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Benefits of Hosting Jewelry Parties & Resources

In summary, I recently attended a jewelry party and the consultant passed around what she called a "bookings book." There were printed pages inside of sheet protectors that outlined all of the benefits there are to hosting a show. I think I want to steal the idea, but don't want to reinvent the wheel so to speak if anyone has already put something like this together and wouldn't mind to share? Also thought about putting a page in the front with name/phone info and maybe a month field for guests to sign up as potential hosts, so that I could follow up.I actually prefer the Bookings Slide for that purpose. There is a place on CC that has the instructions for making one, or I think you can still purchase it for
I recently attended at jewelry party and the consultant passed around what she called a "bookings book." In the folder were printed pages inside of sheet protectors that outlined all of the benefits there are to hosting a show. I think I want to steal the idea, but don't want to reinvent the wheel so to speak if anyone has already put something like this together and wouldn't mind to share? Also thought about putting a page in the front with name/phone info and maybe a month field for guests to sign up as potential hosts, so that I could follow up.
I actually prefer the booking slide.
I was just going to say, we call it a booking slide.
You can search our files section here and print one yourself or you can order one through the suppllies page.
Personally, I prefer the Bookings Slide for that purpose. There is a place on CC that has the instructions for making one, or I think you can still purchase it for $15 on a supply order. But, if you want to do it in a book form, you could still use the booking slide template and just 3-hole punch them and put it in a binder.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Found it - again. I've used it in the past, but I guess I forgot. :) Thanks for the reminder!! I think my brain's on overload.
I really like the booking slide - my bookings went up significantly when I started using it. And I am fairly dramatic about 'throwing' it open...usually I get some gasps!
I like the bookings slide, BUT I do like your idea as well - maybe do the booking slide & then pass around, so people can mull over the idea ...
I use the Bookings Slides plus a Bookings Binder that I pass around. Inside the Binder I have the upcoming Host and Guest Specials for the next two months, p. 53 of the Catalog summarizing the benefits of hosting a show, which also show the 1/2 price combinations available only to hosts, info on starting a Pampered Chef business, a few recipes and what some of my past hosts have earned over from their shows. On the outside of the Binder I put a Post-It Note specifying which days I have open for Cookings Shows (days I want to work). People will look at the Binder and sign up on the sheet. By the time the binder gets passed around I have already heard who picked which date. I do notice some people look real closely at it.
Suzballard said:
I really like the booking slide - my bookings went up significantly when I started using it. And I am fairly dramatic about 'throwing' it open...usually I get some gasps!

I also make a big deal about flinging it open, and it always gets a few chuckles. Now if it would always get me a few bookings...
  • #10
I make them ooh and aah at the slide when I use it. If they don't, I grin and fold it back up and ask for a response :D
  • #11
I also make a point about what the hostess gets for the booking benefits. "Now when Katie has her show in November, Mary (hostess) will also be eligible for the snowman platter and cookie press at 60%. And then when Jane has her show in January, Mary will be able to get the bamboo platter at 60% off, also." Then the hostess is looking at her friends like - okay girls help me out!
  • #12
BeckyC5830 said:
I use the Bookings Slides plus a Bookings Binder that I pass around. Inside the Binder I have the upcoming Host and Guest Specials for the next two months, p. 53 of the Catalog summarizing the benefits of hosting a show, which also show the 1/2 price combinations available only to hosts, info on starting a Pampered Chef business, a few recipes and what some of my past hosts have earned over from their shows. On the outside of the Binder I put a Post-It Note specifying which days I have open for Cookings Shows (days I want to work). People will look at the Binder and sign up on the sheet. By the time the binder gets passed around I have already heard who picked which date. I do notice some people look real closely at it.

I'm curious - how many bookings do you usually get? This sounds like a great idea & I might have to give it a try. :) How do you explain what it is when you start to pass it around?
  • #13
cookingwithdot said:
I'm curious - how many bookings do you usually get? This sounds like a great idea & I might have to give it a try. :) How do you explain what it is when you start to pass it around?

The first time I used this idea I had one booking. I had used my own printed Bookings Slide and passed around my Booking Binder.

Last week was the first time I used my new Bookings Slide. I had updated my Bookings Binder with the info I mentioned in my above post. But before I got to the Bookings Slide, I thanked the Host for hosting the Show and gave her a Reusable Shopping Bag, a calendar and a S/B. I told her and the guests that by the time the host closed her show she would fill this bag and more worth of free products.... Then I flung the Bookings Slide open and told them about the Host Rewards the host would be earning today and then I went on to say that they could have all this too. Then I passed the Bookings Binder. No one took any of my open dates, but I got six bookings for after the first of the year.... No one was willing to have a show in December... Having a tough time booking December.

