Chainsew.
  • #34
Ok. Ok. I am sorry I asked!!!

  • #36
Hey KG, you're PINK!
  • #37
On St. Patty's Day (for a couple of hours yet) I'm actually orange.
  • #39
Three guys walked into a bar.The fourth one ducked.
  • #41
dannyzmom said:
You HAVE to run them thru twice - once to quiet the quacking and a second time to seal the feathers nicely - LOL

Nice comeback! :)
  • #42
dannyzmom said:
No WAY!!!!
I paid .98c for mine!!! Sheesh!!!

That's why I had to buy them!!!!! They were just too good of a deal to pass up! I once bought a red dress for $7--still haven't worn it, but it was worth $100 or more!!!!

I actually gave one to each of my recruits that came to our last meeting--a little trinket for them attending! and the rest i'll use at places like the dry cleaners, car wash, pizza place, etc. places they let me leave cards--this way i won't care if the holder gets taken--it cost me nearly nothing!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #43
ange13 said:
That's why I had to buy them!!!!! They were just too good of a deal to pass up! I once bought a red dress for $7--still haven't worn it, but it was worth $100 or more!!!!

I actually gave one to each of my recruits that came to our last meeting--a little trinket for them attending! and the rest i'll use at places like the dry cleaners, car wash, pizza place, etc. places they let me leave cards--this way i won't care if the holder gets taken--it cost me nearly nothing!!!

You shop like me - LOL
I am SO jealous abotu the card holders - I may have to go look & see if they have them at MY store!
  • #44
dannyzmom said:
And the coolest part is -- they just opened a bran dnew Staples 0.5 miles away from my house!!!!!
I have a confession......:eek: My name is Cathy, and I've never been to Staples!!!:eek: But I must admit that I have an addiction to Office Depot and any place I can find office supplies! I've never been in Office Max either, because the nearest one is about 45 minutes away:eek: . But I have no excuse where Staples is concerned. There are a few in the city I live in! I think I just might have to stop in one on Tuesday. hmmmm..... how do you get such good coupons?.... I am a major coupon freak!!! I love the instant gratification that comes from saving money with coupons. Rebates are great but coupons take the cake for me!!!:D
  • #45
I got my label maker today...Printed out a stamp just for the heck of it...WOOOOOOO HOOOOO. Its like I am on a high...My office is like a office supply crack house...BAHAHAHAHA!
  • #46
My DH and I were in Staples yesterday (they have 1 GB & 2 GB SD cards for our Digital Camera cheap cheap right now!) and we both walked out with "That Was Easy" Buttons!:D I had this bright idea as we were playing with them in the store that it would be fun to pass around at shows and have people press it when I use a tool or demo something that will make it easier for them in the kitchen.......and my DH, who is the Director of maintenance for a large Assisted Living Center, thought it would be fun to use w/ residents & nurses when he is taking care of problems for them.......can't wait til my next show to try it out!
  • #47
jenniferp417 said:
It's a laminator with the brand name of "duck" :)
Did you hear about the big ol' Tom Cat who ate a duck?

He became a duck-filled fatty puss.
  • #48
Jilleysue said:
I got my label maker today...Printed out a stamp just for the heck of it...WOOOOOOO HOOOOO. Its like I am on a high...My office is like a office supply crack house...BAHAHAHAHA!

Jilleysue......I need a fix. Can you help me out??? :p
  • #49
ChefBeckyD said:
My DH and I were in Staples yesterday (they have 1 GB & 2 GB SD cards for our Digital Camera cheap cheap right now!) and we both walked out with "That Was Easy" Buttons!:D I had this bright idea as we were playing with them in the store that it would be fun to pass around at shows and have people press it when I use a tool or demo something that will make it easier for them in the kitchen.......and my DH, who is the Director of maintenance for a large Assisted Living Center, thought it would be fun to use w/ residents & nurses when he is taking care of problems for them.......can't wait til my next show to try it out!
How fun ChefBeckyD! You'll have to let us know how it turns out! What a great imagination!!!:D
  • #50
My name is Kim and I, too, am an office supply-aholic. I prefer Staples, but I will get my fix in the grocery store if need be. Sometimes I find it soothing just to take a stroll down the office supply aisle at Jewel while I'm grocery shopping!
<h2>1. How can I stop my office supplies addiction?</h2><p>There is no one-size-fits-all solution for overcoming an addiction, but some strategies that may help include finding alternative hobbies to occupy your time, setting a budget for office supplies purchases, seeking support from friends and family, and seeking professional help if necessary.</p><h2>2. Can I still enjoy office supplies without going overboard?</h2><p>Absolutely! It's important to set boundaries and stick to a budget when indulging in your love for office supplies. Consider joining a budget-friendly subscription box service or participating in office supply swaps with friends to enjoy new items without overspending.</p><h2>3. How can I resist the temptation to buy more office supplies?</h2><p>One helpful tip is to make a list of what you need before going to the store and sticking to it. You can also try keeping track of your spending and setting a limit for each trip. Additionally, try to find other activities to do that bring you joy and fulfillment besides shopping for office supplies.</p><h2>4. Is it possible to save money on office supplies?</h2><p>Yes, there are many ways to save money on office supplies. Look for sales, use coupons and discount codes, and take advantage of loyalty programs at your favorite stores. You can also consider purchasing office supplies in bulk or shopping at discount stores.</p><h2>5. What if my office supply addiction is negatively affecting my finances?</h2><p>If you find yourself spending more than you can afford on office supplies and it's impacting your finances, it may be time to seek help. Consider talking to a financial advisor or therapist to develop a plan for managing your spending and addressing any underlying issues that may be contributing to your addiction.</p>

Related to Can anyone cure my office supplies addiction?

1. How can I stop my office supplies addiction?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for overcoming an addiction, but some strategies that may help include finding alternative hobbies to occupy your time, setting a budget for office supplies purchases, seeking support from friends and family, and seeking professional help if necessary.

2. Can I still enjoy office supplies without going overboard?

Absolutely! It's important to set boundaries and stick to a budget when indulging in your love for office supplies. Consider joining a budget-friendly subscription box service or participating in office supply swaps with friends to enjoy new items without overspending.

3. How can I resist the temptation to buy more office supplies?

One helpful tip is to make a list of what you need before going to the store and sticking to it. You can also try keeping track of your spending and setting a limit for each trip. Additionally, try to find other activities to do that bring you joy and fulfillment besides shopping for office supplies.

4. Is it possible to save money on office supplies?

Yes, there are many ways to save money on office supplies. Look for sales, use coupons and discount codes, and take advantage of loyalty programs at your favorite stores. You can also consider purchasing office supplies in bulk or shopping at discount stores.

5. What if my office supply addiction is negatively affecting my finances?

If you find yourself spending more than you can afford on office supplies and it's impacting your finances, it may be time to seek help. Consider talking to a financial advisor or therapist to develop a plan for managing your spending and addressing any underlying issues that may be contributing to your addiction.

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