I really think the Bookings Slide works, especially flinging it open. The idea about the reusable shopping bag is from a post on Chef Success.
  • #14
BeckyC5830 said:
The first time I used this idea I had one booking. I had used my own printed Bookings Slide and passed around my Booking Binder. Last week was the first time I used my new Bookings Slide. I had updated my Bookings Binder with the info I mentioned in my above post. But before I got to the Bookings Slide, I thanked the Host for hosting the Show and gave her a Reusable Shopping Bag, a calendar and a S/B. I told her and the guests that by the time the host closed her show she would fill this bag and more worth of free products.... Then I flung the Bookings Slide open and told them about the Host Rewards the host would be earning today and then I went on to say that they could have all this too. Then I passed the Bookings Binder. No one took any of my open dates, but I got six bookings for after the first of the year.... No one was willing to have a show in December... Having a tough time booking December.I really think the Bookings Slide works, especially flinging it open. The idea about the reusable shopping bag is from a post on Chef Success.
that's a good way to say it! I might have to snag that!As far as December, my SD is offering for those who book the dates she wants and they have a show over $500, she'll give them the DCB for $20 (it would cost you less than $50- because the host discount would knock an additional 20-30% off of it ;). ) Maybe that would work?
I posted her flyer and email text in this thread if that sounds like something you might want to try. She's doing it for the first 2 weeks of January too.....
  • #15
Great ideas! Thanks everyone for sharing! Donna
  • #16
For my shows, I took some old plastic report covers leftover from my college days (I had about 10 and picked up another 4 pack of them at Walmart when the school supplies were on sale). They look like this: http://www.officevalu.com/Products_Images%5Csprimages%5CEJImages%5CEJ065073.jpgAnyway, I then took 12 catalogs and punched them and put one in each cover. Behind that, I put 5 regular plastic sleeves (also leftover from college). Then I printed 12 host and guest specials for this month AND next month and put them them in the sleeves using one sleeve for each document. in the last sleeve, I put the host benefits on one side and my "open dates" for shows on the other side. then, i sealed each report cover and created my own booklet. I think i'm going to go back and put a 6th sleeve for order forms in there too. This keeps me from losing to many catalogs to people who just hang on to them without thinking AND makes my set-up look very professional. At the beginning of the show, I tell everyone what the fliers are and can move on quickly to the demo and product information.
  • #17
For my shows, I took some old plastic report covers leftover from my college days (I had about 10 and picked up another 4 pack of them at Walmart when the school supplies were on sale). They look like this:

Anyway, I then took 12 catalogs and punched them and put one in each cover. Behind that, I put 5 regular plastic sleeves (also leftover from college). Then I printed 12 host and guest specials for this month AND next month and put them them in the sleeves using one sleeve for each document. in the last sleeve, I put the host benefits on one side and my "open dates" for shows on the other side. then, i sealed each report cover and created my own booklet. I think i'm going to go back and put a 6th sleeve for order forms in there too.

This keeps me from losing to many catalogs to people who just hang on to them without thinking AND makes my set-up look very professional. At the beginning of the show, I tell everyone what the fliers are and can move on quickly to the demo and product information.

I really like that idea and never thought of using a hole punch to put the catalogs in. I've been using folders with my info in them with a sticker on the front requesting that they may take the info but to please leave the folder behind. Well, i started with 15 folders and now have 9 or 10.
I like your idea better!
  • #18
Its worked out really well. it makes the catalogs not look so disposable. then, during the full-service checkout I can give them a spare catalog if they request one. I have 12 binders right now, but I may pick up 6 more just in case.I ALWAYS keep a binder or two in my diaper bag so that if someone asks for a catalog i can say "well, i'm headed to drop this off with a hostess, but if you'd like to take a look and place an order now, i can put it on her show and get it to you quickly" and if they say 'no thanks' i then offer a mini catalog.I've only had 3 shows, but i have 3 more catalog shows going now and I have 5 shows already set up for Jan and Feb (nothing for december! Darnit!)
  • #19
I am not sure if this is the place to post this, but I need help. I am new to Pampered Chef and I am having trouble booking shows. I do not know many people. I had 4 Catalog shows booked for November and only one came back. One is still waiting because they want the December guest special, and the other two were a bust. I have only gotten one future booking out of this and not one has been a cooking show. I am at a lost for how to generate more bookings. I do not have a lot of money right now to advertise, but I do not want to go bust in my second month of business. PLEASE HELP !!!

Related to Benefits of Hosting Jewelry Parties & Resources

1. What are the benefits of hosting a jewelry party with Pampered Chef?

Hosting a jewelry party with Pampered Chef is a great way to earn free and discounted products. As a host, you can earn up to 30% off your purchase, as well as additional free products based on the total sales of your party. You also have the opportunity to introduce your friends and family to high-quality, stylish jewelry that they may not have otherwise discovered.

2. Do I need any experience to host a jewelry party?

No experience is necessary to host a jewelry party with Pampered Chef. Our consultants will provide all the necessary resources and guidance to help you have a successful and enjoyable party. Whether it's your first time hosting or you've hosted before, our consultants will be there every step of the way to ensure a fun and stress-free experience.

3. What resources are available to help me host a successful jewelry party?

Pampered Chef provides a variety of resources to help you host a successful jewelry party. This includes a host guide with tips and suggestions, digital invitations to send to your guests, and access to our online catalog and order forms. Our consultants will also be available to answer any questions and provide support throughout the planning and hosting process.

4. Can I host a jewelry party online?

Yes, you can host a jewelry party online with Pampered Chef. Our consultants can set up a virtual party through a video conferencing platform, such as Zoom, for you to invite your friends and family to. This allows for a convenient and safe way to host a party while still earning the same benefits as an in-person party.

5. Are there any other perks to hosting a jewelry party with Pampered Chef?

In addition to earning free and discounted products, hosting a jewelry party with Pampered Chef also gives you the opportunity to try out new products and recipes, as well as connect with friends and family. It's also a fun and unique way to celebrate a special occasion, such as a birthday or bridal shower.

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